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  1. Okay, got the tickets.... where's the trailer we won??
  2. The last day to order the Raffle tickets for the Aluma trailer will be Midnight, July 8th. This is for tickets ordered thru Paypal and/or checks mailed to my PO Box. Any tickets that are available after that date, will then be sold at the Rally and will be $10.00 each (for any quantity). The drawing will be held Wednesday night at the Annual Dinner. So, get them thru Paypal now!! The cutoff date for Paypal and checks is Midnight, July 8th!!! Go to the "Stickey" area at the top of the page and click on trailer tickets to order yours now! I still have tickets available...... Get 'em while they are still available. Any questions, PM me. JIm
  3. The venue for the pre-mixer and the banquet HAVE BEEN CHANGED...........The new venue is Chandersons steak and seafood restaurant rt.16 Yorkshire ny...This is located 3 miles South of Pioneer motorsports... the menu will remain the same with the exception that we will now have a soup added and salad bar.....rally goers must bring the dinner tickets and mixer tickets with them to this new venue....they are in your packet you will pick up at pioneer or we will have them at Chandersons for the mixer.. www.chandersons.com
  4. Talked to Jim and we seem to be falling short on ticket sales for the trailer...This trailer is costing us a little over $1,600.00 to purchase. We still need to sell around 50 more tickets to come up with the purchase price. I know we still have about 4 or 5 weeks till the rally but I'd feel alot better if we had this expense covered by now. If you have not purchased you tickets yet, now is the time to get yours.. I know money is tight for most of us and if you had any intentions of getting a ticket or 2 please do so now. This is a great trailer and someone has to win it.........WHY NOT YOU !
  5. Please remember to sign up on the calendar if you are planning to attend the International rally and also if you plan on attending the pre-mixer on Sunday at the Hearth...SEE YOU ALL THERE.....p.s. get your trailer raffle tickets now....
  6. Got a pm from jayceesfolly today, ticket sales for the International trailer raffle is falling far short of our expectations.....With only 400 tickets to sell ,he has not even sold 1/4 of them...We need to cover the cost of this trailer..please see the above sticky section and get your tickets now...also get those registration forms in if you plan on attending the rally this year...they are also found in the sticky section..........:fnd_(16):Only 4 months until the rally...YA HOO ! See you there..
  7. Please check the following list and verify that your name is here if you purchased tickets for the Dano Fundraiser trailer raffle. The numbers beside each name represent your ticket numbers. Please verify that I have you down for the correct number of tickets. If your name is not listed or the number of tickets is not correct, please send me a PM immediately. I plan to draw the winning number tomorrow morning around 10:00 AM Good luck to all of you. A special and truly heart felt thanks to Muffinman and Mini Muffin for the generous donation of the trailer. Thanks to all of you who reached out to help a member in need. Please not that there were some who donated but did not wish to be in on the raffle so this list is not representative of all who helped. NOTE: Now the the contest has ended and the winner picked, I have removed the names and ticket numbers. I don't know why anybody would care what their numbers were but I kept a copy just in case. If you want to know, just send me a PM and I'll tell you.
  8. Now is the time to buy your Rally trailer tickets. Use your refund check and send it to me now! I will gladly take your whole refund check. Just mail it to the address in the sticky above in the Trailer Raffle thread. (Okay, I will settle for just part of it......) Remember...only 400 tickets will be sold. Get yours before they sell out!!! Jim (always happy to take your money!)
  9. You 2nd Gen riders better watch out, 1st Gen not so much... 100mph tickets link
  10. need some info,wanta go to the international rally in new york but don't know if i can swing it,here are some of my figures and please tell me if you think i'm high. F.Y.I. i use a cpap machine and wife has a bad back so i dont think camping will be a option for us.reg 45.00 50/50 tickets 10.00 trailer tickets 25.00 t-shirts 50.00 some dinner 22.00 some ride 31.00 gas for the whole trip 220.00 (1760 miles) food 280.00 motel 630.00 for a total of 1313.00 i left out some such as the niagara trip and so on.i know i could cut out the 50/50 trailer t-shirts but why go if i cant help support and win a trailer? thaks in advance for you info.
  11. I got this by email. I THINK it would work for any of you who want to save $3.00 on the tickets. Expires January 20th. 1.Visit motorcycleshows.com http://emailimages2.pr%0a%20ogressive.com/Images/4.0/images/img_spctrns.gif 2.Click on Buy Tickets http://emailimages2.progressive.com/Images/4.0/images/img_spctrns.gif 3.Enter promo code: PROGOH5E http://emailimages2.progressive.com/Images/4.0/images/img_spctrns.gif 4.Purchase your discounted ticket(s)
  12. My Star Chapter is Raffling a 2012 Escape alumalite trailer to benefit Charity. The primary Charity will be CIRT( Central Illinois Riding Therapy), this organizations uses horse therapy for people that have Autism, Downs Syndrome and the like. Depending on the money raised we hope to help our local vets and Wounded Warrior as well. So here is the deal a $5 dollar donation gets you 1 chance to win and a $10 donation gets you 3 chances to win. There is only 1000 tickets being sold and the trailer will be shipped directly to the winners house at no cost to the winner. You can email me @ norr3mi@aol.com to reserve your tickets and find out how to make your donations. Drawing will be held June 2nd,2012. Please help us sell a 1,000 tickets so that we can make a maximum impact for others.
  13. I would lIke to invite anyone that may be in the Area To a short ride with a free meal of Chilli and BBQ afterward, this is a ride we do in conjunction with our Supporting Dealership. Dyno Don will be one of the road Captains. The Ride is Saturday october 22nd with Line up Starting at 10:15 and first group leaving at 11:00. The return time will be approximately 1-1:15 pm. Then some giveaways from the dealer, a 50/50, raffle tickets for a trailer to be drawn in June and A FREE MEAL. Love to have ya come on along. THe Address is Cupi's Motormall 845 Edgewater Drive, Pekin Illinois 61554
  14. If you haven't mailed your registration or bought your raffle tickets yet, I will be closing early registration and raffle ticket sales by mail on 7/29/11, so if you haven't mailed it or ordered your tickets by then please wait and do it when you arrive, I dont want people showing up and I dont have their registration in hand. If you plan on coming and arent sure till the last minute it would be a great help if you could drop me a pm or post a reply on this post that you are coming, I dont want to be caught short on food, I havent in the past and I dont want to this time either. I normally prepare for aprox 100 people and order food for that amount, but I have a feeling this time it could go higher than that, and I dont want to have to ration the food, everyone knows how VR members like to eat:doh:!!! Also plese remember that if you order your raffle tickets via PayPal, please do not mention Raffle ticket, mark it as a donation for Vogel. Looking forward to seeing all my old VR friends and lots of new faces this year, who knows, this may me my last Vogel........:crying: And lest I forget there are only 24 Days left till Vogel!!!! Vogel Registration 2011.doc Vogel Raffle Tickets............ - VentureRider.Org
  15. Yep, that's all the time left to order VR International T-Shirts. July 1st is the deadline. The reason is in order to get the shirts to the See the CODYFlyer for all the info, and the Pre-Registration Form for sizes and prices. There are still a few Trailer Tickets left... I think?? I you do decided to add trailer raffle tickets to your form, and the 300 have been previously spoken for, we'll refund that part of your Paypal payment. So don't be bashfull.... These Cody T's are really cool... :cody
  16. This is the LAST shuttle launch. Looks like an "estimated" July 8 launch date? Causeway tickets should go on sale (lottery) shortly after Endeavour lands Wednesday. Anyone interested in going? Would like To pool resources as far as acquiring causeway tickets. Steve and I are both entering the lottery to double our chances to get tickets. We could increase our chances if we increased our base? PM me if you are interested. Joe That is unless of course, we know someone with some with pull, that could get us in another way:whistling:
  17. How quickly things can change. Seems like no more than a few days ago there were plenty ot trailer drawing tickets to be had. But boy, go get a cup of tea and zap they are becoming as scarce as hens teeth. Looks like only abut 75 tickets left. So, if you've been dragging your feet, might be time to step up and commit if you want to have any kind of a chance at the trailer....
  18. I didnt wait for the poll to complete, as I found a couple of good deals and I obtained 3 prizes for the raffles. I hope to add a couple of more to the pot, but so far I have purchased a Dell Latitude D620 Laptop. Now this is a refurbushed unit from Dell, but is a very nice computer and looks brand spanking new. Here are the details. 1 Gig DDR2 Memory 60 GB Hard Drive CDRW-DVD I GB Ehternet LAN Wireless WIFI 4 x 2.0 USB Ports Speaker Mcirosoft XP Pro Preloaded with Recovery CD AC power supply/battery charger I have tested it and it is very nice computer, wish I could have bought one for myself, but then I already have 3 laptops........ Secondly I purchased 2 Music & Video Player 4GB . Features of these are: 4 GB internal mem. 1.8" color LCD display Digital Voice Recording Rechargeable Li-ion battery Stereo Headphones USB Cable CD-ROM video conveter User Guide If you want to purchase raffle tickets for these items you can do so by sending payment to my paypal acct. PLEASE DO NOT MENTION RAFFLE WHEN USING PAYPAL THEY WILL NOT PROCESS IF YOU DO. JUST MARK IT AS A DONATION TO VOGEL. Please make sure it is marked Donation and in the comments just put Vogel. Also make sure you include you VR handle as well as your legal name. I will get your tickets back to you by return mail. You do not have to be present to win. The tickets you purchase will cover all the items in this raffle. There will be a seperat raffle for the 50/50. The price for these tickets are $10.00 ea. or 3 for $25.00. Paypal addy is....... partin_guy@yahoo.com Or you can use snail mail to Lewis Cramer 160 Teal Pl. Newnan, Ga. 30263
  19. Nathan is a young Mechanic I work with who is currantly in hospital in serious condition. Last month he lost one leg and had extensive surgery to other parts of his body as a result of necrotizing fascitis ( flesh eating disease ) an extremely fast acting bacteria that attacks (eats) the tissue and muscle. See previous VR thread http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=54213 Pancake Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser for Nathan Date: Saturday December 4, 2010 Time: 8am to 11am Place: Port Nelson Unit Church - 3132 Sourth Drive, Burlington (click for Mapquest) Cost: $10 per adult; $5 per child ($12 and under) There will be two breakfast seating times for the event, the first from 8am to 9:30am and the second from 9:30am to 11am. You will be asked to indicate which time you would like to attend when you purchase your ticket. Breakfast includes pancakes, bacon, sausages, coffee, tea, and juice. There will also be door prizes and an activity area for the children, as well as Santa of course If you are unable to attend but would still like to purchase tickets please just let the ticket seller know that you will not actually attend so that they have an idea of how many people to expect. You can also just make a donation and not purchase a ticket. Donations of food towards the breakfast and/or door prizes are greatly apprecated, a sign will be posted at the event with your logo and location thanking all sponsors. Tickets are only available until Friday, November 26. Please reserve and pay for your ticket before this time. Tickets can be purchased by e-mailing me at robnstephfamily@gmail.com ... of course if you live close by you can call or drop by. My brother Cameron is also selling tickets, so if you live in his area (Campden) you can contact him at cdiek80@gmail.com . You can also contact Sheehan's Truck Centre at (905) 632-0300 for tickets or to make a contribution. Also attachement below.
  20. For those out there that may have missed the information in the DAV magazine.. All DAV and DAVA Members can receive a free ticket to the EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh Wi this yearGo to the main DAV web site and under air shows find the link to the EAA site.. These tickets are for Friday July 30th. The Lt Dan Band (actor Gary Sinise) Will be playing that day
  21. Hooked up the gps and went riding, The speedo say 120 kph(74.5 MPH) and the gps 110 kPH(68.3 MPH) I see I wont be getting speeding tickets
  22. I know that everyone has been wondering about it, so, to put everyone's mind at ez.... Yes, I will have both the Trailer raffle tickets and the Febriary 50/50 tickets for sale at the Meet and Eat at Chico's in Onamia, MN on the 20th of this month. So, bring lottsa money..... :rotfl: (or your cheque book)
  23. Okay folks, I know Christmas is coming up on us real fast, but now is the time to start thinking about getting your tickets for the 2010 International Ralley Grand Prize. We will be raffling off another trailer this year, and the committee has determined that we can keep the raffle ticket prices the same as they have been for the past three years. That is $10.00 each or 3 tickets for $25.00. Squidley conned me into handling the treasury for the 2010 Ralley, so you can order your raffle tickets by check or cash. Just make the check payable to me (Russell Hicks) and send it to 185 Redwood Drive, Apple Valley, MN 55124. Please tag the check for the trailer raffle. So, dig a little deeper and buy yourseld an early Christmas present.... Starting January 1, we will also be running a monthly progressive 50/50. Tickets for the 50/50 will be $1.00 each. For those not familiar with a Progressive 50/50, the rules are really simple. At the end of each month, the pot is split 50/50. 50% goes to the winner. So, if the pot is $100.00, the winner will receive $50.00. The remaining 50% will be split with 50% going to the ralley fund and the other 50% back into the pot for the following month. So, the February drawing would start off with $25.00. This way the month pot continues to grow larger and larger. As always, to eliminate any questions about fairness, I will not be participating in either the raffle or any of the 50/50 drawings. Wishing any and all who participate the best of luck.
  24. PRO10OH (PROgresive 10 OHio) gets you $10 tickets for the show on line. I'll be there Saturday
  25. Just wanted to reminder everyone that there is still one week left to get your 50/50 tickets for the January drawing.. And remember the proceeds go to the 2010 International Rally Fund or my retirement. Which ever comes first. And I still have lots of trailer raffle tickets left....
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