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  1. While reinstalling the diaphrams today I noticed something odd. On carb #3, (right front) the brass round piece that the diaphram needle goes into was protruding about 3/8" out of the carb throat wall. On the other three carbs it was flush with the carb throat walls. Could this be a factor in the poor gas mileage problem and why. See Pics attached. [ATTACH]71678[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71679[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71680[/ATTACH]
  2. After working all day, I (we) caught the back end of this movie (again). It is a powerfull story which left us with a lump in our throat and a tear in our eyes. I can't help but get pi$$ed off by the insult made against these brave men who gave so much for our freedom.
  3. When I posted Sunday night that I was going in for back surgery at 6:30am I said something didn't feel right I WAS RIGHT. Anesthesiologist damn near killed me. This stupid female anesthesiologist was in such a hurry and wouldn't listen to anyone, Nurses told her I was not given all the shots to relax me and I was not ready to go. She grabbed me up anyway and took me to surgery. As we are going into surgery I'm telling her I'm not supposed to be remembering all this (from preveious surgerys I have had) her assistant telling her I had not had some shot in my neck yet and some stuff sprayed down my throat. So she sprays my throat and starts shoving this black tube down my throat, I'm gagging voices I can hear are telling her I'm not prepaired yet, I hear her say she has to use a lock and starts shoving another thing down my throat with the tube she already has in there. I can't breath at all and hear everybody yelling and then she wants a "trek kit" I'm about passed out, I hear my surgeon yell stop. About 1/2 hour later I come to in a recovery room with nurses everywhere I'm coughing up blood everywhere while they try to keep an oxigen mask on me. Was told later she pulled everything back out of my throat shoved it in again and hit gold or red I should say, they said I started coughing and blood was flying everywhere. Surgeon cancelled everything of course, had a lung doctor come in and put a small tube with a camera up my nose then down the throat to check things. Told me he would be the anesthesiologist next time. Bleeding got stopped and was kept overnight for oberservation. Have to start everything all over again in 2 weeks when throat is healed. Get this; I had lung x-rays before the operation and they were good, after this all happened the anesthesiologist blamed it on my lungs. She came to my room last night when my son was there and said I had an ashima attack and my lungs are in such bad shape that they cannot take an operation like this. But I passed the lung x-ray they did after all this happened too. Would not be out of hospital if I had any respatory problems they said. Bottom line I'm alive, have very sore throat, and meds to take so we can try the back surgery later. And that anesthesiologist is under investagation. And I need to see a lawyer, can't pay all this mandatory co-pay twice. Much more to this but this is the short version.
  4. Does anybod use a throat mic for thier CB??? What brand works well with the CB in the 2nd Gen RSV???? I wear a half helmet and would like to use the speakers on the bike to listen to the CB and would like to talk on the CB, but I dont want a boom mic on my helmet. Any sujestions????
  5. Guest

    Microphone help

    I am looking for a microphone that I can switch easily between helmets. I don't need a headset as I listen through the external speakers. I ride Tailgunner and am constantly talking to the Road Captain so a handheld model won't work. I have an older J&M set that works fine, but it is a hassle to move around and the boom mic is giant. Does anyone know of a throat microphone available that will plug into my 2nd Gen's CB? I would also consider a compact mini-boom that I attach - as long as I don't have to mess with the ear phones. Any help is appreciated.
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