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  1. TEW47

    New bike

    As of the 11th I sold my Venture and now a Honda NC700x. For me it is so much easier to ride and weights 400 lbs less and am getting close to 70mpg on the first tank of gas. Hated to sell the Venture but the Nc700x is better for me. Thanks for all the help over the years, you saved me hundreds of d...
  2. My daughter-in-law past away in her sleep on Tuesday afternoon. My son is broken-up right now. We laid her to rest today. Four children from 22 to 11. Please keep them in your prayers. tew47
  3. Where can you get points for the fuel pump for an '07 RSV? Saw it on youtube. tew47
  4. Check out this new idea for a motorcycle ! http://www.latimes.com/business/autos/la-fi-motorcycle-car-20120526,0,4147294.story tew47
  5. A friend of mine wants a fairly new Venture. If you know anyone in the Mobile area please let me know. Thanks tew47
  6. Would you believe I got a email this afternoon that was mailed on Jan. 9, 2010, almost three months late! What is the latest youall have gotten a email? tew47
  7. Hall's Motorsport has burned to the ground. Total loss. It was the Yamaha shop. Good thing is, nobody was hurt. tew47
  8. Seventh Annual Biker Ball & Rally February 12th,13th, & 14th,2010. tew47
  9. I will be riding on Jan. 1, with several hundred people to Ezells Catfish House in CHATOM,Al. about 70 miles each way. Good Eating. Meeting at Wall Mart on hwy 158 at exit 13 at 8:30. tew47
  10. In todays paper, I don't know know anything about it. 2008 RSV,2700 miles,lots of extras,still in warranty, $13,500. 251-675-8913, 251-455-3079. tew47
  11. Does anyone have extra pillow seat front and back. A couple of friends want them for their RSTD's? tew47
  12. Two friends got hit from behind while stopped at traffic lights. One was hit at fifty mph, the girl was talking on the cell phone and did not brake before she hit him. The other was hit at slow speed but fled the seen. He was caught a mile away, no insurance and hit a run, maybe he might have learne...
  13. For the first time I saw a sign at a gas station saying Nitrogen enriched gas. Has anyone tried it yet and what did you think of it. tew47
  14. A friend of mine needs a windshield for his '05 RSTD. Does anyone have one for sale or know where he can get one? tew47
  15. I know we have a date when we joined but do we have a member number, if so how do you find it? Who were the first ten members? tew47
  16. I KNOW SOME WILL KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS. WILL A STOCK '07 HD TOUR CLASSIC MUFFLER FIT ON AN '07 VENTURE? A friend will give me a set if it will fit. tew47
  17. TEW47


    Check out Motorcycle Daily for first ride on new VMAX. Yes it still has the kick in the pants acceleration at 6500 rpm. tew47
  18. TEW47


    Warning to all members that might be going across Mississippi on Interstate 10, in the last two week two jerks in a red puckup truck has run two motorcycles off the road. Both riders had serious injuries. So if you are going east or west on I 10 watch out for red trucks!!!!! tew47
  19. Are any of you going to the Alabama state CMA rally on Aug 15-17? Please let me know if you are. tew47
  20. I saw a silver venture with a silver trailer going out hwy 98 in Mobile today. Does anyone know who it might be? there were also several GWs with him. tew47
  21. I am a MSF instructor and I need a waterproof boot that I can stand and walk in for eight hours. What do you recommend up to $150? I don't care if they are not motorcycle boots since most of the time I will be just wearing them on the range. tew47
  22. TEW47


    Has anyone ever tried wearing a down filled jacket under their riding jacket? I might try it if it ever gets cold enought here. Pros and cons. My jacket is a little large, I like it like that. tew47
  23. See photo gallery for santas backrest. tew47
  24. :322:Look in my Photo Gallery for my new backrest. Cost---$40!!! tew47
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