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  1. http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh221/muaymendez/IMAG0264.jpg Im glad how it came out. If you look close you can see imperfections but who will be looking so close. I cut in angles with a hacksaw then filed down to a round shape. finished it off with some clear nail polish. While I had it off i sanded all the surface rust from the pivot points and greased all points with some moly.
  2. I know some of you 1st genners are looking for a heel toe setup for your bikes. I just removed one from an '83 I have and I'm looking to sell it. If your interested PM me and we'll chat.
  3. I am not big on endorsing product but I thought I would share this one. I bought a pair of Converse C8874 Combat boots with composite toe in January and I have to say this are the most comfortable boots I have ever owned. I use them to ride, hike and work with no issues at all. With the composite toe instead of steel it does not heat and cool. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Converse-C8874-Stealth-Composite-Black/dp/B000M36AJK/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1338298579&sr=1-1-catcorr]Amazon.com: Converse Boots: Men's Composite Toe SWAT Military Boots C8874: Shoes@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Sgmvd2beL.@@AMEPARAM@@41Sgmvd2beL[/ame]
  4. No not the bike. Just me. Climbing on some rocks with wet shoes. You guessed it, I took the fast way down. ended up with 2 cracked ribs, a broken pinky toe and a good knot on my head. I did see stars. SO DON'T MAKE LAUGH with any snide comments, that hurts.
  5. The heel toe shifter on my 83 is flopping around on the shaft. The hole in the aluminum shifter body has gone oval shape and it makes shifting less "secure" if that's the right word. Feels uncomfortable in that I'm not really sure I AM getting to the desired gear or if the shifter just moved under my foot. (I've rarely missed a shift...but you know what I mean.) Is installing a bushing something I can do myself? I don't really want to pay for an expensive machinist job! I am assuming I drill out the hole in the aluminum shifter to the outside diameter of a bushing that would fit tight over the shaft. What would stop the hole from wearing out again? Where does someone buy bushings?
  6. Hi all Interesting thing happened today....Wife and are out for a nice Easter ride, about 45 miles or so from home, when I go to downshift while approaching a light and wa-la, my shifter is laying on my floorboard. I pull into a wide spot (the wife follows me in on her Shadow) and guess what? the machine screw (that holds the heel toe in place is somewhere on Rt 33. I put the shifter back on and all is good ( I hold it in place with my foot after each shift). Now what I can use is the exploded diagram of the shifter for a 2005 RSV midnight. Thanks inadvance.
  7. hi everyone! im taking off the heel toe shifter on my first gen. kinda sloppy. i bought a toe shifter and bracket off ebay. can i get some close-up pictures off how its mounted? is it adjustable? thanks for the help.
  8. I am looking at Tires for my 83, I now have avon. I wanted to find out if any one has tryed a lower profile to elimanate the tippie toe stance I have at a stop. (I have a 29 inch inseam).
  9. I was going thru some of the gallery and saw that some of the 1st Gens have floor boards instead of pegs for the driver, was this an option that could be specail ordered with ROYAL pkg? Does any one have any or where can I look for some, also is there a rocker shifter {heel toe} that goes with this?
  10. The Chrome End Nut on my heal toe shifter keeps loosening. Looking for the right fix. I've attached two pictures. 1st of the Heal Toe shifter and shaft, 2nd the Chrome End Nut. I had this appart this last winter and can't seem to find all the right pieces. My thought would be to get a thin metric nut with nylon locking threads to keep the nut from loosening against the Heal Toe shifter. Then lastly put the chrome end nut on. Open to suggestions.
  11. I'll try to be as straight as i can to give you the facts. 2000 RSV. I rebuilt my clutch slave. Nothing wrong with it, but I was in the area. I took off the heel toe shifter and removed the floorboard to get to it. Changed my fluid. Reassembled. Did have to twist the floorboard around a little bit to get it back to the front position. Maybe I bent something. Maybe i shifted some adjustments a couple rotations but nothing severe I wouldn't think. I easily shifted into first and second. The heel/toe shifter was rotated up with the toe at a high point. Couldnt step on the heel and make it shift. Then realized that if I steped on the toe slightly I could then shift to the third, fourth gear. Unfortunately could only move back to the 2nd or third gear. I am not hearing or feeling any problems internally when I am shifting. The pedal action does not move properly. Would really appreciate some guidance. Bob
  12. Has any one converted the heal toe shifter to a toe shifter on a 1986 royal star ?
  13. This is the first bike that I've owned that has a heal toe shifter. I have been riding it using just the toe but trying the heal every once in a while. It's very uncomfortable because the heal is so high when the toe is where is like it. I removed the inside belcrank and lowered the heal and it was better for up shifting. The toe was then to high to be comfortable. I started looking at other bikes (mainly HD) and most of their shifters are 2 piece with a spline that allows both the heal and toe to be adjusted separately. Does anyone make a shifter that is more adjustable or flatter than the stock heal toe? I’ve read other posts about cutting off the heal and that is not an option I want to take.
  14. Anyone know where a fella could pick up an inexpensive used shift lever for the 2nd gen? I need to pick one up so I can modify it by removing the rear heel part of the shifter. I did find a shop in the USA and all parts together costs $73 (bolt washer and cover) but they want $89 in shipping UPS.. nice.. never user UPS.. sigh. So.. if ya know where a lad can find such a part, used, grungy I don't care, let me know. Problem I have is that the inside seam of my left pant legs sometimes catches the heel part and I have the feeling of getting my leg caught up and not being able to free it in time to put my foot down when coming to a stop. I don't want to modify my existing shift lever just in case I injure my toe or what ever and will actually have to use the heel part for some dumb silly reason.. (No, I have never been able to get used to using the heel / toe shifting method...)
  15. I had surgery on my toe today. I had an ingrown toenail on both sides of the toe so i went in and the doctor killed the sides and clipped the nail. Then the nail grew out AND DOWN!!! So i went back in and he clipped it again. Same result, except this time i tried to let nature heal itself and the nail was really close to breaking on through to the other side (mind the doors referance). Well the doctor said that it was so infected that I'm lucky it didn't infect the bone, and he said that it was so deep he couldn't believe that i dealt with that much pain. He also didn't believe me that my toe wasn't numb, and he gave me 8 shots. My toe was swollen at least twice the normal level and he said he couldn't get anymore numbing agent in. It hurt quite a bit! Doctor said i can be riding again in a week BUT according to the weather, i wont be for at least awhile longer. My nail wont be growing back anytime soon, and hopefully not at all. I went in there with him thinking i was a wuss, and left with him saying i had one of the worst ingrown he'd ever seen. And he's a foot specialist!
  16. I am just getting back into riding after a very long dry spell. I have bought a 96 Royal star tour classic. The problem that I have is that the heel toe shifter is not long enough for me to place my foot in between the heel and the toe. Therefore I have to place my foot outside of that area. The second is that there seems to be alot of play from left to right in the shifter. May because of wear since its a 96. Does anyone know of any after market toe shifters that will accomodate a size 12 boot? It also seems like the shifter is so close to the side of the roll bar that its hard to put your whole toe on top of the shifter. My thought was to take it to a shop and have it extended, maybe have them fill the hole with a weld (where it mounts on the shaft) and then redrill a new opening. Any comments? Thanks PJ
  17. Has anyone ever straightened out the toe side of the shifter? Move it in towards the engine. It seems like it would clear up some room on the floorboard for setting the foot. Doing this might make it hard to get your toe on it. By the way, I always use both the heel and the toe.
  18. I had to go to the Dr. today, had to have an ingrown nail removed from my big toe, he had to do some slicing and dicing to get it all, so no work tomorrow, and no riding for a few days. What was really funny was the nurse saw my t shirt, motorcycle related, and said are you a biker, to which I replied yes, Do you ride a Harley, I answered that I didnt much care for them and got a hard look from the Dr. who was holding the scapel in his hand, turns out he rides a Harley springer, and a Kaw Vulcan, and we started talking bikes, tail of the dragon and things went smoothly after that, Thank God......That could have been ugly, making a Harley rider mad while he's slicing on my big toe with a sharp instrument....... But all is well, toe is fixed, just have to wait for it to heal, good news is I got a 3 day weekend out of it...........
  19. Does anybody know of a longer shifter for the RSV? One that's about 2" longer in the toe part and the same length in the heel part would be perfect. I'd even give up the heel portion to have the toe part about 2" longer. Smokee '07 RSV
  20. Guest

    Heal Toe Shifter

    Anybody use the heal portion of the heal toe shifter? I tried playing with it but it feels to awkward shifting with my heal. Thinking of getting rid of it. Gets in the way.
  21. Well, I talked to the Doctor yesterday, and he has agreed to postpone the surgery until August. That means I can make it to Marcarls and the International Rally!! Unfortunately Ashville will be out of the question, and I was sooo looking forward to meeting that crowd. They will be just removing the bone that my middle toe is conected to, but will leave the toe itself on "for decoration." Also, the recovery time wil be just a few weeks instead of the few months I had anticipated. Also, it should not affect my balance, so I guess I can postpone triking out Goldie for another couple of years yet. Thanks to al of you who have been praying for me as it means a LOT to me...
  22. As some of you may know, I am a type II diabetic, and have had a foot ulcer for around a year and a half now. Well, I found out today that my middle toe, which has been swollen for some time now, will have to be amputated. Better the toe than the whole foot. I am putting it off until fall after riding season, and am going to convert to a trike, but what I'm really wondering is what to expect, and how long will I be down. Has anyone else been thru this?? I was originally planning on turning the '85 parts bike into a trike, but am now considering triking Goldie. Hopefully I will be able to work on it this winter...
  23. This is a 1stGen issue, but it's gonna take a 2ndGen part to cure the problem.... OK guys, be nice.... The heel toe arm on the Ventureline H/T on my '91 has about 9" between the pads. Too small of a spread. the pads actually sit over the floorboard and don't extend past the board like a 2ndGen's. The 2ndGen's shifter arm has a 13" span. I'd like to see if I can adapt one off a 2nd to make room for my big foot. I think it might fit. So..... if anyone has a used pedal arm laying around they no longer need I'd like to buy it off you.... Thanks.
  24. i was working out some of my other issues when i noticed that my heel toe shifter was working in reverse:rotf: this really is not funny i know because i think i already know what i have to do to fix. I took my stator case off to clean and polish, also to replace gasket and seal . I think what i done wrong was put it back together with shift linkage upside down, or is it possible that the external linkage just needs to be flipped? I am still hard at all the other work you fine people gave me to do:stirthepot: I will keep you posted cas things progress if i can stop doing things twice. Again thanks to all for your overwelming response kurt
  25. I have a V-Star with a heel-tow shifter and I really like it. Is there a standard heel/toe shifter available for the 86 Venture?
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