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  1. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Iowa in private practice. I treat a whole variety of conditions, one of which is PTSD in Vets. I've recently been told by an Iraq Vet that the VA treatment he has received has not included exposure therapy or desensitization. I know that there are many Vets on this sight so I wanted to ask peoples experience with the VA and what treatment they or someone they know has gotten from the VA. Tim Lantz Iowa Guy
  2. May be of interest to some. I had a bout with cancer haven't posted a lot, so far they got it all only time will tell. Seafoam Motor Treatment for Gas and Diesel Engines 5-Pack for $25 + pickup For in-store pickup only, Advance Auto Parts offers the Seafoam Motor Treatment for Gas and Diesel Engines 16 oz. Can for $6.99. Add five to your cart for $34.95 and apply coupon code "A123" to lower it to $24.95. That's $4.99 per can.
  3. I had rust issues with my gas tank a couple years back so I took the dive and tore the bike down and did a reseal using the Caswell epoxy treatment. That was a new product for me to use and I wondered about the long term results. I've had some failures before with other products. Every spring I pull the sending unit to inspect the tank and it has always looked fine. It's like a Thermos bottle inside with the epoxy. But I figured the true test would be the fuel filter itself. So while I was changing plugs the other day I changed the fuel filter. So with a bit over 12,000 miles since the last filter change I was happy for find NO sediment in the filter at all. Nada. That was a first. So if anyone is considering treating their fuel tank........ Go for it. The long term benefits are worth it. Not a single carb issue since the treatment. It's worth the time, effort and money to get it over and done with. Mike
  4. Prayers are needed for a member here..... TxVenture, Don H. , I just spoke with him, he was admitted to the Hospital today, he had gone into have radiation treatment and his back hurt so bad that he couldn`t lay on the table. He also has an open wound from the Biopsi that he had done a few weeks ago. Don has been going through Cancer treatment for a few years now, and he really could use every ones prayers. Thanks alot!!
  5. No, not me! I thought I'd pass this along though my knowledge is not complete. I received a letter from business associate the other day saying he was going to have prostate surgery, I found it disturbing because one of my customers had this diagnosis and went into hyperdrive to find alternatives to the standard surgery/impotence and a bag. He came up with several options, one of which involved cryogenics and the other which he ultimately chose: focused heat -burn the suckers! Since the FDA had not approved the procedure yet (It's been used for ten years in Europe) he went to the Bahama's to get this done, he still has a prostate because the treatment was targeted to cancer celss, he is not on a bag, his potency is at 95% (with the help of cialis) and should the cancer return this procedure can be repeated again and again. On top of that the insurance paid 90% of the treatment cost. (Which of course may go out the window with universal healthcare) So for us guys who are faced with this, I would urge you to consider alternatives before agreeing to going under the knife
  6. OK folks, I've had a few emails lately asking about my condition. So, I suppose it's time to let you know what condition my condition is in. As for the cancer, I honestly don't know. I was told after the surgery and radiation that they could not tell me anything until I go back for my 6 month checkup. That appointment is on November 2nd. At that time, I will go back to Boston to have all the tests repeated and only then will I know if the treatment was successful. As for the vision. They told me at the time of the treatment that the primary goal was to treat the cancer. They said that if they were able to save my vision, that should be considered a bonus. They also warned me to got get overly optimistic because any vision loss would not necessarily be immediate but could come at any time as long as two years after the treatment. I had started to get very confident because my vision had remained unchanged...that is until about a month ago. A few weeks ago I started thinking that I was losing some of my vision. It was hard to tell for sure but I just felt that there was a bit of cloudiness in the peripheral vision of my right eye. Then I would think that I was just imagining it. Well, it has continued to get worse and there is no doubt that I am losing vision in my right eye. Over the past few weeks, the vision has gotten progressively worse. I'm going to estimate that it is probably cloudy about 30% to the right and seems to be getting worse pretty quickly. So, that's the status at this time. Only time will tell how far the vision loss progresses. It could level out where it now is or I could lose it completely in that eye. The good news is that it is at least a fairly gradual thing so that helps me adjust to it as it happens. If I lose it all but then find out in November that they DID get all the cancer, then that is a blessing. Sorry I took so long before I let you all know what is going on. Heck...I don't always accept things as quickly as I should. It was only late last week that I finally told my wife that I thought I was going blind in my right eye. I guess I thought that if I just kept it to myself and ignored it, then it wasn't really happening. Thank you all for your emails and even more so, for your prayers. They mean more than I can ever express to you. Don
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