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  1. Have 2, a custom and a Markland. Both came with '88 parts bikes I sold, but neither was installed. I can fit them, but I'd like to see how other first gen trailer hitches are installed. Looks like there are several options for the front connection, some move more than others. Looks like the connections under the saddlebags might require a longer bolt, or some spacers. Shoulda gone to Ft. Collins and got my own photos.
  2. Well these aren'tthe best pictures in the world, but I thought some might be interesting. This bike was my first experience of towing. I was a mobile motorcycle mechanic, specialising in fixing punctures on couriers' bikes around London. The trailer had fifty or sixty inner tubes, a tool box and axle stands etc with half a dozen tyres on top. The bike carried two or three more tyres, a CO2 bottle for tyre inflation, a radio, spare cable and assorted other stuff. At 40mph-ish the bike went into a violent weave, but with experience and a strong upper body you could keep control. At the time we just thought that was what you had to accept pulling a trailer. The biggest hazard was climbing a kerb, when one trailer would hit before another, jerking the back of the bike to one side. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/cx500andtrailer.jpg Later I picked up a trailer to pull behind a Suzuki GT550 bike and sidecar. I haven't found a picture yet, but I'll keep looking. I later fitted over-run brakes because I began to pull a lot of weight. After the GT (which I still have and is for sale..) I began using an XJ750 and also had use of a motorcycle trailer, so in answer to the thread about whether you can tow a bike with a bike, here are a couple of pictures of just that - a GT550 and a ZZR250: http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/towinggt550.jpg http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/zzrontrailer.jpg And here is a picture of a sidecar body on a trailer: http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/towingsidecar.jpg This was the only time that I ever got pulled by the police about towing. It was actually after I had dropped off the sidecar body and was returning the trailer (mine was possibly too small for the sidecar body). :cop:He was a young bloke and walked around the trailer, saying, 'You can't pull that trailer, it's too long, no it's too wide, no it's too heavy, er..' 'No it's not,' I said as I picked up a corner and put it down again. It was probably difficult to tell me that something was too heavy if I could pick it up with one hand, so he muttered something about a public weighbridge and went to consult some booklet he had on his bike. He then came back saying that the trailer couldn't be wider than 1m, max weight dada, max length dadada and that I really should check these sort of things. I apologised, but said that people in the sidecar federation had checked them and that the title on his page clearly said the regs applied to solo motorcycles. He went on for a bit longer, calling his desk sergeant, telling me it was a grey area, saying that I was doing something wrong and that he'd have taken me to the weighbridge (although he didn't know the weight regs..) if thetraffic weren't so heavy. I avoided saying that Construction and Use Regs, section (then) 81a (later 83a, maybe in the nineties by now), subsection one paragraph C says that a sidecar may pull a trailer, not being a broken down vehicle, which has an unladen weight of not more than 254kg, as that would have made me sound like a smartarse and nobody likes them... I'm sure there must be more pictures of us with a trailer on our travels, but this is a recent one of us after camping with the trailer tent hitched up. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/sidecar%20rally/DSCF2071.jpg And again while the tent was erected. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/sidecar%20rally/DSCF2011.jpg No particualar purpose to posting these, except I said I would in the 'can a bike tow a bike' thread. Hope they're of some interest.
  3. All, I bought a new (Harbor Freight Tag Along) trailer to tow behind my 1986 Venture Royale. Trailer has 1 wire for running lights, 1 wire for right brake light AND right turn signal, 1 wire for left brake light AND left turn signal and 1 wire for ground. The trailer I had been borrowing had 2 wires for the turn signals (right and left) and one wire for the brake lights , one for running lights and a ground wire. If I try to run a turn signal and brake light on the same wire I'm not so sure it will work, because my '86 uses a separate wire for each turn signal. Do I need to rewire the trailer or is there an adaptor device that will allow me to keep the stock trailer wiring and not fry my bike wiring? Thanks for any advice you can give. Bob
  4. Hi folks, I am considering buying a Stinger Motorcycle Trailer, I would like some feedback on this trailer, I have never bought a trailer for my bike before and I need some direction from people who have some experience with trailers. thanks. Patrick
  5. Winter project is almost complete, Yea Complete Clutch replacement from rebuilding master to replacing clutch slave and plates. Lube drive shaft (PIA) to putting back in. Replaced fuel sending unit. Added a HID headlight. Accent lights and a light switch, missing are the saddle bags not pictured 200 (Clarion XC1410) amp and new speakers (Blaupunkt MSx 402) Adding a second fuse block under seat by battery Trailer isolator converter (still working on the attachment) Replace fuel pump and filter (keeping old one for a backup) Trailer Hitch with mount and Flags Sending seats out to have Mr. Butler do his magic:) Last is to put her all back together:beer:
  6. has anyone done this. Was thinking maybe going to a lighter bike. Just pulling a trailer behind me. Is there a windshield for this bike and a hitch. Been seeing them for around 4 to 5 thousand for a 2005 model. Looks like there 300lb lighter. So by the time I sit on it will weigh about the same as a venture. What do you all think, am I crazy. Will this bike last as long. Don't look like you could put soft bags on it. Pros and cons please
  7. We'd be looking at buying a USED Class A Diesel MH. I would like to be able to take the GS and both my 2 wheeler, Jeannie's trike when we head out for warmer climates in the winter. Possible full time RV living in the future. I'm looking for firsthand experience's, feedback on the pros and cons of traveling with such a load. The following info would be helpful. Trailer type. Long enclosed or shorter stacker style. (Pros & Cons) Horsepower needed to pull grades at a safe speed with a 15K pound trailer in tow. Tag axles? Slides or not ?
  8. After waiting 4 months I finally received my Polaris Slingshot today. I've only driven it about 50 miles so far but what a thrill. Open cockpit experience with lots of comfort. Had a good day weather wise to be able to drive rather than trailer it home. Hopefully the weather will stay nice enough to get in a few more rides before winter really kicks in. Larry
  9. Ok, Trailer wiring question. I found an led stop turn strip. I put two smaller LED's at the top of the trailer as stop turns and hooked the center to running lights and was going to do stop then it dawned on me I was running a four wire system so they are stop turn. I am running a four wire system. Short of running another wire is there a way to grab the stop / turns from both sides, run it through some relays so I can get another center brake on the trailer???
  10. Any experience to share on this? I have a 1997 Ford Ranger, short bed (6') truck. I want to move my big VR frompoitnts A to B. Riding it is oot an option. SO, which is better; loading the bike into the bed or towing it with a trailer. Either way, its a 1-man operation. I have a trailer hitch installed, but UHaul could do that. I don't have ramps, either, and sure don't want an 800lb bike falling or tipping over while getting it into the truck-bed. Comments are invited, everyone! Thanks, Richard in AZ.
  11. I've started shopping for a new trailer to pull behind my new Goldwing. I want something that will look decent behind it that is color matched. I really like the Hannigan, Bushtec, and Sillouette trailers. The Hannigan would be my first choice but they had a fire recently and I can't get one until later in the summer. The Bushtec is kind of pricey and I haven't convinced myself they are worth $5000. The Sillouette looks good but they are crazy priced at $6000+. I also considered an Aluma MCT but my wife vetoed that based on looks. Tonight I ran across the Blade trailer from Timeout Trailers in Elkhart. http://timeouttrailers.org/Blade.aspx This is the first I've heard of them. From there website they seem to have a better value. Is anyone familiar with the trailer or company? Thanks, Dennis
  12. Has anyone tried one of these yet? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/motorcycle-trailer-swivel-hitch-coupler-goldwing-CHROME_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33653QQihZ016QQitemZ260273626629QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Looks like a good idea and with the trailer weight being low at 500lbs the only issue I can see is after a while the pin or the mount wearing out. I think the only thing I would add is some kind of fill under the pin to keep it from rattling when not in use.
  13. I know it required to have safty chains on our trailers. But has anyone out there ever have a trailer come off while towing? Have they seen the results of this happening? My guess it would put the bike out of control, resulting it the drivers death, passenger and maybe others. What if the trailer released and there wrer no chains driver and passenger might control the bike. what are the odds of the small trailer killing someone, maybe a lot less if the were hit by bike and trailer. Just had this thought today. what do you guys think?
  14. Well I went & did it. I picked up the HF mini trailer yesterday. With coupons & sales it came to $143. I spent most of this afternoon putting it together & cursing Chinese manufacturing. In general the components are good. Some of the Bolts & nuts are not machined properly. I had to use my tap & die set waaayy too much today. Getting it squared was fun as well. Once everything was true I retightened eveything with my impact gun. (I will be stick welding it as well. Although it's sold as an 870lbs capacity trailer, it is rated at 1060 max load. My intention is to make this a multi use trailer (if needed). I can add a floor & sides to haul stuff, & I do have a 5/8 " steel U rail that can be placed on it to haul my VR in case of an emergency (get home short hop) since the VR is 911LBS. But for the most part it will be a tag along for me to pull behind my Gen1. Tomorrow I have fenders & wiring to do as well as add the 18cu ft rooftop cargo carrier. I aslo have the swivel hitch to mount on the VR. Here's where I stand so far. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/album.php?albumid=1121&pictureid=7122 Now I'M TIRED!!!! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_dbnCgEZBVp0/SaOx9_Rie1I/AAAAAAAAAec/YPQWJ4aKBkw/s320/tired+smiley.bmp.jpg
  15. Any one have experience with the My Best Buddy Trailer. Looking into getting one and would appreciate any comments good or bad. Thanks.
  16. hi friends annie & alan bought my tow-behind trailer. as you know annie & alan are coming back to the good old U.S.A. they will need to have a trailer relay from my house to utadventure home where alan's bike is stored. they will then need the trailer to be in portland, oregon by july. i know this is a little early BUT i would like to add a bit more of a welcome back to our homes and lives. so i would like suggest when the trailer is in your neck of the woods. add something to it of yours, like a pin, decals, bumper stickers, patches, (now be nice), etc. i think there was a trailer relay for them last year. i'am open to any ideas. regards don c.
  17. I'm a total fair weather rider and I'm ok with that. I don't ride in the rain, I don't ride after dark (if I can avoid it), and I don't ride when it's below 60 out. Once I'm more comfortable with the bike I'm sure these limitations will change but until I get several thousand miles more under my belt it's just not going to happen. Those of you who are going to answer "just ride it", while I appreciate your input, it's not going to happen. I plan to go out to Madison this weekend (about a 2.5 hr drive for me) to get the bike out of storage. Weather is supposed to be crappy (low 50's and chance of rain, I don't ride in anything below 60) but I really need to get the bike. I'm contemplating throwing it on a flatbed trailer I have. Assuming the weight limit on the trailer is more than 1000 lbs, what is the best way to secure the bike during the ride home. IE, where should I tie it down too on the bike, how many ratchet straps should I plan on bringing, any other advice on trailering the bike? Thanks in advance
  18. Hi everyone! Just got to Germany where I will be for the next 3 years. I shipped our VR and trailer over and know we're ok here but does anyone know the rules in (and around) the rest of the EU? Apparently, Spain is a bust. Googling just delivers a ton of vague info. We plan on going everywhere (except the hellish part of the Middle East and probably no Africa). Thanks! Great forum as always!
  19. Consider the following please. Instead of buying the full HF trailer with car topper kit for $399 with the 8 in wheels, How about the HF small utility trailer #90153 frame with the 12 in wheels. And one of the hundred or so used car toppers sold on craigslist? They are averaging 50 to 100 bucks. Different shapes sizes and colors to choose from. Saving a bit of coin and getting something a little more customized. I plan on adding a plywood floor to mine first so I can remove the topper and use it to haul other things. (and with our car too). My only question for the crowd out there that already have the HF kit trailer #66771, How are they attaching the car topper to the frame? Dave
  20. I recently found a VR trailer hitch for my 86. But instead of a ball, or a hole to mount a normal ball it has what can best be described as a pin or stud. Roughly 3/4" in diameter. I am on a limited budget sort of for the trailer build and was thinking of getting a small Harbor Freight trailer to start the project. I'm leaning toward the model with 12" wheels as opposed to 8". Should roll better, less heat, etc. Is this thinking right? (In reading here, I may be over thinking this part.) Or will a Tag Along with it's 8" wheels and box already on be a decent choice. My local HF doesn't have one in stock to see "in person". So, with either trailer, should I modify the pin type hitch to accept the trailer (ball) coupler? Or remove the ball type coupler in favor of the pin type bike hitch? I'm probably going to have to make a modification to get level ride height anyway.
  21. Hi, I have been looking at the trailer hitches available for my 06 RSTD and they all come with the round bar all the across to connect to the saddlebag brackets. But when I look at my bike, I see 2 bar/brackets with threaded holes in them. I have attached 2 photos of the bars. Does anyone know what is supposed to be attached to these threaded holes? Thanks
  22. The 1st thing I need is a trailer hitch for my new to me 2nd gen , new or used is ok . anybody got one . Thom
  23. Hawg

    HF trailer

    Is anyone using this trailer, and if so how is it working for you? http://www.harborfreight.com/600-lb-capacity-78-inch-tag-along-trailer-66771.html http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_11385.jpg
  24. Thought I would pass this on from my friend Skip. He has a collection of old dirt bikes from the 60's, 70's and maybe early 80's. I have always been impressed with his bikes since after a complete restoration, he will still ride them. Anyways, he has an old Penton he restored and had an opportunity to meet John Penton and they used his bike in the video trailer below: He sent the info and link below: ------------------- Hey all you vintage dirt bike lovers, here's your chance to make a great project come true. Below is a link to a movie trailer telling the story of PENTON and how John Penton changed the dirt bike scene in America. They are in the funding stage currently and hoping to generate enough interest to get this movie produced. Pass along the link to any fans of that era and maybe soon we'll all get to enjoy this movie on the big screen. Any support or help to see this through would be greatly appreciated. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...le-lovett-rela These are a great bunch that could use some help and the bike in the trailer at the end isn't all that bad either. Thanks Skip
  25. So today I went to title & register my motorcycle's trailer. Went to DMV where they charged me $10 for a title, $18/yr for registration, $8/yr CITY personal property tax and $35 for STATE sales & use tax. So I say: "But I already paid sales tax at the store" Her answer... "It DUDN'T matter, there's a state minimum of $35 that the state charges on all titles".... I GOTTA MOVE!
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