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  1. I've started shopping for a new trailer to pull behind my new Goldwing. I want something that will look decent behind it that is color matched. I really like the Hannigan, Bushtec, and Sillouette trailers. The Hannigan would be my first choice but they had a fire recently and I can't get one until later in the summer. The Bushtec is kind of pricey and I haven't convinced myself they are worth $5000. The Sillouette looks good but they are crazy priced at $6000+. I also considered an Aluma MCT but my wife vetoed that based on looks. Tonight I ran across the Blade trailer from Timeout Trailers in Elkhart. http://timeouttrailers.org/Blade.aspx This is the first I've heard of them. From there website they seem to have a better value. Is anyone familiar with the trailer or company? Thanks, Dennis
  2. is there a formula or calculation for determining the proper tire pressure in a trailer's tires for varying weights?
  3. http://www.rftw.org/index.asp?lg=1&w=pages&r=132&pid=120 Any one from here involved in this? Happened appon them at there first Hotel as I'm in Ontario, CA on busieness there was one lone RSV in the lot of Harley's and a few wings. Then the next mornining saw a couple groups and trailers on the way out of town. Pretty touching to see them all seemed like a great group of people but I never found the owner of the RSV. AND SAFE TRAVELS
  4. Hi all, I am currently looking an extended trip to eastern North America this summer and need either a pull behind or camper trailer. Still don't know which way to go but I found a cargo trailer on Ebay that looks good and I was hoping someone could give me some feedback on these trailers. It is a Liberty GL Motorcycle Trailer from America's best trailers. The link is below. Does anyone have this trailer or have had dealings with the company? Thanks, Tom http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fiberglass-Motorcycle-Trailers-Tow-Pull-Cargo-Behind-Harley-Goldwing-Bike-Etc-/170832291220?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item27c665e594&vxp=mtr
  5. Anyone ever purchased a trailer from this company I'm looking at their Escape Trailer. Thanks
  6. While working on Sat I saw a midnight RSV on a trailer on I-10 W being pulled by a Ford F-150 in Jacksonville, then on my next trip about an hour later I saw an RSV with a voyager kit loaded on another trailer being pulled by a white Impala on I-295 N getting off on Commonwealth Ave here in Jax. ON Friday night I saw another RSV on a trailer. Three RSV's, loaded on trailers being pulled by vehicles with Florida tags. A very unusual sight. Unless there is a stolen vehicle ring operating here in town that specializes in Ventures.......
  7. I am riding down Friday Aug 19 afternoon/evening depending on work and am looking to see if anyone has a camp site that they would like to share/split. I have an aspen classic and normally all state parks I have been in allow us to put two tent trailers or two tents on one site. If anyone has a site to share please let me know before I try to book a site next week. Thanks looking forward to meeting new friends and seeing old ones.
  8. Finally got the trailers done. The blue/black is mine and the black one is my brother in-law Don's. They are not 100% perfect, there are some blemishes, but all in all, they came out pretty nice considering they were painted in a garage. Now to get them to maintainance day for some pinstripe. Can't wait!!
  9. Well I am thinking about building a trailer for my bike. I am thinking about doing a steel frame with a fiberglass shell. Now I know that there are plenty of people here that have pulled trailers and what are your thoughts? Anything a bike trailer needs? Anything to watch out for. I have experience with fiberglass and the know-how to make the mold and all so there are no worries there. I also have decent welding skills. I have made boat trailers before so I know how to keep it square so it will track strait. I have a source that I can get all the materials for around $250. Should I try it or am I better off buying one? Shaun
  10. Anyone know what it is.... Where to find it? max load on a 2nd Gen Venture is 419 lbs. most trailers say 10 to 15% toungue weight, so 200lb trailer would be 20-25 lb. unigo trailers say 33% tongue weight, of a 180lb loaded trailer so 60Lb. Am looking into creating a trunk like luggage carrier fully supported by the receiver hitch.. Can't find any documentation from Yamaha that says one way or the other...
  11. I have a crazy desire to purchase a Vintage Travel Trailer... like from pre 1960 or so. I have seen some pretty reasonable and some not so resonable. I was wondring if any one on here has any leads to one. Hummingbird has turned me on to the trail of one in or near Ohio. I just love the look of those old trailers and the beatiful wood work in them. Let me know if you have a lead on something in your neck of the woods. Thanks Much! Steve aka Bubber
  12. Just curious about county road 257(I think). Leaves right at the entrance to little river canyon mouth park. has a sign that states "23 miles to Hwy 35. Not suitable for trailers, rv, semis," blah, blah, blah. What about motorcycles? looks blacktop and like it would be a blast by looking at the map.
  13. Black Owl told me he has been fielding some questions about the trailer for the 2010 Int'l Rally that we're raffling off. Since this is my deal, I'll do my best to explain it. The supplier of the trailer is Time Out Trailers. They're a local manufacturer of the CycleMate line of motorcycle cargo trailers and Timeout motorcycle camping trailers. The deal I worked out with the owner is that we will receive a voucher good for $1500.00 towards any of their trailers. They produce about 12 different cargo trailers and 2 campers. I will post a link to their website at the end of this post. Whoever wins the trailer raffle will have to contact Timeout and can then decide what they want. You will be able to actually hand over the voucher and walk away with a base trailer or you can use it towards a higher end trailer or even a camper. However you decide it's worth $1500.00. We figured this would be easier than trying to get a certain trailer. This way the winner can decide what's the best deal for them. I hope this explains how the deal will work a little better. Questions? Let me know. I live in Elkhart and would be available to help out the raffle winner anyway I can. You can see their line of trailers here: http://timeouttrailers.org/default.aspx
  14. The chrome / aluminum "rack" found on many of the cargo trailers (such as the one in the att'd pic). Canada vendors preferred. [ATTACH]44234[/ATTACH]
  15. Monty

    RSV Length

    Will my RSV fit in a 5'x9' U-haul ramp trailer? They don't have any of the motorcycle trailers available here. Anyone used one?
  16. I'am thinging of getting one of these trailer to tow my bike south this winter. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with long distant towing with one of these trailers I'am hoping to go to Arizona which is over 2000 miles Hoping someone has some first hand information Thanks Dale
  17. Here's a question just to see what the answers will be. Just curious. I do a good bit of riding and notice this alot. Why do riders of certain bikes(read-"American made") haul their bikes around on trailers or the back of pickups? Yea, I'm gonna stir it up now!!! Heh Heh Heh:duck::duck:
  18. A Venture on a trailer! I just picked up a new trailer yesterday after much deliberation between open and closed trailers. I loaded the bike on today to see how it fit and take it for a test ride. It pulled quite well. I needed a trailer for those once a year vacations when my wife insists on bringing everything but the kitchen sink. It's a small price to pay for those other trips throughout the year when she agrees to ride. I got tired of borrowing utility trailers and wanted one set up properly for bikes. This one does seem to be a very nice trailer and it should be for what it cost. It would have been cheaper to buy an enclosed trailer. Dennis
  19. seen two RSV on Sunday on I24 out side of paducah KY both were silver and both had trailers on the back any body here?
  20. I just built a small pull behind trailer. Are safety chains required on motorcycle trailers? It seems dangerous to me. If the trailer comes unhitched, it's flopping around by the chains and would cause you to crash. Any insight?
  21. Im kinda shopping around for a trailer to pull behind the Venture and I noticed that the tongue length on the piggybacker and other factory made trailers are longer than say the harbor freight trailer that you may fashion yourself. Is there an advantage or is it just there for the cooler rack?
  22. I came across an ad in a magazine for these trailers, and had to check them out. They look as if they would tow quite well. I'm wondering if they would cause any wobble. I see they are solidly mounted to the hitch of the bike, or the bike frame. They don't look very big, though I suppose all trailers for bikes are small. Here's the link http://www.thirdwheeltrailers.com/index.php/home And they're Canadian I sure hope this works
  23. Howdy I'm going to be doing a lot of trout fishing/camping float tubing in our local Sierra lakes. The road are wonderful to bike in with great steady curves in between long expanses. A chap from New Zealand mentioned a single wheeled trailer, UNIGO, that leans with one during curving. Anyone have thoughts or experiences with these single wheels trailers Thanks Nevada Max
  24. I have seen trailers at rallies that resemble 57 chev's, corvettes and 65 mustangs. These were built to be pulled behind motorcycles, they look like cars on trailers, are made of fiberglass, and they open up and are cargo trailers. I seem to remeber them being made in Louisianna but not 100% sure of that. Anyone know anything about them?
  25. Here is a website that says it lists all pull behind trailers in North America. If you are interested in a trailer it keeps you from having to search all over for each one. http://aerobourne.com/motorcycletrailerindex9.htm
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