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  1. I'm looking at buying a RSV and have read the owners manual on line. One thing it does not explain, and the salesman at the dealership couldn't tell me either, is how the intercom works. The manual only tells how to adjust IC volume. I'm used to the GW and HD where you can use it as PTT or as open mic. How does this one work?
  2. Man goes to Tuscaloosa hotel to meet woman he found online, is shot in head and robbed (note the man had his 9 month old child with him) http://blog.al.com/tuscaloosa/2012/07/man_shot_at_tuscaloosa_hotel_a.html#incart_river_default glad he didn't get killed but something tells me he got what he deserved...
  3. In the Ohio restaurant forum??? Yamamama & Freebird the only members with access? It tells me I may not, may not, may not. Last entry was April 18, 2010.
  4. Just received a call from son # 1....you got it , I'm gonna be a grandpa for the 8th time come this September...Wait, #2 son is getting married in September....something tells me I'll be getting another call similar to this one next year. I've got to get these two boys a different hobby........
  5. Can anyone tell me how to contact the Yamaha Warranty Service Rep. As some of you will remember my RSTD ran hot. With some assistance from my friends here we pretty much feel assured that it has a blown head gasket. The bike has been in the shop going on 4 weeks now with very little being done to get it repaired. The 1st week the service manager told me he had couple of big jobs in front of me so it would be the following Tuesday before they could get started. I'm not thrilled buy am okay with that as I know how these shops work. He also tells me until the last few weeks he has never had a RSTD in his shop for repairs which does make me feel better about the quality of the engine. Anyway... Three more weeks have passed and they have yet to diagnosis the problem. Their reasoning is they do not have the proper size fitting for the radiator pressure tester. This is a Yamaha dealer, they should have the proper tools. He says he has been trying to find one but to no avail. I just can't believe that in 3 additional weeks they can not lay hands on something they should have in their service bay. Then after he does diagnose he tells me it will be an additional 2or more weeks for them to get the warranty approval and then order parts and then do the repairs. I think I have been more than patience but that is quickly running out. So how do I light a fire under their backside. Who do I call? I have a call into the manager now but I want to go higher than that. Thanks.
  6. I am going tomorrow to go look at this bike and from what he tells me I think it will be in my garage. I just need to find a trailer hitch for it. http://treasure.craigslist.org/mcy/2195401066.html
  7. Mr. Freebird is a man who tells you a simple thing in a confused way in such a fashion as to make you think the confusion is your own fault.
  8. i know this is already running in another thread but i wanted to add a video with out getting into trouble so here it is your fram oil filter and some others hope it tells you what you want to know \ [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX0xrqvlsNI&feature=fvw]YouTube - Are Fram Oil Filters The Best ?[/ame]
  9. TAKING A WOMAN TO BED What is the difference between girls/women aged 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, and 78? *********************************************************************************** At 8 You take her to bed and tell her a story *********************************************************************************** At 18 You tell her a story and take her to bed *********************************************************************************** At 28 You don't need to tell her a story to take her to bed *********************************************************************************** At 38 She tells you a story and takes you to bed *********************************************************************************** At 48 She tells you a story to avoid going to bed *********************************************************************************** At 58 You stay in bed to avoid her story *********************************************************************************** At 68 If you take her to bed, that'll be a story *********************************************************************************** At 78 What story? What bed? Who the h*ll are you? *********************************************************************************** According to the Office for National Statistics 190,374 people are having s*x right now 212,130 are kissing and one poor b*stard is reading this joke You hang in there sunshine!
  10. BradT


    Buddy, your signature is pretty neat. Not sure why every night it tells me I am at a different place ? It's always pretty close to where I live. Brad
  11. He may have it figured out but here is what he says. Let me know your thoughts.
  12. I have an '89 Venture Royale listed in the classifieds that belongs to a man who lives near me. He tells me that it needs the right side panel louvers and asked me to try and find some for him. If any of you have them for sale, please send me a PM with your price. Thanks
  13. Hi , I own a 2005 RSV, with 48,000 plus Kms on it, can anybody tell me if they have had any problems with their Rear Wheel bearing exploding on them , the mechanic I brought the bike to tells me this is due to normal wear and tear, therefore it isn’t covered under warranty, just wondering in Newfoundland Red Knight
  14. I have read about baking the TCI at 100 degrees for 30 min or so. Is there a thread that tells the whole process and tells me what to look for? THanks, Jeff
  15. i have not posted for the last 2 weeks , been in a bad mood so i just lurked , reading every thing here every day to make me feel better . Silver got hit 2 weeks ago . i went shopping for a frig. at a local shop and parked 20 feet behind a car when i went inside i asked whos white car is that is out there , the lady , who is the owner of the shop said it was her's and i told her that i parked behind her and don't leave with out telling me . i bought a used frig from her and she ask me how i was going to get it home and i pointed at Silver and said i'll put it in the trunk of my bike could she have somebody give me a hand ? she laughed and i told her that my son will be here with a truck and trailer to pick it up . so while my son and i are loading the frig she comes up and is waiting for us to finish and than tells me she knocked over my bike , she not only knock it over but pushes it about 8 ft. after i get it up she tells me that she is closed and i need to move the bike so she can leave , i tell her to call her insureance co. she tells me that her ins. is in ohio and i need to have my ins. co fix it i said so my ins. is in fl. and she needs to call her ins. or i am calling the pd . that got her on the phone real fast , after she told the ins. co. what happened and thay told me thay would fix it , 4 days later a ajuster called me from ohio and said a ajuster from tx will come to me and take pic'c that took another week but he took a lot of them . the ins.co is nationwide and seams ok . the rite side is a wreck , fairing , mirror , rite panel that holds the class , rite bag , highway peg and trunk . the front bumper is bent pretty bad but i have been riding it to work every day , i hope the ins.co sends me a check pretty soon because Silver is in ruff shape rite now , i had to remove the trunk today because it was falling apart . i guess i am a member of the broken haerts club , i now know how Randy felt . Thom
  16. I replaced the battery and the new one has a threaded filler cap and is to large for the wire that tells you when the water is low. What can I do? Thanks, Kevin
  17. Ok all you wiz's out there. What is the factory torque for the rear axle castle nut on a 1986 Suzuki 1400? The only tech info I can find tells me it is 40-63 fp. That sure seems low to me.
  18. :322:Hi everyone,, I just installed a new sealed maintance free battery in my 1984 Venture Royal. Can someone tell me how to fake out the systems computer that tells you that there is a battery problem? Thanks, Steve
  19. I had two good rides last Monday and Tuesday so I figured the weather had turned cold again so it's finally time to look at my # 3 carb. It would leak gas after a ride one day and the next time it wouldn't. I tried the Seafoam many times and it still seeped out. So off the carbs came. Upon looking at the # 3 needle and seat I do see a ring mark on the needle but it's very hard to see and the light has to be just right. I have ordered new one's from Buckeye but my gut and experience tells me that may not be enough wear to cause the leakage. The question I have, is there any other vent lines or blocked ports that could cause pressure to build in the carb making it seep? Anything else that would cause it? Thanks. Spotsy
  20. I Just Called My Dealer That I Have Spent $32,000.00 At In The Last Four Years And Have Sent Countless Customers To And Ask How Much He Would Charge Me To Mount And Balance 2 New Tires For Me. He Tells Me "you Didn't Buy Them From Me So I Can't Do It" What The F*@! I Got Them For $65.00 Less So I Could Aford To Have Them Put On. What Ever Happend To Customer Service After The Sale?
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