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  1. BIG TOM


    During this holiday season I have to work 2 days.........tomorrow and Friday...... Weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow..........12 to 15 inches of snow tonight with an additional 1 to 3 tomorrow.................. I HATE S***......
  2. Come one, Come all, There will be a Totally Naked Chat tonight. Be sure to put covers on your recliner and have a glass or cup ready. I will notify Ruffy so he can make a big entrance. Yama Mama:smile5:
  3. lets do the chat thing tonight........
  4. Was in a rush to get a back tire put on today and called one of the stealers that I had used when I had my V-Star. Called and got the price of $150 for the Metzler tire and $55 to put it on. After I got there, the $55 turned into roughly $180 with one excuse after another. I'll be pulling the wheel off tonight and take it somewhere else. While I'm that far down, i might as well add in a few grease zerks.
  5. It's time to find out if the ice-cream is as good this year as it was last year, so I did a test run tonight and so far I'm not sure,,, sooo I'm going to do another run tomorrow, 6:30pm. Anybody want to join me?
  6. Since I'm getting ready to ride to Montana in a couple of weeks I thought I needed a cheap video camera to mount on the handlebars. I tried my compact camera and didn't like that so I shopped around for a FLIP type camera. I bought an inexpensive Kodak Playsport camera for about $80. It turns out it is no better on the handlebars. Too much vibration in the bars to make a good video. So I'll probably abandon that idea and just let Valerie shoot over my shoulder as we go across Beartooth and Going to the Sun. However, I had some fun with the camera tonight anyway. The Playsport is water proof to 3 meters. And, since our dog is crazy about the water I thought I would see what I could shoot. Here is a link to a simple video I put together of the dog in the water tonight. www.traynorphoto.com/timbersplash.wmv It's worth 80 bucks just to play with around the pool. Enjoy. Dennis
  7. I am offering them to everyone here at a lower price. I just do not want to do it until later tonight after everyone has signed off. That way I may not interfere with anyone's conversation/post. I changed the Black Triple flag to $85.00. I will finish the rest later tonight and will be changed by tomorrow morning, Monday (5 -14 ) if no problems come up. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=34 1- Triple Flag - Gloss Black 4- Double Flag - Two Grey Primer & Two Gloss Black * I made more of these because I figured people would like these the most. 1- Single Flag - Gloss Black If you want to pay by check, just send me a message. James
  8. My son's friend just got an R6, 1999 he thinks, and is having a problem. He got a new battery and charged it. The bike starts with the charger attached but when he unhooks the charger leads the bike won't run. He let the battery charge over night in hopes that would solve it and I'll know later tonight if it did. If not what would you suspect. I'm thinking maybe bad or dirty connection on the ground or positive so that's where I'll start.
  9. Dying chat room tonight no deletions :stirthepot:
  10. Having a Three Way tonight. Jealous?
  11. Just got settled in for the night, put on the headphones, cranked up some Allman Bros. Band, and clicked the chat button to see whats goin on. I guess nobodys chatty tonight. Oh well I got some good tunes goin! Have a good weekend all you non chatters..... I'll hang around a bit just in case!
  12. Last few times I've cruised through the chat room, nobody was home. So I thought I'd put out the word this time.........
  13. Phil's trike is being delivered tonight. In fact it's in town already, just waiting for him to get off work and pick it up. It's been a long time coming to get to tonight - he started this process back in August. I bet he'll be out learning how to drive his trike tomorrow instead of watching parades and football.
  14. Just saying Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here a day early. This year and last we have had to celebrate it on a Wed since the Post Office forces its employees to work their holidays. Jean and I are both employees and both are off tue/wed. So, while I have enough seniority to have the day off, poor wife does not. Kids are coming over as well as a few friends tonight at 5. Got a Copelands fried turkey coming soon. I made my world famous creamed potatoes and italian stuffing with sausage. And lets not forget the heavily candied yams coated with melted marshmallows. So, enjoy your Thanksgiving day with family and friends tomorrow, or tonight if thats the case.
  15. Since tonights game is Jets and Broncos (I'm a Broncos fan), I'm going to do the best thing there is tonight. I am going to watch Caddyshack instead.....
  16. Thought I'd see if we can get anybody on tonight. Somebody call Peg and tell her! I'm gonna log on for awhile and see if anybody shows up!
  17. when I was checking out a couple of the skywatching sites that I am a member of they were remarking how bright the northern lights were tonight. There were reports from Southern BC to Ontario and even a sighting of red lights in Ohio. If your sky is clear go have a look, it might be worth it! Brian
  18. When Alan and Annie had to head back to Ozland, Alan asked that I watch after his bike until they could come back. He asked if I would get her out of the garage every now and then, so..... Tonight a group of us took our bikes to a church youth group. I took Alan's bike and, needless to say, it didn't go lonely for long.
  19. My best half is in a ER 400 miles away tonight. I have instructions from her to stay put. Very hard to do. They still don't know what is causing her problems. But the man upstairs does. If you talk to him tonight just a few words please.
  20. Good morning. . . . At present we are not at home but, please Leave your message after you hear the beep.. beeeeeppp ... If you are one of our children, dial 1 and then select the option from 1 to 5 in order of "birth arrival" so we know who it is. If you need us to stay with the children, press 2 If you want to borrow the car, press 3 If you want us to wash your clothes and ironing, press 4 If you want the grandchildren to sleep here tonight, press 5 If you want us to pick up the kids at school, press 6 If you want us to prepare a meal for Sunday or to have it delivered to your home, press 7 If you want to come to eat here, press 8 If you need money, dial 9 If you are going to invite us to dinner, or, taking us to the theater, start talking we are listening !!!!!!!!!!!"
  21. Joyce & I were heading for one of our local restaurants tonight and got rear ended by a young girl either going to fast and not paying attention or being distracted in some way. The only good thing was we were in our car instead of on the bike tonight. Joyce had twisted her ankle earlier in the day so was limping thus we took the car. We had stopped for a traffic light and as it turned green I started to go and that was when she rammed her car into the back of my Kia Sorento. Even then it broke loose my spare tire from under the car and hit with enough force to flatten the bumper & bend my Curt hitch. It did a number on her car taking the entire front out. It could have been worse I think if I hadn't been moving. Joyce did go to emergency to have her neck checked as she got a bit of whiplash. Docs are saying bruised muscles. I think she'll be sore in the morning. One can't ever be vigilant enought it seems. Larry
  22. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Vogel%202011%20RandyR%20Day1/ Had a great ride from Vogel to Fatz Cafe in Blairsville for dinner tonight. And some good conversation with friends old and new.
  23. I kid you not......a local church here in Omaha put up a new sign. I was cracking up as I rode past tonight in 94 degree heat. Satan called! He wants his weather back!
  24. How are you spending your Fourth of July? It is raining here this morning. This is the FOURTH day of the Newport Motorcycle Rally, so we hope it stops raining so we can go again today.There are fireworks tonight. Whatever you do, have fun and be safe! Yama Mama
  25. Not many people there yet. Freebird, Monty, Goose & GaryN & their better halves. And me solo. No one was table dancing yet, maybe tomorrow. And there is a new puppy on the ranch. No pictures from tonight, sorry. Gary
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