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  1. The tow company just left with my bike, actually it now belongs to an auction company. i am now officially without a bike . But an was looking over us on 12-13-14 when we totaled it. I can't express how much i've enjoyed and learned from this site over the past 6+ years. i'm torn whether to quit the site or continue to participate. the reason i entertain quitting is that it will be a constant reminder that my riding days are done and quite honestly feel somewhat envious of you all that still ride . i guess i'll just wait and see how it goes. i'm adding several photos of the bike as it was leaving. by looking at the pics the bike doesn't look totaled but the repair price was in excess of $12.5K. Ride safe ya'll.
  2. Larry (Carbon One) was hit broadside this morning while we were on our Fall leaf looker ride in Northern Michigan. He has multiple injuries, broken collar bone, scrapes and bruises, waiting on CT results. but will be ok. Bike is totaled. I'll post later with more details, We are at Munson hospital in Traverse City. Please don't call the hospital at this point.
  3. This happened about a mile from my house saturday. Another driver says they didn't see the motorcyle. It is encouraging to see law enforcement telling people to look out for motorcycles. The guy they interviewed on the 250 Kawasaki has his bike insured with me. This is his second bike. He totaled the first one this summer when a car pulled out in front of him. Luckily he wasnt hurt. www.walb.com/story/16472795/troopers-urge-driver-to-be-aware-of-motorcyclists
  4. I have factory CD changer from totaled 2000 Venture I had and need the Yamaha short cable.....does anyone know how I can get just the cable from Yamaha? JerryK
  5. Guest

    Shock replacement ideas

    I think I've found my new (to me) RSV - its raspberry and champagne colors are beautiful, the frame is straight, the electronics all seem to work, and the finish is in perfect shape. It has Avon tires that I will double check for cracks, and a totaled rear shock. I will not accept the bike from the dealer as is, but is there something better than a Yamaha shock? Is there a major price difference? Should I insist on the aftermarket item, or is it just as good as the stock one. Anybody??????????
  6. MrsSquid and I were on the last day of a 12 day vacation to the north shore of Lake Superior when I ran into a ditch just after a hairpin turn, on the INSIDE of the corner..... We were having a great time. We met up with a shipmate of mine who lives in western Minnesota riding around, seeing the sights. I blame my self as it only took a few seconds of inattention to ride into a ditch. Progressive told me the bike is worth $12,400 and it suffered enough damage to be totaled..... I am perplexed as I did not think the bike was worth that much or that it took that much damage. I looked at the online pricing sites Nada lists a high retail as $11,085 and KBB lists $10,795 (BTW, the midnight venture has a high price on NADA of $12,050) I will try to get some photos of it as it is at the local multi-brand dealership...... Live and learn. Physically we are OK, but MrsSquid got some nasty 2nd degree road rash on her left arm. I got 1st degree road rash, a bruise on my chest where I broke the windshield and a really sore and bruised thigh where the clutch handle pressed against me. Neither of us have broken bones and MrsSquid is VERY thankful for wearing an armored textile jacket as it saved her shoulder. Both of us were wearing helmets so they took the damage. We are so thankful to GOD that we were not hurt worse!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I need to go motorcycle shopping.......
  7. Well Yamaha just announce the 2011 RSV on the Canadian and US sites and here is the BIG news..... They changed the color of the paint.....again.... And raised the price......again... I have just scheduled a test ride on a 2010 Goldwing for Monday...... gotta replace the 2007 RSV I just totaled as Yamaha did NOT use the 2nd gen VMax motor in the 2011 RSV :( :( :( :( :( Wish me luck at the Honda dealership.
  8. Some of you are aware I had a little accident on the RSV last friday afternoon. The shop called and the repair bill came to $20,522.61 before even checking the frame. Needless to say it's totaled. I really loved that bike and my wife and I had a lot of great times in the 2yrs and 34K miles we got to put on her. On the other hand, It is only plastic and metal and I walked away. Kind of have mixed feelings right now. I'll be looking for a new bike in the near future but I doubt it will be an RSV. The next bike I buy will have ABS since I'm pretty sure the wreck I had could have been avoided if I'd had it.
  9. hi all the ins co totaled my sons 03 thay told him thay will give him $10700.00 i thought thay would try to low ball him at first hoping he would take it but that a goo offer when he asked if he could buy it back thay told him 4600.00 i thought that was to high kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  10. Guest

    the reason for my royal star

    Well i had a 97 cbr1100 at the start of last years riding season that a winter of customizing done to it. Plus i drag raced it. My dad took it for a ride and a 10th mile away from the house he totaled it doing 25mph. Well that's the short version. Now we have the star love the bike. Will have this one for a long time. Well this is of my cbr after it is totaled. 165mph in 6th gear. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNeULw1ibYk]YouTube - cbr XX 1100xx blackbird burnout[/ame]
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