Ok, not a huge deal but it's making me nuts. I have Logitech wireless laser mouse that has developed a twitch. It's two years old and always works fine but in the last week it started the odd behavior. I can be on any site anywhere and I'll jump screens and the cursor will suddenly start dragging and jumping in an uncontrolled act of defiance. I can kick the 'puter into standby mode and it will clear up and work ok for a while and have good control. Then again on a different site or different page it will start up again. Just won't follow my lead.
Batteries have been changes several times, lens in clean, connections with USP are the same and solid.
System doesn't show any odd behaviour when it happens and no excess useage.
Oh yeah, sometimes when I single click on something it will lock on a start highlighing where ever the cursor ends up.
Should I be looking for a system problem or just put the mouse out of it's misery and replace it?