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I signed up for the PGR and I am still waiting for my newbie kit but I am going on my first ride Sunday to send off troops to Afgan. I hope they will be patient with me. Tom
I am a fan of Maglite flashlights. Never mind that I worked for them, and took my retirement from there. They are made 100% in the USA (Ontario, California) and I know how exacting the quality control is for everything from machining the aluminum to assembly of the finished product to packaging. At one time Mr. Tony Maglica sent a bunch of lights (thousands, I think) to (hmmmm, was it Desert Storm?) troops because he had read that they didn't have adequate lights for night activities (machine maintenance, etc.). Didn't cost the military or the troops a dime. They now have these AWSOME LED flashlights, but they are mostly very big $. Wait a minute----- check out Home Depot----- a combination LED 3D + a LED 2AA (with batteries, a non-roll device, and holster for the 2AA) for only $27.98. That's less than most places get for just the 3D LED flashlight. The 2AA LED can be more than $20.00 some places. I got mine from the local store, also available on the internet. This link only shows it in black, but I think if you search around you might find the colors. I got blue. I have no dog in this fight, just sharing what I found to be a very good price on an outstanding MADE IN tHE USA product. And Home Depot still offers a 10% discount for military active/retiree/veteran. If you might have an interest in reading about Mag Instrument's growth and history, here's a link:
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Who Was Kilroy? For the WWII generation, this will bring back memories. For you younger folks, it's a bit of trivia that is a part of our American history. Anyone born in the teens, twenties, and mid-thirties, is familiar with Kilroy. We didn't know why, but we had lapel pins with his nose hanging over the label and the top of his face above his nose with his hands hanging over the label. No one knew why he was so well known, but we all joined in! So who the heck was Kilroy? In 1946 the American Transit Association, through its radio program, "Speak to America ," sponsored a nationwide contest to find the real Kilroy, offering a prize of a real trolley car to the person who could prove himself to be the genuine article. Almost 40 men stepped forward to make that claim, but only James Kilroy from Halifax, Massachusetts, had evidence of his identity. Kilroy was a 46-year old shipyard worker during the war who worked as a checker at the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy . His job was to go around and check on the number of rivets completed. Riveters were on piecework and got paid by the rivet. He would count a block of rivets and put a check mark in semi-waxed lumber chalk, so the rivets wouldn't be counted twice. When Kilroy went off duty, the riveters would erase the mark. Later on, an off-shift inspector would come through and count the rivets a second time, resulting in double pay for the riveters. One day Kilroy's boss called him into his office. The foreman was upset about all the wages being paid to riveters, and asked him to investigate. It was then he realized what had been going on. The tight spaces he had to crawl in to check the rivets didn't lend themselves to lugging around a paint can and brush, so Kilroy decided to stick with the waxy chalk. He continued to put his checkmark on each job he inspected, but added KILROY WAS HERE in king-sized letters next to the check, and eventually added the sketch of the chap with the long nose peering over the fence and that became part of the Kilroy message. Once he did that, the riveters stopped trying to wipe away his marks. Ordinarily the rivets and chalk marks would have been covered up with paint. With the war on, however, ships were leaving the Quincy Yard so fast that there wasn't time to paint them. As a result, Kilroy's inspection "trademark" was seen by thousands of servicemen who boarded the troopships the yard produced. His message apparently rang a bell with the servicemen, because they picked it up and spread it all over Europe and the South Pacific. Before war's end, "Kilroy" had been here, there, and everywhere on the long hauls to Berlin and Tokyo. To the troops outbound in those ships, however, he was a complete mystery; all they knew for sure was that someone named Kilroy had "been there first." As a joke, U.S. servicemen began placing the graffiti wherever they landed, claiming it was already there when they arrived. Kilroy became the U.S. super-GI who had always "already been" wherever GIs went. It became a challenge to place the logo in the most unlikely places imaginable (it is said to be atop Mt. Everest , the Statue of Liberty, the underside of l'Arc De Triomphe, and even scrawled in the dust on the moon. As the war went on, the legend grew. Underwater demolition teams routinely sneaked ashore on Japanese-held islands in the Pacific to map the terrain for coming invasions by U.S. troops (and thus, presumably, were the first GI's there). On one occasion, however, they reported seeing enemy troops painting over the Kilroy logo! In 1945, an outhouse was built for the exclusive use of Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill at the Potsdam conference. Its' first occupant was Stalin, who emerged and asked his aide (in Russian), "Who is Kilroy?" To help prove his authenticity in 1946, James Kilroy brought along officials from the shipyard and some of the riveters. He won the trolley car, which he gave to his nine children as a Christmas gift and set it up as a playhouse in the Kilroy front yard in Halifax, Massachusetts . So, now you know!
I've always like David Feherty, but after watching this, he's moved way up the ladder for me. What an awesome way to honor the troops. The vid is a little over 7 minutes long but worth the watch if you have the time.
Not sure if this has been posted yet but here is a link to send a free "thank you" card to our troops (sponsored by Xerox), please take a minute to let them know we appreciate their service:
My wonderful and immensely talented wife, makes greeting cards. I have been after her to make cards that you folks here at VentureRider would appreciate and she did! Since it is getting on towards Father's Day, that is what we started with, but with Don's permission, we'd like to offer these for sale here. Just $3.00 each (free shipping) and you choose the card and then the sentiment you'd like on the inside. We have B-day, Fathers Day, Thank you, and well... look 'em over, you'll get the idea. It isn't that we are trying to be the next Hallmark, but selling a few helps support her mission of sending these to the troops in Iraq & Afghanistan. To date, she has sent nearly 40,000 to the troops, so they have cards to send home.
Just a news article in our local newspaper that I thought others may like to know about. The web site is located at: The full article can be seen at: MARYSVILLE — Frank McAtee is going to sleep on the ground for three weeks, without so much as a camping pad under his sleeping bag. He'll spend more than $1,000 on gas. He's asking his metallic purple 1987 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide — which already has seen 108,000 miles — to carry him around the perimeter of the nation, to roll another 9,000 miles under her aging wheels. McAtee doesn't have to do any of this, but he's doing it anyway. He's doing it for the troops. Not just for those engaged in war, but for all the men and women in uniform. “Someone should do something to show 'em the little guy in America still has got their backs,” he said. “It doesn't matter what the politics are.” He leaves today. McAtee, 50, served in the Marine Corps from 1977 to 1982. The idea for his trip came to him after the shootings in Fort Hood, Texas, last November that left 13 people dead and 30 wounded, he said. McAtee will collect donations along the way for the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society and the USO, two worldwide organizations that provide financial assistance and other help to military personnel and their families. He's already personally collected about $500, he said. He's selling pins that say, “We've Got Your 6” and “9,000 miles across America,” for $5 each. The “6” is military lingo for the area behind one's back. I signed up at his website and will be donating as well. silverdeer
I received an email tonight that I thought I would pass along the heart of it. This website is to Say Thanks and show Support of our Troops. From the website..."The cooperation and generosity of multiple organizations has made it possible to send the millions of postcard messages submitted through this Web site. Xerox has partnered with Give2TheTroops, the Boys and Girls Clubs, print shops and corporations that have all greatly contributed to the success of Let’s Say Thanks." The site is I have never served in the military but I do support our troops. Our soldiers past and present are the reason that we enjoy the freedoms that so many take for granted. I sent my card. Hope some of you will too. Cheers, smalltowntx
Not sure if anyone has heard of this before,nut the wife and I are thinking of doing this if we can get the money together before the cut of date. Locally its $55 to get a 6 ft tree deliverd to the troops over seas. Not sure if you can stipulate where it goes as far as specific troops or not,but it would be nice to have them deliverd to all our members over there and many more if we could. Laura and I plan on going this weekend as it is locally done in Highpoint nc but the link says it has many other sites. What do you guys think??? Hope you all have a good one. In a time of chaos we live in these folks are over there putting there lives on hold and on the line so we can live free as we please. It wopuld be a nice way to say thanks. If you know me personally then you know who will get one from me if they let me stipulate whom and where it is deliverd. If not just getting it to the troops will be good enough for me. David
I don't know how long this will stay posted but I had to give it a try! Red Shirt If the red shirt thing is new to you, read below how it went for a man... Last week, while traveling to Chicago on business, I noticed a Marine sergeant traveling with a folded flag, but did not put two and two together.. After we boarded our flight, I turned to the sergeant, who'd been invited to sit in First Class (across from me), and inquired if he was heading home. No, he responded. Heading out I asked? No. I'm escorting a soldier home. Going to pick him up? No. He is with me right now. He was killed in Iraq , I'm taking him home to his family. The realization of what he had been asked to do hit me like a punch to the gut.. It was an honor for him. He told me that, although he didn't know the soldier, he had delivered the news of his passing to the soldier's family and felt as if he knew them after many conversations in so few days. I turned back to him, extended my hand, and said, Thank you Thank you for doing what you do so my family and I can do what we do. Upon landing in Chicago the pilot stopped short of the gate and made the following announcement over the intercom. "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to note that we have had the honor of having Sergeant Steeley of the United States Marine Corps join us on this flight He is escorting a fallen comrade back home to his family. I ask that you please remain in your seats when we open the forward door to allow Sergeant Steeley to deplane and receive his fellow soldier. We will then turn off the seat belt sign." Without a sound, all went as requested. I noticed the sergeant saluting the casket as it was brought off the plane, and his action made me realize that I am proud to be an American. So here's a public Thank You to our military Men and Women for what you do so we can live the way we do. Red Fridays. Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority." We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or overbearing. Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -- and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that ... Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women a far, will wear something red.
My old Army National Guard unit, 211th Engineer Companay (Sapper) deployed this morning. There was a convoy of busses taking them to Camp McCoy, WI for initial deployment training and then to Afganistan for a year. There was a good turnout of towns people along the route through main drag. I was impressed with the member of the Patriot Guard Riders and Rolling Thunder that led the busses for the guys. For members here that are PG Riders, Thanks for all you do! Please keep all the troops, from any where, that are in harms way in your thoughts and prayers. Dave
A Big "Thank You" to all of our troops present and past, these are the true Hero`s God bless them all !!
Minorities We need to show more sympathy for these people. * They travel miles in the heat. * They risk their lives crossing a border. * They don't get paid enough wages. * They do jobs that others won't do or are afraid to do. * They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language. * They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day, every day. I'm not talking about illegal Mexicans; I'm talking about OUR TROOPS! Doesn't it seem strange that many Democrats and Republicans are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegals, but don't support our troops and are now threatening to defund them? Please pass this on; this is worth the short time it takes to read it.
What a weekend I had . Got up bright and early 3:00 a.m. Saturday to start the days event . As a member of Rolling Thunder NC-5 , I began leaving the house to meet up with another member at 4:00 a.m. to eat breakfast then to the rally point on which kickstands up at 5:30 a.m to begin our journey to Raleigh , NC . At which Rolling Thunder was invited to participate in the parade Also RT was the only private organization and motorcycle group there . NC-4 was the host chapter there and led the group ,but this also the first time that all chapters rode together as a group other than the DC ride . Other than RT being there , they did allow some High School Marching Band to attend . History was made this day , as being the largest Parade in NC to this date . There was over 50,000 spectators there to show support for our troops . As we started from the staging area unto the parade , we got the surprise of our life as Senator Dole asked to ride with us on a motorcycle . As she was wearing a business dress/skirt , it would have been very unlady-like for here to ride . So there was one member on a Scooter with a Voyager kit on it , which allowed here to ride lady-like on . It was a surprise all together , even to her aid and bodyguards and to the news group . No one expected this at all ! This was the the second and most largest parade I have ridden in . The parade was a 1 1/2 mile long and took almost an hour to complete . I pulled the BEERCART equipped with the POW-MIA and the American flag upon it . I even took one to the serviceman's daughter as co-pilot . This will be an event I will never forget . As the politicians and military leaders that were there , they expressed they wished for RT to be at all the next forthcoming parades as this will be a annual event now . Here are some video's of the days events ; (News clip) (Entire Parade) 1 hour long . RT is about 46 minutes into the footage . Here you will the a glimpse of the BEERCART and myself . After a brief banner of days events , you will see a reporter interviewing Sen. Dole on back of the scooter during the parade . Listen closely as the main news caster comment about here and especially about NC's motorcycle helmet laws ! After the parade , we had BBQ sandwiches with the troops and got a group picture taken with the Senator . We also got to meet with some Medal of Honor heroes . On the ride back towards home (2 1/2 ride) leaving city limits of Raleigh , all the group was in the inside lane to allow traffic entering I-40 , on which a cage suddenly lost his hood . The hood just snapped off and went sailing straight up into the air about 50 or so feet , turning end over end . All I could say on the CB was "INCOMING"!!!!!!!!( I was riding tail end) The hood safely landed on the side of the road missing everybody . Though everyones heart skipped a beat , I could only imagine what the inside of that cage smelled like .:whistling: To bad I was not running the helmet cam at that time , it would have been a sight to see . I finally arrived home around 8:00 p.m. . Hope you enjoy the footage and if ever you get the chance to participate in any cause to support our troops , I can at least say the expressions and Thanks from our Servicemen/women and their families will last in your hearts for a life time . I just really never knew how much it meant to them until now ! God Bless our Troops and their Families !!!!!! BEER30
But I would like one too....... [ame= ] [/ame]
This one will be of particular interest to the Ontario members, and any ex-service members, like myself, out there. As most of you have probably heard, the "Red Fridays" group has succeeded in getting the Ontario government to re-designate the 172 Kms stretch of Hwy 401 between Canadian Forces Base Trenton and Toronto, as "The Highway of Heroes". As this is the route the bodies of our fallen soldiers take, upon repatriation to home and their families. On May 17th 2008, Red Fridays, the Ontario Government, and the Canadian Forces is holding a Repatriation Memorial and Rally in honour of the re-naming of this stretch of the highway. I've already signed up to ride in the event, and seeing as the scoot is RED, have signed up for one of the 70 "Lead Vehicle" positions, one position for each of our fallen to date. I'm posting this to bring this worth while event to other riders attention, and hoping others will join me in honouring our fallen, and to show our continued support for our troops and the sacrifises that they and their families are making. I've included the link for the event, and look forward to seeing many others out there in May. I'm also sure that any of our American riders that are interested would not be turned away, as the overall message of this event is "SUPPORT" for our troops, all the troops involved in the war on Terror.
There will be a motorcycle ride to support the troops at Fort Benning, Georgia on the 17th of November. Lots of other things happening there at the same time. More info is here: