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guys, i've been gleaning info off of alot of you trying to find answer to my handling woes... read about how tires help and so on. i keep trying but i'm not there yet. when i cross an uneven road surface the bike feels wiggly. i feel it basically at all speeds. its like the bike is hinged in the middle. i have the super fork brace on and a new shinko tour master up front, i'll be putting a new rear shinko on this week. maybe that will help. i've tried all tire pressures and it helps a touch but not enough. i'm convinced something is wrong with the front forks..i've looked for cracks in the frame and don't see any. i've put over 2k miles on the bike and love it but this wiggle is killing me and if i could get this resolved then the bike would be perfect. i know the bike went down at some point. the tell tale highway bar crack in the plastic elbow, the crack in the right fairing and so on. i've noticed the handle bars are cocked to the left a touch and it is likely because of bike going down, i noticed that when i removed the front tire that i thought the right front fork was twisted a touch thus making the bolt hard to remove and reinstall since the alignment was off a bit. i also hear some clunking or some kind of looseness in the fork tubes when i bounce the front end gently when its on the rear stand, but when i grab and twist everything it all feels solid. if i have to put a whole new front end on there, i will. i can't trust the way this thing feels although it does feel pretty good in the curves, but to switch lanes is like gambling with your life. i don't know if anybody is close to me that can coach me or give me some counsel or if there is a tech day that i can get some experts to take a look. any suggestions??
Well I just got back from the Eye Doctor and it isn't healing as well from my accident. getting some blank spots and double vision at times. Figured I better sell whats left of the bike. Maybe in a year or so I will get another if my eyesight comes back better. Will still keep in touch with y'all and will post some pictures of it when I get back to the house. Squidley was going to sell me most of the parts needed to put her back together.
At a sloped blind intersection where oncoming cars are allowed right turn without stopping (or signaling in most cases). As I started out it looked like the oncoming car was coming through. I stopped and put my foot down, but nothing was there. I dropped the bike, and made my donation to the site. Here's a picture after the touch up. I must say this bike was tougher than expected. 750 pounds ~ and very little damage. The scuff on the crash bars cleaned up with steel wool and wd40. A little touch up paint on the fairing and I feel lucky. Lesson: always know where the high side is. Don't mind the reflections. Damage is front and center on the ridge.
Every time I touch the brakes my fuse blows. Why is this ?
My dad passed many, many years ago but I still think of him often. On the day of his passing, a friend gave me a piece of paper with this written on it. I have carried it every since and would like to share. SHADOW AND SUBSTANCE When I was a child, my father sometimes took me for walks in the late afternoon. We would wander down through the pasture, not hurrying. He would tell me the names of the trees, point out birds nest so well hidden that the careless eye would never see it. Sometimes, if the day was uncommonly warm, he would say to me, “Walk in my shadow. I’ll be your shade.” Even now, I recall how good it was to be a child, exploring the fields, becoming aware of the natural order of life, watching the miracles of the changing seasons, safe in his shadow, protected by the shade he provided me. One day we discovered that I had grown too tall to fit into his shadow. We didn’t speak of it. We just both knew that the time had come for us to walk side by side, each casting his own shadow. Later still, I came to understand that the shadow of my father was as it was because the man who cast it was who he was: big enough, strong enough, wise enough to be my shelter till I was sufficiently strong to step outside and walk my own way. My father gave me the best of himself, his shadow and his substance. Today, I took my own son walking through those same fields. When we stopped, I noticed that he stepped closer, letting my shadow cover his small head. In a moment I felt the pangs of sweet memory, the quick flash of pride, and the fear of my own uncertainty of this life. All these in a blink so that I could not tell which was first or last. As I stood there, I felt, ever so softly, a familiar touch on my shoulder. The touch which, for so long, urged me forward or turned me aside. I didn’t look, for I knew that touch and from where it came deep inside me. In that same instant I knew that my father was still there, urging me forward, guiding my hand and words. For I am my father’s shadow and his substance.
Does anyone here on the site own a Stream Silver wing, and if so have you found a matching touch up paint? I know that ColorRite has the kits available, but I really don't want to part with 33.00 bucks plus shipping to touch up a piece of moulding. Replacing the moulding isn't an option at 70.00 either. Not cheaping out, but after laying out the money to put this Hondapotamus Deluxe in my garage, it will be a while before I can start spending at will. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Short of selling my Venture, I need to take the low road for now.
I have some under the kitchen cabinette lighting. It has one of those touch sensor things that increase the light 3 brightness then off. Its about 2 to 3 years old and is used alot for it really brightens up the kitchen counters. One day my wife went to put it on and the touch switch flashed/sparked then nothing after that. SoI took about the controller circuit board and found a blown fuse. I unsoldier the fuse and then went looking for a 3amp 250 volt glass fuse (like an auto glass fuse). Places do have the fuse but I need one with fuseable wires at the end of the fuse so I can soldier it to the circuit board. None at Radio Shack. None at Fry's Electronic. So I cliped off one end of the wire off the old fuse and tried to soldier it to the new fuse. no luck the soldier won't stick to the metal end of the fuse. So then I went looking for a singel fuse holder that I could soldier. No luck. So I'm thinking, what if I bought an auto inline fuse and soldier it and found a place to tuck the fuse holder. Does anyone see any reason why that wouldn't work or be unsafe? Next I'll need to find a touch sensor switch for I'm guessing that the touch switch shorted out causing the fuse to blow.
I won't be able to attend MD this year and bring Mic-Mutes kits with me, due to my wife making other plans for me. I'd rather be with you than at this family picnic :>( If your interested in Mic-Mutes, get in touch ASAP and I'll have it shipped to Freebird's. There will be plenty of folks there to help with installations. 412-787-1182
When girls don't put out!! This was written by a guy...very funny! I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. I have never figured out why men think with their head and women with their heart. FOR EXAMPLE: One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says, 'I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me.' I said, 'WHAT??!! What was that?!' So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear... 'You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man.' She responded to my puzzled look by saying, 'Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?' Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep.. The very next day I opted to take the day off of work to spend time with her. We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store. I walked around with her while she tried on several different very expensive outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so I told her we'd just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes, so I said, 'Lets get a pair for each outfit.' We went on to the jewellery department where she picked out a pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you... She was so excited. She must have thought I was one wave short of a shipwreck. I started to think she was testing me because she asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn't even know how to play tennis. I think I threw her for a loop when I said, 'That's fine, honey.' She was almost nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Smiling with excited anticipation, she finally said, 'I think this is all Dear, let's go to the cashier.' I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, 'No honey, I don't feel like it.' Her face just went completely blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled, 'WHAT?' I then said, 'Honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while. You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman.' And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, 'Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?' Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either... but at least the ***** knows I'm smarter than her.
I recently bought a Time out Dart.... and found an ad in the classifieds for a hitch.... but, now that I'm ready to buy.... the ad is GONE.. anyone know where it went.... or how to get in touch with them?? I remember the ad was for the hitch and stinger (no ball) for 150 bucks shipped.... thanks in advance......
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Still working on this thing, yes thing. I have lost that lovin' feeling for the time being. I cannot get the idle screw to touch the linkage even with it screwed all the way in. Does the "A" sync screw have anything to do with this? Is there an adjustment on the top cable that controls this. I can get it to touch the idle screw if I push down on the linkage. I have the cables disconnected at the round thing where all 5 cables meet. I have also sprayed deep creep in there but that does nothing.
Whoa!!! Don't get too exited! this is not a complete bike, the engine, wiring harness and "brains" were removed for a trike. which leaves everything else. But if you want a good "everything else" give me a shout and I'll put you in touch with the owner.
Well, I am getting back to the Venture, and finding more and more problems as I go along. Are the fuel tanks interchangeable among all the first gens? I guess if you weld a tank and then smear JB weld all over it, and use cheap paint, it'll last long enough to get it out of your hair. Are there any solutions to the dash panels, other than more broken ones off ebay? Has anyone successfully fabricated something that will work in lieu of the panels? If so, can I see some pics? Is it within the realm of possibility to graft a radio into a non-Royale Venture? Other than that, I am almost done giving it the "Krylon Touch" (Rustoleum to be honest) which has turned out surprisingly nice. I still need to sort the carbs. I have been through them but get big puffs of black smoke at full throttle, maybe I have some jets in the wrong place. Starting to get excited about it again.
On Page 90 of the October issue of 'Motorcycle Cruiser' there is a picture and short write-up on Troy Prices's '06 Midnight RSV. I checked the member's sction and can't find him listed (although this was the first time I have used this feature and may not have done it correctly). Looks like we need to get in touch with a potential new member. Hey Larry AKA - silverdeer, this is the guy I was talking about at the Leavenworth M&E. oldsalt
Well since so many want to go back to Asheville I'll go ahead and set up a shorter version. I decided on July 10, 11, 12. This way it's a weekend and not too long for those that are planning on going to the other events this summer. I'll get around to calling the KOA and the motel once I see how many folks are interested in this. So please let me know I'll add it to the calendar. So folks let me know whose interested. Now just because I said fri, sat, and sun doesn't mean you can't show up earlier. If you do we'll get you in touch with folks in the area so you can get around and see some sites. Margaret
Its not to late to join me, 86er, RandyR, and Ediddy for the ride up to MD. I am leaving Newnan, Ga around 2:30 pm on Thursday, 6/4/09 to meet up with the others, so if your interested get in touch with one of us either by posting here or pm. Looking forward to this one, since I have missed the others........gonna be a grand time.............
Last minute preparations to go for a ride. Homemade table I made last year is great for prepping - oil changes - cleaning - etc. Goes to total of 39'' and is about half height in pictures. Works on hydrolic-ram after the original design of floor jack didn't work out. Works great with multiple height adjustments and can do it with a touch of a button instead of jacking up and down with the jack.Have used it to work on a few other bikes and is great also for lawn tractors and snow blowers.
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hi jt glad to see ya back on the site. were your ears burning? i was haveing coffee saturday morning with a certain member you know - texas venture. and your name came up, good to see ya posting again. stay in touch, you have a big venture family that likes to hear from you. best reguards don c.
This film was made by a 15 year old girl. No matter what your political stance on this may be... All need to see will touch your heart. Watch all of it...
I got a new project bike in my driveway to start on. It really isn't mine It belongs to some old friends that I haven't seen in years. These are great people, Matt and Charlotte Flory, of Lilburn, Georgia. Please welcome them and look forward to meeting them soon as new members. We had lost touch several years ago due to moving, changing watering holes, and busy lives, ect..... A mutual friend mentioned to me that they had a Venture that they might consider selling, so I got in touch with them. They told me that they really didn't want to part with the bike because they loved it so much, but wanted to get it back on the road. It had been sitting under cover for several years with a few problems and they didn't know how to go about getting started with repairing it considering it's age and not knowing anyone who could or wanted to work on it for them. As we were talking I told them about my experience with my 87 XVZ1300 and how finding this site and all of you that have helped me have made it possible for me to be able to keep my bike alive in my heart, mind, soul and under my butt as a daily driver. One thing led to another so we came to an agreement that helps both of us out, me helping him get his bike on the road and him helping me get some punch items repaired for a upcoming House closing this month. I can't wait to get started on it and am trying to shoot for the July Georgia M & E for a target date of having him with me at that event riding his rejuvenated VR and meeting some of you. I've told him how great ya'll have been to me and I think he's really looking forward to getting involved with
Nancy, MeanDog wife just called me and told me that they put Mark in ICU this morning. The nurse came in to get some blood from him and he couldn't breath. That's all I know at this time, she was on her way to the hospital. They had put him back in earlier this week, he has had trouble breathing since he came home the last time and his blood count was down again so they gave him 4 more pints of blood. I'm getting ready for work, had to go in today to work court, so I will be out of touch. When I can, if there is anything new will let you know.