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  1. I know this has probably been asked a million times but I'm truly having a hard time finding it. What is the best direct replacement headlight for the Second Gen Royal Star Venture. Was gonna go with the silverstar ultra, but i hear they dont last long. Remember someone saying something about a bulb that started with a P... but i cant find the thread? So whats a good bulb to run
  2. Headlight low-beam burned out, and I would like to replace with the SilverStar Ultra. Anyone got the part number for the SilverStar Ultra bulb for an 08 Venture? Do places like AutoZone or Advance Discount Auto carry them? Thanks in advance!
  3. I've owned a Gold Wing and am currently riding a HD Ultra Classic Limited. Wife hates the ride of the harley. Spoiled by the Gold Wing I guess. Considering a Royal Star Venture. Any feedback on how this bike rates compared to the Ultra or the gold wing would be appreciated (engine performance, handling, suspension). Also what do your passengers think of the seat comfort.
  4. Phantom Wife's car is paid off this August and she still says I can buy NEW bike so I took out the 2012 Harley Electra Glide Ultra Limited Saturday morning.She seen it at the Harley dealer when she went shopping with oldest boy a couple weeks ago and she liked it.Well she actually like the Pearl White Electra Glide Ultra. Seemed kind of tight for the driver and arms started to ache in shoulder area.This was only after 20min ride--might be alright if set up to me . Also stopped in to the Yamaha dealer to see about the Venture which was posted as normal price of $19,999 BUT ON NOW FOR $19,023 which includes $145 payday payment warranty/taxes/freight/p.d.i./administ.but they are only offering me $3800 for my 2000 Roadstar Silverado 1600 fully chromed and options with 85,000klms. Not sure if this is a good deal for trade or not any ideas??
  5. It was Harley demo days yesterday so, as in almost every other year, I just HAD to go. Tried the Street Glide first, didn't care for the low "shorty" windshield. It also had a more "stretched out" feeling to it ... probably seat design ... I felt like I needed another 4-6 inches arm length. Next was my fav ... Ultra Limited ... If I had the extra bucks, I'd have one (as an extra scoot). 'nuff said. Just for the halibut, I decided to try out the Trike ... now THAT is a whole different feeling! If you've ridden a quad ATV, cornering would be similar .... slow speed cornering around city streets I felt like I was going to tip it LOL ... out on the highway it wasn't too bad. One thing is ya don't want to be constantly correcting the steering otherwise you find yourself "wig-wagging" down the road. Then there's the bumps ... holy crap! you try and miss them but it doesn't happen and you can really feel them. I also felt that it was geared differently than a reg bike as 6th gear on the trike felt more like 5th on the Ultra. Wind protection on all 3 weren't nearly as good as the Wing. Had me some fun anyway ... and it mostly served to affirm how EASY the Wing is to drive in comparison, not to mention the major difference in power. I had to laff at myself tho as when I got back on the Wing, my legs/feet were looking for the floorboards (riding the Harley and having a 2nd gen for 3 yrs ... it was kinda "natural")
  6. Hey all, flying down Sunday the 15th to buy a New to Me bike in Florida and riding home. I plan on buying a Side Car for the Grandchild were raising, and to help with weight balance if needed. Unfortuantly Reverse is not available on a RSV. Thought about a trike, but not for me, not yet. Charlene really liked the colors of the 105th Anniversary Edition on the Heritage we just sold. We both missed the RSV, and the touring line with all the extras, and I could never get comfortable on long rides with the Heritage due to my back. The touring line is a bit more than I want to handle, but the future side car will help out. We are buying a 08 H-D Ultra Classic with 2250 miles, like new. I hope the Ultra is as good a bike as my RSV, which is in great hands with Old School. Still enjoy being on this wonderful site and the Great people here. Later-James "Red Ryder" Beyer
  7. A buddy asked if I wanted to go look at some property up north . We took the bikes and rode 541 miles . Waterford to Cheybogan . Took our time 14 hours worth. I have to say that this Road Glide Ultra is the best riding bike I have ever been on. All broke in now with 750 miles which is more miles than I put on the RSV in three years. lol Maybe I forgot that I liked it too.
  8. Can a Harley Road King or Ultra Classic Muffler be fitted on a 89 Venture Royale:confused24:
  9. My 2008 Venture next to a friends 2009 Ultra Glide Classic. Mike
  10. Hello, this is my first post. I am looking at a 2005 RSTD with 24K on it. It has a complete custom paint job, quadzilla fairing, hard bags a tour trunk, Supertrapps, K&N pods and probably every other thing you can think of. Here is my question... I am 5'8" tall with a 29-30" inseam. Yea.. I am a short guy. I have had many bikes over the years and although I feel more comfortable on smaller bikes I prefer the big touring bikes. Regarding big bikes.. I have owned 2000 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500FI 2001 Honda Valkyrie 1990 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic I sold the Valkyrie because I just couldn't flat foot the bike even after I had the seat shaved. I even dropped it once with my wife on it trying to park. I fit on the Vulcan 1500FI perfectly but I sold it because it has spokes and I got a flat on a rear tire once that took 9 hours for a tow truck to come. No more spokes for me. I also fit on the Ultra Classic perfectly after I cut down the seat. I sold it because it had an electrical issue and it was starting to leak. Great bike though. I checked out this 2005 RSTD. The original owner put 20K in to it. Its absolutely beautiful. I sat on it and I could flat foot the bike. I was shocked because the bike has gel inserts in the seats. It just didn't feel as heavy as the Ultra Classic or the Valkyrie but from what I have read its a bear for low speed maneuvering and it does weigh every bit as much as those bikes weigh and I will say.. its enormous!! I am concerned about things like backing into spaces. It was very difficult wih the Ultra Classic. That bike also felt very top heavy. So.. what I am asking is... and I know this is a fairly subjective question, is the 2005 RSTD all loaded up with a fairing and a tour trunk too big of a bike for a short guy? The reason I am asking is because before I bought the Valkyrie fellow riders told me that it doesn't matter about the size or my size.. I will get use to it. I joined the Valkyrie forum and found out that 90% of the owners were all big guys... 5'-10" to 6'-5" tall and that most of the short guys like me were scrambling around trying to find ways to lower the bike or the seat. I never did get used to that bike. Any insight or comments for a potential buyer are appreciated.
  11. Will the Buddy Rich cable work on a Harley Ultra?
  12. So, to treat myself for my "Staycation", I decided to rent a 2011 Harley Roadglide Ultra. However, by the time I got finished with all my projects, I had missed out on that deal. (Torential rain, 40+ mph winds and smoke from fires limited my days to go) So, not being one to give up so easily, I saw that the guy had a HD Ultra Classic, and a Honda Goldwing. The UC had "battery issues" and if you have ever had that on a motorcycle, you know that is a dead battery waiting to happen. So I passed, and said what the heck and took the Goldwing. Now, Wifey has always said that I could not have one until I am least 60+, as it is an "Old man's bike" in her opinion. HA! I talked her into riding with me, and so we picked it up Saturday evening. Well, we put 100 miles on it when we left for dinner around 10pm on Saturday. Wow, although it is the size of a Holiday Rambler, it handles like a sport bike. Hard to tell that it had 900+ pounds on the chassis before we go on. Carving turns was a snap, one time she commented after I exited an underpass "I thought you were gonna lay the bike over..." Acceleration was excellent, slowspeed handling in parking lots and sidestreet U-Turns was a cakewalk. Uber-smooth ride. Zooming around the interstates at 80Mph was effortless for that 6cyl 1800cc motor. That said, it is a soul-less bike. I just couldn't own one. No pizzazz, no effort, no challenge. Like a La-Z-Boy with wheels. We did do another 100 miles today. The weather was 80F, clear blue skies, no humidity. Only complaint was the sporadic 25Mph winds. I already decided we are taking the RoadGlide Ultra next time... no exceptions. Shameless Plug: SportRyder Rentals in Dallas has a great selection of bikes to rent, in excellent shape, and Charles is simply great to deal with.
  13. some one I know is selling his 2005 Ultra Classic with 45,000mi and is giving me a heck of a deal due to he needs $$$ I wanted to ask the family here who owns a Ultra what to look out for? as per say "taken to the cleaners" if you know what I mean . I don't think he would but I would feel better knowing what to look for on a HD. He sent couple of photos and first thing I saw in the photo is the right muffler has been kinda hot like blueish gold color? asked him about this and he said it was due to the cat.converter in the muffler? all ultra Classic have this issue? other than that this Ultra is in great shape never been down or dropped He bought this bike with 3,000mi and as far as I know there has been no issues or break downs that I can think of other than just tires and oil changes he said he just had the 40,000 maintenance done with 45,000mi on the clock is there any issues I need to be aware on 2005 model Thanks Buddy
  14. I need some input from the Harley guys here. I've been offered a 1988 Ultra Classic as trade for an item I have for sale. It appears to be in good cosmetic condition but I have no solid experience with Harleys. This would be strictly for turn over. I really don't have any desire to own a Harley except for profit. I guess I need to know whether this bike has any mechanical flaws and if it has a viable value this coming spring and what that value 'might' be. Thanks
  15. Thanks to fixitdude who sold me his stock mufflers, I removed my drilled out RK's yesterday and put the stock ones back on. It was a rare sunny warm day for this time of year and on the weekend to boot so I went out riding for the whole day. Took in the Harley demo days and rode a new Ultra Limited (103 cu in) ... great handling and decent power but, and I didn't notice this on previous Harley Ultra demos, the floorboards seemed uncomfortable and the shifter was up very high... had to literally lift my whole foot off the floorboard to shift. UGH ... didn't like that! It had the heated grips but since it was a warm day, my hands were getting kinda hot... I had no idea how to turn them off. Anyhoo, back to the mufflers ... gotta say it was a much more pleasurable ride with the stock pipes although I was much more aware of the engine whine but it's still no where near as bad as it was before I had the I-basket swap. Maybe it's just me but the bike seemed to have more power too! One thing is for sure .... it's got a lot more OOOMPH than that Ultra, especially when the revvs get up there!
  16. I grabbed a great deal on a Ultra Sonic Cleaner that was a display. Got everything but the box I think. Thing is how can I be sure it is working? I know clean something. I ran some coins thru the cycle and couldn't see any difference in them. Only used water with a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Thought I read somewhere that it would work. Only got 5 days to return if it don't work. Dodn't want to make mess til I really got ready to use it. Is there a simple test for it? I think it is big enough to do carbs one at a time. New Toy??
  17. Wife and I went camping last week end at Arrow Point campground in Loudenville Ohio. The campground is on the Mohican river and is locally famous for it's canoeing. We were lucky enough to get a river side site and as witness by the pictures below we had to contend with traffic all week end. At times it was quite bothersome ( 1st 3 pics ) and other times it became entertaining ( pic 4 ) Then there was the guy that thought his Kayak was better suited for the hillside and shale ( pic 5 ) Guess we know who won that fight. We watched him scraping shale off himself for 10 minutes before he grabbed his beer and left. We didn't take our bike because of my forked thumb but that didn't stop the ribeye steaks Friday evening over a fire and Johnsonville brats for Saturday evening. I believe there was some Ultra and Ravens Glen Pinot Grigio wine consumed, not positive, week end was a little fuzzy (see pics 1,2 & 3 ) It's really odd how a Michelob ultra and a slap upside your head keeps eyes in wonderment
  18. Was surfing today and saw where HD has their 2011's out. One was the Road Glide Ultra with the 103 ci standard. If only money was no object or atleast if I had that much to spend.
  19. Well, after 5 years on the RSV, I went to the dark side. Traded my 04 RSV for a 06 Ultra Classic. Please no boo's or hisses. Bought the RSV, it had 1300 miles, yes 1300 miles for $10,000 even. Traded it this week at Harley dealer for $7,000 which I didn't think was bad and picked up the Ultra. Its and 06 with 24,000 miles.
  20. I read post where members talk about how advanced the Harley ultra is and they complain about the lack of updates on the RSV. Some buying harley's and using that as an excuse of why they bought the harley. Now if you want a Harley and can afford one buy it. I just don't see what is so updated about a harley, over the Venture. First, Looks the Ultra(electra glide) looks just as it did 50 years ago, and no Harley has no intention of changing it, loyal Harley riders would flip out. Now the modern bikes do have better chrome and more refined looks, but the RSV looks just as good, actually more streamlined to me. Most non-riders don't know the difference. I hope Yamaha does the same and never change the RSV overall appearance. Now yes the Harley is fuel injected, but that has pros and cons, I like FI until the electronic problems start. I can't tell that the sound system on the HD is any louder than the RSV, and mine sounds just as good as Bobby's did( we think his ultra is totaled) even he said mine was as good as his, there was not enough difference to count. And as far as the cassette, it just fills the hole in the dash, and by the way CD's are fast becoming a thing of the past, the Aux port is the thing now so you can plug your mp3, or ipod into it, my wife and teenager won't even bother with CD's anymore they take up to much room. So the aux port on the RSV makes it up to date with the new music eq. As far as the ride that personel preferance, I like the RSV ride, Bobby says the Ultra is smoother at 80 mph, but the RSV is smoother at lower speeds. Now yes there are tons more accessories for the harley, and Yes I guess if you think it cool to be in the IN crowd and own one, that great too, if it makes you happy go For it. Now I am just stating my opinion, not to start a war or insult anyone, but this is a RSV site and some of us think it is a near perfect riders machine. The prices the guys I know spend to service and maintain their Harley's, just recently one of the guys told me he had his serviced, oil and filters changed and belt adjusted he said her got deal at $535.00. I can't afford it. Gregg
  21. Well I finally got my seat to a ride able condition. I found a local gal who reworks/rebuilds seats. Took several attempts. Cost me $$$. While it ain't perfect it's doable till something better comes along. I even demoed an EG Ultra thinking that the bike was somehow playing a part. While I liked the HD, I'm glad I didn't have to part with that much money for a touring bike. I still had tailbone issues on it as well. Hoping to leave for Milwaukee on the 21st this month.
  22. I've been thinking about buying another bike in a few months, and Harley was giving demos at the Knoxville bike rally this past weekend. I was surprised at some things I liked about the Harley. I hadn't ridden a Harley in years, and when I fired the first one up I thought "No"! It had the old Harley shake, but as soon as I started moving it smoothed right out. The first one I rode was an Ultra, and it was very smooth. The other things I liked was the low end power and the braking. The brakes seemed much better than my RSTD. It also handled better when stopping at red lights if that makes sense. Then I tried a Road Glide. It seemed basically the same except the riding position. After riding about 10 miles my back was hurting. I don't know if it was the way the handlebars were adjusted or what, but I was disappointed in the ride. Then I tried an Electraglide Classic and it rode better than the Ultra. I really liked it.I think they are basically the same bike, and I think it was just the way the controls were adjusted. Overall I was pretty happy with the way they rode. I think I was expecting more vibration and worse handling.
  23. Guest

    Insurance cost

    I was hoping someone can answer this question. Why is the insurance so high on my 07 RSTD. Its about $700 a year for full coverage with progressive. I was playing around on their site and a Vulcan 1600 nomad is $200 a year less and even an Ultra classic that costs 10 grand more is $25 a year less. I knew it was higher going in but I was just curious why. Are the replacement parts expensive or do they total easily?
  24. It seems that many of my friends have changed over to a Harley in the past year or 2. Two of them even traded their 1800 Goldwings for Ultras. They all say how much they like them. I have to admit that the Harley looks great and sounds fantastic. So I figured WTF, I'll go test ride. There's a shop in Columbia that sells nothing but used Harleys so off I went. I rode 2 Ultra Classics, one Road King, and one Softtail Heritage....none older than a 2004. Man, I wanted so much to like the Ultra...what a great looking bike with all the amenities. I couldn't get past all the shaking at idle and slow speeds. How does someone ride these things all day long? The only one that I really enjoyed riding was the Softtail. It was a really nice ride...very smooth. Now if I could get an Ultra Classic with the balanced Softtail engine, I'd be all over it. The salesman said to just get the Heritage Softtail but I pointed out that it was a "stripped" bike. I'd be giving up my fairing, hard bags, radio, CB, and most of all my cassette player if I bought it. I came home on the RSV still not seeing what my friends see in their new Harleys. My quest for my perfect motorcycle continues. I may have to go back to a Valkyrie in order to be happy. I have owned 3 of them and they are still by far my favorite bike. Maybe it's time to put the RSV on Ebay and look for a Valk Interstate. Anyway, just wanted to tell about my experience with the Harley.
  25. What a nice bike . This thing has the all stuff we have been crying about for years. I spent close to an hour with this bike at the show yesterday and can tell you there will be one in my stable shortly. I watched two Hd guys try to pick this bike apart, they walked away saying "they did it". A modern day Ultra. Priced with the Venture, not the HD . It a shame that yamaslow is letting this market pass them by. I love my Midnight but just like to try different things.
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