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  1. Would anyone out there in VR world happen to have the dimensions for lowering links? I'm fabricating my own and looking to make the job a bit easier! I'm trying to get away from a lot of scrap metal by the trial & error method.... It'd be great if ya could help a fellow VR out!!! -Greg
  2. My civic duty is over, I don't know how long this scumbag will get, but after talking to the ADA after the trial, he could get anywhere from 1 to 20 years on each count. We found him guilty of all 8 counts. I hope he serves them consecutively and not concurrently, that would put him away for a long time. I am proud of what we did, but I am sick at what he did, I think I need a little more than cycle-therapy to help me get over this. I won't go into detail here of what he did, but if you want to pm me I will tell you. This was not an easy slam dunk, we were hung a couple of times on several of the counts but the Judge and the ADA did an excellent job of helping us get through this. The judge even came back to the juror room after the trial and personally thanked us and asked us for suggestions to make thing easier for future jurors, and the ADA found us in the clerks office and also thanked us and talked with us, that's when we found out what he was in store for.
  3. The judge said that this trial should last till Thursday or Friday, well the state is still presenting it case and tomorrow is Thursday, I am not complaining, I find this a great learning experience of how the court process works, sorta like being in a episode of Law and Order. We have spent many hours in the jury room and less time in the jury box. Has anyone else had a similar experience while serving jury duty. All I can say is that this is a felony criminal trial, with multiple charges against the defendant.
  4. 'cause we are not going to make it back to the states this year. I had a pre trial conference on Monday with my lawyer and barrister and the other side has finally acknowledged that they have some liability!! My legal team do not want me leaving the country this year. I have another pre trial in six weeks [30th April] Legal team for Main Roads Dept. want to send me to see more Dr's and an Occupational Therapist again. They are trying to say that I can go back to work!! which reduces my claim. I'm in this till the end... as it's the rest of our lives!! So sad we wont get to see you.....BUT........ I have already submitted the paperwork to the shipping agent for the trike to go to the U.S. in 2013 So, you need to take photo's of M&E's and rallies so we can enjoy it all long distance
  5. Message deleted. I have sent the trial member an email explaining why.
  6. Can't figger it out , I am seeing under members name , guest , figger they are checking us out and just have not payed yet and are new , but what are Trial members ? reading the join date they have been with us a long time I'm so confused :confused24:
  7. Hi, I am glad to have found your site. This forum looks greeat. I have a question, if I want to let other member know of the 1984 Venture I am parting out what is the best way to do that. I tried to click on the classifieds forum but it would not let me post. Do I have to be a paid member out of the trial period to do that? Thanks for the help in advance! Rick
  8. I think that when a new members joins even as a trial member he or she should be required to fill in more information than the make of the bike they ride and the state he lives in.....I try to welcome all new NY members to the site via pm and offer an invitation to join the WNY group in planned events....more often then not , many new members put no information in their bio at all, not even their first name....hey, they now have access to our information...I feel we should know a little more about them ....... certain fields SHOULD be required to fill out when joining...
  9. I think that the vast majority of you already know this but some may have not given it much thought one way or the other. I do all that I can to make sure that your private information remains private here. That is why if you email another member, the email goes through the venturerider email system so that your actual email address is never displayed here. Your private emails are not given out here by me to any individual or to any company. The only way that somebody should be able to get your email address is to ask you for it. Same with your telephone numbers. Many of us have our numbers listed here for the VR Assistance list and in our profiles. Your profiles are NOT viewable by guests, expired members or (as of today) trial members. I like to give our trial members access to all the features that I can but since pretty much anybody can sign up for a trial membership, I've decided that your member information will only be viewable by other supporting members. Even at that, you have privacy options in your UserCP so that you can hide your information to everybody or make it available only to members on your "friends list", etc. I say all of that to say this. If you are ever contacted by a ex member or guest asking you for another members email address or telephone number, please do NOT give it out. The best thing to do would be to forward the request to the member whose information is being requested and let THEM decide whether or not they wish to provide it. I do all that I can to protect our privacy here, please help me in doing so. Thanks much. Don
  10. I paid the subscription fee. Checked my paypal to ensure it cleared. However it still is counting down my "trial access period" and providing the subscribe link Is this normal??
  11. My trip to byran Tx is being pushed back a few months. so, for those of you I chatted with about coming through, and stopping for coffee, we'll have to hold that thought. I was riding out to sit at a court trial, for a Fellow rider Killed by a drunk driver. So, Our friend Jim, doesn't get any justice, and his family has to go on waiting, to hang the little bastard Subject: Info on Petcock killer trial from (Club name removed): I spoke with Kelly today and over this past weekend. She has been in contact with the victim's assistance coordinator at the DA's office. I also got off the phone with the victim's assistance coordinator in the DA's office this morning and she confirmed that the pre-trial / trial is NOT going to be on the dates listed on the web site. The trial may not even occur this year. Yeah, that's right, Jim's been dead for over a year and his murderer still gets to run around loose possibly for another year.The young lady in the DA's office told me the dates on the web site Brad sent are meant to be tentative dates and the web site is updated by a completely different office. She did say that as the date is firmed up, the wording "Preferential Jury Trial" will replace "Jury Trial", as that means the case has been moved to the top of the list and the date has been confirmed.So, basically it looks like everything is on hold until we get further info.-Doc
  12. Somehow I missed this one completely. The jist of the story is that eight Bandidos were murdered in Canada in 2006. The trial was in April of this year. Yall be careful up there. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Crime/2009/03/31/8951096-sun.html
  13. well the sheriff dept was just at my door delivering my new subpoena for the trial..( july 20).....weird thing is dale got one too this time:confused07: and he didnt for the first trial date anyways gonna be quite a week here for us........ we finally had to sit down last night and talk to haylie - who has pretty much gone on with life and being a kid and not remembering what happened every day--we had to start explaining court and everything because tomorrow afternoon we have to take her for her first meeting with the prosecutors so they can start getting her ready for trial.....she was a little shocked about it.... well thats tomorrow......thursday morning is the pretrial hearing at 9 and fri morning is the new motion hearing at 10 that i have to testify at i have flat out decided that if there are any more postponements im gonna start having a fit...i will tell the prosecutors tomorrow that if anyones tries to delay any more that we refuse to be in that court the first week of august that we will not allow him to ruin our vacation to the rally along with everything else hes done.....so they better make sure they say something about those dates if anyone wants new dates again.....uggh its time to get it done......:buttkick:and my bloods starting to get fired up:whistling: once upon a time we had planned to be all done with this when we came to MD and would have had something to celebrate........well now here we are again.......im planning on having something to celebrate at the rally now:cool10:
  14. I just was informed i have testify at the motion hearing friday........ugggh maybe in a way this is good as it will give me a little pre-experience when the trial comes, but i have always had the ability to get myself all worked up and turned into a basket case.. Nuff said...........
  15. got a call yesterday that they want to meet with us finally. Up until now it has been solely contact with our victims advocate. The ada in charge of our case went on maternity leave so another ada has took over and he wanted to meet with us. Wants to go over the strong and weak points to our case and find out where we stand on an offer to the perp to keep from going to trial and having to put haylie thru that. This is a hard one, how much would you be willing to give? Im really torn on this. His prison time should be as devastating to him as his act was upon her and us. I feel the need for him to still be locked away when the day comes that she understands and starts to have to deal with what happened to her. Ive been doing a lot of reading and some talking with with other vicitims ( from some forums)and the impact its had on them as they aged and had to come to terms with it all. Its not a pretty outcome many times. They also said we may have to delay trial because of the dna retest not being back in time. This upsets me also...i want it over. Being that the trial is scheduled for June 1st.......we had planned to deal with it all and then head to ohio for much needed relaxing, unwinding and enjoy MD for the rest of the week. Motions are all due by next friday so we will be at a hearing that day at 5...and there is the motion hearing itself scheduled for the next fri at 9 I'll update you all after we meet today..have a 4:00 appt with him.
  16. well my hopes that this would never go to trial have ended.....i am so angry that my little girl is going to have to testify in court about what happened to her and doubly angry that when she testifys her father and i wont be allowed in the court room. I guess the only good thing about it for now is that there are no more court dates til April.... and yes I know I should be thankful that he is going to be tried....but I hate it yesterday he filed a motion to suppress his statement ( his admission of guilt the night he was arrested) and to suppress all physical evidence........HA.....yeah right.....im afraid I will be on a witch hunt if they allow this. well heres the record from todays hearing...... 12/18/2008 - Hearing Held State by APA Blair; Defendant in person in custody and by attorney David Johnson. Case set for Jury Trial. Defendant ordered to appear 6-1-2009 at 9:00am for trial by jury. Defendant ordered to appear 5-14-2009 at 9:00am for pre-trial conference. Motions: State and Defendant instructed by Court that all pre-trial motions, with briefs in support thereof, must be filed no later than 4-17-2009 at 5 p.m. If pre-trial motions are filed, the motion hearing date is set for 4-24-2009 at 9:00am, Defendant ordered to appear. Court informs both parties that any motions requiring more immediate attention (i.e. related to bond or to discovery) will be heard by the Court as noticed up by either party. STA/plh i dont know how things work....never ever dealt with anything like this or court at all for that matter.....maybe they will try to plea bargain yet or is that out of the question now that a trial is set? I cannot let him off but i may be willing to lighten the sentence a smidge to not have to go thru a trial. The prosecutors office told me yesterday he is facing life....may he rot.
  17. hard to believe its been another month already...... time for another court hearing tomorrow morning...... wonder how months this will go on before something happens?? I did find out something last week that kind of upset me....i asked the detective handling our case if there had been any dna testing done from H's clothes, swabs, etc just in case this goes to trial.....NO..he said he goofed up by not doing it ( on the perp) the night the guy was arrested..now its in the hands of the court.... I simply wonder why they wouldnt order it now ( just in case) instead of waiting months down the rode if theres a trial and then having to wait months more for the results?????????? Why not have it done and ready?
  18. need computer assistance, please. anti-virus grissoft 8.0, WILL not work on my p.c. anyone have any suggestions on a FREE or TRIAL version, that i can download, as a "band aid", while i battle with grissoft? thanks . just jt
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