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Found 25 results

  1. I hit a small (300 - 400 ) cow or steer in California yesterday. I was headed home to Vegas from a 3 day ride with 4 buddies, we had just turned onto 166 from the 101 near Santa Maria. There were cattle ranches on both sides of the road, all fenced in and I saw a coyote out in the middle of the field. Just up to around 55, I was leading the group when a black cow comes out of the bushes on the right side directly in front of me. It was around 30 feet away, saw me tried to stop and fell down. I had time to say "oh S t" and grab brakes. I ran over it's rear legs and the hind end hit the right side axle, fairing and crash bars. Thanks God or my guardian angel, I was able to stay up and stop up the road. The impact crushed the crash bars into the foot brake and floorboard pushing them into my foot and ankle. I'm sore and swollen, but think it's ok. When I climbed off t he VR, the cow was gone, my buddies said it dragged itself back into the bushes, where it died not long afterwards. My bud at the tailgunner has race training and accident avoidance training. He said there was no way I could have missed it. I'm grateful that it fell down or I probably wouldn't be typing this. That VR is a heavy, solid bike. We were able to borrow a crow bar from the CHP officer and bend the bars back so the bike was drivable, and continue on home to Vegas. The trip up and down the PCH 1 to Monterey and the back hills above Santa Barbara were awesome. Everyone stay safe out there!!
  2. Well, on this coming Friday, I will be retired from the Military Reserves. Sometime next year, I will be undergoing retraining over in Alberta. There is no big rush to do it, as I don't want to do the training, in below freezing temps. I still need to decide, on where I take the course, near Red Deer or up at Ft Mac.
  3. We just finished our Helo Crash FF refresher training. Here are a few pics from the course. The first from the control tower, the second one is me, and the last one is everyone of course. Those of us in the back row could feel our hair curling from the heat.
  4. Attached are PDF scans of a 1986 Venture Service Guide for Technical Training. I got a copy of this on Ebay. A lot of info on the Anti Dives, CB radio, Cruise Control There are quite a few interesting tidbits in the information contained in this material. I broke the scans up by sections so I could get them uploaded. Same format as the 1987 Venture Service Handbook for Technical Training I loaded a few months ago. Link to that thread next. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/sh...ad.php?t=71406 Gary
  5. Attached are PDF scans of a 1987 Venture Service Handbook for Technical Training. I got a copy of this on Ebay a while back and got around to scanning & posting it today. It covers Ventures from 83 to 87. There are quite a few interesting tidbits in the information contained in this material. I don't think this is all the service bulletins up to this point. In the Front End Noise, I found a reference to a bulletin M83-015 which I don't have, relating to Instrument panel noise, but this is not listed in the contents section. I broke the scans up by sections so I could get them uploaded. Gary Additionnal Predelivery service M83-015.pdf Steering Head Noise M83-016.pdf Front End Noise.pdf Stator Cooling Kit Installation M84-025.pdf XVZ12 Saddlebag Alert.pdf General Audio Troubleshooting.pdf
  6. My daughter is graduating Marine corp basic training. We have ridden many miles on my Goldwing and I will be surprizing her by picking her up at the Airport Friday Night on my 2011 RSV. She has no idea I have the bike. In the last three months all we got was a call last Sunday for 6 minutes and of course letters. I am so very proud of her. She will be a member of the Marine Corp Band. She still has to attend combat training in 24 days. My Mom, Wife and Son have gone down to bring her back. I cant go since I am the Head Football Coach at my High School and we have an upcoming scrimmage. I have a trip planned leaving for Washington Island which is off the tip of Door County, WI. You have to take a ferry to get there. She doesnt know this trip is planned either. It will be fun for the both of us as we visit the various State Parks Sunday on the way home. Semper Fi
  7. When riding in the rain, it seems that on the 1st Gen, it was mostly the crotch of the jeans that got soaked. On a second gen without the wind blockers, the knee is the wettest. The Army has a saying, "If it ain't raining, then it ain't training." If we accept that and it's corollary as being true, then this four day bike ride has been an intense field training exercise. The Army has a neat system that allows you to track friendly vehicles in your area. The GPS on a motorcycle works the same way. That icon represents the friendly unit. Everybody else is out to get you. When it is raining and you stop at a hotel for the night, junk from the vending machine is almost as good as a fine meal you would have to ride to.
  8. Started spring training yesterday - 440 mile ride yesterday. Working up to 500+ miles a day for next month's trip to Key West. First long ride in over a year since last summer we were both laid up after a white water rafting accident. Next weekend we'll be back at training. But boy did my legs ache today after the long ride.
  9. I have never heard of this until today. I recieved this from a friend today in an E-mail. I have had CPR training on the job, but this is differant and sounds like the way to go with adults. But not for infants and children or someone who is a drowning victum. Please watch to the end. You could save someones life. http://tinyurl.com/2fx8r59
  10. when i get back on the bike need all the support i can get http://wimp.com/bicycleskill lowell:banana:
  11. We were blessed to have our daughter and new granddaughter, Hayden, home for Thanksgiving. We got to take Hayden for her first ride Saturday! As we rode around the neighborhood and she was a little apprehensive at first but warmed up pretty quickly and enjoyed the ride. It looks like we have another biker in training...
  12. I passed a small cruiser last night on a country road. It had training wheels! (sorry no camera) Is it legal to use traing wheels on a public road? It doesn't seem all that safe.
  13. Thank you to everyone that made my family's first Vogel event so memorable. For the great rides, great individuals, and Kevlar-seeking bears, we plan to be back next time. As a side note, I'm also proud to say that my oldest son learned to ride his bike without training wheels while we were there. He's still got a few years before he can ride with his dad but he's on his way.
  14. Hey Guys, I think some you might be interested in see what a RSV will do on the track. But for some past history, a friend of mine got me interested in this a couple of years ago as a means to improve my riding skills. However I didn't start out on the Venture. I decided to buy a smaller bike (Ninja 650R) for 2 reasons (1) a starter bike for my 21 year old neice and (2) a track bike for me until I got her through the MSF training, her license and some coaching from me. However number 2 didn't come about, so I kept it for a bike to take to a track school for 4 sessions. And I'll tell you right now this is the most fun I have ever had on 2 wheels and I've never learned more than I did at the track than I have in any other of my other training and personal experiences. But after 4 times on the 650, I felt it was time to see if all I had learned would translate to takeing my bigger bike on the track. So I took her up to the track, preped her and then took her out. At first everyone was giving me that look like how is that big bagger going to do in the corners and how long will it be before he goes off the track. Well by the end of the day I had made a believer of all of them that this big bike could handle the corners and that I did not hold up anyone by parking it in the corners. Now I couldn't get the lean angle that I could on my 650 because of the ground clearance, but I was able to take it as far as the bike would let me and I didn't grind anything but the plates on the floor boards. Now I will admit that the suspension on my 02 Midnight is anything but stock, with Race Tech cartridge emulators, heavier fork springs, a Works shock, my Leveling Links, and a 130/90 front tire, not to mention 4 piston calipers on the front brakes (to slow me down). So I'm not sure I would have done this with a box stock Venture and had as much fun. So attached are a few pictures of the day, Rick
  15. I have an opportunity tomorrow to do an all day training session with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department. I’m really looking forward to it. I’m hoping that they will cover some of the thing in the Ride Like A Pro video.
  16. I have completed a trade for my 05 Venture and picked up my new to me 03 Fully loaded BMW K1200LTC. The bike is pacific blue and has anything and everything I could want on it. The new owner of my bike was given the information regarding this site and hopefully will register an gleen a wealth of information from all of you. If my memory serves me right he is a former roadstar owner and is familiar with Yamaha's in general. We met in Susanville at the Black Bear diner, had lunch and swapped pink slips, keys and headed home. His name is Randy Thomas so if you see him come on give him a warm welcome and please don't treat him the way you did me. Unlike me, he is a really nice guy! The BMW handles like a dream and I actually like the slow speed handling of it better than the RSV. The seating and handlebar positions will take some getting used to. There are alot of gadgets onboard to figure out too. I will post pictures soon! :ice_thy-vi101212101Jack - Thanks for the lead on the bike. It took us several months to get to today due to weather and schedules but it is a done deal. I will keep sticking my head in from time to time, I know M lurks here all the time. To be honest I haven't been hanging out on any sites of late other than duck hunting and dog training sites since I have recently purchased a male chocolate lab that has just finished his first stint of waterfowl training and is due to go back mid May for the final 3 months of training. I will be hunting him in the upcoming season.
  17. Saturday, I am putting my lovely wife and our 17 yo son on a plane to Phoenix. They are going to spend the week watching the Brewers and the Cubs in Spring Training. Wish I could go along, but some one has to stay here with the other 3 kids and the dogs - and to pay for the trip. I certainly don't think it will be needed, but is there someone out in the Phoenix area that would be willing to help if something goes wrong? Neither of them are 'professional' travelers, but they should be OK. I have programmed the airport, hotel, and all the ball parks onto the GPS they will be taking along. Again, I don't think they would need to call. But if something happens and we need some local info, will anyone volunteer to accept a phone call for help? Just trying to cover my bases (pun intended). RR
  18. This may be a Big shot in the dark, but...Wondering if Anyone on this site knows of a guy (that has posted his real nice lookin bike/paint job on his 2nd Gen Venture). I found the pics once, but can't find it again!! It's a Teal color bike (base color) with some real nice murals of Indians and Indian type "things" on it. He also is a Amsoil dealer and i met up with him at some training we both attended in Norman OK. His number on his bussiness card has been changed. Anyone?? Anyone?? I DO know his real full name, but dont think he uses that has his login name on this site. Anyone? Anyone? Dav?
  19. Well, by now I'm positive sure work is come on my way, and I have to cancel trip to Pork in the Pines. Sorry Guy's I Know this one is going to be a best one, but work suck sometime. On September 3rd, my company is sending me on training in Denver, CO. And I have to finish a ton of work before I leave. Big Hugs to all of you and especial one for Ann and Gary. Love You All
  20. We're southbound this Sat. and should be in Gulfport, MS by Sunday night - I just wanted to give an advance warning to all the members between WI and the Gulf. So if you see this rig parked at a food joint, http://www.simpsontaxidermy.com/RSVtrailer.jpg feel free to stop and buy us lunch. If you see us on the road - get out of the way! This trip south is the main reason I won't be attending the rally in Ontario this year. My daughter starts training with her battalion in late June and then leaves for Afghanistan sometime in Oct., so this will be the last chance I get to see her before she ships out for almost a year. Keep a good thought for her safe return, eh?
  21. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOhP1HTZQwY]YouTube - Honda Gold Wing[/ame]
  22. I hope everyone has plans to celebrate the First Day of Spring Training! Take me out to the ball game...
  23. I don't wan't to short any of my children. They all make me a proud father. But two of the have put it all on the line, so to speak. Most of you know about Jake and his joining the Marines. (By the way, he left florida tonight headed out to New River S.C to continue his training in his MOS) My Oldest boy has joined the Mississippi Army National Guard (full time) and will be going to boot camp at Fort Jackson S.C. 2/12/08
  24. Well Folks I have been talking with Nancy about the purchasing of a set of training wheels for our bike! Due to my loss of strength from Chemo treatments and also in consideration of Squidley's accident while visiting here, I feel it would be a good investment. I spoke with Frog Man on the phone last night to get his imput on the Voyager Kit (Thank You) and I believe that is the way I will go. It seems a little expensive for what you get but what isn't for our favorite sport! I can always remove it if I get to ever feeling better. I would love to make more rides and and meets this year and I believe this would make that possible. I know it would ease Nancy's mind as she is afraid I will be out and drop the bike! I don't suppose I will be able to purchase a used one anywhere so we will have to bite the bullet and get new! Just don't laugh when you see the Dog coming........... Mark
  25. My apologies if this has been posted. If this is a dead horse then it can be deleted. The following ran in last Thursday's USAToday http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-11-01-motorcycledeaths_N.htm?csp=34 Excerpt: Helmet laws have been repealed or modified in many states, however, and the DOT's new effort does not call for new helmet laws. Instead, the initiative focuses on: •Training. DOT will develop national standards for entry-level motorcycle riders to achieve what Peters calls "a baseline of competency." •Enforcement. DOT will create a training program to teach police officers about specific efforts to reduce crashes. •Education. Public service announcements will feature Peters on the importance of helmets and other protective gear. A "Share the Road" campaign will remind drivers to be alert for motorcyclists.. I think the training is excellent. I think too many people ride who are not qualified to ride. Education of the cager - much needed though I'm not real optimistic about it's impact. Your thoughts???
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