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  1. I've added passing lamps to my 06 RSTD and I'm having some trouble. I set up an in-line fuse on the circuit and connected it to the low beams. The whole thing is on a switch. I thought I read to that they use a 7.5 amp fuse. That's what I tied and it blew instantly. So, before I go messing around I thought I'd ask the experts. What size fuse should I be using on these passing lights. They're Yamaha OEM passing lights. Sugguestions would be quite helpful. Thanks all!!
  2. We are still getting dumped with snow a steady 29 hours, I have 5 neighbours in their 70-80 years of age My evening will be tied up with the only snowblower on the street (Mine) So Im signing off and go to my duty of the season
  3. A few months ago I totaled my 2007 RSV. MrsSquid and I are OK. Here are some photos of my new bike the evening I got her home.... Yes, I know that I tied it down wrong as I found the proper procedure after I got it home.... http://inlinethumb40.webshots.com/11815/2296511360056765227S425x425Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb25.webshots.com/45528/2826732790056765227S425x425Q85.jpg
  4. I'm doing some repairs to my 89 to get it ready for a trip in a couple weeks. I noticed a 2 pin connector with nothing hooked to it. It's on the left side and it was sitting on top of the gas tank, under the seat. It has 1 red wire and 1 black. It appears to be tied in to the run between the regulator and the main fuse. Any chance this is where what Yam. calls a "condenser" connects? I mean the filter capacitor that is numbered #72 in the upper right hand corner of the print. Does anybody know where #72 condenser is mounted?? Anybody know what it's value is? Frank D.
  5. Just got my new Rider Magazine. Touring shootout this month between the Star Venture, Kawasaki Voyager, Victory Vision, and Harley Ultra. They picked the Voyager last, second to last the Vision, and tied for first place the Harley and the Venture. I guess the Venture isn't that long in the tooth. They did make fun of the tape deck.
  6. Rider magazine V tourer shootout. Kawi Vulcan Voyager 4th place, Vision 3rd place, Venture and Ultra Classic tied for 1st place!
  7. Well my hubbies (DragonRider) old school made it 6 NCAA World Championships in baseball.............they are now tied for second (with Texas)in CWS championships.................. LSU 14----Texas 4........... .GEAUX TIGERS
  8. well i made me a trailer and came out a whole lot cheaper.. bought me a hf trailer and found me a used luggage box... decided to make it into a space ship so this is how it came out .. wish you could have seen the box before i started .. but think about it ,, all you want to do is to haul what you want on your ride right.. and i think that i did a great job on this one.. think i have about 500.00 tied up into this one .. [ATTACH]29115[/ATTACH][ATTACH]29116[/ATTACH][ATTACH]29117[/ATTACH]
  9. Monty


    Has anyone here tried one of these lifts? I used to work for them, and the shop is within yelling distance from my house. I have NEVER seen a better motorcycle lift....bar none. http://pitbullmotorcyclelifts.com/yamahaphotos.html I have put full dressers on them, and lifted them all the way up, got on the bike, and bounced like crazy...they just won't move. Not tied down, either. I'm not trying to be a salesman for them. I just know how great of a lift they are, and wanted to share. Small business, but they sell thousands of them every year. Patrick
  10. So, I think I found a Second Gen in my price range about 350 miles away. Called the current owner, agreed on a price, and now I need to get the bike back. My wife and I will probably drive down the night before in her blazer. If the weather is greater than 32F and sunny I will probably ride the bike back. If there is rain, sleet, or snow I am going to rent an open uhaul trailer and tow the thing back. Can anyone post pictures of how they tied their bikes down to a trailer? Do I need anything besides standard ratchet/cinch straps? I know, trailers belong behind the bike not under it, but I just want to get the thing home in one piece without getting frostbite.
  11. this is the first big bike I've owned and last year when I changed the brake pads I discovered the the back brake is linked to the front left brake, and the front right side is tied to antidive ???, my question is this " is it possible to interchange the brake lines ,so that the antidive portion is tied to the front, and that the 2 front brakes are together?" I do not like the front and back tied together, because when I pull into my driveway, I am on gravel and the front slides out from under me, if I come in too fast !! same on corners on gravel roads........ don't worry, I'll be easy on the front brakes, if I make the change. on smaller bikes I never used the fronts at all.
  12. How do you know if your CB is actually working? My CB comes on, all the knobs work and it goes through all the channels, but besides a bit of static, I have never heard a peep out of out of it. I have tied though the speakers and headset and have never heard any talking. Unfortunately I don’t know anyone who owns a CB so I don’t have a way to test it. Thanks, Al
  13. Guest

    12 volt Supply

    Just got my 2008 BlackCherry RSV last weekend, and WOW what a ride. can't wait for this weekend to get on it again (live in Tampa, Fl) I found the Aux line splitter on the Tech Lib and will attempt that this weekend. As I will have the farring off was hoping to find a power source tied to the ignition to power the XM radio. Is there any available or should I take the seat off and use that one. Ride safe.......
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