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  1. I know the obvious answer is when it is wet and below 32 degrees. From a safety stand point, when do you consider it too cold to ride. I am not looking at hypothermia impact. I am trying to figure out tire traction impact. Thanks, Bob
  2. Hi all late model Yamaha Star Venture/Eluder owners, I am having a problem with my tire pressure reading on my 2018 Venture. My low tire warning light comes on a lot and it is related to my back tire. When I check the air with my tire gauge (one I have used for years), it reads higher than the TPMS shows on the Infotainment System display: display shows around 32-34 but gauge reads 35-39 depending on the day (temp/ride duration). Usually my tire gauge shows 3-5 lbs more than my bike TPMS. So I am having to constantly check it which is annoying. Has anyone else had this issue and is there a fix for it?
  3. Mornin' folks, On the 8th of july I bought a 2008 venture. Now have 10200 miles loged and the rear tire seems to be wearing away really fast. Two questions, How close to the wear bars can I run it and is the stock tire that came with the bike the best? Don't seam like many miles to be worn out already. Thanks in advance Herb:Venture:
  4. Check out the current Rider magazine, July 2012 edition. It has an interesting article as to why you should not use car tires on motorcycles. It also has a quote from John Mosby, a representative of Kumho tires, "Kumho passenger car tires are not made to absorb the reduced contact patch of high camber angles that motorcycle tires frequently experience. Because of this durability can be affected by operating at such high camber angles, which can lead to tire failure. We strongly discourage anyone from using Kumho passenger car tires on their motorcycle." It's a very informative article including detailed pictures and talks about in the event of a crash... will he be the target of a costly lawsuit because he fit his motorcycle with tires not designed or intented for motorcycle use and may have contributed to the crash. "Are the few dollars saved by turning to a car tire outweighed by the potential loss of a house and whatever dollars may be squirreled away for retirement?" I thought this was a very interesting read... i couldn't find it on their website, but please try to find it and read it. i know this probably won't sway the darkside believers... because.. well..
  5. This forum is for those of who have decided to run a car tire on the back of their Ventures, or for those who may be interested in trying it and looking for some information. PLEASE READ: By participating in this area you AGREE to the following. 1. Installing and running a car tire on the back of the Venture or any other motorcycle is NOT endorsed by nor recommended by VentureRider.org. 2. In this group you will mostly find posts from people who are using these tires and are sold on the idea. It is important that you understand that there are negative opinions also. Some of these include possible rubber compounds that are not optimized for motorcycles, some insurance companies may not pay for accidents if they know that you are using a car tire, possible problems with the bead profile of the motorcycle rim not correct for a car tire, profile of tire is possibly not optimized for motorcycle use. These are just a few of the reasons cited for NOT running a car tire on a motorcycle. These issues have been agreed to by some and disputed by others but you need to be aware that the use of a car tire on a motorcycle is NOT universally agreed upon to be a good idea. 3. The bottom line is, do your research and come to your own conclusion. Do not take my word or that of anybody else that this is a good or a bad idea. Do your research and come to your own conclusion but remember, should you decide to proceed with a car tire on your motorcycle, you do so at your own risk and you agree to NOT hold VentureRider.org or any moderator, administrator or member here responsible for any negative consequences of your decision. 4. There are people who have strong feelings on both sides of this issue. It this can be discussed in a mature way then that will be great. Please remember, this forum is NOT solely for the purpose of hearing from those who think that a car tire on a motorcycle is a great idea. There will likely be some posts from those who think it is a dangerous idea. There is likely to be discussion and debate. That is why this is called a DISCUSSION FORUM. If those who participate in this forum cannot do so without resorting to personal attacks and sarcastic comments then this area will be removed IMMEDIATELY. Don "Freebird" Nelson
  6. I went to change the rear tire on the '83 for my brother, and when I finally got the tire off the rim, I saw that the Ride-On in the tire had dried up and turned into a big mess. First when I went to break the bead loose, it was much harder than normal to break, and when it finally gave in, a big cloud of dust came out of the tire. It seemed that the Ride-On had glued the tire to the rim. I worked on cleaning the rim with water and a wire brush, but the Ride-On didn't disolve comletely. Anybody have any ideas on what to use to help clean up the rim? On the Ride-On web site, they say that it wont dry up, but obviously they aren't telling the complete truth. In their defense, the Avon tire has been on the bike for 8 years and 22,000 miles, but......
  7. Well there I was, out in the back yard working on the bike. It has been having some carb issues beyond the abilities of even the magical Seafoam. The next thing I know I'm chasing the dang front tire as it goes rolling down the street. That tire was quick. It managed to stay about 3 feet in front of me for the next 3 hours. That dang tire rolled all over SE WI with me right behind it. I thought I had it once at a gas station but I took my eye off it for just a second and zoom, it was off and rolling down the road again with me in hot pursuit. But I did finally catch it and lock it up in the shed. Now I have a smile on my face and feel like a nap is in order. Watch out for those front tires, they can be sneaky.
  8. I just got Commander2 on rear last year-great tire. NOW I need front tire. Michelin does not have a front available in our size. I have had bad luck with Avon VenomX recently. Thusly, that's not an option. I see the Dunlop E3 has the highest load capacity for 120/90-18 like the Avon had. Can anyone say if the E3 gives good turn in, and stability ? I ride back roads dragging the saddlebag trim WFO following my sport bike friends. ALSO any other tire options ?
  9. As some of you may have recalled, I had a tire blow last year while running through West, by God, Virginia. It was a Dunlop D404 that had been put on a couple of months previously. I was beating myself up for neglecting to check my tire pressure and was sure that was what killed it with 5581 miles on it. For a lot of expense (towing, hotel stay, tire, install, etc.) I was able to get another D404 installed so I could get home. That was the only tire available at the time. Well - IT ALMOST HAPPENED AGAIN! I was recently on a 4000 miles run around and was meticulously checking the tire pressure. It never varied from the original 40 lbs. However, as I was checking the tire pressure after getting gas, I noticed the tire wear was extreme. It was already down to, or below, the wear bars in the center of the tire. Thank goodness it was so windy that I wasn't running on the center of the tire. Since I was about half way across South Dakota and had a good 600 miles (most to be at night) to get home, I thought prudence would be the better part of valor. I pulled into a rest area and got on the phone and found a dealer in NorthWest Iowa with a - D404 tire!!! I had to get home and wanted to get there in one piece. When I punched the dealer address into my GPS, I noticed it would be 6:30 (they close at 6:00) before I got there. I pulled off the next exit to see if I could find a dealer any closer. Luck had me pull into Chamberlain, SD. I asked for a phone book but there were no M'cycle dealers listed. The clerk mentioned there was a Honda dealer the next exit down, I called and they had - an Elite 3 in the appropriate size. Apparently, that is what the Wings use. Showed up, they had me drive right into the shop, and the technician and I got to work. I took off the saddlebags, dropped the pipe, and took off the brake caliper. The tech started on the axle. We jacked it up with a standard floor jack balancing it against the kickstand. While the tech removed the dead D404 and installed the E3, he told me where the Moly60 was and I greased the splines. We reinstalled and I paid the standard bill (list price on the tire, but no complaints here). Slipped the tech a twenty on the way out for getting right on it and for letting me help. 45 minutes in and out with a new E3. OK, bottom line. I got lucky this time. The D404 was not designed for this bike - regardless what the Owners Manual says. The D404 that blew in WV had 5581 miles on it. I now firmly believe the WV tire died a natural death, not from neglect (although, I neglected to inspect for tire wear). This tire, when removed, had 4311 miles on it. Would it have made it another 600 miles? Maybe. But there will never be another D404 on my bike - if I can avoid it. Just a note on the E3. I felt the tire was not quite as smooth on groved pavement as the D404. Almost like it was a 'harder' tire. However, it might be that the tech did not balance the tire. I was in a rush and we both just forgot. I'll throw in some Dynabeads this weekend and that might help. It is a very small price to pay if I can actually make a trip and return safely with the same tires on the bike. The Darksiders almost had me coming over after this. We will see how the E3 works out. Hopefully, I will be able wear it out this year - by riding a lot!! RR
  10. Hello all Time for a rear tire and I want to pull the rear wheel off myself and take to dealer. Do i need to remove the saddlebags, exhaust, ect??? Never pulled rear wheel before. This is on a 99 RSV, Thanks!!!
  11. My mechanic tried everything. slime, silicone, aired up many times. He took it off of the rim and I polished it and tried again. Now it is sitting near the wood stove with approx 60+ lbs of air in it for the night. One side just won't go no matter what. Maybe the heat will do it. If that doesn't work, I'm going to take it to the tire store and see if they will use their blaster on it. If that doesn't work I'm taking my heat gun to the shop and we'll try that. I'm listening__________
  12. Guest

    Car Tire ??

    Has anyone ran a car tire on a RSV? I have a 2000 and would like to find a car tire for the rear. I used to run one on a Valkyrie and really liked it. Thanks, Oldman
  13. My friend Bobby was looking at the bikes a few days ago, and maid the commit that on the Venture I have car tire. On the kannon bike with a 350 chevy car eng I have a motorcycle tire. I told him I bought it that way, would change when the tire wears out. He said it was just a little irony there. LMAO Gregg
  14. I have a RSTD, DARK SIDER, with 109771 Put on New tire and changed r/brakes noticed the brake disk was worn. Does any one have one to sell or can u tell me a good place to buy one. The New tire was a NANKANG 165/80R/15 .. the old tire got Kumko got 29391 miles. Ride 2 up and pull a trailor. Love this bike. "PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS" [/b]AND THIS COUNTRY
  15. I saw this and will have to try it I know it will not deform the tire but whoever thought of this was thinking outside the box.
  16. Greetings All, and a Happy New Year! I was reading the post about iffy handling in curves and during the tire discussions I remembered something peculiar. I ride a 1999 RSTC which came with the Dunlop 404F's. They were the whitewall type and I didn't care for the look so when the front wore out I replaced them with Pirelli 66 Route's. WOW! What a difference in handling. Instead of the bike rolling into a turn like a bloated whale in a surf-break, she turned-in smartly (for a 700+lb cruiser) and cruises straight and true with no rain groove tracking or other such distractions. I swear the Pirelli's feel like they took 200lbs off of the bikes' handling charateristics. Now for the "peculiar" part. One day riding home from work the bike started handling squirrely in the turns so I checked the air pressure. It was low so I aired her up. A few days later the same deal. Long story short; I found a 5/8" long TOOTH had punctured the tire between the tread pattern! Thinking back I recalled that a week or so before I had hit some roadkill at 5:30 AM because I didn't see it in the dark in time. I'm pretty sure the the tooth donor was a 'possum, judging by the shape and remaining length of said tooth. So, my question is, what kind of strange debris have other riders had cause them tire punctures?
  17. OK.. having lots of fun trying to get rear wheel back in. Don't want to let the air out of tire and don't want to loosen the rear drive bolts either since I have it nicely aligned. Even with a jack it's just not going in. Same size tire as old one, too... Other ideas or tips?? thanks! david
  18. I want one of the gnarly tire 3 wheelers https://autos.yahoo.com/news/top-5-harley-davidson-prototypes-140043597.html -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA
  19. So I did it this weekend. put the E3 on. I have to say its wonderful! having changed the rear tire about 1K miles ago doing the leveling links and now the front tire. I just don't understand why Yamaha didn't do this right from the start! the difference in handling and "FEEL" of the bike are just incredible. If these bikes would have come with better tires and the suspension set correctly from the factory there wouldn't be as many used bikes out there, and a lot less in accidents. Now if riding the bike made my gut shrink it would be perfect! LOL
  20. Rear tire went flat the other day so I put the jack underneath and Proceeded to pull the rear tire and wheel from the bike which I have done many times before as I have owned 5 different Ventures from 1963 to the current 1999. Took the 4 nuts that hold the rear drive shaft and removed it. Replaced the rear tire and reinstalled the drive shaft the same way I have always done it. Put everything back together and now the trans is locked in neutral can not shift to any other gear. Does anybody any idea what I might have done wrong and how to fix it. Any ideas would be great Thanks
  21. I've probably read the reason for reversing a M/C rear tire when put on the front, but I don't remember the reason. Could someone please enlighten me on the reason to do this. Thanks, Glenn
  22. Does the rear tire have to come off to change the rear shock?
  23. In the market for a new rear tire and was curious if anyone has had any experience with the Michelin Commanders. Looking for how many miles you got out of them and how they handled on wet roads. Thanks in advance for the information. Phoenix Additional question - can anyone advise on the new tread depth? Michelin doesn't post their tire specs on their website.
  24. Hey guys . time has come for me to purchase a rear tire. I found the brand that i would like to try, my question is about reading tire sizes. I would liek to fit a taller tire to try and get more clearance on my 96. Leveling links wont work for my year RS. Manual says 150-90/15 as the size for the rear Is there any size that would be a taller tire. Also IS it possible to run a 140/90-15 . This would give better turnout but will it be safe on the rim and since the second number is an aspect ration of the first will a 140-90/15 be a shorter tire. I wish i could stand 4 tires up to each other to see the difference. has anyone tried a size other than whats listed by the manufacturer. As far as measuring aspect ratio 150x.9= 135 mm high which converted to inches is roughly 5.31" so thats 20 inch wheel 140x.9= 126 mm 4.96" so thats 20 inch wheel give or take 1/2 an inch
  25. Anybody out there using a car tire on an RSV with a Voyager trike kit on it? I spoke to my local Voyager dealer today, and he suggested that it might make the Voyager ride too hard, and/or bounce too much? Anyone heard of this being a problem? I have an 11 year old son who is wheel chair bound, but he LOVES to ride the RSV. However, he has gotten too big (5'10" tall and 190 lbs!), as have I, (240 lbs) for the recommended max weight, according to Yamaha. I ordered my Voyager trike kit today, and thought it might be a good time to switch to the car tire to get the extra mileage, since lean will no longer be an issue. But the MTC dealer strongly recommended against it. Any and all comments would be welcome. Thanks. Don from PA
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