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  1. We'll see how they hold up, but I just bought a couple of these. Ordered them Thursday night and got them USPS today. Not bad prices... http://www.gbcarparts.com/proddetail.asp?prod=LT-LED1157R
  2. hey guys just wanted to throw this out to you I am going out of town tomorrow and I'm going to pick up a couple small parts of a wrecked 87 first gen. It's gold. If there's anything specific that you might need me to pick up and that we can ship later let me know. I will post a picture of the bike later .bike looks clean except front end hit . I will be at the bike location Thursday afternoon .
  3. The last time I was on vacation was May of last year. I need a break. So, I spent the last 2 months planning a wonderful 2 week 4000 mile ride for my wife and I to begin this coming Friday, but, guess who's coming to dinner? ISAAC! We were going to ride through Tennessee, ride The Dragon, and several other fabulous roads in the Smokey Mtn's, then ride all the way to the Outer Banks and spend a few days. Then, head up to Gettysburg, back through WV, Kentucky, and home. I've been glued to the Weather Channel trying to get a read as to where Mr. Isaac is headed. Is it going more east, or more west? Well, I did a check while on my lunch today, and the freakin thing is now predicted after battering our friends to the south in La, and Ms, to head STRAIGHT AT US, dropping boat loads of rain and t-storms Thursday night, Friday, and Saturday. I've been mulling around the idea of leaving after work Thursday afternoon and ride as far as we can get going northeast toward Evansville In. to try and go around the top of it before it gets up that way. Not sure that's a good idea. the dang storm is so big it looks like it's going to sling t-storms full of rain all the way to NC for days. Also have serious thought's of changing everything and leaving Thursday afternoon and heading west to Okla, Tx, NM, Co, Ut, and Ariz. Hmmmm, what must I do.........
  4. Noticed this weekend....the front end/handlebars have quite a bit of vibration on all but the smoothest roads. Is this another venture quirk? My guess is poor balance of front wheel or slop in steering head section...sound about right? Haven't checked either yet...but new tires coming Thursday. That and some dynamo beads should eliminate any balance issues. Looks like 9000 miles on original 404's
  5. No not VRO!!! We are leaving home, Wednesday May 30th, headed to Maintenance Day. We plan to stay with relatives in Hopkinsville, KY that Wednesday night. Thursday morning, we plan to meet B2Mom and Dad somewhere east of exit 38 on the Western Ky Parkway. We will probably stop for the night Thursday "somewhere" north of Louisville and ride to Oberlin Friday morning. Anybody wanna tag along???
  6. The judge said that this trial should last till Thursday or Friday, well the state is still presenting it case and tomorrow is Thursday, I am not complaining, I find this a great learning experience of how the court process works, sorta like being in a episode of Law and Order. We have spent many hours in the jury room and less time in the jury box. Has anyone else had a similar experience while serving jury duty. All I can say is that this is a felony criminal trial, with multiple charges against the defendant.
  7. As for now, Bob and Becky are planning on being in Johnson City, Tn this Thursday evening around 7PM. We hope to get some of the locals and anyone else that would like to meet up for a get together and have a visit and a meal. The location has not been picked yet and am open for suggestions. For anyone that wants to get together, please let me know so we can put something together. If my number is not in your phone, it is in my profile. RandyA
  8. I am scheduled to have my right hip replaced Thursday. Venture Family keep me in your prayers. Earl
  9. Well, we just got back home after a week on the road to attend the America's 911 Foundation 10th anniversary ride. http://www.americas911ride.org/ What an awesome experience. Almost 2000 bikes on a fully escorted group ride from Summerset Pa. to Arlington Va. and New York NY. People lining the streets and overpasses in all the little and big towns we passed through, all along the route. A group of ten of us left from Burlington Ontario last Thursday and returned today. This included three Peel Region (Toronto area) Motor Cops who helped with the escort. They came in handy a couple of times for us on the way down and back as well. I'm so happy we were able to do this ride but for various reasons, I won't get into, I will not do it again.
  10. With the miserable hot weather we have been having, Linda and I decided to load up the little camper and take off to the mountains. We ended up staying at Mt Pisgah Campground, which is about 5,000 feet up and about 25 miles south of Asheville, NC. The temps on that part of the parkway were about 75 degrees and Thursday morning temperature was 58 degrees. We did get into some heat when we went down to Brevard and ate on Thursday evening and again when going to Cherokee, NC yesterday. We had a little rain shower in Cherokee and it cooled off then we headed back up the mountain. We are supposed to have rain tonight and tomorrow and being up there with it being cool and wet was enough for us to come back to Johnson City for the weekend and maybe we will go somewhere again Monday if we can find someplace cool. The only downer was two couples that came in Thursday night and set up their tents next to us and they were loud and about every sentence had the F word and the women were worse then the guys. As we were packing up to leave this morning, I mentioned it to one of the maintenance men picking up trash and within about five minutes one of the Rangers were giving them a little visit. There were several families close by that had small kids that were easily within hearing them. I am always a little anxious pulling the camper as it weighs about 450 pounds loaded. The bike pulls it fine, even up the mountains, but slowing it down quickly would not be fun. Fortunately, everything went good. RandyA
  11. I need a head count by Thursday for the cruise on Saturday. I need to provide the cruise company the number of seats to reserve. Please sign up by Thursday morning, if you are coming to the M & E, so that I can order the food for the meal after the cruise. I hope to see all of you there! Thanks Jim
  12. Tomorrow morning I'm heading out to start on my journey to pick up my new to me 88VR I got thru ebay. Although I'm only going to Chicago...it's going to feel like a LOT longer getting there. My wife is driving me to Watertown NY (about 2 1/2 hrs from home) I'm taking a bus from Watertown to Syracuse NY. (2:35-5:15) then wait for just over 4 hous (9:35) to take an overnight train to Chicago, arriving at 9:45 am. Then I have to Kill more time hours before I can meet up with the owner of the bike I bought. THEN THE FUN BEGINS....I'll do a thorough check of the bike...and hit the road Wed night. 860 miles home. I'm a marchmellow butt so... I'm only going to ride 3 hours Wed. evening and camp at a KOA just off the hiway. Then to Rochester NY (7 hours) and crash at "Jayceesfolly" (a member here) Thursday night. Finally , home on Friday. (4 hours) If anybody is free on Thursday thru the day in the Chicago area....let me know....maybe we can connect? I'll be rolling into Union Station around 9:45 am Thursday!
  13. I was oringinally scheduled to leave today for the Oregon-N. California coast but one of my riding companions had a death in the family so we had to postpone our start until Thursday morning. We'll be taking a northerly route from Central Ky through IN, IL, IA, MN, SD, MT and WA (I-90) on our way to Portland where we will pick up our wives on Monday. From there we'll head on to the coast and follow it down to San Fransisco and on to Big Sur. From there we'll head east through Yosemite and then south to Las Vegas where we'll drop the wives at the airport before we head back across I-40 toward home. So if you see 2 Goldwings and a Tour Deluxe along that route give us a wave or stop us for a chat, I'm sure we'll need a break. After Thursday morning you can follow our SPOT track by going to http://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=2fd74df6c9a6b12d4 Dennis
  14. I have a room at Quiality/ Comfort Inn, smoking, 2 double beds, $62.50 +tax rate. I'm a cross between a Oscar and Felix, neat but not overboard, early riser, quiet when possible, social drinker, if you interested let me know. Got it Friday-Sunday, although I should be there thursday. Going to call on that today.
  15. f.y.i. to any of you that live in nc. i'm gonna be leaving thursday morning(june 2nd) at about 6:00am and should be hiting interstate 77 at about 7:15-7:30 so if anybody would like to meet up just let me know,looks like momma will be missing this one.talked to one member that was gonna go to charleston and than finish fri morning but i will need to do the whole trip thursday straight shot.would love some company.
  16. Ok, if we are going to try to meet up, we need to give some detailed info on where we are coming from and what our plans are. My hopes at this time are: Leaving Johnson City, Tn at about noon on Thursday the 2nd and ride to Portsmouth, OH up US 23 to spend the night. This would be thru eastern KY. From there, on Friday morning, go up US 23 up to Dayton and hit I71 and up 58 into Oberlin. RandyA
  17. Three old Venture Members are out walking. Freebird says, 'Windy, isn't it?' Squidly says, 'No, it's Thursday!' E-Fishin-C says, 'So am I. Let's go get a beer..'
  18. OK, this is pretty much a no-brainer. Since Dairy Queen seems to be the "Official Pitstop" for just about everyone on this Forum, I hereby suggest that we proclaim next Thursday, August 5th, 2010, as the "1st-Ever Official DQ Day for VR.org". Now, why would I suggest such a thing? It's simple, really. DQ is donating at least one dollar for every Blizzard purchased on August 5th to the Children's Miracle Network. We all like children; we all like DQ; and we all like Blizzards. Feed your face and help the children all at the same time. What could be better? Please click this link for more info and please participate next Thursday: http://www.miracletreatday.com/ Thank You! TERRY
  19. One more call for riders attending Sturgis 2010: I will be heading to the Black Hills in a couple of days...Planning on leaving Amarillo Thursday morning, the 5th of August. I'm riding with a couple friends, but the more the merrier. We plan on making it to Cheyenne WY by Thursday night. Expecting to arrive at Glencoe Campground Friday afternoon or evening. Anyone else attending? We could get together for a meet-n-eat or a beer somewhere...I plan on staying in South Dakota until sometime the following Friday or Saturday. Let me know! You can reply here but in a couple days, you can text or call me at 806-252-1743, since I will be on the road. The cell will of course be in the saddlebag, so just leave a message.
  20. :beersign:Yes friends of VR Chat, the time has come to get our togas out of the closet. This Thursday night starting around 8:30PM (EST) we will have a Toga Party. The refreshments will be free and any and all drinks are on the house. Our friend, GAwildKat assist with the hostessing. Do not be shy, give it a try! Please show up and show off your Toga's Thursday! Yama Mama
  21. Myself and Four_Paws99 are leaving here (Sudbury,Ontario) around Thursday 7am and we were wondering if anyone is riding thursday from Ontario or The US of A maybe hook up somewhere
  22. Please keep Larry and his family in your prayers. He went down Thursday evening. Works with my wife. http://blog.al.com/breaking/2010/04/driver_thrown_15_feet_in_motor.html
  23. Hey all: Well, heading out on my first long trip on my 07 midnight RSV to Sanford, fla on Thursday. Leaving as soon as school is out as I have a 12 day break and ready to head south to visit my daughter. Got a new rear tire on yesterday, fluids topped off and got her washed and waxed yesterday. Anyone have any lastminute tips as I head south Thursday. Will try to get on Thursday night after checking into hotel and then Friday night after I get there. Plan on taking it steady and not in a hurry. Appreciate any prayers for safe travel. Brian D.
  24. Just checked in to the Best Western Room 128. Nice room for the price! We will be here until Tuesday morning then on to Nashville for a couple of days then back here Thursday evening. Meeting up with B2DAD tomorrow morning at Hannigans. Got a lousy 10mpg towing the trailer but we got here safe and sound!!
  25. Around the new year, I bought my 2000 Venture. I upgraded from a 98 RSTD. I got it from a dealership in Daytona, but I live in Louisiana. My father-in-law lives 20 minutes from Daytona, and he's doing to drive it here this coming Thursday. I AM SOOOOO EXCITED. After paying that much money for it, and only having to see it in pictures. I should go to work on it FRIDAY!! :mytruck1:The Anticipation is KILLING me!
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