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  1. Hey Guys, After having completed my seat modification to over a dozen pillow top seats since the first of the year, I thought I'd give you all an update on my progress. I think I have come up with the best process for this seat, since it's foundation foam shape is like no seat that I have ever encountered. If you take a look at your OEM pillow top, you will note a slight forward pitch and the back of the seat is flat which creates a pressure point at the back of your butt just above the tail bone. When you take the cover off and pull loose the 1" layer of foam that creates the pillow top effect, you will see two bumps at the outer edge of the seat. I have no idea whey they chose to put these bumps in the molding, except to possibly provide more support to the outer edge of the seat? Anyway I have attached 5 pictures show the main steps that I go through in modifying the pillow top seat. 1. My 1st cut is to the back if the seat to put some curvature to sit back into. 2. the 2nd mod is to cut those bumps off and slope the base of the seat back a bit resulting in lowering the seat about 1/2" at the back. 3. Then I narrow the neck and cut my tail bone relief in. 4. Once I get it roughed out, I take my right angle pneumatic grinder with a 60 grit sanding pad and smooth the seat out and shape it to fit the butt better. 5. Now it's time to replace the 1" of standard foam with a layer of 1 1/2" memory foam cut to the same shape with the same cuts to keep same the pillow top effect. The memory foam keeps pretty much the same shape of the original seat. But when you sit on the seat you will feel that your butt fits the seat much better and the memory foam does not resist like standard foam and lets you sink down into the pillow top to the new foundation. So there you have it and if I can help you with making your pillow top more comfortable I am here to help. Maybe a few of the guys whose seat I have done will speak up as to what they think of this change? And I've also done a couple of passenger pillow tops, where I mostly just narrow the neck and cut in my tail bone relief before replacing the pillow top with memory foam. The last picture is to show a modified seat on the bike with a stock pillow top sitting on the rear seat. Rick (aka Butt Butler) Oh, if you don't know I have an ad (Butt Butler Seat Mod) in the classified section of 2nd Gen Parts with more info.
  2. My 1985 VR is weeping gas out of a plug on the top of carb #1. The manual is not much help. The plug is about the size of a dime and has four very small slots around the perimeter (maybe used to remove?). You can see it in the picture below (its the shiny spot next to the #1 carb throat). Can anyone help me with ideas on a fix?
  3. What gives? I have noticed lately that my signature is slowly disappearing All you can see is the Avatar and just the top of my signature
  4. I'm planning on getting a 1986-1993 Venture.I used to ride a 2005 HD road king.Does anyone know how they would compare top heavy wise.I was use to the road king but had to be careful when riding double and stopping on steep inclines.Also how about the handling.I want a bike that is happy in the mountain curves.
  5. I found this thread about the correct positioning of the coolant bypass valve with a couple of images of the valve that snaggletooth posted (thanks snaggletooth) and thought I would check mine since I checked the fan already and it's working. I found that my valve needs to be turned a little further to be fully in the off position, but what I also saw was that there is no plug in the small holes on the top and left of the valve and I know there never have been since I've owned the bike any way, 10 years or so. The valve in the other thread shows a screw plugging the left hole but I can't see the top. Also, I've only drained the coolant in this thing twice in the past 7 or 8 years and I drained the old coolant by pulling the hose off the top of this valve. Should I pull the bypass valve to drain old coolant, and how does the valve come out of the valve-body for draining? Turning the valve always makes me nervous. It's hard to turn and really creaks and I'm always afraid of breaking it.
  6. My top menu shows the Member Map, but nothing for the list....
  7. Yesterday I installed a modification that allowed me to categorize our smilies making them easier to find and also allows you to save your 20 most used smilies in your own "My Favorites". We had something similar on the old site and several people had requested that it be brought back. Installing this modification though created a conflict with the bottom navigation bar that others had requested. This was a navigation bar at the bottom of the page that prevented you from having to scroll all the back to the top of a thread. After installing the smilies mod, I spent WAY too long trying to figure out why it wouldn't work properly before finding that the bottom navbar was causing the issue. I then spent WAY too long trying to figure out how to modify the navbar mod so that it would work with the smilie mod. I failed. They will just not co-exist together. I had to decide which was the more useful modification and decided that the smilie modification was probably most useful. I still knew though that some people find it a real bother to have scroll back to the top after reading the last post of a thread. So.....I did a simple modification that adds only buttons to get back to the top of the thread that you are reading or back to the list of threads in the forum that you are in. At the bottom of the last post in a thread is a "quick navigation" drop down menu. You will now find two buttons beside it. One says "GO" and the other says "Top". If you click on the "GO" button, it will take you back the top of the forum that you are in with a list of all the threads. If you click on the "Top" button, it will take you back to the first post in the thread that you are reading. There are other links in the drop down menu. Back to forum home, other forums, etc. but those two are just click and go so you don't have to click on and then scroll down in the drop down menu. I think that this accomplishes what you wanted with the bottom navigation bar.
  8. for all you old timers that are somewhat mechanically inclined looking for a great hobby. try a cushman scooter out for size. i've been reliving my childhood memories for quite a few years building and restoring cushmans. i started riding cushmans back in the 50's and have never lost my love for them. there are some very neat and fast cushmans out there that will easily top 100 mph and blow the doors off alot of motorcycles. you ain't lived till you put a harley in the weeds on a motor scooter. been there done that. i'm building a sleeper now with a very warmed over harbor freight motor and cvt drive. it should top out around 85 mph. it is a 1958 pacemaker, a model i wanted since i was a kid. check out some of the cushman sights for more info. just punch in cushman scooter and have a ball reliving the old days. there is a meet in portland indiana, in july, every year, with thousands of antique scooters and motor bikes for sale, at the fairgrounds. if you need any info on meets or cushmans just give me a holler. us old timers are slowly dying off and we, (the cushman folks), want to keep the interest alive. bill
  9. I hope having sidecars added to the forum title is welcome - the styling choices and motivations of trikers and sidecarists may be different, but lots of the technical challenges will be similar. There aren't a lot of kits available to fit sidecars to ventures, so unless you make your own subchassis, you have to hunt around a bit for places to mount to, not least because the seat and panniers attach to a bolt-on sub frame which is quite narrow tubing. I didn't think it suitable for attaching fittings to. (Unlike bikes which have twin shocks, where the tubing around the top has to be more substantial.) Either way, I took some pictures for someone who asked how I sorted my sidecar fittings and would be interested in knowing how other people achieved the same aims. Bear in mind that I'm in the UK, so the sidecar is fitted on the left. Also I fitted it several years ago, so excuse the grotty paintwork. This is a view of the fittings between my 1983 VR and Squire QM1 sidecar: http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/frontview.jpg I was a little worried about the stiffness of having all the mounts so far forward, so used three fittings at the back, but it was also because I could double triangulate across from the sidecars two chassis rails. Here you can see the bottom two fittings: http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/triangulatedrearlowermount.jpg And here they are again from above http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/rearmountsfromabove.jpg I used a box clamp on the sidecar frame to have some forwards/backwards rigidity. I felt that I needed a good strong fitting on the left of the bike that would prevent there being any movement / flex when cornering, so I replaced the footrest hanger with a steel plate I could weld two eyebolts to. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/footrestplate.jpg There was a couple of inches of tube that I could squeeze a clamp onto, so that sorted the rear top mount on the bike. At the front I had the conventional two fittings. I couldn't manage a clamp on the lower front bike fitting, so I used a female eyebolt onto an engine mounting bolt. I used an extra plate to spread the load, but in retrospect I'm not sure it makes much difference. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/frontbottombike.jpg At the top there is even less space so I had to make up a frame clamp - an eyebolt welded to a piece of plate, with holes drilled to accept U-shaped exhaust clamps. They never fail to amaze me just how durable these clamps are - much stronger than we have any right to expect. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/fronttopbike.jpg The mounts to the sidecar are not unusual on the front, but the bottom is the box clamp and gives some rigidity, the other is only there to stop the bike flexing towards the sidecar. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/frontmountssidecar.jpg There's another fitting at the back, which to be honest I mainly put on because I liked the way it swept around the pannier, so I've not shown it. Not necessarily the best way of doing it, but it has worked for me for several years and twenty thousand miles, mostly pulling either a camping trailer or a trailer tent, usually with luggage. Hope it's of some interest.
  10. For those that have the Hannigan conversion, Is it possible to move the top trunk back to the rear or second location to provide more passenger room? Mine looks to be mounted in the first or forward set of holes and looks like it will hit the small lip that is on the Hannigan kit just above the bottom trunk if the top trunk were to be moved back. pa_don
  11. I have 1986 Venutre Royale 28K on the clock. Tape deck sounds ok with stock speakers. Is there anyone upgraded the sound system on the 1st GENs. Please tell me what needs to be done. Maybe 12 in in the side saddle bags and the amp in the top center trunk. I would love to make a Rolling Thumpalounger..
  12. As mentioned in a previous thread I was thinking about setting up a Meet and Eat at the Table Top Restaurant in Burlington ON. Sat Jan 5th. this is the weekend of the Big Toronto Motorcycle show. I realiize this is a bit of a short notice (due to me being in Germany most of December) but Last years was such a great success with a wonderful turn out that I thought it would be nice to give it another shot this year. So if anyone is up for it let me know and if enough interest is indicated I will set it up. Exact time of day yet to be determined, I was thinking of about 6:00 PM----alternate Time suggestions welcome. P/S The Table Top is an excellent Restaraunt with great food huge portions. Also very easy to get to. being just a couple turns of the QEW.
  13. As I have gotten older I am not into this time of year very much. But this year my son and his family will not be able to make it home ( going to his wifes family ). My daughter and her family have other plans for Christmas also, and my good friends are leaving town till after the first of the year. To top it all off, yesterday could not have been any worse. High demands, workflow issues and everything just going wrong. What a mess. And I knew that I would still have effects of it to look forward to today. Well, when I got home last night I'm sitting there thinking about everything that happened and the upcoming holidays. I became so depressed that I got up and walked over to the couch. I climbed all the way up on top of the back of it and I'm standing up there looking around ready to jump and end it all when I see a bottle of scotch sitting on the bar. I think why not. So I climb all the way down to have one last drink....... I'm fine now. Merry Christmas Everyone
  14. Don I know how much you missed me at MD this year and I'm pleased you were relaxed:banana:. Of course there is always next year and this does give me plenty of time to plan something just for your enjoyment. You do know my folks live in NY so I could always go visit and then just pop up to the international to see ya. Of course that's just a maybe, but ya never know. So now I'll go back to my little corner and start thinking of all the fun we can have next year at MD. Just have to think of something to top the last thing I did. Oh that's right I only was part of other folks plans, never have done something on my own....................................YET. Ya know I love ya Boss, now to show ya just how much.:crackup: :ICkiss: Margaret
  15. '88 VR......Is there a good way to install a retaining strap on the saddlebag top cover to hang it, rather than lift it off and set it down? Ideas are welcome...... -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA '83,88 Venture
  16. are you able to install a new pillow top seat from like 2012 to 2004 venture. thanks everyones input
  17. just tore down my 88 venture forks to replace seals and it seems someone has replaced them with progressive springs because they do not have the stock look...nor do they have all of the yamaha parts after the top fork plug... when I disassembled the top for plug these springs did not have any spacer, washer or plug between the spring and top cap... Now I need some senior advice for what to do... Can I make a spacer and washer...the spring is just riding on the top plug...Thanks everyone in advance.
  18. i seen where some people talked about using the Valkirie Saddle bag top racks,,has anyone tryed to see if thay will fit,,or if anyone has tryed the JM top racks sold by Mutazu Motorcycle Accessories,,thanks
  19. I work overnights and last week on two different mornings the bike turned over but would not start at first. I cranked it repeatedly and after awhile it was like flipping a light switch it started. Figured it was the plug wires from the morning dew. I changed the wires and the plug caps over the weekend and rode it to work Monday. Tuesday morning it would crank and occasionally pop but not fire up. I even pulled the top of the airbox off and gave it a good shot of starting fluid and it still would not start. I left it sit and caught a ride home from a coworker. Went to work last night when it was warm and dry out and it started with the touch of the button. The tci has been moved to the top of the airbox and is covered. I can ride in the rain without any issues. When it's popping and not starting it almost sounds like the timing is off, and will all of a sudden backfire through the exhaust. Could this be corrosion in the plug to the pick-up? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks, Ray
  20. Just replaced the battery in my 86 VR, I noticed the battery that came out of the bike had a wire coming out of the top of the battery, what does this wire do? The new battery has no wire or a hole for the old wire to go into, do I need to drill a hole?Thanks.
  21. Has anyone made a rack to carry your bicycle on the top of a tag along or trailer?? Any pictures??
  22. Looks like a nice bike on ithaca ny craiglist i would down load it but i don't what im doing with this stupid tablet i will now go back to using my lap top. Signed steamer
  23. Sailor

    top gear

    Don't know if any of you are familiar with a British car show called Top Gear. It is a great show and I watch it on the computer. Just watched season 17 episode 6. Talk about hero's! A group of amputees wounded in Afghanistan are going to go into the Dakar rally, only the toughest race in the world.
  24. I am in the process of re-foaming my wife's seat. I know that Butler does it reasonable butt I need it done asap and don't have the down time. I have cut in the bottom foam and set in a gel pad. The top foam is some lite density foam, has anyone tried memory foam to replace the topper??
  25. I have been diligently reading all the carburetor posts and articles hoping that I would discover the secrets to remedy the problems with mine. I have only been partially successful thus far. I did find vacuum leaks between the boots from the air-box to the top of the carbs. Took it all apart, cleaned and reassembled. Started up and there was still a leak, a boot had slipped off of the carb. I have redone this process several times and the boots will not stay on top of the carbs when enough force is applied to stop the leaks. Is this a problem that is familiar to anyone?
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