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  1. HI folks, after doing some searching I have found no riding tips for when your in the mountains dealing with inclines and such. Having never spent anytime in the mountains at all, I am looking forward to this summer as I will be living up in the NE for five months and look forward to spending a lot of time in the mountains, so any riding tips would be much appreciated. I also did some searching on Ironbutting, as I will be making some really long trips this summer also, so any tips for when you are going to be in the saddle all day would also be very helpful. Thanks for your time guys, really do look forward to the advice you have to offer.
  2. Ok so I have searched for tips to rmove saddlebags, but I have not found any. I need to replace the rear brake pads and I can't figure out what all I need to remove to get the bag off? Any tips or suggestions????
  3. OK.. having lots of fun trying to get rear wheel back in. Don't want to let the air out of tire and don't want to loosen the rear drive bolts either since I have it nicely aligned. Even with a jack it's just not going in. Same size tire as old one, too... Other ideas or tips?? thanks! david
  4. Hi new to the forum .... Love the info here to maintain these bikes . I have a 2005 rstd. And just received the chrome fender tips . Bought these tips new from eBay and save over 120.00 from buying them here in Canada. The question I have is how to install them without scratching the paint job on the front and rear fenders. The bike was just presently repainted and I want to avoid any damage. Any ideas or suggestions would be a great help.
  5. I finished replacing the friction disks in about an hour. No small accomplishment for someone who is generally all thumbs. Of course then there was the hour and 1/2 with goo gone and a few scrapers of assorted shapes and sizes to get all the old gasket off. I just wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to first generation tech talk. The picture and tips are great. Also... When putting the cover back on, do I need to coat the new gasket with RTV or other gasket sealer? Thanks, Bob
  6. Does anyone know what tips will work on bub sleepers
  7. I changed my email password a few weeks ago and i have either forgotten it or it wont work now I'm usually always logged into when I get on so I haven't had to use it. Until today after the power went out. I've tried all of yahoos tips and nothing works
  8. All, OK, I saw another ad that made me think of this. During my restoration I am looking to recover or replace the brown seat/back that I have for my 84 with a black one. I know I can look on ebay and do quite often but I also wanted to check here for any tips from the group. Thanks, Mark
  9. I read.through a good bit, let me tell you what is going on. 84 VR Brake pedal bottoms out no pressure, had it earlier on first ride. Fronts, po had not tightened the caliper hoses completely and I know I'm going to have to change contaminated pads and bleed. All this in the first 40 miles....... Any tips ect on the bleeding and the rear and front left are what I am most concerned about. Thanks, first post Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
  10. I am new to this site and have really enjoyed reading all of the tech tips from a vast variety of owners. I'm particularly interested in plugging / removing the AIS on my 2001 Venture. I have read several of the post and was looking for anyone who has done it more recent. Any recent updated tips would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from anyone!!! Thanks, Jakbag
  11. Ok. What am I doing wrong? I tried to put a Venture sighting on the map yesterday and could not get it to work. Any tips?
  12. Looks like I have to go abroad for 12 months Any tips on storing a bike for 12 months. Any issues with leaving it in cold storage? Could get 25 degrees below zero in the winter. Any tips or recommendations are appreciated
  13. Is it normal for the chrome to go south on these tips? When I was in the bike buying process I looked at two different bikes with less than 10k on them, one had bought spares already to replace the ones on his bike and the second bike had flaky chrome tips. I bought a bike with 20k and the tips looked great until I went to turn the tips the other day and realized the bottom side had flaky chrome. So as I asked is this normal or is there some way to protect them. I was thinking of taking them off and sanding the chrome off and painting them with heat resistant crinkle black paint. I have also found new on ebay for $69. Talk to me boys and girls.
  14. I have been riding with my daughter for a while and heard some complaints about rear end soreness. My wife cant take it and its stopping her from enjoying the ride with me. I plan on getting a new seat but have heard tips from my buddys to tap her when a large pot hole is in the path. this way she can raise her butt abit. Ive been told to beef up the rear shock and change the fork oil. Combined we are 520lbs and I think we are over the max but I dont bottom out although the dips andholes really shake the bike. Is weight loss the only option ? Id like to hear from the big guys. Thin guys with dull humor need not respond .LOL Its like telling a short guy to grow taller in order to reach the ground better.
  15. I've got a set of RSTD bars on the way to install on ol' blue and I'm looking for all the information I can find on rerouting the throttle cables. Anybody have any tips or even pics to help a guy figure all of this out? I'm a little mechanically challenged.
  16. http://www.shtuffforbikers.com/index.html Found this site while looking for polishing tips. I ordered the Knob Polish.
  17. I bought a set of Bub mufflers off craigslist and love the sound. The tips are flaking. Has anyone sanded down the chrome and painted the tips with a high temp paint? They might look nice with flat black paint. I know I can buy new tips.
  18. I have an old Ungar UTC-200 Soldering station that I've been trying ti find new tips for. I know Weller used to carry them but it appears that they have discontinued them. I've had this thing for almost 20 years and it still works great, but I don't want to have to go out and buy a new one just because I can't find tips. I found a seller on ebay that had some U9010 tips that I was looking for in specific. They have a very fine point on them for smaller work. I save the old ones and file them down to make them better suited for other specific jobs. I bought all he had while I still could. That came up to $15.96 for 4 tips and free shipping to boot. Now in contrast, I also found a used one that the joker wants $12.74, and $21.16 for shipping. Umm... lets see now... a brand new one for $3.99 w/free shipping, or a used one for $33.90? Now I believe in free enterprise and all, but I think this guy is just a predator waiting to take advantage of someone who might be a bit ignorant or naive. I'm not really sure why I posted this, I think it's just a reminder for all of us to watch out for the crooks lurking on ebay. Or maybe it's just because I'm bored. Bill
  19. I saw an exhaust on a Kawasaki Voyager (a 1993 I think) and I am wondering if anyone has a source for something like that that could be adapted to my 90 VR. They are the dual tipped ones. They are apparently welded to the muffler, but I wonder if any aftermarket tips could be fitted to a VR? Any advice /info would be appreciated. I saw some on a VR in the Gallery, but can't remember who it was. They really look sharp.
  20. Just before I take out the rear wheel on my 2000 RSV (18,000 miles) does anyone have any last minute tips for re-greasing etc anywhere important while the back is broken down like this, and is there any way of checking if the rear shock has gone once its off the bike. There dos not appear to be any oil leak etc. Oh and next time I need to take off the reare wheel I'm going to use Dons method of front whell off, drop the nose and then off with the rear (if it works for RSV 2nd gens). Its taken two days on and off to get the rear wheel clear. Thanks for all your tips... oh the reason for this strip is to thry and stop the bad sqweek from the rear shock everytime I take it off the centre stand.
  21. Looking for some ideas for different tips for the Bubs slip ons. Anyone know where to get different tips? Thanks Richie R
  22. The Bruces are heading for Yellowstone this fall via Denver from the UK. I wondered if any of you venturers out there have any tips on route options and things to see going and coming back from Yellowstone and the Tetons. We intend to take two days going (possibly north up to the Bighorns?) and 4 days coming back (via flaming gorge, Dinosaur etc). Also are there things to see around Denver?, we may have a couple of days free at the end of the holiday. We are both geologists so after Grand Canyon, Yellowstone is a must. We’ve got accommodation in the parks but otherwise we will probably book as we go or just before. Thanks for any suggestions.
  23. Lovemaking Tips For Seniors http://f814.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f499086%5fAIjHjkQAAEg0TRKwjQOVXiPOwz8&pid=2.2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 . Wear your glasses to make sure your partner is actually in the bed. 2. Set timer for 3 minutes, in case you doze off in the middle. 3. Set the mood with lighting. (Turn them ALL OFF!) 4. Make sure you put 911 on your speed dial before you begin. 5. Write partner's name on your hand in case you can't remember. 6. Use extra polygrip so your teeth don't end up under the bed. 7. Have Tylenol ready in case you actually complete the act.. 8. Make all the noise you want....the neighbors are deaf, too. 9. If it works, call everyone you know 10. Don't even think about trying it twice. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...! . . . . . . . . . . . 'OLD' IS WHEN... Your sweetie says, 'Let's go upstairs and make love,' and you answer, 'Pick one; I can't do both!' 'OLD' IS WHEN... Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot. 'OLD' IS WHEN... Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face. 'OLD' IS WHEN.... You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along. 'OLD' IS WHEN... You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police . 'OLD' IS WHEN.. 'Getting a little action' means you don't need to take a laxative today. 'OLD' IS WHEN... 'Getting lucky' means you find your car in the parking lot.. 'OLD' IS WHEN... An 'all nighter' means not getting up to use the bathroom. 'OLD' IS WHEN... You're not sure if these are facts or jokes. (I sent this in large type so you can read it) lowell
  24. Just curious as to what is everyone's favorite motorcycle magazine/riding magazine? I know there are several out there, but I think best ones are those that don't cater to any particular brand and speak more to the tips, suggestions and articles in a more general way. So basically, as a rider (of a Venture or Gold Wing)...what is your magazine(s) of choice? Wally
  25. Looking for some tips on things to have done prior to me signing for my 2010 Goldwing. I know once you sign and take possession, its all over has far as your barging power goes. Want to get what i can in writing before i sign on that dotted line. This my 1st Goldwing w/ Nav Pearl Yellow . I currently ride a 05 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe great ride, but don't have all the bells and whistles. Open to any info. Thanks My14car:337:
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