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  1. Ok, It's 3:00 AM and I haven't gone out to the garage to measure the ID of the tongue tubing on the Tag-a-Long. I know the OD is 2 3/8". I've been tossing around the idea of the longer tongue and ran across something that hadn't come to mind yet. Anybody else done a tongue mod this way? Instead of welding onto, or replacing the entire tongue with a longer section of tubing the idea of using a 2x2" OD tube to slip inside the original tongue, much like a reciever hitch, using the original receiver mounting holes to secure it in place and add the desired length. All that would be needed is a new receiver to fit the smaller tubing and to add to the length of the wiring harness. Seems quite simple. Any thoughts? I've got an old co-worker putting together the angle iron needed for the frame of a cooler hitch like the one in the pic.
  2. Planning on building a Harbor Freight, flat bed, trailer this weekend. Have to be at work Sunday go going to use the shop space and welder to put it together. For tongue length...1.5 time the axle length right? So if the width is 40 inches, tongue must be 60 inches. Now is that 60 inches out from the axle or 60 inches out from the front of the bed? Going to install the HF LED kit mentioned on here. Ordered a dog box from the diamond deluxe place. They had a special on a leftover trailer from previous order (damn near 50% off) but strange dimenstions, but I think I can make it work. The way I will mount it, it's 72" long, so will overhang the 48" trailer bed, will be to hang 8 inches off the back and weld angle iron to frame it in (extend the bed) and figure the 16" will be out front where the cooler should go (give a little more tongue weight). This sound about right? The width of the box is 24 inches, with the bed only 40"....so I would love to put the box over to 1 side and use the rest for storage...but I think I need to leave it centered so it pulls better, right? This only gives me 8" on each side for bed...not ideal but can make it work....Was just going to cover the open bed areas with the lightest gauge diamond aluminum I can find...to match the box. Initially the box was going to be temporary, only for the trips where I'd take the 2 dogs...but now thinking I'll leave it on and use for (mostly) waterproof storage on camping runs. Should be able to fit the tent, chairs, mattress etc on each side in the 8 inch areas. I've read numerous posts about how to adjust wheel bearings and trailer wiring...so hopefully good-to-go there.
  3. I have (access to) a 4x8 tilt bed trailer, It's a bolt together thing and doesn't weigh much. Though I'm currently not in the landscaping business anymore I'm considering dabbling and would need something to carry hand tools, trimmer, blower, maybe even a push mower, etc. With the truck that's no problem, but fuel being what it is and having a full time job I'm wondering if an eight foot long trailer plus tongue would be too long for a bike? I'd have to build a box on it at least 16 inch (preferably 24)high and 24 to 30 inch wide. Depending on how I organize things I could shorten the bed by about a foot. I'm guessing the tongue, measured from the axle, is about 7 feet, so a 4.5 ft wide trailer would still give me the 1.5:1 tongue vs. axle ratio. I know there's folks out there (take that any way you'd like) who pull a coffin for a trailer which theoretically means this should be doable, but I'd still like y'all s opinion.
  4. I've been struggling with a problem in my head and hope that some of you with experience pulling a trailer can help me. I understand the reasoning behind safety chains when towing a trailer with a car or truck. If the coupler slips off the ball, the tongue will be caught by the crossed chains and when the tow vehicle brakes are set, the trailers inertia will force the tongue under the bumper to the extent the chains allow before the braking will affect the forward momentum of the trailer. I had that happen one time when towing a U-haul across Texas over black ice. Take my word for it...that was a scary situation. Fortunately, I didn't have to change my shorts when all the excitement was over. They had mysteriously disappeared! Now to my struggle. In my mind's eye, I'm trying to picture exactly what would happen in a similar situation on a bike. It's not such a pretty thing. It seems to me that once brakes are applied on the bike, the tongue will move forward under the momentum of the trailer until the forward edge of the coupler makes contact with the rear tire. It would seem that when that contact occurs, the tire would pick up the tongue and force it into the bottom of the rear fender...repeatedly. Or worse, if there was enough force, it might even raise the back tire sufficiently to lose traction. It might even cause a vertical jack-knife. Now, I want to do some MC camping this fall and I'm committed to pulling this trailer. You can bet that I will check, double-check and recheck at every stop to make sure all is well. But, can anyone dispel my worst case scenarios?
  5. Anyone know what it is.... Where to find it? max load on a 2nd Gen Venture is 419 lbs. most trailers say 10 to 15% toungue weight, so 200lb trailer would be 20-25 lb. unigo trailers say 33% tongue weight, of a 180lb loaded trailer so 60Lb. Am looking into creating a trunk like luggage carrier fully supported by the receiver hitch.. Can't find any documentation from Yamaha that says one way or the other...
  6. no, this isn't a joke ... but I figgured it would get somebody's attention I'll admit I am not very experienced when it comes to towing a trailer so I got to wondering.... do you put grease in the trailer tongue where the tow ball goes or just leave it dry?
  7. I have the trailer loaded for the International Rally, and it seems I will have about 60 lbs tongue weight. This is by measuring with a bathroom scale at the correct hitch height. I have read where several on here have had no problems with 45-75 lbs tongue weight. The trailer pulls really nice, but I didn't have it quite this heavy for MD. I have most of the weight forward and over the axle, and the wife and I weigh about 325 lbs combined. Any thoughts or concerns I should worry about?
  8. A friend of mine with a Stratoliner just went to the darkside. He intends at some point in the future to pull a camper behind it. The boys got more gonads than good sense, but hey, he's older and wiser that me. And I'm not young. But to the question. Whats the best way to get out of a wobble/tank slapper?? (other than tongue weight/elevation being right to start with).
  9. I know that many have recommended extending the tongue to 2x the axle length. I just got back from Myrtle Beach and every bike I saw on the way down and back using a trailer seemed to have very short trailer tongues. Any thoughts on why what I see is short, while we are recommending to extend it? Could it be that the HF trailers need extended while the ones that I saw were manufactured ones like Aluma?
  10. Just thought I'd pass this on! Important Information on Blood Clots and Stroke Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters... . S. T.. R. STROKE IDENTIFICATION: During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) .she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening Jane's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this... A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn! Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions: S *Ask the individual to SMILE. T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (i.e. It is sunny out today.) R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other,that is also an indication of a stroke. A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.
  11. Weight = 170 lbs Tongue Wt = 17 lbs Tongue Angle = SLIGHT DOWNWARD ANGLE Overall Width = 44" Length = 84" Height = 36" CuFt = 20.5 Diamond Plate 16ga Alum on a floating 9/16" rubber (Camper/Topper Weather Stripping). Sears X-Cargo on 6/16" rubber (Camper/Topper Weather Stripping). Hold Down Plates w/ 3/16" (Camper/Topper Weather Stripping). Lights are LED's Investment approx $600.00 and LOTS of time... Improvements To DO List. Add 24" to Tongue and add a Cooler Rack (this will increase my Tongue Weight from 10% to xx%. Also drill out existing hinges that hold it open to 30 degrees angle and allow it to open with small chain to 95 to 100 Degrees Angle. Thanks to all for your information and ideas.
  12. OK finished my winter project here in Florida and as promised wanted to share the experience and pictures! Once again thanks to all who contributed such great advice! Extended tongue length to twice the axle length Aligned tongue accurately perpendicular to axle Repacked bearing (17 year old daughter helped!!) Checked tongue weight 65lbs Checked trailer weight 452lbs Painted trailer to match bike Test drove the trailer in 25 to 30 mile winds Sunday. Averaged 35mpg and did not know the trailer was behind me. Did not exceed 62mph during the test drive. My next trip I plan on speeding up to about 80 just to see how the trailer will act. All in all, I am real please with the project. Had a local match the bike paint and did the painting myself. It was my first time and I am overjoyed with the results!
  13. This spring I bought Black Owl's custom built trailer and we pulled it for the first time to and from Pork in the Pines. Its a custom frame (don't know which brand) and a Sears car top carrier. The 15 CUFT version kinda like this one [/url]http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_02872016000P). I was impressed at how well it handled especially in the strong winds we had. It pulled easy. No swaying caused by the wind. I felt it in first and second gear, but after that there was no sense of having a trailer behind me. Except when we hit a really big dip in the road then I felt an extra yank on the bike. When we got home I weighed the trailer. (yeah I know, I should have check the weights BEFORE leaving.) The trailers total weight loaded with all of our gear and our tiny little tent (see PiP 2008 Pics) came in at 370 pounds. The tongue weight was 33 pounds. I will have to look into the way we packed that little beast to possibly lower the tongue weight. Maybe move the spare tire further back. Someday I hope to build a new body that looks good and is still functional and light weight.
  14. is there a ready made extension piece for the 2.5" x 2" tongue on the Harbor Freight trailer? If I add the swivel hitch from neosho trailer, how much length will that add and will it fit the 2.5" x 2" tongue?
  15. I got my HF trailer repainted and assembled and the box mounted on top. It works great and follows unloaded along at 80 mph. I am now looking at adding other conveniences like a bicycle kickstand and a cooler on the tongue. My wife and I plan to take a trip west across the state in two weeks to see our son run in cross country in two weeks. Questions: I bought a kickstand from Walmart but it doesn't seem to have the right angle for mounting on the tongue. Anybody have pictures of how they mounted a bicycle kickstand on their HF trailer? What is the easiest way to mount a cooler on the tongue and what cooler is recommended? I know that it must have a positive latch (don't want my ham sandwiches flying down the interstate). Any other recommendations? Iowa Guy
  16. The PiggyBacker does not have a standard 2x2 tongue. What swivel hitch do you use for this trailer?
  17. I'm getting ready to build a trailor to pull behind my bike.Any input on tongue lenght,any PICS. of trailors would help............THANKS DENNY:bighug:
  18. Hello Everyone, Thinking about buying a piggy back trailor. But have some questions. Here goes, does anyone have one? And how do you like it. also looked at the XL with the 12 inch chrome tires. The little trailor has a tongue length of only 33 inches and the xl is 45 inches. Which one would tow better? Theres a 200 hundered dollars difference in price. Any help would be great! :confused24::confused24:
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