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Found 5 results

  1. Had my new Avon VenomX 150/90-16 80H installed today. My last one wore flat in the middle due to me running it with to much air pressure. Why did I run to much psi is beyond me. Call it a $145.00 mistake. 54 to 56 psi and it turned into a car tire...totally square. It started riding so bad that I thought my swingarm was worn out. Had swingarm checked while tire was off and no play at all...perfect. New mount and balance and the old girl tracks true as ever. Bring on the weather...we are ready to roll once again! Thinking about a Thanksgiving ride to Myrtle Beach tomorrow...gonna be a beautiful day here in South Carolina.
  2. I pickup a second Gopro HD last week. So I figure that I sould play with editting with two video tracks. This is just a little bit of video I shot one day last spring. With the Gopro mounted in different places. [ame=http://www.vimeo.com/19106709]Playing With Two Video Tracks on Vimeo[/ame]
  3. So, I picked up a REALLY cool new toy, a GPS transmitter, for a few reasons. One- to enable folks on this forum to follow, in almost real time, my bike travels. Two- for my wife to have comfort knowing where I am, esp. when out of cell range, on my long trips. -Mtn. biking alone in the trails, this can send an alert of my location, should I whack a rock or something. So, I have a GPS transmitter I've been playing with for a week or so. Click here to see my recent travels: http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=07AVc4aiQsNh8cYYCBy7sbYRAizTEtyEW You will see a map on the right, with a bunch of foot prints with numbers. Those are my "tracks". Every 10 mins. the GPS "Spot" transmit my location. On the left is a list of the spots it transmitted from. Hover the mouse over one of the tracks and the correlating footprint on the map will, for lack of better term, radiate waves. Go to the satellite or hybrid view and you can see what activity I was doing this past Tuesday. Anyways, I have a trip starting on Sept. 6th, early am. Wanted to post this here now to make sure it's working as intended prior to leaving. I will put the spotter in track mode starting at, uggh, 4am on the 6th. Then, if you're really bored, you can visit this site and see where I'm at. I'll also try to post a couple messages to the board during the trip via Blackberry. What can I say, I'm a geek at heart.
  4. Well all, it is time to get serious about planning the spring rides. My brother and I have a real doozy coming up. Sometime around the middle of March, probably between the 10th and the 15th, we will be heading out to ride all the way around the state of Texas, sticking as close to the border as possible. We will be riding counter-clockwise, starting in Texarkana. The exact date is not locked in yet since we think this is still pretty early in the year, and the weather could get a little dicey up in the panhandle. We will be watching the long range forecasts and plan on KSU as soon as wee see a good two week window. Any and all of you that might want to ride along, even for just a part of the way, are more than welcome. I haven't finished the exact route yet, but it is getting close. Maybe in a day or two it will be all done. Best estimate right now is the trip will be about 4,500 miles and take maybe 16 days. You can see my work in progress here (but don't just click on the link!): Google Maps KML file link If you just click on that link it will try to load all the data into Google Earth, but then you won't be able to see changes I make. To display this entire route on one screen in Google Maps you need to kind of trick it. You need to COPY that link by right clicking on it and selecting "Copy Link Location" (or "Copy Shortcut" if using IE), open Google Maps and paste the link into the Search Maps box, then hit search. Once the map comes up you can put it in your My Maps and it will always be there. Each time you open or refresh Google Maps it will display the total route in its most current state. Every inch of this route has been selected by tracing the exact roads through the satellite pictures zoomed in close in Google Earth - several weeks worth of work! You will see lots of different parts of the track around the border, in various colors just so I could keep each piece straight while working on it. These are VERY detailed tracks, following every specific road and curve. Most of them stick to paved roads, - we're not riding dual-sport machines, ya know? But there are some sections, especially over in the panhandle and down above Big Bend where they get into some pretty significant dirt. We have no idea yet if we will actually attempt some of those roads - plan on deciding as we go along. I don't ordinarily care which exact roads I ride, but trying to stay close to the border on this trip has become like a treasure hunt for me. One other thing you will see are some much less detailed pink tracks. You probably want to un-check all of these to not display, since they really don't have any value in Google Maps. These are the special tracks I have made to import into my GPS and let it navigate the plotted routes. I have done a lot of testing with both my XOG GPS and Micro$oft Streets & Trips, and when told to navigate those pink tracks they follow the detailed tracks almost perfectly. Maybe we'll see some of ya on the road! Ride safe, Goose
  5. Just bought an '83 VR that seems to want to lean to the left while riding. I'm a first time rider and would like any advice I can get about how to proceed with figuring this out. This bike, that is in better shape, replaces an '83 VR that I have been riding for two months. My first one tracks like a dream. Tires are new looking.....wheel seems tight and no noise while spinning.....forks look staight, but what do I know.....HELP!!!!!
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