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  1. Although I never had the privilege of meeting Mark, it sounds as if he had a wonderful sense of humor...so I think he would have liked this story. My aunt passed away and requested that her ashes be spread out in the ocean near Nova Scotia where they lived. My uncle (who was a grumpy old man) rented a boat and he and guests sailed a few miles offshore for the service. It was a bright sunny day with a bit of breeze and the ocean was a bit choppy. After a very touching service,the time came to spread the ashes. As you may know,after cremation, the crematorium places the remains in a very thick plastic bag. What ensued was a battle of epic proportions that will forever remain in my memory as the last "go round" between my dear Uncle and Aunt. It seemed my aunt didn't really want to go! My poor Uncle was staggering around like a drunk man trying to keep his balance on the pitching deck while pulling and tearing at the bag trying to open it. He had it in the air, under his armpit, between his knees trying to rip, tear or pry the last remains of my aunt out of her plastic prison. Some of the guests started offering words of support and yelled out suggestions on how to accomplish the task. The struggle continued as my uncle staggered and swayed as if to some unheard music. but Dear old aunty just would not co-operate. Finally, he tried a different attack. He attempted pulling the 2 sides away from each other near the center of the top, much like you would a bag of Potato Chips. After a lot of grunting, and stress and strain he succeeded.....sort of. The bag exploded open, showering him with ashes....along with several of the guest who happened to have the misfortune of being downwind. My now white-faced Uncle sputtered and spit out ashes as he said his final parting words to his dear wife..... "OH THE HELL WITH IT!!!" and angrily threw the bag and remaining contents into the ocean. She always said she would have the last laugh! Moral of the story....if you plan such a service..... BE SURE YOU HAVE A KNIFE OR SCISSORS! (some details have been slightly embellished...but essentially a true story)
  2. well i learned the hardest words to say is im just to busy. i found that out today my uncle not by blood divorced my aunt 5 years ago. and i just never kept that much in touch with him. i was allways JUST TO BUSY well i thought about going to see him soon. and then the bad news came he passed away yesterday. age 83. now his family had a grave sight service. and it was to late to say good bye i guess i learned a lesson today so good bye uncle sorry i was just to busy to pick up a phone or stop by. and i forgot the words i tried to live by tell someone you love them today for tomorrow they might not be here
  3. My little sister and her family stopped by our place on their trip from Sterling, Kansas to Chicago, Il and spent then night. This morning the temp was about 40 with light drizzle and her two oldest children - a senior and freshman in high school both said, "Uncle Mark, will you give us a ride on your motorcycle?" Being the good uncle I am - I got the bike out and took them for a ride. Their dad said, "This certainly will be the highlight of their trip." It was worth it to see the smile on their faces. Now I need to plan a trip to Kansas this summer when I can take them on a good long ride!!
  4. you gotta love this one.
  5. About 8 years ago, while my son was living with his mother in NC, he was sent to spend the sumer with his favorite uncle in FL, whom just happens to be openly gay. I have met the dude several times along with his long term boy friend. I really liked both of them, they were comfortable in their own skin and happy being who they were. Well heres the rub... About three years ago, because of his behavior, my son was sent to life with me. Through a series of unfortunate events with his brothers, we found out he had been molested multiple times by non-other than the uncles boy friend... And now I know the uncle as well. Needless to say I did every thing I could to try and get these two vermin arrested. I call the police in Mi, NC, and FL. As well as the FBI and The Center For Missing and Exploited Children (who actually did the most to help me) Nobody wanted to open the can of worms that it would take for a conviction, because it would take a multi-state prosecution to be effective. Because he was molested in two states and was living in another. So, now it's 2009, my son will be 18 in Feb of 2010. I get a phone call from a Detective in Hillsborough County FL. The Uncle was arrest for kiddie porn. When they went to serve the warrant for his PC, he actually had a young boy ( perhaps a run-away) in the house and they suspect molestation there as well. So they arrested him ( I now know he was a registered offender) and took his PC in for evidence. Set a 1.5 Million dollar bond. After investigating his PC they now have OVER 200 COUNTS against him. Remember the afore mentioned boy friend? He was already in jail for posession of weed and sexual assault of some type. Well they now have him on over 200 counts of kiddie porn as well!!... 2.5 million dollar bond! It breaks my heart to say it, but my son is part of their investigation of the porn. I am upset as you can imagine. If someone... Anyone would have tried to do something when I made my reports, they could have stopped this sooner and maybe saved some people from having to go through this. But in the end they got their arses. You can go to the Hillsborough County Jail web-site and see the charges ( if interested that is, I have the names) ... Please for the love of your children, WATCH WHO THEY ARE WITH!
  6. While we were on holidays this week our daughter was going to stay with one of our best friends. We just recieved this email. At Andy's right now, turns out we(I) couldn't've picked a worse time to visit. They're suffering something(understatement) of a family crisis. At something like 6:00-30 some drunk driver crossed the center line and killed three family members- I don't know all the names, but it sounds like an Aunt Rita, a grandmother, and an uncle. Two were killed on impact and the uncle died in hospital. I didn't think I should call at midnight, and I don't think I could've stung the words together anyways. Emotions are... running high, to say the least. Love, and stay safe for the love of God Shyrstyne End: cry Begin: rant
  7. I have had quite a few myself, but my favorite happened to my Uncle Jim. I grew with my whole family riding bikes. When I was a teenager me and my brother had 2, my Mom & Dad both had 1, my grandfather had 1, had 2 uncles that had bikes and several cousin that did. We used to take vacations to Camp Albert Pike in Arkansa and would trailor some dirt bikes to ride in the mountains there. Uncle Jim who did not own a bike wanted to ride one so my Grandfather had a Suzuki 90 that had the short fat tires on it an told him to take it. Uncle Jim took off by himself and was gone for several hours. We were getting worried about him and fixin to send out a little search party when we saw him pushing the bike back. We all walked over to see what was wrong. Uncle Jim was standing there holding up the bike and sweat was pouring off him. My Grandfather asked him what happened and he said he had run out of gas. My Grandfather asked if he had switched to reserve and Uncle Jim looked at him funny like what are you talking about. My Grandfather reached down and switched to reserve and with 3 kicks started it up. Uncle Jim was mad as a hornet and started cussing and swearing about having pushed the bike a couple of miles. We all fell about laughing histerically. The more we laughed the madder Uncle Jim got. To this day when we all get together we remind Uncle Jim about his little exercise session on the mountain.
  8. Hey Yammer did you bail your uncle Jack out for Christmas? I seen he spent Wednesday morning in jail for DUI and a concealed weapons charge. What happened to that $315 Million poweball word is he is broke.
  9. I got the sad news today that my uncle passed away today and would like to get some contact info for the state ride captain. My uncle was a POW in Korea he worked the orchards in California most of my life and I know that he would appreciate the escort. Jeff
  10. T.J.

    73 Venture

    I have a friend that has a uncle that wants to sell a 73 Venture for $3000.00 with 30,000 miles on it. Is that a good price ? Also, what should he look out for? Thanks
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