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  1. I heard it was loaded and on it's way to Big Tom's house... so sad..
  2. Yep the white stuff is back here in the Southern Tier NY
  3. Happy birthday SkyDoc. Even though you where picking on me for riding a hond GW to Big Toms rally Have a great day today Bull463:thumbsup:
  4. Well here are the pix I took at Big Toms rally last weekend. It was a great time and we had a ball thanks again Tom, Vicky and everyone that helped make it a great time. Make me want to do my own again next summer. :thumbsup2: http://s1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff368/PhilipLepel/
  5. bull463


    Hi All Ive been holding off on posting this in hopes of plans changing. But i guess our frends are realy getting married on the weekend of Dons MD. Im not happy about being in NY for MD but it is what you do for frends. So all of you please have a great time this yr and I will see some of you I hope for Big Toms rally in Aug. Bull463:thumbdown:
  6. Christmas lights!!! Here's ours and Motorcycle Tom's place 2 doors down!
  7. I know there are a few folks that want to hear a bit more of the weekend trip of our Texas brothers and sisters, I'll try to fill in some blanks. Let me 1st say Thank you again to all that put this together, as it really was a mini rally. GuthDaddy17 (Larry and his wife Keeley, son Ryan and Anna) Larry procured the lodging for us at the Ramada and it was a great choice. Tom (You know Tom from Blanco) who's wild idea it was to head over to Big Bend. Herb (Master Guns) who is a behind the scenes guy and hates being put in the limelight, for making some killer Marguaritas on Saturday night and is a great guy to be around. Then there were all the nut cases that showed up Dave (Dave 77459) James (Jburrell) Don (Gunboat) Perry and Molly (pktexas) Buddy and Jude (BuddyRich) and then there were a few "New Members" that made the trip with us. Let me tell you about a woman, actually 2 of them Lillian (Tom's Mother) and Kerry (Tom's Sister) for whom this trip was greatly enhanced by them being there. Kerry is a new rider and has recently bought herself a nice Suzuki C50 Boulevard. She only had 600 miles on this bike prior to the trip, but I'll tell you what, she's got the "Stuff" to be serious biker chick material. We have named her hardcore as she never complained about the riding (she put on probably 1200 miles on this trip) and she has grown as a rider in just 4 days with us. Tom is very proud of her as we all were, she did a fantastic job and I hope she will ride with this group more. Tom's Mother (Lillian) is 81 years old and let me tell you something, she is sharp as a tack for her age. Gunboat Chauffered Miss Lillian around this trip in HER '07 Dodge 3500 Dually diesel truck, you gotta love a gal that has a truck like that! She was an absolute pleasure to be around and that lady had us laughing so hard through out the weekend that my guts still hurt! She is one of the coolest women I know and she added so, so much to the experience this weekend it should have been illegal. I look forward to having her with us on another outing that I'll leave the bike behind and be the chauffer. We also had the opportunity to ride with one of Tom's walmart driving friends that owns a newer goldwing (nice bike too) Billy and Caroline. I'll tell Y'all something to those that didn't get the chance to ride back east with the group on Sunday....you missed an excellent ride and the conversations and ribbing that went on the CB's between Tom, Billy and myself had us damn near peeing ourselves. Y'all make sure and ask Tom what happens at 117 mph Of course there was the typical mayhem that always is associated with any of VR.org getting together. What a great time we had with everyone and this trip really helped Lonna and I with being homesick and missing all out brothers and sisters up north and obviously our families. It was great to get away from Houston (love the members here, the city...not so much) and for the 1st time in probably about 3 or 4 months I was able to put on some serious miles on a scoot and help to start clearing my head. I can't thank enough of the folks that helped make this happen for Lonna and myself as we were not going to go due to me not working. They finally needled me enough that I caved in and threw caution into the wind and we went...I am so glad we did. Tom, Can't thank you enough my friend, I look forward to many more rides with you. Gunboat...well you know how we feel and to all the others, thanks for one of the best times and best get togethers that I can remember. I'll get some more of the pics edited and posted up here tomorrow at some point. BTW if any of the members are on the fence about coming to a M&E or a rally, your really shortchanging yourselves out of some of the best time you will EVER have in your life....SHOW UP!
  8. well, I got a call today from the guy that bought Tom's bike and trailer. He wanted to know if I had the manuel and a fix it book. I found the manuel, now how to see if I can find the fix it book...I know Tom had one of those. I blabbed his ear off about Tom's love of that scoot. This guy is 62 and lives on a house boat in half moon bay. But NO internet access...I told him, boy you better get yourself down the library and get on the net cuz those guys on the Venture site are gonna wanna hear about how that scoot is ridin! Says he has been riding every day that its been possible. Isn't that great? Tom would be soooooo happy his GF is on the 'road again'... I got kinda choked up talking to him. went to the pretrial hearing today and asked that the case be heard by a jury. The date is set for February 23rd. My attourney thinks it will take about 2 weeks. The opposing side has found an accident 'expert' to say that Tom tried to pass the trailer, vering into the other lane, coming back into his own lane, applying the breaks and was speeding. The limit was 35, and 100 feet from the the speed goes up to 45. Our expert says Tom was doing 40-43 mph, so he was escalating from 35-45, in the middle of the two signs. His skid marks are CLEARLY in the middle of his lane. Regardless of whether they was doing 50, that they say, or 40, he had the right of way. You dont see the bike, you turn in front of him, he hits the breaks, bike goes down. Your at fault. This is rediculous. All I can say, is that, we have to be closer to getting this done and over with. Closure cannot happen until this is finished. But, I am fighting for Toms rights. He was not at fault and I will resist them applying any blame to him.
  9. Hi V. Family. wanted you to know my dear Tom's bike was finally sold. I took $2,500 for the '93 and the matching trailer. My friend from church garaged the bike since the accident and took care of the sale. So, I did not meet the guy who bought it. He wanted me to throw in the parts bike, I said no. So, I have the parts bike. It needs to go. Guess I will run it on Craigs list see if I can get a few hundred out of it. I was sad to close that chapter of my life. My heart aches, like I cannot describe to you, every time I pass any type of bike on the road. I wonder if that ache will ever go away? I wish I had my bike triked like Tom wanted to do for me. I will wish that till I die. I am sure he would have had a chance on his bigger bike in the accident. He had told me, he would not ride my bike any more if I had him trike it for me. Why, oh why didn't I do that? cuz I am a cheap, selfish B* and thought him riding my bike to work would save on gas. I always told Tom I would not be able to stay on these two acres by myself, with the house, yard and pool. I cannot do all the work and maintenence. I hired a pool guy. And the boys mow the lawn and pull a few weeds, but its still a landscape disaster. I need to break down and hire a yard man. I started work on my barn last year to convert it to a house, without permits. Neighbor turned me in, and 12 months later ($12,000 for the 2 permits) with my permits, they are remusing the work on this house/barn. I was going to have my sons live there...NOT...those kids can't do what this property needs. So, I plan to find some older man to live there, or a married couple, to keep the house maintined, the yard and pool. The lawsuit is not resolved. I expect it to go to trial, the newest date is February. The opposing attourney has now desposed Toms cousin, Lenore, whom I have confided anything and every thing in. They want to find out from her, what she knows about me. They asked in my depostion who I talked to and confided in. My oldest, Jason, is living with his Fiance and a senior in college. Were on the outs right now... Tom's eldest, TJ, is a Freshman at the jr college. He has his first GF and she is a sweetheart. I finally got to meet her last week and watching my son hold her hand brought an ache to my heart. Tom would have been proud of TJ and Tj is doing well in school because of this nice girl. she makes him happy and he does that for her. I am so glad for him DJ, our 'heart adopted' son, has gotten into some trouble. he is now on my 'probabtion' and needs to change his friends, or he may have to leave. He says he will, so I will give him another chance. I hope to convince him to sign up for the job corp. He is in special ed at as a HS senior and is barely passing his classes. we are working for a dipolma, instead of just a certificate. In calif, you have to pass the HS exit exam and he is way below the mark on that. Randy, Tom's youngest, is in 8th grade. He and I are together the most (as the older boys don't like going places with this old lady). He seems to be doing OK. I feel so bad, knowing his memories of his dad will be the weakest and fade the fastest. He wants to attend boarding school next year, the same one I attended. On the coast about 2 1/2 hrs from here. Its a great school and I think he would do well there. I continue to be overwhelmed most of the time. I have read lots of books on relationships and listen to CD's in the car. Networking. Yep that is the key. The internet dating does not work so well. I am getting use to being by myself and I am really not that bad, once I get to know myself...LOL....I am going to take some classes and get out and do things to meet more people. I still have not given up the idea of hanging out at the hardware store once a week...LOL... I am almost back into my quilting and have start back to exercising at curves. Peace, happiness and safe riding to you all...you will always have a piece of my heart and thoughts, even if I dont come around. Hugs to each of you... Ladyrider (Sherry Patterson)
  10. I do not know what to do with Tom's bike. It currently sits in a friends garage from church. We had not advertised it, but he was going to park it out front of his house. I feel awful just leaving it sit there. But, I cannot bring it back here. We emptied out the barn to build a cottage, but the construction has stopped on that and now the part bike sits out on a slab of concrete with a tarp over it. I guess it will not be sold this year. I do not trust EBay. I don't have an account there anyway. I asked Jason to post on here and ask what we should do, but he is too busy with everything else he is trying to help me with, with his school and job What to do with my Tom's pride and joy?
  11. I don't think anybody posted a picture of Tom, so I thought I'd post the one from the front of the program for Tom's memorial service of which Sherry is riding in the rear. Of course, this pic goes back a few years. They were find folks, God fearing and all, and again; we will miss him. Rich
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