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  1. I've been hearing about these three for sometime now and, some use a battery tender, some use a battery maintainer and some use a battery charger. What is the difference. Spock: "A Difference That Make No Difference Is No Difference"
  2. Ordered a couple Battery Tender Jr from Jafrum.com, on sale today for $17.99. $8.95 shipping on orders under $100. Did a little Christmas shopping get the free shipping. Read good reviews here about the company, some mixed reviews on other sites, will see if I get what I ordered.
  3. i was out today pilfering and came across this for $4.99 @ O'Riley Auto Parts, great if u have a battery tender already has the male/female plug..all rubber coated with a nice tight cap.. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6937.jpg
  4. hi all. is it ok to use battery tender jr on my 08 rsv? the owner man. says don't use a conventional charger as it could damage the battery. I like to use the battery mounted pigtail so you don't have to remove the seat to maintain batt. thanks
  5. Friend (100 miles away) who has a V-Star (1100 I think) and has been running premium exclusively. He mostly rides it to commute (5 miles, maybe one way) back and forth to work. Talked to him tonight and he is complaining that he is having to jump it off and it runs like crap! The AutoZone battery is only a year old and he has not been using the tender that he has. I told him that with his short trips the bike cannot recharge completely, so he is gonna start using the tender. I wonder if the low battery could be contributing to the rough running? My main question for you V-Star riders, is what grade gas do you use? My friend tells me that the owners manual says "86 octane or higher". I would guess that 87 would work, but then again I don't have a V-Star.
  6. I just got a battery tender Jr. for my 2000 RSV. The directions say to hook up the positive to the battery and negative to the frame or vice versa. It doesn't offer what I thought was the obvious way to hook the thing up which was the red to red and black to black. How do you hook them up?
  7. Has anybody ever had a power surge in the garage take out 2 battery tenders at once? There are 2 bikes in the garage, my RSTD and brothers Heritage. He has been having problems with his holding any kind of a charge (it doesn't), and he always plugs it in to tender. I never had a problem before New Years eve, I unplugged mine and rolled it out of the shed. Tried to start but cranked really slow. Fired right up after jumping. I took battery out, went to O'reilly, they tested it and said it was fine but low charge. Tender is a year old and showed the green full charge light when I unplugged from the bike. So I guess now that I have given a little background, there are 2 questions. First, would a power surge take out both tenders but not stuff like fridge in garage? And if that happened, could it have gone thru his tender and actually fried something in his Harley but not gotten thru the tender to my RSTD? Of course he is getting this from me cause mine starts and runs fine. So then he does this.
  8. My bike is an 06' Rsv that was first purchased by the previous owner in Oct. 05. I have never had to have the bike on a tender the year and a half that I have owned it. Lately I noticed that sometimes when I went out to start it, The crank was a little weak, so I put a tender on it. I went out the other day, turned on the ignition, turned off the radio, everything seemed fine, pulled out choke, then pressed the starter. It was like I turned off the ignition, nothing, no lights, no radio, completely dead. I am thinking, I probably need to replace the battery anyway, seeing that is 5 years old. Is this the most likely culprit? What is the best battery to put in the bike? I hate electrical problems.
  9. I'm the second owner, '07 RSV. Bike came from a dealer with a battery connection for a battery tender. Small polarizied two wire lead connected to pos. and neg. terminals on the battery, sticks out from under the seat. Riding for 45+ years, have never used a tender. I always removed the battery for winter storage, used a 2 amp charger a couple times over the winter months. For what/where should I look for a battery tender? Seems it would be much easier than removing/reinstalling the battery. I've seen a couple on the internet, but they have the alligator clips, not the small plug-in type connector.
  10. since my bike is down waiting on a fuse box from one of our great persons here. i thought hey i will take diannes bike out. its been on a battery tender for about a month or so. all systems looked good to go. i took off the tender. turned the key on hit the starter click that was it. head light dim. nothing nada no go. neighbor gave me a push bump start nothing nada no go. this battery came with the bike when she bought it PO said its brand new just bought it a week before she purchased the bike? hmm me thinks some one lied. its a yusa thats what i think it is. im about to pull it. take it to napa for a test... this sucks. nice out and feeling good and no vroom vroomm..
  11. Seen lots of discussion about a "battery tender"...and it is obvious they are the electrical plug type. So...I assume these are not just a charger? I have heard of putting batteries on a 2 amps charger , on a timer, so it only comes on 1 hour a day. I purchased some cheap solar battery tenders from Canadian Tire. These are supposed to put out up to 1.8 watts/125 mA under ideal conditions. But...they won't be any good in my garage over the winter! SO....the question is What is a battery tender? Can I hook up multiple batteries to a single Charger/tender? With all the toys and equipment I have 8-10 batteries!
  12. Guess what I had for dinner last night? They were very tender and delicious! http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/0326101914a.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/0326101917a.jpg
  13. I picked up a Schumacher Battery minder (up to 2amp cycler/ desulfater) today at Princess Auto as it seems to have all the features of the Batter tender plus. It was less cheaper than the Battery tender so I bought it. Does anyone have one of these and if so, what are your thoughts on it. Thanks Brian
  14. Ok guys, have got a problem of something running the batt. down in a very short period to time. Just put a new batt. in and charged it approx. 8-10 hrs. on a battery tender untill fully charged. Rode bike about 6 hrs. on Saturday came home and put in garage until following Wed. Went out to ride, and batt was dead! Put it back on batt. tender and let it charge again untill fully charged. Battery tender shut down as it is supposed to do and is still on batt. in maintenance mode. Am afraid to take bike out until I find out what the problem is. Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated. Don H 77
  15. I have an 07 rsv bought new in july of 08 had it to the dealer in june of 09 and they said the batery would not charge up past 80%. When they told me that they asked if I keep the battery on a battery tender because the charging systen on the Venture is not designed to increase the charge on the battery just maintain what is there and that I should put it on a battery tender every night. That made no sense to me have any of you ever heard this before? Anyway so I bought a battery tender and have been using it and it never gets past the 80% charge range until about a week ago then it read fully charged. Now today I go out to ride and the battery is dead nothing was left on I did not have it on the tender over night I put it on my regular charger and it was chrged in less than 1 hour. 12 volt 10 amp charge rate. This battery is less than 1 year old and the dealer says its not covered under warranty? When I read through the warranty it seems to me that it should be anybody ever have any experience with this Thank Jeff
  16. 07 venture, stock battery......battery failed 3 load tests; mine, Battery Plus, and the dealer......shows 12+ volts, drops to 6V under test......dealer has already been given the go ahead to replace it free....but he must try to " bring it back up " first ( 24 hr charge)..... here's my questions.....he says that my battery tender, which is a Battery Tender jr., will not properly charge this type battery...nor will a regular charger, and that they will damage this battery......that i need to get the charger that yamaha has...........i might buy the story about a regular charger, but not about my battery tender not working on an agm as Battery Tender says it will....so......who's right? and...what should the minimum voltage reading be under a load test.....( just for my clarification) and...my regular charger does shut off when battery shows charged, so why shouldn't it work also
  17. #1 Is the battery under the seat and how do you remove the seat? 2nd the manual said the dealer needs to charge the battery, is there something special about it that I can't put it on my Battery Tender also do you recommend removing the battery or just hooking tender up on bike. The dealer that I bought the bike from was not a load of info.
  18. I bought my 1.25amp Battery tender Plus in 2005 during Daytona week and was using it ever since. I always plugged it in summer or winter whenever I parked the bike in the garage and the Odessey was always at full charge. Until last week when I went into the garage and the green light and red light was out. I thought that I had forgotton to turn it on but I had turned it on as usual. My Odessey battery was stone cold dead cuz it had drained out thru the charger. I started my bike with jumpers from my truck and ran it for 15 minutes or so and then I attached my other 0.75 amp Battery tender and it took 3 days to get the battery back up to full charge. I was afraid that I had ruined my Odessey (PC680) but it looks as if it'll be OK. I bought the Odessey also in 2005 in Florida. Just a warning about keeping an eye on any charger you have hooked up. db
  19. Errghhh.............. Recently hardwired my GPS to the battery. Spliced the wires into the pigtail from the battery the feeds my Battery tender so I can unplug it whn not being used. I have also taken the wires off the bottom of my Rivco air horn to clean and make sure they had contact. This morning, bike won't start? Possibly????????????????????? left the key on in acc. mode, not sure, but thats all I can think of. Now, after a few minutes on the battery tender, starts but now my headlight modulator is out. Headlight works on both high and low but no modulation? WTF? Could I have moved a wire from it? I have NO idea as to where the modulator is or how its wired(Prevous owner installed) Anyone have any idea where to start?
  20. Guest

    Battery Tender Woes

    Went to crank the bike today and all it did was grunt. A little investigating showed that my battery voltage was low and the Harbor Freight Battery Tender had failed and caused the battery to start draining. The Tender was showing only 1.8V output.. I thumped it and the voltage jumped to 5.5v... Next step was to throw it in the garbage and vow never to buy another one. I thought some of you may use the Harbor Freight ones and may want to reconsider whether or not to keep them. Anyway, I got out my Exide Charger and set it up to recharge the bike on the 2A Automatic setting. Took several hours to bring the charge back to full but so far battery doesn't seem to be hurt. May have shortened the life of it though but only time will tell. While waiting on the recharge I found the following link and thought it pretty interesting on batteries. I thought some of you Techies might like to read it. http://www.yuasabatteries.com/pdfs/TechMan.pdf I even learned something...LOL
  21. This Morning my battery was week and I couldnt start a bike... no big deal, hooked up battery tender and left to ride with Stratoliner. make 120 miles and get back home. Battery tender was flashing orange light what mean bad battery. Try to unplug and plug back.. but each time have same reading. So after 3 winters it's a time to buy new battery. I will go with Odyssey or glass mat gel batteries, as well motorcycle Li-ion High capacity. Where is best deal for batteries. what is your experience which one is best replacement for stock one, or should i just go with stock one.? Thanks
  22. The wife heard on the radio the other day from the "car guys" WJR here in Michigan. That putting a battery tender on your battery all winter long will take away or ruin your battery. If this is the case why do they make battery tenders? Besides to make money!
  23. I want to purchase a battery charger for my 06 RSV. I want to leave this on all the time so when I pull into the garage I can hook it up to the extensions. I am not too swift when if comes to the the "electricals" of the bike (I can wire my house...but know nothing about the electricals of a bike). So I don't want to damage the battery. There are battery tenders and battery tricklers. What do people recommend, why, and what do you have. I'm not sure of the difference. A very popular product in this area is called Battery Tender. It has 3 versions: Battery Tender Jr; Battery Tender Plus; and Battery Tender Jr. Waterproof. I have a full battery charger at home, but I want something I can attach to the battery and just leave there and plug in if I don't ride it for a week or 2. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks Painter
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