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Found 17 results

  1. I am thankful for many things, far too many to list here, but I will list a few. I am thankful for my Lord and Savior. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my health. I am thankful for my second family here at VR. I am thankful for St. Jude Children's Re...
  2. I'm looking to put running lights on and i needto know if there is power points other than the fuse box. I realy don't like going to the battery. any help would be thankful ron:cool10:
  3. Hello Everyone: Just letting you know that Mom passed away today after a battle with Cancer. I appreciate everyones comments when she went on hospice over 10 days ago. Thankful she is no longer in pain. Both parents gone in the last 60 days, what a year. Thanks...Mark
  4. As another year winds down, I just want to wish all my VentureRider friends and your families a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. At my house, we could find some things to complain about I guess but I would rather focus on the many things that we have to be thankful for. We don't do the exterior decoratin...
  5. So another year is drawing to a close. There have been some good times and bad times during 2010. I wish I could say that it was the best year ever but for many folks, it simply wasn't. We had some members with serious health issues, some that lost jobs, others that lost loved ones and still othe...
  6. I'm thankful this holiday season for 3 terrific sons, all who love to ride with their parents. They all picked women that like to ride also. So.....how bout you? What are you thankful for?
  7. Nothing profound, no great ground shaking words of wisdom. Just simply Thanksgiving Just over a year ago Lonna and I started this new adventure in our lives. Stayed with Gunboat for just about 6 months before I found work and we got into our new home. Looking back on this new adventure of ours...
  8. I'm thankful for many things. I could write a book here about all that I have to be thankful for but I'll spare you all because to be honest, much of it would be the same things that you are all thankful for. So, to keep it relevant to VentureRider.org, I'll just say that I'm thankful to each an...
  9. just want to wish every one a happy thanksgiving. ive got much to be thankful for and i hope everyone else does to. no matter how bad things are i'm always thankful just to be an american and be able to wake up to good friends and freedom everyday. turkey just went in the oven and i'm ready to eat....
  10. I'm a relatively new member and Venture owner, and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone here. Over the past week I did some winter projects on the Venture that include: passing lamp install using Freebird's wiring diagram for the relay and Tony Dathan's spacer, an auxillary fuse panel behind th...
  11. Happy T'Day. If we sit and count our blessings we can surely be thankful. Greetings from the Pilgrims's and one Indian.
  12. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of our friends. I wanted to let all of you know how thankful we are to belong to such a wonderful bunch of people. All of you are in our thoughts on this holiday. Al & Renate
  13. It is that time of year again. January is right around the corner, thought it would be fun to hear some new year's resolutions. We could look back in a few months to see who kept them and who lost them. Mine will be fairly easy; To ride more and eat less, To laugh more and worry less, To be more...
  14. I was wondering what you were thankful for this Thanksgiving? Here is my list, but I am sure I forgot something. I am thankful for my family, my friends, my dog, my health, home, and I cannot forget all the members that I was fortunate to meet this year. I really enjoy this family of motorcyclists...
  15. Well, frustration has set in and I'm going to blow a fuse. Hit the deer about a month ago...took it to the dealer....$5,100 in damages later (thought it would be just a new fender and tire) they've got the bike tore down. Perfect, we have to go to New Orleans for a few days, it will be just like new...
  16. lost my dsl modem 2 weeks ago and was lost.had to go back on dial up till they figure out whats wrong.talk about slow.good to be back .happy thanksgiving to all of you.got an awful lot to be thankful for.bill
  17. With Thanksgiving and the Holiday's approaching I wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving Day and weekend. With changes swirling around us it's tempting to think the swirl is the one sucking us down the drain and pulling us down the pipes.. but maybe it's the wind taking us higher to...
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