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  1. Boy child called me. Bike is jumping out of first gear. Told him to start in 2nd a feather till we look it over. Then he call's back and lets me know that flid is running of of the clutch master. ARRGHH. I have a rebuild kit coming for the clutch master. Don't know if thats why the tranny was acting up or not. Any advice on either issue would be aprreciated. Both my son and I ride bike as primary transportation. So if it goes down he's down.
  2. Yesterday I tore down my '83 frankenbike with the '86 engine. I just need finish by dis-assembling the front end and pull the engine to get the solid engine mounts so I can sell them. It looks pretty interesting on the center-stand with just the triple tree down intact attached to just the main frame with engine - that's all that's left intact (I pulled everything off of the frame including sub-frames & wiring harness.) And then the engine looks funny since I pulled the performance clutch, slightly used water pump assy, aftermarket high output stator assy, like new '83 carbs (new diaphragms & floats), ingnition coils,etc., & Vboost plenum with manual linkage off the engine. I want to know if there is any interest, meaning anyone having '83-'85 2nd gear problems that would be interested in the good tranny parts out of this '86 engine. I thought I would crack the case and pull any or all tranny parts if someone wanted to buy them. Otherwise I won't waste my time and the whole engine will go to the metal salvage yard along with parts that I don't think will sell, such as the main frame, probably some chrome handle/ crash-bar parts, etc. Please PM me or email me. Thanks, Doug
  3. Tranny chatter 4th & 5th gear.. I have a 96 Yamaha Royal Star with 120,00 mi. on it..sometimes you can hear it in 3rd,...the chatter stays the same as the r.p.m. any ideas ?
  4. ]I am in the process of swapping out the tranny of my 83 and transplanting a tranny from an 86. Now back in 2005 after the very first Vogel, I had to replace the pinion gear in it. We pulled it out, dropped the oil pan to make sure there wasnt too much debris left in the engine. Its been 7 years and I have been riding around until about a year ago and the tranny finally quit shifting and I had to lay it up for this repair. We finally got it opened up this weekend and once we did we were in for quite a surprise to find quite a bit of metal bits, not just shavings but nice size chunks of the pinion gear, we fished it out with a magnet and got all of it out. We first realized what we were in for when I pulled the oil pump out and quite a few bits of metal fell out of it and when I shook it you could hear it rattling around inside of it. Take a look at the pinion and all the metal we took out 7 years later!!! If you take a look at picture #2 you will notice that the threaded part is broken off, this is what precipitated the destruction of the pinion........and when we pulled it all apart, the rest looked fine with the exception of the star wheel that rachets the shift, one of the pins was loose, becasue the tab that was supposed to hold it in place was bent and the pin was slipping out. I believe that is where my main problem was. [ATTACH]66290[/ATTACH][ATTACH]66291[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]66292[/ATTACH][ATTACH]66293[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]66294[/ATTACH]
  5. While poking around in our Classified section I saw this ad for an '88 with a bad second gear. I've never heard of this happening to a 1300 tranny before??... http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1327/cat/3
  6. Ok was this close to getting a Vision Tourer yesterday until the following: The Victory dealer was a pleasant surprise, he took the time (about 5 hours), he let both my wife and I ride the bike (most dealers around will not allow that to happen) and at the end wanted to know what needed to be done to the bike to make it better. From what I have read, the 2011 was supposed to have the tranny, but on this bike the tranny during shifting banged (clunked) whatever noise you want to call it, but this did not feel or sound right from what everyone was saying about the new tranny. Once we got on the open roads, huge vibrations at all mph and in any gear, NOT what I expected to have happen on this bike. Told dealer about the issues, mechanic came out and said nature of the beast. Dealer let me test ride the Victory Vision 8 Ball (2011). Came back and told dealer, DAY and Night difference in the tranny and no vibration like I felt with the VV Tourer (2011). Dealer told me he agreed with my assessment, they are going to have the Victory Tech take a look at the bike. Later on that night did some more digging, come to find out the VV 8 ball uses cable actuated clutch, not the hydrolic actuated clutch. Other VV Tourer owners are having their bikes converted to the cable version, no clunks or bangs and shifting much smoother. Next was the Mechanic's area (passenger), she said the seat felt great and loved the heated seat (great day yesterday for testing that), but NO ROOM, she was practically sitting on my back. Dealer could not believe the Venture had that much room for the passenger, but he is convinced now. She was fidgeting the whole 75 mile test ride. But for the rider loved the ergonomics of the bike, just to many issues with the mechanics and passenger area. If it was just me, I would have this bike over the Venture due to the ergonomics of the rider area. The clutch and vibration can be fixed, but not the passenger room. But I will be keeping the Venture for now, just hoping Yamaha comes out with a surprise for 2012.
  7. I just got back from a ride, and lost all gears above 2nd On downshift...heard a terrible sound (clutch was in etc)... was able to get it in to 1st, can shift to second... can not shift in to 3rd.... stops at second gear. Limped it home... 1st and second no problem... like I only have 2 gears. HELP... andy suggestions on where or what ... I'm thinking the gears in the tranny went... What would fit... upgrade to Vmax ? Bummed...
  8. Guest

    A new Rumble on the road

    After doing my home werk and input from the board I effortlessly put on a set of Khrome werks 3 HP. Basically they are plug n play and WOW what a dandy rumble without being obnoxious. I am deeply in love with my RSTD ... there is nothing like having a 4cyl sounds so fine with these harmonics and the tranny whine is muted. PS I am going to get an air horn and will be selling my mint new in box pre catalytic road king left/right slip on with chrome attachments MAX :dancefool:
  9. I have been working on a 1989 Venture Royale with a lot of problems and I need some help on the transmission. When under medium to hard acceleration this VR pops out of second gear. Is the fix the same as on the MKI 83' to 85' VR's or is there a different problem? I haven't run into an MKII that has had tranny problems other than a slipping clutch. Can anyone please help me with this? Thanks in advance, Earl
  10. Heres a question in search of an answer. We all know that after 50k mile or so the washier that help hold seciond gear wears then. to fix it the enhgine must be pulled and the tranny opened . First question . Does the tranny open from the bottom without having to tear the whole engine open? Second question has anyone ever adapted a car body rotiserre to flip a venture over and repair the tranny without having to remove the engine? W#ould this be a viable way to get to the tranny with having to tear te engine out? If anyones thought about or tried this I'd love to know. Or is it even possible? Thanks Theres a free PB&J sandwich in it for anyone with a good answer. Phil.
  11. Has anyone come up with a reverse gear yet for the RSV? I have see one that was made for HD. It looks like just an extra gear that runs the tranny backwards. http://www.dauntlessmotors.com/Mountinghardware/reverse.htm
  12. I just put 800 miles on my 07 RSV last weekend and noticed a bad whine. Seems to be in the tranny. Same in all gears, whines when steady speed and when accellerating, goes completely away when de-accellerating. I'm going to change oil anyway to see if that helps but doesn't sound good. I have 3200 miles on the bike and love it. I have already had to have the rear drive splines re-lubed, no problem since. Any suggestions or ideas?
  13. doing my first tranny rebuild and got it upside down and another parts bike on its side the guys at the xs/xj site say this is easier. got the clutch out and middle drive out and shifter cover off and "think" I see the problem one the one I am trying to fix but not sure if a) the parts bike tranny is good and, b) the best way to remove the trannys and shift drums. anyone with experience with a xs1100 tranny I would love to hear from you.
  14. I changed the oil on my bike yesterday. It took exactly one gallon of oil. I noticed that the oil darkened quite a bit after I let the bike run for a few minutes. There must be alot of oil that cannot be drained in the tranny/crankcase during a routine oil change. I believe that the bottom bolt on the tranny also will drain the oil from the tranny but mine is hard to get to. Any suggestions on how to get rid of that last bit of oil or do I just ride and get used to having a bit of old oil mixed in with the new?
  15. Hi. Newbie here. I have a '91 Venture with approx 140k on it. Runs great and shifts solid and smooth with one problem....it doesn't want to go into neutral. Often I have to put it in first and then slip the clutch to get it in neutral. It generally goes in if I can get it in before stopping. Anyone had this problem before and is there anything I can do without a tranny rebuild? thx indy
  16. OK guys I know this is not about bikes but I need some help. I have a 96 F150 that I bought with 70,000 miles on it could not find out about trans service done ever. So now it has 154,000 and i have been told for years not to service tranny because it could start slipping, And I had a 78 diesel F250 That I changed thefluid in the same circumstance ,and it started slipping. So I'm in a quandary on what to do. Any thoughts?.....Fred
  17. First,I have a 83 venture as my daily rider.I have an 84 for parts.My 83 slipt 2nd.gear two times last time i rode it.I am doing waterpump,stator,all side cover and valve gaskets,progressive springs front and rear.My 84 when parked had no tranny promblems,so with all that said can i just replace the washers on the 84 tranny and put in my 83?New to sight...................Great Info.......Need you're thoughts on my project? Thanks Denny
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280130743168&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=018
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