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  1. The 1st thing I need is a trailer hitch for my new to me 2nd gen , new or used is ok . anybody got one . Thom
  2. anybody have a used slave cyl. for sale ? thought I'd check here before I did the hunt on ebay Thom
  3. Been looking forward to the 3rd annual Anti-Snow day, but looks like it is not scheduled. Just looked and Thom has not been on the site since September. Anyone seen him? Hope he is OK!!!
  4. :Happy Birthday:
  5. I got off work yesterday morning at our local Wally World to find a rather familiar rig sitting at the far end of the parking lot. Ken's "Trick-Lights" rig was sitting there along with 2 motor coaches, 3 bikes, and a car [and who knows what else!]. Didn't take long for me to spot a certain white 1st gen so I figured Thom had to be along as well. Since I had no idea as to when they had pulled in, I headed for home without disturbing them. I sent Thom a PM to let him know they'd been spotted and to say HI! to Ken for me. When I went to work last night, the whole gang was still there. So when I got off work this morning, I pulled over by Thom's bike to see if anyone was going to be up and around anytime soon. Ken came out to take his dog for it's morning walk. I ended up getting invited in for morning coffee and found out why they had been parked there for two days. They were on their way back from the rally at Somerville. The lovely 60 mph wind gusts we'd had over the weekend had taken the awning off Ken's rig and they were waiting for parts to replace it as they were also on their way to the rally at New Braunfels. Oh Fun! Thom says HI!! to everyone and to let folks know that his cell phone went out on him over the weekend so he's been unable to read his "mail" and to add his 2 cents worth to things. He also almost froze his tootsies off as we had something like 40* weather around here last night! It got cold! For May at least. Parts for the awning are due in today. They have to get it rebuilt and rerigged today as they have to head out for New Braufels tonite. Another Oh Fun! I may make a run into town later on to make sure they got back on the road ok. That is not a small awning!
  6. anybody install m/m on a 1stgen , got a new j&m headset and i hate all the noise , i would like to turn off the vox and use ptt , anybody know if i can turn down the mic ? Thom
  7. I know you are very busy making the M/C covers BUUUUUT have you ever looked at the the side covers of a 1st gen , the round parts in the middle , they have 1200 or 1300 on them ? they would look a whole lot better being replaced with V4 . OR do I need a Just thinking out loud , I know i should not think Thom
  8. Thom here is the pictures of my exhaust pipes that I made for my Venture. I hope this works. [ATTACH]38507[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38508[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38509[/ATTACH]
  9. Thom, Hope you guys made it back from the Sisters.. Sounded like you two had a Blast Sorry about not meeting up but you know the story..Anyway glad you liked my part of TEXAS!
  10. i got my brakes delinked yesterday . i should have got the line that gos from the bango up to the master cly. from you , the one from the Vmax is too short . i got to say " you the man " , with the rear brake line and front adapter sure made the job easier :clap2: Thom
  11. anybody know the part # for ngk sparkplugs on a 1st gen ? i forgot manual at home and want to change plugs . Thom
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-LED-Brake-Running-Light-Bar_W0QQitemZ330344553243QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item4cea11db1b&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245#ht_1460wt_928 hillis ,you forgot to say it works on the 1 gens too pretty good idea putting it in a kit , you need to post it in our classifieds too Thom
  13. i am installing a mk-1 chin on my mk-2 and it don't fit can anybody tell me how it go's on , pics maybe , is there spacers ? the crash bar on the rite side is off a mk-1 and the chin do's not fit it . Thom
  14. i bought a new jack at harbor fright last week end and just got enough guts to try it out , it raises the bike up 30 in. i am going to build 2 boxes to set the bike on when i need to get to both sides . the cost was 159.00 and is rated for 1100 lbs. now if the weather will just cool down enough to work on it ! Thom
  15. just downloaded Chrome , and it is fast , i like it ! been playing with it tonite and it is the only browser that resize this site so i don't have to move back and forth to read . it also works better on NBC and FOX but ABC don't like it yet , it is faster and eazyer to use than Firefox . has anybody tried it yet ? Thom
  16. I know this is not the rite place to put this but with over 7700 members here there mite be hope ! so i got to try it , Mods if it ain't right please remove it , so here go's HELP !! I NEED A RV TECH !! here at Camper Clinic , in Rockport Tx. 361-729-0031 ask for me , Thom in Service and i'll shoot you to the Guy that do.s the higherin , appt must have 1 year as a rv service tech exp. sorry but i am so short handed i can't train anybody rite now . we are a flat rate shop and all the usal beenes . now to tell ya about Rockport Tx , we are at the north end of Padre Island , temp is the coolest town on the south Tx gulf coast , runs about 5 degees lower than Corpis Chistie witch is 25 miles down the coast , the area is flatter than water and if you want to do a twistie here , it ain't gonna happen ,but on the plus side we are not that far from the Tx hill country ! the fishing is GREAT ! and lots of beaches . it is pretty cheap to live here , we have a 125 rv parks with in 25 mile of the dealership . my pers. cell phone no. is 386-717-9245 best to call me during the day time because i like to lose it after 7 pm . also we are looking for a RV Service writer too ! So if anybody needs a job and fits the bill and wants to ride all year give a call . Thom , now back to Motorcycles , grandkids and DQ !http://www.camperclinic.com
  17. if anybody is looking for a litebar like the one i installed , i found them here , http://www.chromeglow.com/catalog.asp?prodid=561931&showprevnext it has tail , turn and brake like . what i did is run 2 diodes in the turn sigs wires than run the brake wire to the 2 diodes . Thom
  18. Now i have the internet back i want to thank Condor for the Mac's i got them yesterday and put them on last nite , had to work them a little bit but i won and they look and sound great ! again Thanks Condor ! Thom , 6000 rpm and heads will turn
  19. it looks like i will have to ride home to Fl. Christmas , I-10 and I-12 used to be real bad through La. , the last time i drove though there was 1999 , how bad are the roads now ? Thom
  20. I thought I'd start a new thread here to make sure Thom knows when we've gotten our Buckles. Well at least for some of us that don't live that close to him or have his phone number. So Thom I just wanted you to know that my belt buckle arived today here in New York and it looks great. I'll wear it with pride. It was money well spent. thanks PJ.
  21. Thom440, "hand carried " my buckles up here to me today. heck of a nice guy. only problem we had, was "CONVERSATION", or rather Lack of it! heck i had to coax him into telling me who he was and what he does for a living! all of you guys who know Thom, personally, know just what i'm talking about! lol so now i say publicly, THANK YOU Thom!it was a pleasure meeting you! just jt
  22. well i am going to try it again , i'll be leaving here tues am headin for memphis to see my son and than across the Ozarks to Tulsa to see my brother , than if the weather holds out , try to get to Santa Fe NM. after that try to find someplace to snowbird it at , maybe brownsville tx. or Arz. Thom
  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/vmax-holley-carb-4-barrel-set-up-for-v-max_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35597QQihZ008QQitemZ180282961016QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Thom
  24. i am getting my new piggy backer thurs. i would like to paint it before i put it together the same color as my vr , has anybody painted one before ? did the paint stick ? what kind of primer did you use ? Thom
  25. i got my new vr.o hat today , very good lookin hat , thanks Cliff , great job !!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup: i'll be showing it off this week end at leesburg , just look for the big old fart with the good lookin hat Thom
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