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Found 25 results

  1. After my bike was hit by a blind truck driver, August 11 (See thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=72484 ), I contacted my insurance company took the bike to the dealer for estimates on the damage. I immediately ordered a side stand, which arrived in a few days and was quickly replaced. On September 18th, the parts were in, and I delivered the bike for the parts to be replaced (Front fender, front lower fork, wind deflectors, passing light bar). First thing on the 19th, I was informed that the label on the fork package indicated the correct part, but the contents were not as advertised. This was not discovered until AFTER the bike had been taken apart. A new fork would be ordered RUSH, but it would be coming from Japan. Should be in by Friday, 28th September. (10 days to ship by air across the Pacific?) Friday, checked for the part... should be in later. "Please let me know either way!" Dealer didn't call, so I phoned on Saturday. "I don't think it came in" he says. Why didn't he KNOW? He did call back, and said that Toronto told him it would be in on Tuesday. Tuesday noon: The part is still not there. Toronto says it's in transit. Should be there tomorrow. Got the call at lunch time that the bike was ready. Great... job done, and I am thrilled to have her back with a forecast of at least seven days perfect riding weather ahead. (Big advantage to being unemployed! ... the ONLY advantage). My confusion: why would a rush item shipped from Japan to Vancouver (Port Moody) have to go through Toronto?
  2. Anyone interested in doing an emergency Monday morning ride that live in the Mississauga Toronto area let me know and we could all get together. cheers Ray:cool10:
  3. I sent a PM to a few of you and decided that a thread may work just as well. Becky and I are going to the Toronto Bike show next Saturday, and Motorcycle Tom and Amy are riding up with us. We plan on leaving here around 9:30 and should be in Toronto around noon depending on whether we meet up with anybody on the way. Sure would be great to meet up with you fellows! Maybe we could have a mini M&E someplace for dinner as we are going home in the evening. Let's get together! PS any of you WNY'ers going let me know so we can caravan up...
  4. Who in the GTA ( Greater Toronto Area) is up for a ride tonight?
  5. :mustache:Hi gang lookiing for a place to crash, heading to Toronto Ontario. along the way! going through Winnipeg, Thunderbay, SueSt Marie, Sudbary. Any help appreciated. Email.me mrich12000@hotmail.com I'm on the road as I type thanks, all. Michael Richard (little rocket)
  6. Sailor


    Just got an e-mail from my son in Toronto. He just moved there and wants to insure his bike but can't find an insurer as he is new to the area. Anyone from the area have any suggestions?
  7. It was a good day!
  8. Anyone going to the Toronto International Bike Show this weekend? I will be there tomorrow (Saturday).
  9. Thanks to chabicheka, I am reposting this as a new thread rather than a response to a two year old thread by E-Fishin-C: Can't believe it - it's been a couple of months since I last signed in here, so I got a whole lot of catching up to do. Anyway, I just had my last ride on my other Yamaha Venture (my snow sled) two days ago and put it to bed for the season in my shop at the cottage, not that far from Charlies. Good timing as yesterday was over 40 back here in Toronto (and warmer today), so I fired up my VR and went for a run on it yesterday. Yea - back in the saddle again and it feels good! One of my spring jobs now is to finish repainting my trailer for the VR and start planning for my trip with my wife to the west coast later this summer.
  10. Hello all, I am a new member and looking for some help. I have a 2005 Royal Star Tour DLX. Love this machine just looking for more POWER. I have been told I can have the engine pumped up to the VMAX power. Can someone please advise me as to what has to be done to do this and a ball park as to what it would cost and a good place to have it done around the Toronto Ontario Canada area or anywhere near. Thanks ever so much in advance.
  11. Just attended the funeral procession for a well respected police officer here in Toronto. Normally I would not do this type of post, but the event was so amazing and moving. Close to 10,000 officers marched 8 abreast (over 1/2 a mile long) to honor this officer who was killed on duty by a mentally ill homeless man driving a stolen snow plow. Officers from across Canada marched, as well as some from the US. Our fellow VentureRider, Dogman (Dave), marched with his dog and other Toronto Canine Unit officers and I suspect there were others marching.
  12. Is anyone going to the bike show in Toronto this weekend Jan 7-9,2011 at the Toronto International Centre? It would be great to see some Ventureriders there!!!!
  13. pics taken by me at the show friday 7 th jan 2011 in toronto. http://s155.photobucket.com/albums/s310/chabicheka/motorcycle%20show%20jan%202011/
  14. http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20101013/toronto-police-freak-collision-101013/20101013?hub=TorontoNewHome ctvtoronto.ca A Toronto police officer was taken to hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries after a freak collision downtown. "It is a weird one," Sgt. Tim Burrows of the Toronto Police Service's traffic unit told CTV Toronto on Wednesday. A motorcycle had been in the curb lane of Queen Street West and then tried to navigate around a parked delivery truck around 6 p.m. "In attempting to return to the curb lane, he lost it on the streetcar tracks," Burrows said, who noted there was rain at the time. "The bike went down and slid in a northern direction. He went off to the south." A police officer standing astride a bicycle at the intersection of Queen and Beverley Street got knocked down by the sliding motorcycle, which approached him from behind, he said. The motorcyclist wasn't hurt, but the officer suffered back and leg injuries, Burrows said. The scene was reopened to traffic shortly before 8 p.m.
  15. Seen this article in the Toronto Star Saturday. It is a article about a couple touring around on there Venture with there dog. Hope the link works. http://www.wheels.ca/Columns/article/792003
  16. anyone from here trying to call Brake pad (416) 640-3489 is from Toronto, On, ON
  17. Guest

    your "last ride"

    ...an interesting take on how one guy set it up is found in today's Toronto newspaper: http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/803830--dead-biker-memorialized-astride-his-ride
  18. Hello all, I am soon to be planning my first long ride of this sort. I'll be leaving Toronto, Canada on Sat. July 3rd. and checking into a condo in Las Vegas on Sun July 11th for a week then returning to Toronto for Sun July 25th (Yes this is the time frame as the International Rally, so I will be missing it) I will be riding down on my own, and my wife will be flying down to Las Vegas for the week and I will be on my own for the ride home. I have just purchased a leesurlite tent trailer that I will be towing down for my nightly sleeping while on the road. ( I do not have possession of the trailer yet for any pictures) One of my many questions would be; roads, or sights that would be regretable for me to miss out on. Just looking at the maps it would look like the following States would be the most straight forward route: Michigan Ohio Indiana Illinois Missouri Kansas Colorado New Mexico Arizona Nevada The route home I was hoping to take a different way which may include different States. Any thoughts, suggestions or ideas, would be greatly appreciated as I soon want to start planning my route. Thanks Dave Dogman
  19. It's hard to believe there are people that would do this. How low is this world getting? In Toronto, a coward goes into a Canadian Legion with a gun to rob the Vets of their poppy money. http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Scarborough+vets+fight+armed+thief+poppy+drive/2216088/story.html
  20. mrc

    March break

    Son’s March break The MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) has done it again. Here in Ontario they have close the fishing on the Sunday before the March break. 20 yrs of spending March break on Lake Temagami comes to an end. My son was upset. I am thinking of trying to go south riding for a week down around the Blue Ridge Parkway. What is the weather been like down in that area? They are calling for warm weather in the Toronto area (double digits) this weekend. Would I be able to leave the Toronto area on our bikes and make it south at this time of the year? What are you feeling? Would you try it or should I wait? I have never biked in the USA. I am a little nervous about the weather. I’m looking for some advice from people along the route. Any comments?
  21. I'd like to get my seats & backrests recovered. Time was, I'd do it my self. I think those days are done. What are my options? Toronto area would be most convenient. Thanks, Brian H. Uxbridge Ont
  22. Had a great time at the motorcycle show in Toronto yesterday,but was disappointed to see only two Ventures, one 1st generation and one 2nd with a lot of people looking it over. Also disappointed not to find more vendors with add ons, etc. I was hoping to find a lightbar for the rear. The things to sell seemed to be leathers, helmets, and sunglasses. It so motivated me to ride that I went out for a spin this morning in +3 weather --and then quickly washed the bike to get the salt residue off! Anyone else make the show?
  23. Hey gents, was wondering if anyone will be in attendance at the Toronto show this weekend, 7,8,9 Dec. I'm planning on heading out to the show Sunday, and if anyone from the group will be there we could possibly meet up. Now that winters locked it's teeth on us here, might as well make the best of it, bike shows, sportsman shows, fishing shows, then finally, spring arrives. Jim
  24. was listening to cfrb 1010 in toronto yesterday a talk radio, and the topic. makes me ashamed to be canadian they where there for therpy Injured soldiers who lost limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan have been jeered out of a public pool for fear that they might frighten children. people who had their kids there for swimming lessons did this. I think that these people should be publicly named and shamedhttp://sc.groups.msn.com/themes/R9c/pby/img/emoticons/emangry.gif this happened in toronto does anyone have a link to this story, I know it;s out ther I just can't find it
  25. my rad had a leak. green trail running down my driveway. tubes are going. -do i get it rebuilt? -do i buy a new one? -anyone close to Toronto, Ontario with a spare they want to sell? cheers, Scott
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