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  1. I hate starting a new thread on an old topic, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I bought a set of Baron Nasty Boy 4-2-4 pipes for my RSTD last year and ran them for about 1/2 the season. Just about every thread I found out here says they sound great, but mine sound raspy and a lot like the glass packs I put on my old Mustang. I thought they came without glass. They also feel like there is more back pressure than my old Samsons (which sounded and performed much better). When I goose the throttle they are much slower to respond than my old Samsons did. Before re-chroming and putting the Samsons back on, anyone have a cure for me? PS How do I get the freakin' baffles out? They get stuck at the end of the pipe. Much thanks to anyone who can help out..
  2. Let's see if this thread takes off. I will start with a word, and the following poster comes up with a word that is associated with it. For example, if I say the word "Lincoln" the next poster may say "President" or maybe even "Continental". I belong to another board where this thread has gone for over 400 pages before problems had to lock the thread. They started another and it is going like crazy. Its fun to see what people come up with. I'll start a few to get it going.
  3. Hello all, I have made a few posts and as a few who have read them might know I am new to the venture following. I am strongly mechanically inclined and am attempting a budget rebuild of a 1985 Venture royal from bare frame up. I am asking in this thread all of you for any suggestions, opinions, and or thoughts of what you might change or upgrade on your first generation ventures if you have the opportunity to do it your way. Having never rode one before I am not able to judge this myself so I ask those that know these bike better than I. My bike is torn down and I have cleaned it up and fresh paint and now starting the rebuild. I am painting the bike synergy green from the 2010 camaro ss and blacking out what I can but trying to allow it to be still tasteful. I have taken the advice of a well respected member and am upgrading my transmission to the second generation gear and fork set as well as using a vmax final drive to give me the gear range I desire. I am on a budget and will be using what is good and rebuilding or replacing what needs work but am not afraid to spend where needed. I am open to all suggestions whether a large job or not, and I will be really paying attention to items that are repeatedly mentioned. Everything from cosmetic to fit and function will be considered. Please have at it and do not hold back, basically a resurrected gen 1 built venturerider.org style. Thanks to all who contribute and I will collect pics during the process and post them in a thread at a later date.
  4. Decals are ordered, paid for and on the way. I should have them in 10 days and will get them right out to you. Please get your orders placed to help me defray the initial outlay of cash. See this thread for ordering information. I had to order quite a few to keep the price down to where it was so any of you who can order and pay now will be appreciated. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/venturerider-merchandise/39088-venturerider-domed-decals.html
  5. i see the thread but i do not see the where are when. Would like to go
  6. Yesterday I installed a modification that allowed me to categorize our smilies making them easier to find and also allows you to save your 20 most used smilies in your own "My Favorites". We had something similar on the old site and several people had requested that it be brought back. Installing this modification though created a conflict with the bottom navigation bar that others had requested. This was a navigation bar at the bottom of the page that prevented you from having to scroll all the back to the top of a thread. After installing the smilies mod, I spent WAY too long trying to figure out why it wouldn't work properly before finding that the bottom navbar was causing the issue. I then spent WAY too long trying to figure out how to modify the navbar mod so that it would work with the smilie mod. I failed. They will just not co-exist together. I had to decide which was the more useful modification and decided that the smilie modification was probably most useful. I still knew though that some people find it a real bother to have scroll back to the top after reading the last post of a thread. So.....I did a simple modification that adds only buttons to get back to the top of the thread that you are reading or back to the list of threads in the forum that you are in. At the bottom of the last post in a thread is a "quick navigation" drop down menu. You will now find two buttons beside it. One says "GO" and the other says "Top". If you click on the "GO" button, it will take you back the top of the forum that you are in with a list of all the threads. If you click on the "Top" button, it will take you back to the first post in the thread that you are reading. There are other links in the drop down menu. Back to forum home, other forums, etc. but those two are just click and go so you don't have to click on and then scroll down in the drop down menu. I think that this accomplishes what you wanted with the bottom navigation bar.
  7. This evening, whenever I click on the 'go to new post' chevron to the left of a thread title, I get this: [h=2]vBulletin Message[/h] No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator These are in fact new posts that have been posted since my last visit to that thread. The workaround: When I click on the thread title and then to 'view first unread', I arrive at the newest unread reply. I would like to save a few clicks, so please restore the 'go to new post' chevron functionality. Thanks.
  8. Heads up! Lets not make this political.... I made a call to the local Ripley WV WALLMART. Wallmart will no longer be selling AR-15s. StraighT from corporate. The ones around here are sold out. The Mom and Pop gun stores went in and bought them out. I enquired about one Last night AT A MOM AMD POP STORE and they are $200-$500 more than they were two days ago! Bushmasters and Colt .223s are going anywhere from $1200-1500 Better stock up on ammo while your at it. It's gonna get worse folks. I copied this thread in case it gets political and gets deleted. I know there are a lot of gun users on here, hence the reason for this thread. IF YOU CAN PLEASE CONFIRM THE ABOVE IN YOUR STATE FOR WALLMART AND REPORT BACK.... THANKS JOE
  9. Before responding to a thread, check to see which forum it is posted in before you go someplace you shouldn't in that forum.
  10. I wish to apologize to all on this forum for my insensitive posting regarding the "tragedy in Conn." thread. I realize that I did stray from original intent and I regret that.
  11. I have enough commitment and 6 payments already in hand to definitely proceed with the Ignitech module group purchase. Original thread with some more details linked below. Please note this thread has reference to a used MAP sensor which is not going to be the case (will include new MAP sensor) & price adjusted to reflect new unit. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=62223 I am doing this in conjunction with the VMaxForum.net group. I will order the TCI's Sunday night, so I need commitment by then. You will get following: Pre programmed new, version 80 Ignitech module (warranty by Ignitech) A revised program that is much better than what Ignitech is supplying. Adapter harness for either a 1983-1989 Venture or a 1990-1993 Venture, plug & play & matching program in TCI. A new 1 bar GM MAP sensor and wiring connector properly connected to Ignitech harness. All documentation and original files from Ignitech along with any useful info I have collected on a CD. Marine grade velcro to attach TCI & MAP sensor. Small tube of dielectric grease. I am trying to find some 3/16" vacuum hose, but is rare apparently, at least locally. All TCI's for the 1983-1989 will be tested on my bike. I cannot start the 1990-1993 TCI's due to coil differences, but I can program module. Cost is $248 including USPS Priority shipping to US addresses. I will send anywhere, but shipping will be more. Ignitech also has a series of connectors that are a match for some on the Ventures and if any are wanted I will get them along with TCI. Ignitech main thread (extensive) is linked below. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40414 I don't know if this group buy will be done again, due to the number of units I need to get at a time to make it feasible. Gary
  12. uncledj


    Thank God that thread got deleted.....
  13. Deleted. Tried adding a poll but it timed out. Starting a new thread.
  14. Anyone else having trouble enlarging a pic in a thread?
  15. hooked up... the only thing is my hazard lights don't work now ??? seems I saw a thread on the subject but can't find it.... hopefully i wont ever need'em ...
  16. Well, As you know from reading my other thread, I had a freakin monster of a time getting my front axle to break lose once I took the pinch bolt out. I worked with it for about an our at night, and then got on it the next morning. I had to grunt, holler, and pull with all my 300lbs of weight to finally get it to break lose. As I'm finding out from some of you and a few friends locally, once I took the pinch bolt out, it shouldn't have been that hard. Well, now I'm realizing why there was a problem. When I got the axle out, I had noticed the threads had what looked like some sort of maybe thread locker stuff on it, and they also had what I now realize was some thread trash on them. At that time, I just cleaned them up real good, and took a brush to them and got them shiny looking again. I wasn't even thinking to look at the threads inside the fork tube. Well, today I got my new tire on the rim, and started back remounting the wheel on the fork tubes. When I got the axle snug, I put my torque wrench on it, set to 56 ftlbs, and I didn't turn it hardly any and I felt the threads get weak. The torque wrench hadn't even got to the point of clicking yet. I stopped instantly and realized what I had felt. I backed the axle back out, and looked inside the fork tube and confirmed what my suspicions were. The threads were in pretty ruff shape and had been semi stripped. I now realize that the last time I had the tire replaced at the bike shop, they must've overtightend and partially stripped it, so they then put a thread locker on it to make it stay in place. That had to be why it took an act of God to get it to break loose. So, I'm in a predicament. I need suggestions for next steps. Do I have to buy a new fork tube? Has anyone had to go through this and maybe fixed it another way? If I do have to buy a new fork tube, does anyone have one that I could buy cheap? etc, etc, etc. The suckish thing is, the shop that I had the work done at, went out of business, then was bought and opened by new owners. So, there's no way I can get retribution. Need help, please.
  17. Tag along trailer from Harbor Freight... they had it marked down to $399 & I had a coupon for 20% off ,so after tax I got it for $342.37 can't wait to get it together... and yes I have read & will USE the thread on the HF tag along.... IF you are looking for an inexpensive trailer right now HF has the tag along for $399.00
  18. i'm at the mileage interval where i need to lubricate the swingarm bushings on my 07 RSTD.... can anyone either direct me to a thread or provide some insight as to how to accomplish this? thanks !!!
  19. I couldn't find the thread where somebody was looking for the turn signal flasher.
  20. I'm a member at the RoadStarClinic.com and they have a few guys that have successfully installed a hydraulically adjustable shock assembly from a GL1800 (Goldwing). There are a couple of minor mods to make it fit the RS like drilling another hole in a bracket on one end and changing bushings in the other but it works great. Without measurements I can't say it would work on the 2nd Gens but from what I see, it should. I've put 2 links below that go to 2 different threads that should have enough info between the two including the wiring how-to. I also posted a pic of the GL1800 shock and hydraulic actuator after the mods. What I find funny is that they talk about how expensive the GL1800 shock units have become to buy them used on ebay. When I went to look the highest price was $125. Anyway, this is just info in case someone wants to give it a try when their shock takes a dump on them. Link to thread Another thread http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s320x320/577896_3423724624406_1008938154_32461466_1097849736_n.jpg
  21. I've been looking for a place to install the Shindegen R/R. Still can't seem to make the decision to get rid of the OEM sound system even though it does not work. I like the idea of having a radio and CB. Looks like there might be room in the forward part of the left audio compartment, particularly if the cassette is removed. Don't mind losing that although I don't know if it needs to be attached for the rest of the audio to work. That would be for another thread anyway. Found what looked like the perfect spot just above the rear shock, lots of room, open to the air but kinda close to the rear cylinder exhaust outlets so it might be too hot there. Any thoughts? Another option is to put it in the left cowling air intake. I think someone did that but can't find the thread. Also can't seem to get the grill off. Looks like just one screw holding it but there is a prong on the other side, the inside, that prevents it from coming out. Now I can't get it back in. Everything related to Ventures seems to be so complicated except for riding on the highway. I think I'm feeling frustrated.
  22. two weeks ago I had a problem i know others have had. It was a hot night and the idle on my bike started to go up. I could not get it down so headed home . there i lubed all my throttle cables and choke linkages then finally readjusted my idle getting it down to around 1000 rpms. i latter realized this may have been a vacuum leak problem and have seen that suggested here by others as well. What I'm looking for here is a previous thread from someone that may have had this problem and hunted down the offending vacuum line so i know where to look and how to fix it to prevent it from happening again. oddly this only happens when its hot. So if anyone knows of a thread like this could you point me in that direction?? Thanks a lot. I like the 86 a lot I have headset for the com system and love the whole set up the bike still has a few bugs to work out from sitting for 5 years but She runs great and I'm enjoying every minute. While working on the radio i did find a cozy mouse nest under the cassette player unit. Luckily not residents at the time.
  23. leveling links? what are they ? & what is the gain in using them? I'm sure there is thread about them
  24. Just received a change in the Venture Patch with a New Font....It Brings tears to my eyes. All those who placed orders on the last thread "Venture Patch Order 4/20/12" will be receiving this new patch. So those that placed their order on that last thread DO NOT need to place order on this thread UNLESS you want to order more. If you want to order more, please place just the ADDITIONAL amount on this new tread , with the word "ADDITIONAL" so I know to combine the two orders. Sizes Available: 3 1/2 5 3/4 7 9 14
  25. I'm having a problem with my bike pulling to the left when I let go of the handle bars. I wanted to search the problem before I made a post asking about it. For the first search I entered "bike pulls to the left" The search engine returned a list starting with this http://www.raymondstacy.com/search.jpg OK. Nothing good there Then I enter "pulling to the left" The search engine returned a list starting with this http://www.raymondstacy.com/search1.jpg Again no good. Finally I decide to do a new thread about the pulling and when I start the thread I get some great leads that I didn't see in the previous search. At least two of the suggestions had to do with the bike pulling left. http://www.raymondstacy.com/search3.jpg I remember a thread telling us how to use the search engine. So I enter "Search help" The search engine returned a list starting with this http://www.raymondstacy.com/search2.jpg It has been my experience that the the new thread suggestion are better than the search engine. I'm sure that it is me. What am I doing wrong???
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