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  1. As some of you know, I have a problem,,,, I know what you are thinking, but this is a new one. I ride a 2014 Spyder and installed JMCB 2003 for a CB and intercom. The intercom works fine, and the CB broadcasts just fine. Now if we get 2 CBs close together I can hear the other, if they are more than 4ft apart I can't hear the other person. I can hear a tapping on their mic, but no voice comes through. Now hear is the next problem then. I contacted JM corp and they would like me to try to use one of their headsets. I use the Edsets with the proper cord, but they were wondering if I could try one of theirs. SO!!!! anybody in the area have a set they could lend me??
  2. I saw this and will have to try it I know it will not deform the tire but whoever thought of this was thinking outside the box.
  3. I woke up this morning (New Years Day) and laid in bed thinking about things, and a trip that I've been thinking about took the stage. I'm sure that most of you have watched episodes of "Highway Thru Hell" on The Weather Channel------I've been thinking about riding some of these roads, but of course in July or August. Do any of you live or at least ridden around the 'Highway'? We've gotten our friends interested in this also, but he added heading up NW so we can touch the south tip of Alaska also. It'll be a long ride (we live in Illinois) but it should be beautiful. I'm also thinking about the actual route we'd take to get to and from where we cross into Canada so we can see some new things. Frank
  4. Hey guys! Getting ready to do the valve job and carb clean and I see I've got cracks in my intakes. I know they don't leak and aren't known for failing but I'm thinking about putting some of that spray on rubber sealant just for good measure. You guys think this will be an effective fix or will I just be wasting my time/money?
  5. Since Outcast was stuck in SC with a front wheel bearing gone bad, it got me to thinking. Wouldn't it be a good thing if we could do some research and see if parts could be found that would work in a pinch such as this. I'm thinking most bearings could be cross matched with something from the automotive line or even heavy equipment house. Is there some way to use the oem part number and find out what the actual dimensions are for a given bearing, such as the front wheel bearing without having to dismantle someone's bike to measure the bearing? I think this could turn out to be a good thing if someone is broke down far from home on the weekend. As was stated in the other post, most metric dealers are closed on Sunday and Monday. What if a bearing could be had from, God forbid I would even suggest this, a Harley dealer! A lot of them are open on Sundays.
  6. i was wondering if anyone has an air hawk seat cushion and what they think of it? we are thinking of getting some but are they worth the money? thanks mike and t
  7. http://email.doeanderson.com/triumph/images/triumph-vintage-fest-header.jpg Anyone else thinking about going? I'll try to make a 1 day.
  8. We are thinking about going to the Bike Show in Minneapolis this January. Is anyone else thinking of going? Tom
  9. Does anyone have any experience with these types of heaters. They claim they are 40% more efficient than the regular baseboard heaters thus using less power.My question is how efficient do they work and do they use a lot less power as they claim. I was thinking of using in the rec room as a supplememtal heat. House has a gas furnace.Comments please. Here is a link to the heaters http://www.costco.ca/Dynamic-Infrared-Quartz-Heater.product.10395019.html
  10. Don I know how much you missed me at MD this year and I'm pleased you were relaxed:banana:. Of course there is always next year and this does give me plenty of time to plan something just for your enjoyment. You do know my folks live in NY so I could always go visit and then just pop up to the international to see ya. Of course that's just a maybe, but ya never know. So now I'll go back to my little corner and start thinking of all the fun we can have next year at MD. Just have to think of something to top the last thing I did. Oh that's right I only was part of other folks plans, never have done something on my own....................................YET. Ya know I love ya Boss, now to show ya just how much.:crackup: :ICkiss: Margaret
  11. Don't know how many college football fans we have out there, but I'm looking for some opinions on the guy that my home states team hired yesterday. Arkansas sneaked into Wisconsin and grabbed Bret Bielema yesterday, and everyone here is in a total stunned coma about it. The airwaves are filled with mixed responses from people thinking it was a good hire, to folks highly upset. So, can anyone give me an honest read on what we have comin at us?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/embed/-icgySC4e2c This video may have you thinking twice before eating from the Costco food tasters.
  13. Are all MK II front calipers the same from 86-93? I finally got my front brakes hooked up to work together, but It still gives me the same amount of braking, virtually none, I am thinking the right one is bad, when I pump them up to bleed them I get good flow from the left when I bleed it, but when I bleed the right one after pumping them up again, just dribbles from the bleeder. If I let it sit for a while the brake lever has no pressure at all, have to pump them up to get any feel but the lever still goes to the handlebar. I am thinking the right caliper is leaking down, but I cant find any leaks anywhere. I have someone offering calipers from an 86 or 87 but I want to make sure they are the same before I get them. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
  14. I have a MKI with cruise but was wondering if it would be possible to get the cruise from a MKII moved over to the MKI I know I'd need to get the handlebar controls.. And I'm thinking there is a controller of some sort buried somewhere.. It would be nice to have the resume / bump up and bump down features...
  15. Ok, I have been thinking about building my own trailer. I have been trying to come up with something unique but not break the bank. So instead of the car top shell on a trailer, I was thinking of using an old jet ski hull. Some thing like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/98-SEADOO-GSX-LTD-LIMITED-SEA-DOO-SEA-DOO-JETSKI-HULL-BODY-SHELL-ONLY-98-2-/150810965330?_trksid=p2045573.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D27%26meid%3D2910077393800632983%26pid%3D100033%26prg%3D1011%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D150810965330%26 What do you guys think? would it be to heavy? I figure a good strong fiberglass hull would be easy to convert into a trailer shell not to mention it would look pretty cool being towed behind the bike. Thoughts??
  16. I know that we can't cover everything but what are most using and what does your have in it. Seems I have been thinking about this a lot lately and want something on the bike with me. So lets hear your ideas ....
  17. thinking of putting a voyger kit on my 03 venture is this a good idea or not thanks
  18. (1)Radio is on but no sound from speakers(2)If I turn steering back and forth there is a crackling sound thru the speakers>Im thinking a short but where do I start ?
  19. Which one do you think I should get? [ATTACH]71088[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71089[/ATTACH]
  20. I am thinking of buying a Reese Backpacker, does any one have ifo or comments about them?
  21. I have a 07 RSV with a stock stator. Need to install something that will draw 5V/.5A/2.5W? Is it possible to do this with the stock stator or will I have to upgrade. Thinking the stock stator won't handle it, so, need one that will. Any suggestions?
  22. Yea I know over rated, to busy etc. I have done it once entering from the north up by the Fontana Dam I think it is. In October the wife and I have a trip planned to Franklin Nc for a week. I was thinking about mostly shorter day trip maybe 2hr to somewhere shop etc then maybe an hour over to some other littel town and hour or so there working our way back. I was thinking of up 28 across the Cherola to Teleco up to the Dam area and then down the Dragon. If your riding the Dragon do you prefer making the trip from the north side or the south?
  23. Just got off the phone with the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) asking about the modulator's you can get for the rear brake lite. According to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, you CAN NOT have any device that provides a flashing red light. It goes on to say tapping the brakes is OK...so MY common sense thinking on this is that the law applies to a STEADY flash....that could be interpreted as impersonating a police vehicle. But a light that flashes 3 times then goes solid is no different than tapping the brakes to flash the driver behind...which I often do on the bike anyway. Anyway...the Sgt. I spoke to said it sounds very much like it would be up the the officer's discretion. So if you P.O'd the leo for some reason, he could nail you for the flasher. The back of my bike is lit up pretty good for running lights...but the only brake light is the factory installed rear brake light mounted on the fender. In the daylight I think it get lost so I'm thinking I'll use the reflector LED mod FlyingFool did up for the brake light and put a modulator on it anyway....and take my chances. I'd rather take my chances with an uncooperative LEO objecting to it than with John Q Public who might not see my brake lights .
  24. Went out trying on cars today, thinking of this one. My daughter thinks it would suit me!
  25. I am thinking of going to ride the Dragon next week. I really know nothing of it. Does anyone have an address of something in the area that I could Plug into my gps to get me there? Thanks
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