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Found 18 results

  1. Will be making a update on the Items I still have left for sale I will remove Items sold and add a couple more. PLEASE SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE OR A TEXT ONLY FIRST TO RESPOND WILL HAVE FIRST CHOICE. Thanks Joe
  2. Dispite it being winter time here in Nebraska, our weather last weekend was in the mid 50's. I called Patroman46 to see if he could ride after lunch. I sent him a text just as I was suiting up. He returned my text, indicating the " MANURE" spreader broke down and he could not go. Has any one heard of a " Crappier" excuse???
  3. I just tried to update the text in the fork brace ad in the 1stGen parts forum. Can't do it. It will not allow me to delete the curreent text and reword it. When I did a reword, and then went to delete a couple of the pics, the added text ended up be a garbled mess. A combination of the old text and the new.. So when the time comes I'll kill the ad and start over. I think it might have had something to do with the ad being shuffled around a couple of months back between the main board and the classifieds. OK actually what it did was kill my lengthy new text and replace it with the old text... after the pic delete.
  4. Some of the members here know that Rob Wynn (aamcotrans formerly) is en route back to Virginia. He just called me outside Montgomery Alabama and is heading towards Atlanta GA on I85. If anyone in that stretch of highway has a spare chunk of floor or such that he could use for the night could you please call or text him on his cell, the # is 540 671 9330. He is house broken and and besides just being ugly, is a decent fella, we've had him here at the house several times spending the night. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help him out
  5. Ok, I know we don't have a lot of members from the Norfok, NE area but maybe someone has better access to weather information than I do. Weather channel says severe thunderstorms and high winds in that area tonight. So here's my issue. My daughter in working at a fireworks stand with friends in Norfolk, NE this weekend. We have been texting back forth over the weekend and staying in touch. She was supposed to be headed home this evening. A while ago she sent a text that the wind was coming up real bad and hail was beating the hell out of the tent. She said people had talked about a tornado. The next text was the tent had gone down and everthing was gone. That was the last text I got and no response since. Anybody able to find any info on the situation there? I'm packing up to head that way shorty if I don't hear from her soon but it's a couple hours ride up there in nasty weather. Like to know what I'm headed into. The reason I'm asking here is I am deaf and not able to jump on the phone. Thanks. Mike
  6. I posted a while back that I needed a favor of someone living around Bend Oregon. Well I had someone that responded via text. Was willing to help out. Then I got a text from someone else that contained a phone number. The sending number was blocked so I have no idea who it was from. The phone number has led to me finding my father after a 23 year absence. Whoever sent that text, you are an GREAT PERSON!!!! I owe you a debt that I can never repay. I a not even sure how you knew what I needed. Shaun
  7. If you use credit cards, check with your companies and see if they offer calling you as part of their fraud protection service. I got a text message this evening from the card company I use the most. Some lowlife was in New York trying to buy $400 worth of tickets on the Long Island RR with my credit card. Now I will have to go through the hassle of changing some of my stuff around, but at least they caught it before it got worse. I did not call back about the text message until I had verified the number as actually being from the company. I am glad they offer the service and wish I could catch the so and so that stole my number. Hope none of you ever need this info.
  8. When I got my last new laptop, I was unable to install my Corel Draw due to a bad disk. Now I find that I do not have the necessary file format to have the VentureRider mugs screened. All I have is a .jpg file. I need to have it converted to a vector based file in one of these formats. Adobe Illustrator CS4 CorelDraw X3 Freehand MX I also need the colors reversed so that the design and text will be black and the background clear. Do any of you have the graphics software to convert this it for me? If so, I can email you the file or upload it so that you can download it. The file is 570 kb.
  9. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, all the posts (the ones with multiple lines of text) no longer fit within the width of the screen and I have a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom and I have to scroll right to see all the text. ... ???? It wasn't like this, this morning or ever before. Yes, I am a computer tech but when such things happen "out of the blue", I have no immediate answer. Nothing on my system has changed (that I know of). Any ideas out there?
  10. has anyone tryed this http://nuance.com/naturallyspeaking/products/standard.asp i need all the help i can get lowell
  11. Are you into the text messaging craze. BRING HOME PIZZA AND BEER PLEASE! Got to learn to type again with my thumbs.
  12. A woman has changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile > phone after her handbag was stolen. Her handbag, which contained her > cell phone, credit card, wallet, etc...was stolen. > > Twenty minutes later when she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling > him what had happened, hubby says 'I received your text asking about our > Pin number and I replied a little while ago.' > When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the > money was already withdrawn. The thief had actually used the stolen cell > phone to text 'hubby' in the contact list and got hold of the pin > number. Within 20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from their bank > account. > Moral of the lesson: do not disclose the relationship between you and > the people in your contact list. Avoid using names like Home, Honey, > Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad, Mom, etc.... and very importantly, when > sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling back. > Also, when you're being texted by friends or family to meet them > somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message cam e from > them. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to > meet 'family and friends' who text you. > > PLEASE PASS THIS ON. I never thought about THAT! As of right now, I no > longer have 'home' named on my cell phone.
  13. On the gps's with ear phone plug in, is it possible to get a cord to connect into my 86 royale vox so I can hear the text to speach ? I want to be able to hear the gps say--In 500 yrds turn left on Elm--through the headsets. Thanks for any help. Gil
  14. Well, my wife (Debbi) and I will be leaving tomorrow morning on our first long bike trip. Leaving Edmonton, Alberta around 7am. Will be going into Regina, Sask. and Rouleau, Sask. where Corner Gas is filmed. The we are off to Billings, Montana, then Butte, and then Great Falls. From there, back up to Canada to Vulcan, Alberta and then home. Now, because of the crappy weather we have been having, we might do Vulcan first and to Rouleau on Sunday. Anyway, just though I would post in case anyone wanted to meet up for coffee alone the way. I won't have a computer with me however, feel free to text me at 780-920-5249 (do not enter a 1 at the beginning because text messaging is not long distance). Don't be shy, text me. Would love to meet some members along the way. Now, lets all bow our heads and pray for some NICE WEATHER. Hope to see some of you soon.
  15. When ever I open photo bucket the text is soo small you can not read it. You can not advance to the next page because you can not see a button. Also when you open a picture in comes in so large it is fuzzy. Any ideas to change the settings to enlarge the text and make the photos normal size. ? Brad
  16. What are the tags for at the ends of threads? I see the box on the reply page for tags. How would I put one in if I wanted to? What sort of text does a tag take?
  17. Is there a way to default the text window wider or longer when starting or replying to posts or PM notes?
  18. Yea...that title got your attention didn't it. I received a private message from a member with a link to a tool called "Stripper". What it does is allows you to paste text in and it strips out the smiley faces and etc. so that you can print it without all that stuff. He wanted to know if something like that is available here. The answer is yes. That is a feature that is built in to the software here. There are two ways that you can do it. If you want to print out a thread but don't want all the smiley faces and etc., then all you have to do is click on the "Thread Tools" link that you can find at the top right of the first post of any thread. There is an option in that drop down menu to "show printable version". If you click on that, it will give you a printable version of that thread without the members weather banners, sig pictures, smiley faces, etc. If you happen to be on a slow dial up connection or just generally do not like the smilies, signatures, etc., you can turn them off all the time. Just click on UserCP in the upper menu bar and then click on "options" in the left menu. Scroll down and you'll see a section for display options. There you can de-select images, avatars, and signature pictures. Now...I just realized that maybe the member was actually talking about a program to strip the brackets and etc. out of email that was forwarded to you. If somebody just forwards an email to you...the quoted text is often preceded by brackets or arrows. If you want to copy and past that text to the forum or send it to somebody else...you have to manually delete all those brackets. Here is a link to a program that you simply copy and paste the text into and it cleans it up for you. There is also a free down loadable version that you can save to your computer and not have to go to a website to use. The link is: http://www.mistered.us/stripper/index.shtml So....you can pretty much have it your way. Hope this is helpful information. Don
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