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  1. the question was ask yesterday about buying a 2011 rsv i picked up a cycletrader mag. today and Abernathy's in union city tenn has a 20112011venture s listed for $15994 sounds like a good deal to me steve
  2. BuddyRich


    I can pay off the house now...... :rotf: Please be informed that you have $250,000.00 Lodged in our Western Union to transfer to you as Compensation. Contact Email: unionofficewestern74@yahoo..com
  3. Hello, I need some advice, I am selling my 1985 Yamaha VR 1200, I am asking $3000 firm. A person emiled me and wants to ship my bike to Sounth America but to do this he has sent me $3960.00 via paypal. This $3960 is on a hold till I make a $960.00 payment through westerin union to the shipping company with my OWN MONEY. Do you think this is scetchy? From the guys trying to buy my bike: "Before i make the payment,there is something i need you to be aware of,i just received an email from the shipping company that will be in charge of the pick up.They are saying i need to pay them their fees which is $900 before they proceed with coming for it and the only form of payment that they accept is Western Union Money Transfer.Where i am,the nearest union office is 8hrs where i am overseas,I dont know if it will be ok,if i include this agent's fees in the payment i will be sending you now,so on receipt of the total funds,you will remove the additional funds of $900 and help me send it at your local Western Union office.Let me know if this is ok and i will proceed with the payment." shortly after this email, I didn't even get back to him yet and he already put the $3960 into my paypal. I feel he is sort of pushing me into the situation where I have to make the $960 payment(with my own Money) to a shipping company that I do not know and the shipping company picks up on Sundays?. I do not not how W.U. works but i know how paypal works and i know with few clicks of a mouse that $3000 could be back in there bank. Any input will be greatly appreciated, Brendan
  4. Not quite Venture related but big motorcycle news. It has been all over the News here in Milwaukee the home of Harley-Davidson Motorcycles, that they are considering closing all of their plants and leaving 1400+ Wisconsin workers without a job. In the paper today it said that they went from a record $1+billion profit in 2006 to a $75million loss last year, and this year looks worse. It may just be the "usual" union breaking tactic of threatening to close the plants and leave town if they do not get major wage concessions and/or tax incentives. We shall see what happens in the near future.
  5. This will devastate our local economy: Harley-Davidson Inc. could shrink or shut down its York County plant as the company tries to slash costs. "We have determined that we need to make some major changes in our York operations to position them competitively," spokesman Bob Klein said today. The 230-acre Springettsbury Township plant is widely viewed as an anchor of the local economy. Milwaukee-based Harley has more than 2,000 employees here, though layoffs are eroding the numbers. The problems at the plant include excess capacity and inefficiencies, Klein said. Harley plans to compare the cost of moving the operation with the cost of revamping it, he said. He declined to discuss long-term demand projections underlying Harley's review. Preliminary recommendations are expected by the fall. Harley in 2003 expanded the plant with a roughly $145 million factory for its Softail line of bikes. One scenario for keeping the plant open is to move production of Touring model bikes out of a separate building that dates back to the World War II era and into the new building, Klein said. A three-year contract the company hammered out with its union amid a 2007 strike will expire in February. Asked whether contract concessions might save the plant, union leader Dave Bunnell said: "That's always a possibility. We are just getting ready to elect our negotiating committee, and 'til we do that we won't be in talks at all." Bunnell is president of Local 175 of the International Association of Machinists (IAM) and Aerospace Workers. Klein only said labor costs would be a factor in the company's calculations. The IAM and another Harley union, the United Steelworkers, are involved in the company's review of a potential move, Klein said. Harley is assuming a new facility would be unionized, he said. Local union leaders also are working with management on the cost study. No similar reviews are occurring at other Harley plants, Klein said. Harley had about 2,500 hourly workers and 320 salaried workers in York County as of May 1, Klein said. Bunnell said his union counted about 2,140 members as of the latest layoff. And looking ahead, it seems likely the York County plant is at least going to shrink, Bunnell said. "Yeah, that's kind of the feedback we're getting," he said. Harley-Davidson shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol HOG.
  6. So I like to price shop. (yeah I am part dutch) I called credit union "A" for a loan for the Venture I want to pick up this weekend. they gave me a quote of 8.5% and a 36 month term. Called credit union "B" and the loan officer said off the cuff, without looking at my credit history, 7% and 48 month term. Called credit union "A" and asked them to match credit union "B" for terms (7% and 48 months). They said they would get back to me. Credit union "B" calls back and says I am approved for 8% at 60 months. I tell them I don't want a 60 month, but a 48 month, they tell me it's the same interest rate regardless of the loan. I tell them I will get back to them after "A" calls back. Credit union "A" calls back and says I am approved at 7% for 48 months. I accept the offer. Looks like I am going to pick up a second Gen for Valentine's day!
  7. Notice the Union Pacific truck in the corner of one of the pictures… FYI...The Good news?: It was a normal day in Sharon Springs, KS when a Union Pacific crew boarded a loaded coal train to head on the long trek back to Salina, KS. The Bad news?: Just a few miles into the trip a wheel bearing became overheated and melted off letting the truck support drop down and grind on top of the rail creating white hot molten metal droppings to spew downward on the rail. The Good news?: A very alert crew noticed a small amount of smoke about halfway back in the train and immediately stopped the train in compliance with the rules. The Bad news?: The train just happened to stop with the hot wheel on top of a wooden bridge built with creosote ties and trusses. Remember now, this train was loaded with coal !!! http://www.rockinghamremembered.com/CoalTrain1.JPG http://www.rockinghamremembered.com/CoalTrain2.JPG http://www.rockinghamremembered.com/CoalTrain3.JPG http://www.rockinghamremembered.com/CoalTrain4.JPG http://www.rockinghamremembered.com/CoalTrain5.JPG http://www.rockinghamremembered.com/CoalTrain6.JPG RULES ARE RULES! Don't let common sense get in the way of a good disaster!
  8. Hi folks, I just have to share my experience with you all. I'm just a little po'd. I posted it on the Goldwing site too. I just bought a 2008 Airbag Titanium. I called Progressive at the dealer to have them swap the 2005 RSTD with the GW. They said that would be $150.00 difference. After that I thought my policy is 1/2 up and that is the balance to the renewal period. Well yesterday I got this mail that said my new rate would be in excess of $1100 for my 08 Concours and this 08 Goldwing. Dang, that just didn't seem right. Read a little further and it states that my rate is high due to 4 credit strokes and that my wife had gotten credit when she was So, I saved money for my daughter to buy her a car in her 12th grade year. I did that October 1st. Fully loaded Nissan and ended up paying cash -- after I checked what the lowest rate was from both the Nissan dealer and my credit union ... ~ 5.5%. About a week later my wife gets the new car bug and wants to trade off her 20 month old 06 Honda Civic. We do that and again check rates at the dealer and the credit union -- since the Fed had made some adjustments recently wondered if it had any impact, plus the dealer was really close to the credit union rate and wanted to edge a little more out of the credit union. On her car we had trade equity plus threw another 10K cash on the purchase. Now, I had a trade for the GW and paid the difference in cash as well. Very fortunate to be able to do so, but not without a lot of planning and time. So, I shopped for rates, have stellar credit, had my credit hard stoked 4 or more times in the last 24 months, ended up paying cash for most things and somehow my wife establishing credit at an early age is a bad thing. In escalating the issue I talked with the big dogs and they said more or less that their analysis shows that people with those characteristics (4 strokes and credit at a "young" age) file more claims than others...and I just admitted to the behavior. Go figure. Looks like the housing slump and the lack of trust in credit scores has moved into the creativity realm. I'm thinking class action lawsuit against scums like this. If you are a lawyer or know a good one -- talk to them. I'm sure there is some money to be made with this crap.
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