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Found 16 results

  1. Has anyone done an installation of a chrome rear fender tip, the "Official" Yamaha fender tip that requires drilling holes for the mounting bolts? I installed the front fender back of fender tip with no problems. My question is how much "Stuff" would I need to remove to have access to the rear fender to be able to drill holes in the proper locations. I'm sure I would need to remover the bags, but how much of the other hardware must be removed? Thanks!
  2. Hi all, I'm a bit stumped. :confused24: I recently upgraded my '86 to an '89 and am working through the bike making sure all is alright. The bike was missing the tip of the antenna so I'm trying to "fit" a new tip. I cut an antenna about 20" thinking I can step it down until I get the SWR correct. Hooking up the SWR I found that the reading is pegged past infinity. I started troubleshooting but have not found any obvious issues. I'm now stumped as to what to check next??? Items done: 1) SWR : it is pegged off the scale on ch1, ch40 and ch19 :confused: 2) Antenna mount has continuity to the negative on the battery. 3) The antenna when removed form the mount it has continuity from base to tip 4) the cable has continuity for the center conductor to the antenna mount post 5) the cable shield has continuity to the antenna mount body 6) there is no continuity between the center wire and the shield 7) tested with the matching box both connected and bypassed After this effort I was thinking on buying the stuff for the Marshal Mod but I'd like tofigure out if the CB is good or not prior to sinking the $$ into a new antenna setup. Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mike
  3. i am trying to get a set of non resistor spark plugs, i can get them but without the projected tip. does it make a big difference on our bikes?
  4. Guest

    Exhaust Tips for RSV

    http://www.yamaha-motor.ca/accessories/images/STR-1D693-50-01_t.jpg This is a picture of the exhaust tips that Yamaha sells for the RSTD. I looked at a set at the dealer today for my RSV. They fit into the end of the exhaust okay but not sure how they attach. Each tip has 4 inside holes (non-threaded) and come with screws but either these were the wrong screws or the RSTD exhaust is different than the RSV because there is nothing in the end of the RSV exhaust for the tip to attach to. The dealer was unable to come up with any solution. Anyone had experience with these on the RSV?
  5. Well I stopped by HD in burlington today looking at new boots. AS I looked around I noticed that they have chrome tips for fenders. I measured a couple and then my fender when I got home and they have a plain chrome fender tip that will fir first gen ventures. Just thought I would share. Shaun
  6. 83 Venture, Cylinders #2 and #4 dead and cold to touch, even after ride. Verified good spark. Plugs come out very wet. Suspected very rich flooding cylinder preventing fire. Float fuel levels verified good. Sync perfect. MPG=25-28:(. 1/2 tank strong seafoam run thru. Carbs rebuilt by me but can't confirm I did not do something wrong. Installed skydoc17 needle shim mod. Today confirmed carbs #2 and #4 only, dumping too much fuel. At idle, placed tip of shop towel into throat against main fuel needle for just a second. Towel tip comes out wet in carbs #2 and #4 and dry in #1 and #3. Thought I could see fuel coming from jet and along needle, and confirmed with above towel method. Now I am 99.9% positive excessive fuel is preventing cylinder #2 and #4 to fire. Fuel float levels are correct, but during operation carbs dumps too much fuel out the main fuel jet, even during idle when main jet should be completely closed off. 1. What could cause this? 2. What to inspect? 3. How to repair? 4. How to pretest after repair on the bench? pics not very good but first Pic, tip of towel in throat second pic tip wet
  7. Does anyone know what chrome (plastic/ABS?) fender tips would fit my '83 Venture front fender? What more current bike model fender would be comparable in size, curvature, etc.? I need to cover up some paint damage near the tip from a recent paint exchange with a girl's car (I wished she would have looked, & I was more careful that time). Thanks, Doug
  8. I just finished my restore project on my 86 Venture yesterday {pics to follow} took it for a ride last night, big grin on my face.... happy camper So this morning at 4:45 AM I am getting on the bike to ride to work, trip on the backrest and tip the bike over ... WTF! no damage, just rested on the guards but it sure is heavy to pick up! Does this mean I owe $5 to the fund, or is this a "gimme"? Cheers, Gary
  9. http://gajitz.com/lean-mean-safer-motorcycle-takes-turns-at-an-angle/ Yes, not working this week.
  10. I was wondering if anybody knew what part number is the METAL Chrome Rear Fender Tip Called a FLAP I DO NOT want the plastic one. STR-4NL-21621-10-00 (FLAP) And there is another part number that is ----------STR-4YE-2626-92 (FLAP) Thanks for any help. Jeff
  11. Can anyone dirrect me to the tech tip on lowering the front end of RSV please. I have looked in the tech tips but did not find it. My bosses legs are to short so he wants to lower it. Thanks
  12. I have an 83 XVZ12 that tipped over after stopping, "foot slipped out". The bike was gently laid on it's right side. Only visable damage was a small scuff on the upper fairing. My problem is this. It seems to run just a bit doggie when under throttle, when I get on the throttle at about 55-60 it boggs a bit then picks up, almost like a turbo kicking in. Another problem is that my cruse control will not stay engaged more than a few seconds, when I can get to stay on it won't accel with the acc button any more, at least not like it did. Could this be a vacume problem or a fuel problem? Everything was fine until the tip over. HELP! Chris.
  13. I like how it looks but there is about 1/4 inch or less gap without the windshield. Just wondering if anyone had a poor man tip on getting rid of the gap. Thanks for your time ! Jon
  14. Hi CB experts! My CB has been nothing but a headache from start to...well...I haven't finished yet. Broken antenna, bad squelch and volume pots, SWR meter issues and now tuning problems. I installed a Wilson Flex 3' antenna with tunable tip. I like it better than the Firefly (or did like it better) because the Firefly is much fatter, achieving it's light weight by being hollow. I like the thin-ness of the Wilson aesthetically. I have the 203EZ folding mount. My bracket looks different from some I have seen and I think was adapted off something else. I modified it to move the antenna backward 3", placing it above the very back edge of the RH saddlebag so it the lid wouldn't bang into it when removing. The cable was already on the bike. I am intending to use a Firestik AR-1 duplexer/splitter. Went to tune it this morning, thinking this would be a slam dunk - just mess with the tunable tip and be done. Wrong! I was measuring with the splitter out of the loop, just the CB and antenna. SWR was super high, above 3 on all channels, but a little higher on 40 than on 1, so I lowered the tunable tip. Improved slightly. Finally removed the tunable tip entirely and got readings of 1.7 on 1 and just under 3 on 40. Ch 20 was somewhere in between, in the low 2's. Huh? What gives? Now I know that JB (lonestarmedic) used the same antenna on the same bike and got 1.5 at channels 1 and 40, I have something unique going on. I've studied this on the web, and here's what I already checked: - Bracket ground has 0 ohms to bike frame. Supposedly high SWR is caused by a bad ground plane 90% of the time. - Just for yuks, I added a ground wire from the bracket to the frame and SWR improved slightly, 1.5 on 1 and 2.5 on 40. The same happens if I hold the bracket with my hand. - Cable has continuity in the center and in the shield, but no short between the two - like it should be. - Putting splitter in the circuit made it worse - SWR way over 3 across the board. - Performed measurements in an open space. - Connecting the Wilson's "matching transformer" lead to ground made it worse. This makes sense. I don't understand this feature, but Wilson says it will lower the center freqency by 20 channels. My center frequency is already too low; I think it's below channel 1 in fact. - Tried removing fold-down mount - no change. - Double-checked how to connect and use the meter. So where do I go from here? Do I need to start removing material from the tip of the Wilson, even though it's supposed to have the full tuning range in the adjustment? What else? Frustrated, Jeremy
  15. Came across this and since it's something that gets "under my skin" from time to time, thought I'd bring it up just to see what others do and think about it. http://travel.sympatico.msn.ca/Travelling+Heres+when+to+tip++and+how+much/TravelFeatures/ContentPosting.aspx?isfa=1&newsitemid=237015&feedname=TRANS-HOMEMAKERS&show=False&number=0&showbyline=True&subtitle=&detect=&abc=abc Personally, I believe in tipping when I get good service. I don't believe that I should tip "just because". People get hired to do a job at a specific rate of pay. "Just because" they work in a restaurant does not mean that they are entitled to a tip irregardless of how they go about serving me. At least around here, their rate of pay is about the same as people in other businesses...do they get a tip?... not...yet they may well still be in a service-related industry!
  16. I know there are only a few aftermarket slip on mufflers out there for the 2nd Gen Ventures. I want something that is a little louder and am considering the Bub Slip ons, but I do not care for the exhaust tips. Does anyone have any photos of aftermarket exhaust that has the slant cut tips facing upward. Anotherwords, an exhaust tip that follows the same angle as the back end of the saddle bag. Like the ones on a Royal Star Tour Deluxe. http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/modelimagelib/413/14/1/0/image.aspx
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