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  1. So I have rode my scoot a couple of times this week and it was in the 20's, Had the carhart bottoms on and it was a nice ride. The temp gauge came up to operating temp just fine. It got almost to 50 today so of course I jumped on the scoot and with no kids and wife was gone I figured I would go get some shopping done. So got out there avoided the mad cars and shoppers at the mall and on the way back home the temp gauge didn't move. Not a thing bike ran fine but no gauge. So I got on the site and looked some things up and as I was checking for wires popping off and grounding the gauge and it jumped to the top. I left the bike running and hmm it came up to op temp just fine. All I can Fig is that it was cold enough to keep it down on the scale as I was riding home but man it was nice. I will have to say Christmas shopping is almost fun when you can ride. Just stay out of the way of the 4 wheelers, There Nuts!!!!!!
  2. Hi. This is a question mainly for those of you who live in hot areas, like 90 plus, regarding engine temp. Now I know the gage catches alot of flak for inaccuracy, but what I've noticed is consistent. If I'm riding at any kind of steady speed in cool weather, my 87's temp runs at about 1/3, where there's a little gap in the green line on the gage. I'm assuming this gap indicates "normal" which I think is 180, right? As the weather warms, it doesn't hold there. When the weather gets over 90 or 95 temp tends to run more like 2/3 or 3/4, right about where the fan kicks on. At mellow speeds, like 55, it might go a little lower like 1/2 plus, but on the Interstate the increased wind drag loading causes the temp to go up. In fact, it may be kicking the fan on and off, but it's hard to tell at those speeds. It does generally hold at that temp, not continuing to climb into the red. One time, in extended riding at 107 deg and 90 mph (we wanted to get it over with) the temp was getting close enough to the red to make me a little nervous. I know there's limits to everything, but if the cooling system and thermostat are effective, it really should be more steady regardless of the weather, methinks. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure I see a correllation between hotter temps and reduced gas mileage, by maybe 2 or 3 mpg. The one trip mentioned above was horrible, 26 mpg or so. I also notice a little ping here and there in hot temps, so I run higher octane gas in those times. Is my bike just like everyone else's, or should I look for trouble? I've flushed the cooling system but never replaced the t-stat or anything else cooling, for that matter. Jeremy
  3. Before I start I want to run this past a few of you guys to see what you think, the first thing I am planing on doing is threading a temp sensor into the oil cooler adapter output side. Next put a DPDT switch in-between it and the water temp gauge with an LEDs to identify which sensor is currently doing the monitoring getting the use out of it for both water temp and oil temp. Next will be mounting the cooler in front of the radiator with a fan and a screen to try to protect everything from road damage. Next with the adapter I am planing on using has a built in thermostat which is set to open when the oil gets above 180 and close when the oil gets below 160 on the flow side that has already gone through the filter. A fan switch set at on at 180 also on the line leading to the cooler. I will be using stainless braid over PTFE lines with 8AN fittings for the oil lines to protect them from damage, lines should be good for a quite a few years. All bends will be handled by AN fittings so kinking the PTFE line won't happen, ok shouldn't.... This is going to be a Fall / Winter project and I would like to get as many kinks worked out before I start. I am due for a coolant and oil change anyways so I figure as long as I doing all that add it now.
  4. Recently I had posted a thread about needing a temp gauge. In True Venturerider.org nature I received two by mail for free. As much as I appreciate the response and generousity of our members (Thanks, ISUTLEY & MUFFINMAN), I only needed one. So, the extra one is available to anyone that needs it for free. As well any of the extra MKI and MKII parts I have laying around and don't need, the selection of parts are a varied assotment. Just PM if there is anything you need and I'll look and see if If I have one laying around. But, I did have a question that I had posted on the earlier thread that no one responded to and since I am still curious I am going to ask again. But actually, I received a good temp gauge today from ISUTLEY (Thanks Les) and was able to compare his good one to my bad one. On a good one, or, one which has never had the needle pin removed from, there is a slight retraction action on the needle that returns the needle to the cold position when the sensor registers cold. On my bad one there is no retraction action. I'm not sure what causes that retraction action rather it be spring loaded or a reaction due to temp but it is deffinately there and neccessary. Does anyone know what causes the retraction action on the needle? Curious minds want to know.
  5. Reassembling the 87VR XVZ1300 for mayby the 40th time, I'm trying to address and correct all known bugs the bike has had. My current road block is the temp gauge in the gauge cluster it does not work. Or, should I say it does not work correctly. Meaning that it is not calibrated right. Cold the needle is halfway up the scale. At normal operating temp the needle is pegged off the hot scale. Does anyone one have an old set of gauges laying around with a known good temp gauge the could part with, sell or trade?
  6. Like many, I noticed my water temp gets very close to the redline before the fan kicks in. Once it does, it cools down nicely but I feel more comfortable with the fan coming on at a lower temperature. The thread for the switch is 16m x 1.5. Using that info, I did some searching. I found a good cheap alternative on ebay that switches on the fan significantly earlier than the stock one. The one I got was from a 1988 Chevy Sprint, part number Beck Arnley 201-1367. It is normally open. Opens @ 185 Deg. F; Closes @ 194 Deg. F Fits in with no problem and works like a charm. Fan comes on a lot more but the water temps don't get over half way up the temp gauge. It cost me 5 bucks plus shipping. Just cut off the connector and add a couple of flat, male connectors and they will fit right into the stock harness. Here's a pic; http://thumbs1.ebaystatic.com/m/mkooBtkIH-fJevn12Jx82sQ/140.jpg
  7. Like many, I noticed my water temp gets very close to the redline before the fan kicks in. Once it does, it cools down nicely but I feel more comfortable with the fan coming on at a lower temperature. The thread for the switch is 16m x 1.5. Using that info, I did some searching. I found a good cheap alternative on ebay that switches on the fan significantly earlier than the stock one. The one I got was from a 1988 Chevy Sprint, part number Beck Arnley 201-1367. It is normally open. Opens @ 185 Deg. F; Closes @ 194 Deg. F Fits in with no problem and works like a charm. Fan comes on a lot more but the water temps don't get over half way up the temp gauge. It cost me 5 bucks plus shipping. Just cut off the connector and add a couple of flat, male connectors and they will fit right into the stock harness.
  8. Current temp is 104* according to my eletric temp gauge outside my garage. Inside it's 99*. Weather.com says 101* for this area. Next to nothing is getting done today with most of it spent inside with the ac running. I did build a new shelf along one wall in the garage for the extra goodies I'll pick up eventually from Denny for the 83. Probably do that when we get back from the NY rally. At least temps shopuld be coming down some later in the week. Sure hope so cause temps like these are rough trying to enjoying any riding. Larry
  9. Mel


    http://weather.yahoo.com/united-states/indiana/indianapolis-2427032/?unit=f Temp showing 103F when I posted this.
  10. Probably a one off, but if a heads up helps anyone .. Had a meltdown couple of weeks ago (the 87 VR & me). Noticed the back half plastic fins on the right side-vent were warped. man was I pi@@ed, anyhoo, this was the only symptom of the motor overheating. it was extremely hot combined with city driving must have launched the motor temp. Temp gauge held steady slightly above normal on the green entire trip. (still don't understand why the temp gauge didn't redline) Didn't notice the fan cut in at any time, not to say it didn't, it is functional. There doesn't appear to be engine damage. Long and short of it, found the top of the 2 part front cylinder head cover/heat deflector had come apart and partially slipped forward between the front cylinders and the rad fan. The upper cover is secured to chassis frame by friction fit and connect to each other by a rubber channel and a dozen interlocking male/female rubber prongs. Repositioned covers and end of problem methinks. Checked front cylinder head covers this morning. Sure enough, they're separating slightly at the rubber channel. Reseated again, maybe zip tying them together would be one fix. Hope I'm on the right track here. left fin in image is normal. tough getting decent pics of the cyl covers.
  11. Hello , First off let me say that I believe that Old Goat is a stand up guy and that he told me everything he knew about the bike good and bad ... Question #1 I put some seafoam/gas into the bike started it up so the seafom would get into the carbs to maybe help out .. It ran for a bit and noticed the temp gauge didn't move .. the fan never came on ... then I noticed the the antifreeze come from underneath..(over heating ).. so i pulled the knob located next to the ignition.. the fan came on.. I have removed all the plastic from the bike ... where the temp gauge is there is a green/red stripe wire ,a black wire and a brown coming from the back of the temp gauge .. I tracked the green/red striped wire to the sending unit it was hooked up.. where the sending unit screws in there was a black wire with a male end that was screwed into the piece that the sending unit screws screws into was not hooked up.. I looked around and found another black wire (same gauge wire) with female end . ( the male end and the female looked factory) should these be hooked together ? Is this the ground for the gauge? also there was a blue wire that came out the same place as the green/red stripe wire .. it is hooked to a black wire ( not factory i don't think ) that goes to the knob i pulled to start the fan.. If i plug the black wires together will this make the temp gauge work? And is there a way I can test without starting bike ? Question #2 if you were standing at the side of the bike looking at the engine .. Between the back and the front set of cylinders there is a oblong piece of metal (don't know name ) That has hoses running to it.. On this piece of metal looks like a metal tube sticking up from it nothing attached ... Right above it is a hose (seems to be 3/8 ) that looks like it should attach to it ... Should these two be attached ? ... I'm going to replace all the hoses and clean all contact points .. since i have it this far apart.. I will have plenty of more dumb questions for you in time .. A big thanks to all that take the time to respond..
  12. On my way to work this morning driving the Company truck. A scooter passed me on the Interstate before daylight doing about 80. I barley seen him coming with the frosted mirrors on the truck. My outside temp guage said 32. What is the windchill running 80 at 32 outside. Must be one of those electric suits he was wearing.
  13. just wanted to say thank you for the radiator it got here today. i had a friend test my old one and sure enough the upper core where the cap goes on has a small split in it that was makeing it run across the top and down the other side makeing me think it was leaking on that side. yours my friend looks like a brand new one. and you included the fan and the cap. now how is that for a great man? i wont be installing this for a few days my bike is up in a storage shead and the temp around here the next few days is going to hit the hight 90,s with heat index in the 105 range so im not going into a metal storage shead to work in that kind of temp. but i will keep ya posted on when i get it done.
  14. after talking to some members yesterday i got some answers but forgot one question so here it goes. check my pressure before riding and the front is 36 and the rear was 44.5,my question is if i drive 2.7 miles to the station(outside temp is 75)and recheck them and i want my front at 38 and rear at 48 do i just ad the differance (say front i need to ad two pounds)from the temp at the station example the front temp went up to 37..5 do i make it read 39.5 which will be ading the org two pounds or not. guess i could of wordrd it a bit easyier.
  15. Here's an interesting one for you... regarding carb synch.. This is a little unique for me as I travel north south and hit 40-50'F temp change within a couple of days.. Before going on this previous road trip, I had synch'd my carbs as precise as I could and on test runs it ran smooth and sweet in 38-41'F weather we had here mid month of May.. But once I get down to South Carolina, in the 90's temp and I can feel thumping as I put power onto the bike at highway speeds, so that could be head winds? When I got back here today, I could barely feel that thumping.. I had thought perhaps it's my clutch plates acting up or something... like that.. hot oil, clutch oil heating up etc.. but when we got up here.. it smoothed out.. but it's still there under the surface.. So is what I'm feeling more to do with my clutch or with my carb synch, and does temp make that huge of a difference on it?
  16. I hope there is an easy answer to an easy question. What is the normal water temp of an RSV? At what temp should the fan come on? Thanks all:bowdown: KB
  17. hey guys i found this tip but not able to contact the writer to see if it worked or not? " Overheating Solution Just want to pass a tip to Venture owners who have an overheating problem, especially in cities on hot days. I bought a 1983 Venture Royale which probably had two or three owners. One of them connected the t-fan to a manual switch which I thought was a good idea. But the temp needle would almost jump to red, even with the fan on. My problem is now solved. I took the tstat out and also found that the fan switch was incorrectly connected to the fan. Instead of bringing air to the engine it would run inversed and push the air through the radiator. Imagine! Now the needle never goes more than halfway on the temp gauge and with the fan on it will go down to just over 1/4. Please pass this message on the V-folks as it might help someone out with heating problems. Keep up the good work and thanks. Norman Rémillard " now my question is is it ok or not to run it without the thermo and do it this way,reason im looking and asking is,i live in st.pete florida always hot and in town stop and go traffic the gauge gets way up there 3/4 and a hair above if i sit to long with no real airflow,so i already have my fan switch hooked up so i can turn on for sure when needed,but what about it? no thermo make it run cooler or not? thnx in advance for any and all help. troy
  18. Some of you have installed a water temp guage, and the question is where did you install the sensor?? Are there two sensors.?? One to power the warning light and another to kick in the fan like on the 1stGen?? And if so, can the warning light sensor be swapped out for a guage sensor??
  19. Hey Guys!------I changed the "thermastat housing" and all the hoses on my 89 Royale and now it seems to be running "hot"---any ideas why this could be?---I have the plastic drain plug at the bottom of the radiator with the "off" mark at the "2-O-clock" position like someone on here said was the correct place for it-----It seemed to cool down some after I returned from the initial run and let it idle with the fan runnining------I actually revved it up to about 9000 rpm's one quick time to see if maybe something was stuck and the temp guage seemed to drop to about 3/4 way up (at least it was in the green area after I did that)----I used the same thermostat that came with the housing because it had only 29,000 mi. on it---Do you guys think maybe it was just kinda stuck?----i sure hope that's all it is:fingers-crossed-emo..................................................Larry
  20. Anyone tried the lower temp fan switches? Pros or cons?
  21. It's been several years since I've seen or heard my cooling fan come on. I've been kind of concerned about it since I'm making trips to see my son, about 260 miles round trip, most weekends. I've been trying to catch it running for some time now and finally today, I cranked it up and just let it idle for about 20 minutes, without hearing it come on. Just when I was going to give up, I felt a blast of hot air coming out near the front cylinder on the side I was standing on, looked at it because it was almost too quiet to hear it but it was running. Only ran about 30 seconds then shut off again. My temp gauge hangs around in the coldest part of the scale all the time even when it's fully warm so it doesn't help very much. Besides replacing my temp gauge, I wonder if it might be worth it to put an LED on that fan circuit so you know it's working on hot days.?
  22. I found this cheapie time and temp guage at Wally World for $9. It's battery powered (1 AAA), shows both ambient and direct sunlight temps, and has a nice LED clock readout with a green backlight with a push of a button. I mounted it with two small pieces of hook & loop tape just below the right front speaker, and ran the sensor to the inside of the front fairing on the far right. Seems to be waterproof as well. Not a bad pick up for $9 bucks.
  23. Ok, I did the Midnight Ride here in Michigan over the weekend. I have a temp guage. Bike usually runs about 190-200. As I am sitting in line at the Mackinaw Bridge (about 15 minutes) the temp slowly climbed to 230. I was about 4 ft behind the bike in front of me. Could the exhaust from the bike in front cause the temp to climb on mine? Once we got rolling, it went right back down to 190. I have noticed when I get into traffic the temp climbs. Is this normal? It's a 2007 Venture.
  24. Someone here posted about a LCD dash for the 1st gens tryed the search , did not work , anybody know where it is ? i have found a few for m/c but they are too small to see , only 4 in. across . is it possible to remove a small lcd screen and install a larger one ? i would like to get rid of the cms and use LCD plus i have a 75 Lincoln i am installing a PC in and would like to use this http://www.fusioncontrolcentre.com/FusionStore//catalog/index.php to connect the speedo , oil and temp senders , elec window and lites too the PC . Anybody know if there is software to do this ? i can get lcd the rite size but i am short on brains and long on want ! Dumb Thom -- but i can fix RVs and trailer bike well !!
  25. I found a RED one (the fastest color)! What a cool bike. It handles soooo much better than my bar hopper Sabre. Now, I need guages. RPM, water temp, ambient temp, compass. I see someone on the forum buildes them..............We'll talk!!! Need a shorter smoked wind shield. I see they're for sale Also I think I want to ride without the trunk. It seems easy enuph to take off. Seems like a few bolts and the whole assembly comes off. If it is easy to get off and on then I'll only use it when on the road. (seems like over kill for around town). I will need a back rest to bolt into the same holes. Has this already been done??? Thanks for all of your help with my pre-purchase questions. Rich
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