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  1. A couple of weeks ago, I pulled the rear wheel, differential and drive shaft to do the typical maintenance items. All came apart as expected, and all went back together as expected. Question -> Is there any kind of rear wheel alignment that has to occur? Or does the bolt-up procedure insure proper rear-wheel alignment?
  2. Parts from 83 xvz1200 still for sale. I had to shut down my used parts offer when I took my recent trip to Sturgis and out west. But, Now I'm back and I'm finished with the Mattcharva's bike rebuild project so now the parts store is back open. There are many, many good parts left and I need to wrap this project up as well . I need to move these babies and clear out the over flow of parts that run from my work area through the sunroom art studio into the house and on to the kitchen table. Most every thing has been disassmbled from the bike down to the engine and frame. Still have all the plastic body parts and most of the systems and electrical components. So, if your still looking for some parts please reply on this post and I will answer with availability and condition of part and price of part plus shipping cost. plus:2cents: Please do not respond by private message. That didn't work to well last time. Going back and forth between the thread and private messages kept me confused and clogged up private messages boxes. So step right up and tell me what you need, remember a lot of the parts are interchangable withe the XVZ1300 and later year model. If in doubt I can verify if it will work on your bike with my multi year Yamaha Parts program. It's all for a good cause, mine and Venturerider.org's. I am doing this for a few bucks but I'm not greedy and willing to share so I'm trying to offer these parts at a very reasonable cost and at the end of the day I'm gonna tally up what I've sold through this site a donate 10% off that amount to Venturerider.org and donate any remaining useable parts to the venture parts stash on the site.
  3. Yes... yes..yes... we've made a deal on an '06 RSMV. It's a scoot that is advertised on this site no less to boot! http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1334/cat/4 It's been checked out by a friend of ours who is very meticulous and it's in showroom condition (it should be for only 1300 km's). We got it for $12,900 which I feel is a heck of a deal for this particular bike and for here in Canada...eh!
  4. Got my lift adapter home today and I'm very pleased with it... Great work Larry!! Many thanks!
  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all my VR friends. Hope you and your family have a safe and happy day. [ATTACH]72848[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72849[/ATTACH] :thumbsup2: :usa:
  6. Here's a little something to help our members in the northern latitudes.... Kinda neat.. ROBOPLOW
  7. Could you please give me the length of the trailer [including tongue] and the width Then Paradise H-D will know what kind of space it will take up.
  8. Yeah I know, it's the watering hole, but some of the 2nd genners might be able to help me with this also. I am looking for a right side upper fairing cover, the one that holds the speaker and right side components. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I'd like one that is all there. This '83 I'm playing with right now needs one in a bad way as it's pretty much all gone and broken. If any of you brothers can help me out I'd appreciate it
  9. We is Coming!! :dancefool: Trip all booked and paid for, and insurance sorted see you at MD :bighug:
  10. Go vote!
  11. Well, The dust has settled a bit since Jean and I have moved into our new home! I have gone thru all of my Classified Ads in the "Member Vendor" section, and they are all updated now. My new shop is still a "Mountain" of boxes, but I have found all of my kit parts, and can ship anything needed. Here is a link to the Classified Ads: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=500&ppuser=4738 It would be my pleasure to help any VR.ORG Member with their winter projects! Earl and Jean
  12. Ok Dano and Rose... Got her loaded up this morning and will be headed your way.... I'll get it to our place and figure out the rest of the trip... Thanks for all the help Wayde.....
  13. I have cancelled the room we had booked at the Microtel Inn..... So if someone needs a room -- make the call
  14. OK folks, maintenance day is behind me and it's time to start thinking about the International. I finally got my registration in during MD. Big Tom and Team have some great things planned for us all. Not many registered so far and it's time that we start really pushing this and getting a count on how many to expect. So...what is everybody waiting on. Let's get together for another GREAT time.
  15. The hips have arthritis, as do the neck and shoulders... too many years driving long haul trucks [45+yrs] The Venture was getting too heavy, so before any mishap I have changed bikes! A friend here wanted mine, and I wanted his...so we swapped I now ride an FJR Still consider myself a Venture rider, don't come in here much -- but I lurk LOL and get all the goings-on from Annie Stay safe everyone
  16. Here is a link to many pictures to put in . Been on 3 of them so far. And 1 of the Honorable mentions. Bryan
  17. Feb 04 .... the earliest I have ever gotten out for a ride! WOOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOO :thumbsup2: Left the house @ 10:45 this morning and just got back about 15 min ago (4:45 PM). What an awesome day it was and tomorrow will be more of the same! Highs around 11 celcius (zero overnight tho) and nuthin but sunshine! Man-O-man it felt GREAT! [ATTACH]63864[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]63865[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]63866[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]63867[/ATTACH]
  18. This is not bike related. I have an Otterbox Defender Series protector for my Droid X. I have had it about a year and 2 months. The other day, the tab that holds the phone and its protectors in my belt clip broke. I checked the website and realized that the warranty was only a year. OK, so I will just buy a new belt clip. After not finding just the belt clip to buy, I contacted customer service via email explaining the circumstance and asking how to buy a new belt clip. In about an hour, I had a response that in short said give me the numbers off the clip, your name and address and I will send you one. Today, a replacement belt clip showed up in the mail as stated. This just does not happen with most businesses. I am impressed. I believe in passing on the good as well as the bad. I hope this helps someone decide to spend the extra money on a good item that is obviously backed by the company. :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: FIVE THUMBS UP!
  19. My brother in law's wife runs a non profit organization called Freedom Ride they keep rescue horses for handicapped children they are entered in a contest to win some much needed money if anyone could take a minute to check them out and then to vote it would help her cause immensely. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=uw8sxwcab&v=001ZxTRMtTNNkgFrGYm1GDA0nIcAvtCqdma6eAj-nNmW5FyHtbYhGl-kB6soJXHvBCXAk0Gq0kWis3mYkG1kMAcyjgRfueyx6ouKOgQK0k51NkfOag4ZIOV9Fj_zB4bY8Nj Thanks
  20. Well it's New year's eve and we will be busy today like most I suspect will be. So I will wish everyone here and there family's a HAPPY NEW YEAR. May the up coming year be good to everyone. Joe
  21. Kind of a neat bike.......
  22. A few weeks ago I found a set of Hopnel accessory bags listed on Ebay. They were double ugly but I went ahead and bid on them anyway.... and I got them cheap.. After receiving them I used Farnam's Leather New on them. I wasn't sure if they were leather or nauga hide, but figured what the H.. Below are the Before and After pics. They came out pretty nice... They came off a '99RSV so now all I have to do is figure out where they were mounted??
  23. ..... I am just going down south to Albany, as it's a long weekend here. Alan and I are going to a Ulysses Club Odyssey [rally] So won't be on line till Monday -- PLEASE take care of yourselves out there
  24. Winter is coming on and saw these in an e-mail. Thought some might be interested. I have one of these and it has worked flawlessly for several years. Only $22.64 on sale. http://www.tooltopia.com/battery-tender-021-0123.aspx Fuzzy
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