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  1. number. Yep, the one ticket that I bought had the number 6 as the powerball number, which matched. Therefore, I doubled my investment!!!! :cool10: So, when I cash in my ticket I will get $4 back on my $2 investment. I just have to be careful that I don't make a special trip and spend $2 on gas to cash it in. RandyA
  2. If you get an email like this... delete it. Dear Customer, Your order has been successfully processed. FLIGHT NUMBER RX749CA ELECTRONIC 740278947 DATE & TIME / NOVEMBER 16, 2012, 10:30 AM DEPARTING / Toronto TOTAL PRICE / 420.33 CAD Please download and print your ticket from the following URL : For more information regarding your order, contact us by visiting , visit : Thank you Air Canada.
  3. The brunch and cruise is scheduled for Wednesday and we need to have everyone sign up on the calendar ASAP because the deadline for the sign up is July 1st. As of today we only have five people signed up and we need to know how many people are attending, so the caterers know how much food to prepare. We need a minimum of 25 people for the brunch and if we do not have a minimum of 25, we will not have the brunch but will continue to have the cruise. I need to know by the 1st of July, if you are planning on attending the Erie Canal Cruise and Brunch. It will be a nice bike ride and a relaxing afternoon boat ride. After the cruise we will return to Arcade for the Annual Dinner at the Hearth Restaurant, where we will pull the winning ticket for the Aluma Trailer. You have bought your trailer raffle ticket, right!!??? We still have plenty of tickets available, so Paypal me your spare change and I will send you a ticket!! Sign up on the calendar ASAP!!!! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=317&day=2012-7-25&c=1 Thanks Jim
  4. Talked to Jim and we seem to be falling short on ticket sales for the trailer...This trailer is costing us a little over $1,600.00 to purchase. We still need to sell around 50 more tickets to come up with the purchase price. I know we still have about 4 or 5 weeks till the rally but I'd feel alot better if we had this expense covered by now. If you have not purchased you tickets yet, now is the time to get yours.. I know money is tight for most of us and if you had any intentions of getting a ticket or 2 please do so now. This is a great trailer and someone has to win it.........WHY NOT YOU !
  5. Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example, the other day, my wife and I went into town and visited a shop. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and I said, 'Come on, man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?' He ignored us and continued writing the ticket I called him an jerk. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn-out tires. So my wife called him a moron. He finished the second ticket and put on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing more tickets. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote. Just then our bus arrived, and we got on it and went home. We try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired. It's important at our age.
  6. Please check the following list and verify that your name is here if you purchased tickets for the Dano Fundraiser trailer raffle. The numbers beside each name represent your ticket numbers. Please verify that I have you down for the correct number of tickets. If your name is not listed or the number of tickets is not correct, please send me a PM immediately. I plan to draw the winning number tomorrow morning around 10:00 AM Good luck to all of you. A special and truly heart felt thanks to Muffinman and Mini Muffin for the generous donation of the trailer. Thanks to all of you who reached out to help a member in need. Please not that there were some who donated but did not wish to be in on the raffle so this list is not representative of all who helped. NOTE: Now the the contest has ended and the winner picked, I have removed the names and ticket numbers. I don't know why anybody would care what their numbers were but I kept a copy just in case. If you want to know, just send me a PM and I'll tell you.
  7. I still can't believe this, but here is what happened. My son bought a quick pick lottery ticket wednesday. He had it in his pocket but didn't look at it until last night. He had all of the numbers but the power ball number. He had 16 for the power ball but the number was 32. If he had picked the power ball he would have won 140 million, but he won $250,000. He just left the lottery office with a net check after taxes of $172,500. I told him he has always been my favorite child and I have loved him more than anyone else. I've never purchased a lottery ticket but I think I might buy one each week now.
  8. GOOD: A Saskatchewan police officer had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but wasn't getting many. Then he discovered the problem.- a 12-year-old boy was standing up the road with a hand painted sign, which read 'RADAR TRAP AHEAD' The officer then found a young accomplice down the road with a sign reading 'TIPS' and a bucket full of money. (And we used to just sell lemonade!)   BETTER: A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated radar post in Edmonton , AB. A $40 speeding ticket was included. Being cute, he sent the police department a picture of $40. The police responded with another mailed photo of handcuffs.   BEST: A young woman was pulled over for speeding. As the Saskatchewan RCMP Officer walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she said, "I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the RCMP Ball." He replied, 'Ma'am, Saskatchewan RCMP don't have balls.' There was a moment of silence while she smiled, and he realized what he'd just said. He then closed his book, got back in his patrol car and drove off. She was laughing too hard to start her car.
  9. Here is a few pics of how I got two motorcycles to Georgia. I did have a fatality on the way that made for a very long trip at about the 4 hour mark of a 11 hour ride my cigarett lighter decided to eject from the handlebar but the trip went on.I made it to Atlanta without a ticket or other problem so I consider myself lucky.And Yes I will do the same thing again if the need arises. Jeff
  10. Here's the link: http://web.venue365.com/ksc/index.jsp?ic_campID=4&ic_pkw=GH_STS134_Feb211 registration is only open for a few more days... currently targeted for Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 7:48 p.m. ET. I'm hoping for: NASA Causeway: Admission ticket* to Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex and a Launch Transportation Ticket to view the launch from the NASA Causeway. You can purchase up to 6 tickets per transaction... Anyone else interested in going?
  11. I just noticed that tomorrow's date will be 01/11/11 I think this seems like it could be a rather lucky day. Might be a day to buy a lottery ticket, etc. I wish you the best. Yama Mama:Laugh:
  12. Nathan is a young Mechanic I work with who is currantly in hospital in serious condition. Last month he lost one leg and had extensive surgery to other parts of his body as a result of necrotizing fascitis ( flesh eating disease ) an extremely fast acting bacteria that attacks (eats) the tissue and muscle. See previous VR thread http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=54213 Pancake Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser for Nathan Date: Saturday December 4, 2010 Time: 8am to 11am Place: Port Nelson Unit Church - 3132 Sourth Drive, Burlington (click for Mapquest) Cost: $10 per adult; $5 per child ($12 and under) There will be two breakfast seating times for the event, the first from 8am to 9:30am and the second from 9:30am to 11am. You will be asked to indicate which time you would like to attend when you purchase your ticket. Breakfast includes pancakes, bacon, sausages, coffee, tea, and juice. There will also be door prizes and an activity area for the children, as well as Santa of course If you are unable to attend but would still like to purchase tickets please just let the ticket seller know that you will not actually attend so that they have an idea of how many people to expect. You can also just make a donation and not purchase a ticket. Donations of food towards the breakfast and/or door prizes are greatly apprecated, a sign will be posted at the event with your logo and location thanking all sponsors. Tickets are only available until Friday, November 26. Please reserve and pay for your ticket before this time. Tickets can be purchased by e-mailing me at robnstephfamily@gmail.com ... of course if you live close by you can call or drop by. My brother Cameron is also selling tickets, so if you live in his area (Campden) you can contact him at cdiek80@gmail.com . You can also contact Sheehan's Truck Centre at (905) 632-0300 for tickets or to make a contribution. Also attachement below.
  13. :dancefool:Oooooooooh!!!! What A Feeling ...What A RUSH!!!! Already 2,000 kms can't get off the scoot One draw back is I KNOW EVEnTUALLY I'll Get A TICKET OR Loose MY Licence:crying:
  14. Daniel Dagel, (short-haul), ticket number 622600.
  15. Well, unless someone gets off the fence and a settlement is reached on a pending civil law suit, looks like I will be sitting around in court waiting to testify rather than joining you good folks at Potato Creek. While these things usually end up settling on the first day of trial, I still have to block off the complete 3 days just in case. Anyway, I will be sending the sold tickets, plus a couple of hundred ticket blanks to Leadwolf56. So, those of you that have not had a chance to purchase the winning ticket, or would like to purchase a few more, check with Kevin (Leadwolf56) at the park. The tickets will be sent off Friday, so you still have a couple of days to make your donations to me via PayPal if you are so inclined. But after Friday, you will needc to see Kevin at the Park. Russell
  16. I've been thinking maybe it's time to park the trailer and find another less physically demanding job. don't get me wrong, I like working outside by myself and for myself, but the knees are going, so are the wrists and back, it's just a matter of time .... Now if i could find some simple work at home job on the computer, that might just be the ticket. anyone got suggestions??
  17. GOOD THING TO KNOW: New Law: If a patrol car is pulled over to the side of the road, you have to change to the next lane (away from the stopped vehicle) or slow down by 20 mph. Every state except Hawaii and Maryland and the D.C. has this law. In California , the "Move-over" law became operative on January 1, 2010. http://www.moveoveramerica.com/ A friend's son got a ticket for this recently. A police car (turned out it was 2 police cars) was on the side of the road giving a ticket to someone else. He slowed down to pass but did not move into the other lane. The second police car immediately pulled him over and gave him a ticket. He had never heard of the law. It is a fairly new law that states if any emergency vehicle is on the side of the road, if you are able, you are to move into the far lane. The cost of the ticket was $754, with 3 points on your license and a mandatory court appearance. Please let everyone you know that drives about this new law. It is true (see details at the following web address). http://www.snopes.com/politics/traffic/moveover.asp
  18. i blew it and got to tickets in a month first one was a parking ticket. and last night i blew a red light. the worst part was i did'nt see it and neither did linda. it was flashing red. i drove through it like it was'nt even there. all kinds of lights flashed and i got my picture took. haven't had a ticket since the early 70's. it's scary to think i did'nt see it. i did wrong so i got to pay the piper.
  19. So erhm on a recent trip to and from NYC, I'm rushing through Maine at a decent pace late one night / early morning when all of a sudden over the rise I come up onto a brown car in the fast lane, and he ain't going fast.. so I swing over to the right, flash of lights and signal to alert the driver of my intentions of passing him on the right cause apparently the slow drivers love the left lane and won't budge.. but the closer I got to him it was ooops, State Trooper.. Ooooh.. Ok hi there.. A quick peek at the speedo shows me doing closer to the speed limit than I had thought so no worries.. but when I slid past him I got the lights to pull over. Anticipating this, I come onto the binders and pull over to the far right in time to watch him shoot past me and have to reverse until he can stop behind me like he oughta.. I'm WAY over to the right, almost to the ditch to make sure the gentleman won't be in harm's way when he comes over to me. Me, being a kind and decent soul have no one to blame but myself for speeding so I'm not going to make his life difficult for my sillyness. Nice guy eh? He sashays up to me like a Trooper would, hand on gun, ready for anything.. "Do you know why I stopped you" he asks.. "No sir, I do not know why you stopped me.. why did you stop me?" "You have NO idea why?" he asks again.. Erhm again my answer is no. "I pulled you over for speeding. May I see your driver's license and registration" he requests. He goes off to his car, takes a while and then comes back and asks "Do you know how fast you were going?" "Yes, I was doing the posted speed limit..." "Oh no you weren't he declared, otherwise I would not have pulled you over for speeding.. How fast do you think you were going?!" again he asks.. "Without trying to make an argument out of this, I earnestly believe I was doing the posted speed limit, hence why I was able to pull over onto the shoulder so quickly while you shot past me like you did. I believe YOU were travelling much slower than the posted speed limit in the wrong lane..." was my response.. After this goes on for a few minutes, he hands me a warning ticket with no posted speed declaration on the ticket.. The poor guy had no means of knowing how fast I was going since I came up to him from behind so quickly, and pulled over before I got in front of him enough to get a bead on me.. And though I'm not from Maine, I would daresay that he can't issue a speeding ticket without a tag on my speed.. either by Ladar or by my own admission.. Mom said I was born at midnight, not last night Needless to say I locked my cruise control down to the posted speed limit after that until I got back into Canada lol.. But the question (after a long story, sorry) is that can a Trooper give you a ticket only by his gut sense that you were speeding or does he need a confirmation of such?
  20. I sent a check with all of the contact information in the envelope I never received a raffle ticket or any confirmation my ticket was in the hat. Just curious if I didn't win who did. I hope you met your goal for fund raising for a good cause.
  21. 6pak


    The total donations that the Disabled American Veterans collected for rafflebike tickets is $2900!!! The winning ticket was supposed to be drawn on July 4th, but the ticket has a disconnected phone # and no address. You can't even read the name!! Don't know why the guy would make it illegible but he did. So for those of you that bought tickets, the DAV officers have decided that if they can't contact the guy or if he doesn't step forward by the monthly meeting at the post on tuesday July 7th, that they will draw another ticket. So, thank you for the support, and keep your fingers crossed.
  22. Ok folks time is getting short......to put it bluntly if we want to have a trailer as the main prize we need to sell 4 or 500 $$ more in ticket sales.......we just arent raising enough to cover the cost of one. So its all up to you guys........ please remember you do not have to be present at the rally to win this prize or what ever prize(s) we end offering if we cant raise enough for a trailer. Your friends and guests attending with you can buy tickets also..... just think if all 1200+ supporting members of this site bought 1 $10 ticket.....heck we could offer a few trailers for prizes !!!!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE ATTENDING THE RALLY TO BUY THESE TICKETS OR TO WIN !!!! THIS RAFFLE TICKET DRAWING IS OPEN TO ANYONE WHO WISHES TO PURCHASE TICKETS I know we usually sell more tickets at the rally and at the last minute but we really have to know very very soon if we can pull off the trailer or not, we can not wait til the day before. Let me assure you that if we dont raise enough for a trailer we will be offering some great prizes!! We will let everyone know as soon as possible what the prize will be / or prizes.
  23. Liz and I are very seriously looking at another first gen. If we buy and we probably will, we are going to donate our current bike to the Disabled American Veterans post #528 here in Oliver Springs Tn for them to raffle off. Bike has 88000 on it, runs great. cruise and electronics dont work bike has new paint. Looks and rides great. I would imagine that they will be around $10 ticket. this is for a very good cause. So if this happens will anybody be interested is helping them out? You can be sure that it would be a legit raffle as my Liz is the chapter treasurer:feedback:
  24. My poor baby got a ticket! Riding to work this morning Steve was in front of a big rig and behind a cop. The cop slowed down to 40 mph on the freeway then pulled Steve over. He wrote my baby a ticket for following too close. He will be fighting this one. I believe Steve's words were "You put my life in danger pinning me in front of that big truck just to write me a ticket!"
  25. This is just a heads up for anyone needing to renew or add any endorsements their driver’s license. The wife went into the GA DDS (DMV) to take her motorcycle permit test. She passed with flying colors. Great, right! Well, when they went to add the endorsement to her license, something popped up on the computer. NY had placed a hold on her license! They not only said they couldn’t add the endorsement but that her GA license would be suspended until she got the hold removed by NY State! Here’s the kicker, we haven’t lived in NY since 1981 and she never had a driver’s license there, only a permit and never had any tickets or violations! After wading through the bureaucracy we found out the hold was for an “unsatisfied judgment” from an accident in 1978. Apparently we were sued for an accident we were in and never received the summons to court since we moved several times during those years. It’s been a month since this happened and we’re still trying to get this straightened out from 1,000 miles away. Meanwhile the wife is stranded with no license out in the middle of nowhere (we live in the country). I guess I don’t have to tell you how that is going over! In light of her problems, I decided to check with NY and see what they had on me. Lo and behold the have a hold placed on me also for the same issue as my wife. They also have me down for “failure to answer a summons" for a speeding ticket in Livingston Co. NY in 1981. When I checked with them, they had to dig through some old boxes and found the ticket 68 mph in a 55 mph zone. The hell of it is is that I went to court as scheduled and paid the ticket so someone either didn’t do their job or the pocketed the money! I can either plead innocent and travel 1,000 miles for trial or fax in a guilty plea and pay the fine. Guess which one I chose! Who knows how long this will take to get straightened out. The only good thing is that my wife doesn’t work so we aren’t suffering financially from this. We both renewed our DL’s two years ago so I know this data sharing between NY and GA is something new. My assumption is that it is probably something to do with Homeland Security and the push for a national driver’s license and ID. My advice is that if anyone may have similar issues, to check it out before time to renew your license so you have time to straighten it out before your suspended and possibly lose your livelihood. Also, check it out with the state you USED TO live in like I did. If you check it with your current issuing state and they find something you’ll be in the same boat as my wife. Sorry about the book but this can’t be explained in one paragraph.-Jack
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