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  1. I started this thread over on facebook and got a lot of great apps for my phone as well as getting thanked for a few apps that I posted up as well. Just cool things that help us with our riding or everyday tasks . So here goes. 1. MY CAR TRACKS for android... it allows you to record your driving progress and when you are done you cant print your route on google maps. This sis great when I go ride with a few friends and I dont know where I am. i get back home and can view my route. 2.FLASHLIGHT.... Creates a bright light on your phone. great for guys sbeaking out of the house early in the morning( to go to work) 3.FORUM RUNNER. .. This app allows me to read the forum easier from my phone with alerts for private messages and threads subscribed to 4. THE WEATHE CHANNEL, google maps, twitter , and facebook. self explanitory. 5. Pandora radio.. An online radio station geared by the music you listen to. I no longer plug my mp3 player in to my bike . 6.G strings tuner . An app to tune your guitar... just as effective as a tuner 7. GAS BUDDY... Shows you view maps where the gas stations are in relation to you and get this THE CHEAPEST GAS AROUND 8. And last but not least ANGRY BIRD
  2. So I have cleaned all the contacts and connectors on the audio system on my 1st gen and the radio plays only from the left speaker. Since the tape player is non-functional I'm not able to isolate this to just the tuner. What is strange is that when you power on the radio you can hear a "thump" from the right speaker. Because of this, I am suspecting either a bad right channel on the tuner or perhaps a bad wire from the tuner to the amp. I don't have a headset so I have not been able to test that circut to see if the problem is isolated to the speaker. Has anyone else experienced this and did you find a resolution? Can anyone offer me more advice on troubleshooting?
  3. Can someone upload a pic here of what the cable looks like from the cb to the tuner on a 1st gen? Good pics of the ends would be nice too. I am trying to buy one and I want to make sure it is what I will get. Thanks y'all!
  4. Hey all gurus out there. I was wondering if anyone could please give me the pin out for the tuner port (8-pin din) on the 1st gen amp. I'm thinking about pulling both the cassette AND the tuner and just replacing them with a standard car stereo. If you look at the electronics it doesn't seem like it would be that hard. The power/volume control for the amp and the intercom all go directly to the amp and the tuner is a separate unit that could conceivably be pulled. All I need to know is the pin out on the amp. I would end up with two volume control knobs but that won't bother me. If I get the pin out and do this mod I'll be sure to include pictures and directions on how do it for anyone else who might be interested.
  5. Anybody in the South East Georga area can help with carb sync? I borrowed a carb tuner but still unsure how to perform the maintence??
  6. I got a set of IMC motorcom HS-G15's headsets and I am not able the the driver from the passenger helmet. One speaker, from the passenger connection, is not getting sound either. I think the when the passenger speaks, it is supposed to cancel something, I dunno. I have new J&M cables from the tuner installed as well. What am I missing? Remember the 85's do not have a passenger controller. I have replaced the radio and cassette player on this but not the tuner or anything else.
  7. Well, it appears that either my amp or tuner has coughed its guts. It was working ok. Then, the tuner started throwing feedback noise and not picking up stations. Figured it was the antenna. Installed a new antenna and thought all was great. Then it did it again. Went from great radio to nothing but noise. When the radio and intercom are off I can hear a small bit of white noise from the speakers. Also, I do not hear the CB through the dash speakers when I turn the squelch off. I see RX on the CB screen. I think one unit or the other is getting warmed up then cutting out. I don't have headsets yet. So, don't know if the intercom is working. All buttons except AM/FM work. That one is stuck in FM. I cleaned the upper display by taking it apart and using a good contact cleaner. I have to Ohm out the buttons yet. So, any suggestions would be helpful. Pinwall Cycle has the amp and tuner off of a working bike for $45.00 each and shipping. Figure I have to split the LH fairing to get to the radio. JB
  8. Guest

    MP3 Player

    I got a Microsoft Zune for Christmas but I'm going to have to send it back because it can't handle the vibration. I looking for suggestions on a new one. I would like at least 8GB, an FM tuner (an Ipod's out) and it needs to be big enough to mount on the bars in my ram mount. What's everyone using now? Anyone have one of the Sansa views?
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