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Found 13 results

  1. OK, here is an odd request. On the 1st gen where the horn mounts to the bracket on the frame there are sets of thin metal strips between the horn and the bracket. I suppose the sets of thin strips are to counter act the virbration. When I upgraded my horns and driving light brackets I tossed those OEM strips. Why keep 'em right? Well I have changed my light brackets again to a different type and I find the need of those strips to hang the horns. I made a couple of hangers from aluminum flat stock but they are showing signs of weakening already this year. Too much vibration. Anybody that has done a horn upgrade that might still have those strips laying around that would be willing to part with them? I think each side had 3 or 4 strips for each mount. Thanks Mike
  2. OK, who's goin' other than me and two of my boys? We will be there about noon. I am tall and, ...ahem... big bones, one son is just as tall and thin, the other son is about 6 foot and thin. May be an elderly gentleman (my Dad) with us also. If you see us, stop and say hello. Is it spring yet? RR
  3. Condor


    Dear God, my prayer for 2011 is for a fat bank account & a thin body. Please don't mix these up like you did last year. AMEN.
  4. Any one have a recommendation for a thin style digital camera in the $200 price range. I would like to get one that has HD video recording capability. I am not looking for an SLR type camera, would prefer the thin style, retractable lens would be fine. We have a Minolta Dimage X1 that has quit working. Gary
  5. needed cb antenna black part up, well got one from someone here, what I need is help unsrcewing the black part up, able to unsrcew top part but bottom won;t turn but a little bit. black part is just plastic, very thin, easy to break, I think thats what happened to cause me to lose it. spray wd 40 down tube it to loosen it up??? any ideas out there
  6. I am not using a laptop or a pc to access VR tonite. My son-in-law has acquired some brand new HP Thin Clients. They are small units that allow you to acess the www without having to worry about viruses or any other of those nasty little pest. They do not have a hard drive so you cannot download anything to it to save it. It is very fast. It has its own operating system and web browser. I am going to try to weasel one out of him if I can. He has about 8 of them for sale and is selling them for $150.00 if anyone is interested.
  7. In the process of getting ready to adjust the valves, I find I don't have anything that will turn the crankshaft. What did anyone successfully use to turn the crank after removing the crome cover? 17mm won't go in the hole, 16 goes but won't fit the bolt. So far, I haven't found a thin wall 17mm. I've got grinder, and I'm not opposed to it, but grinding the wall of a 17 just don't seem right - somehow. tks chuck
  8. I just installed this, BUT... How do you tighten the 1/2" nut that sits behind the air nut? I don't have a wrench thin enough to do this. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  9. Guest

    gone hunting

    pulling the pin at 6 am, so won't be seeing you, till next monday night, i like your weather forcast; Friesman, just don't like that thin ice, ends up that you have to take more hunting suits than underware, trying to get a quad back ontop of thin ice one is bound to get wet. and guys if you are going to poke someone with a stick, make sure it is a sharp one, at least give him an excuss to howl. It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye, then it gets halarious. pete:thumbsup2:
  10. This is a repeat of a reply I offered to a sad soul and thought it to be important enough to post a new thread so that everyone might benefit. This doesn't have to happen. Support the flat sided filler spout with a 16mm open wrench and turn against the 16 with a 14mm on the plug's hex head. That way you are neutralizing the stress placed on the thin sides of the pot metal fluid reservoir. Replace the plug with a brass or nylon washer and just snug it down. End of story.
  11. :confused24::confused24:I have to change my plugs. Sea Foam has done its work. However, NONE of the plug sockets or regular metric sockets will fit. Is there a special socket one must get? Does it have to be "thin wall"? What am I doing wrong? Thank you all in advance for helping with my "stupidity"!!! Or silliness, you choose! Thanks Ohedron42
  12. I did and used transmission fluid. I think it is too thin as the fluid "bounces" around a lot. Has anyone tried gear lube? I figure a 75 weight gear lube would be better than the water thin ATF I used. (I now clearly understand why Mercury is used in this application. ) I have about 2-3 feet of hose between the fluid & the carb so I'm not really worried about it being sucked into the engine.
  13. Guest

    Need warm gear

    With my trust levil down for my venture on cold wheather starting, I will be driving the Silverwing to work. BUT - unlike my warm Venture, that is one cold machine, especially with thin scrub pants on. I am thinking I need a pair of warm overalls or a pair of warm pants that will go over my thin uniform pants. I need something I can get into quickly and easily. Any suggestions? Tom E
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