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  1. Thanks to Bikenut for this excellent information. Here is a list of replacement U-joints for the drive shaft on the 1st Gen Ventures. I have been running the B110 datson u-joint on my trike kit and it works great. Here is the list 1966 thru 1973 B110 Datson Car parts store Trw 20128 Spicer 5-1500X AEC 1064 Precision 392 Keith Yedica Bikenut Casco,Wisconsin Before you go this route, please read the next post.
  2. Well, I was doing some regular maintenance on QuickSilver the other day, just getting ready for the Ohio Carnival next week, and while I had the rear wheel off to change the tire I figured it was about time to finally check the drive shaft for lube. I know some folks here think this needs to be done every two weeks or so , but not me! I haven't pulled the drive shaft even once in 80,000 miles, and from what I saw, there really wasn't much need to do it now. There was not a ton of grease in there, but enough. It was clear that Yamaha used a moly grease when they put it together, and there were no visible signs of abnormal wear. So I just added a touch more 5% moly and put it all back together for another 80,000 miles. It really wasn't too hard to get the drive shaft back in the U-joint with the help of another member who just happened to be around while I was working (THANX Formerfuzz!). The trick was to simply put the transmission in gear and have someone else turn the final drive gears while I held the drive unit and tried to generally center the shaft on the U-joint. Here's a tip for when you get ready to do this - first, pull the drive hub/fingers from the rear wheel (which you should be doing to lube the drive fingers anyway), and use that hub for your helper to turn the gears/drive shaft while you hold the drive unit and try to insert the drive shaft into the u-joint. After you get the drive housing back in place, you can finish greasing the drive fingers and putting the hub back in the wheel. Since I hadn't done this before and I had already greased up the drive hub, I just wrapped a rag around a 2x4 and jammed it into the drive splines to turn the gears. Goose
  3. I have a vibration when going around 30-35 mph feels like the drive shaft has a shutter or the u-joint. What do you guys think? Any suggestions?
  4. I needed to grease the splines, so I also took the drive shaft out,,,, not a biggie,,, I done this before, even wrote on how to do it the easy way, without extra tools. Now it WON"T go in,,, it just won't go in,,, I mean it just won't engage. I can wiggle the u-joint, turn the U-joint, see the u-joint, get the shaft started into the u-joint, but it won't engage. Anybody have any ideas???????? 4 hours at this, and I'm a little frustrated.
  5. Finally finished getting everything together after doing a variety of maintenance jobs on Red. Backed it out of the Mancave and it wouldn't go forward. Felt like I had an emergency brake on. Knew this wasn't right, so I had my boys push me back into the cave and did a little troubleshooting. Quickly realized that the drive shaft was not properly engaged with the U-Joint. It was laying next to the U-joint rather than in it. Quickly took all the rear end stuff off so I could unmount and remount the pumpkin. This time I got it in there properly. Put it back together, pushed it out of the cave, threw on the helmet (new Aria - maiden voyage for that too), and took off. First stop was the neighborhood gas station to fill up with fresh gas. Next was to hit the highway and let Red stretch its legs. And stretch it did. WOW! She now has more performance than I have ever felt. One of the carb boots was not seated properly when I took it apart. I assume it had been like that since I bought it with 9000 mile on her. There are now 75000 miles. It felt different decelerating also. No popping, banging, or smell of gas. Looking forward to seeing how my gas mileage has changed. It really was wonderful getting some wind in my face - if only for about 15 miles. RR
  6. I need to replace the front u-joint, mine is a trike so I have two. After reading the tech talk it sounds like after removing the driveshaft you then remove the entire u-joint yoke from the bike, is that correct? Looks like the front part of the yoke is bolted to a transmission output shaft, do you remove that shaft and if so how? I also read that there may be other U-joints that will work as well as the OEM, any thoughts? As ususal all the advice is good and thanks.
  7. Sounds like a u-joint from a datsun B110 will replace the one in the bike but I can't find anyone who stocks it so i just wanted to double check before i order one.
  8. Have the back wheel off my 05 RSTD. Want to lube the drive shaft ends. Is there an access plug/hole at the u-joint to help get the drive shaft back in place? Do I have to retract the rubber boot? Would like to know before getting a lifetime sentence trying to put it back together. Thanks, Jack
  9. I've got 20K on the ole 06 RSV now and had never pulled the shaft out. Well, while I had the rear tire off for a change, I decided to pull the shaft to lube the splines. Glad I did, there was no lube on them that I could see, looked completely dry from the factory, but that's another rant altogether. Once started, it took only 15 minutes to pull and lube the shaft...and 2 1/2 hours to reinstall! My question is: What rocket scientist came up with that u-joint configuration? OK, now I'm done venting and I understand why they wanted 3 hours labor to do the job at the dealer. I just had to walk away a couple of times or I was going to throw the shaft across the garage... I got it all back together and all is well, but did I miss something? Other than that little access hole, a coat hanger, and 3 six foot long arms (one to hold the light, one to hold the hanger-turned u-joint hook and one to hold a light), is there a better way to line up the u-joint and shaft?
  10. I noticed a noise coming from the rear end area when slowing down and coasting with clutch pulled in, I thought it was coming from the hub splines and pins needing greased so I pulled the rear wheel and greased them both. The sound is still there, it is a lower pitched sound that kind of warbles. So now I am wondering if it might be the u-joint as the bike has 57K. Does anyone know what is involved in checking u-joint for wear, or even replacing if it needs it?
  11. I had a scraping noise on my '84 Venture earlier this sping. It was suggested that I clean and grease the driveshaft. Did that and it was needed. I thought maybe the noise seemed to go away but now its back. I can feel a scrape (in the floorboards) when I am crawling forward in first gear. Does my driveshaft need to be done again ? What about the U-joint ? Has anyone had this problem and traced it to a bad U-joint ? Any other ideas ?
  12. I have a squeak in divetrain of 91 venture royale.It sounds like a squeak you get in u-joint of car,speeds up and slows with speed of bike. Someone indicated the is a auto ujoint the will replace the $100 yamaha part for much cheaper. Can anyone help with the part and/or suggests as to cause of noise if it wouldnt be u-joint? Thanx in advance
  13. have a squeking nise in 91 venture. I'm thinking its a u joint as it sounds the same as on a car.It speeds up and slows down with speed of bike. In another post someone indicated there is a auto u-joint that matches the $100 yamaha one for much less. And one able to help with the part or diagnosis? Thanks in advance
  14. hi all could anyone tell me at what milage should you change the u-joint on my '99 rsv? i have over 42,000 miles on mine, it seamed ok when i pulled the rear end, driveshaft and swingarm off and greased everything a couple of months ago. fixen to put about 2,ooo miles on it next weekend and will to going to the international rally in july. just rather change it now than on the side of the road. thanks in advance don
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