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  1. I put an "I" basket in my scoot which quieted it down really well. Until I dragged (or is it drug?) my trailer 400 miles and then it got progressively louder, to the point where it may be louder than it was before the "I" basket. So, now I'm going to look at this from a different angle. Has anyone considered some type of sound deadening coating on the clutch cover to maybe lower the amount of transmitted whine? I'm still researching this, but I do know that what ever coating used would have to take a bit of heat as the side cover gets fairly warm. Maybe some of that pick up bed liner. I figured that I'd pick up a spare cover to play with from Ebay. Yesterday I was experimenting with sound deadening foam. I taped a large piece to the lower fairing area as there seems to be a lot of sound bouncing from that area with no luck. No matter how much foam I taped or wrapped around the right side of the bike, it stayed just as whiney. Now to the next idea. I have my old "G" basket and I'm toying with the thought of having the teeth on this basket "machined" slightly. Maybe a small grove cut in the center of the teeth of the primary driver gear would change things enough to lower the whine. Or possibly a slight radius to the top of the teeth. Anybody with a metal working background have any thoughts on any of this? I'm going to stop and talk to the local high performance engine builder on Thursday to see what they say. Thoughts?
  2. It's Hell to be Old ... OLD people have problems that you haven't even considered yet! An 85-year-old man was requested by his Doctor for a sperm count as part of his physical examination. The doctor gave the man a jar and said, 'Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow.' The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day. The doctor asked what happened and the man explained, 'Well, doc, it's like this -- first I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing. 'Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing. She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, still nothing. 'We even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezin' it between her knees, but still nothing..' The doctor was shocked! 'You asked your neighbor?' The old man replied, 'Yep, none of us could get the jar open.'
  3. Watch out for those nuts, hard candies, and other such items which can break teeth. I didn't, and have been in pain all weekend. Tylenol doesn't do much to help. I'll be standing at my dentist's door at 8am Monday. Hopefully it can be capped or crowned and I won't loose it.
  4. Hi my 2000 venture's clutch started to slip about a week after ownership in 5th mainly so i decided to source a extra clutch spring to pop in there and hopefully sort the problem, but i decided to pop over to a local v-max spares guy i know. I bought a complete basket with plates etc . Well my original is a H basket, and the v-max one has a scruffy E marked on the back if that means anything on the max's . Well im yet to try it to see if it eliminates the whine as im waiting for a gasket , but i thought you might like a few picks i took to show the difference in the teeth . V-max on the left has noticably narrower teeth to the original H Basket . Does anyone know if the I basket has Narrower Teeth compared to the H ?? Oh and a pic of my clutch basket tool welded a big screwdriver to a spare clutch plate lol
  5. How quickly things can change. Seems like no more than a few days ago there were plenty ot trailer drawing tickets to be had. But boy, go get a cup of tea and zap they are becoming as scarce as hens teeth. Looks like only abut 75 tickets left. So, if you've been dragging your feet, might be time to step up and commit if you want to have any kind of a chance at the trailer....
  6. If I do have to get my wisdom teeth out, I will take a taxi home! This clip is of a brother and sister who both had their wisdom teeth taken out and are headed home! :rotf::rotf: Warning! It is a little lengthy and you might have a chuckle or two! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig-pZ4OyidY]YouTube - Brother and Sister Dental Odyssey[/ame]
  7. Last week one of my back teeth started to be very sensitive to cold. Went to my dentist and he said I have a crack in my tooth and need a root canal. Of course, he can't do it so I have to go to a specialist. Cost of root canal: $800! Cost of crown: $900. Total invested in one lousy tooth: $1700!! Thought about going cheap and having it pulled but I really want to keep what teeth I have left. Don't want to do dentures until absolutely necessary. Anyway - I'm thankful I live in America where dental care is available though expensive. I can't imagine how people in other countries deal with rotten teeth and dental issues. I am blessed but I'm still whining about forking over $1700 on one tooth!
  8. bj66

    chat room

    Where is everybody. I checked in 3 or 4 times in the last week or so. Nobody is there. Is it my deodorant, or maybe i have something stuck in my teeth.
  9. I have been researching fuel injection systems for a while now, and there is one thing I cannot figure out. Most aftermarket fuel injection systems such as MOTEC use a hall affect sensor with a toothed sprocket attached to the crank or cam shaft to monitor engine speed and position. I understand the logic for engine speed, as the teeth spinning by the sensor create a voltage proportional to the engine speed. To detect an initial engine position, the sprocket will have one or two teeth missing. How does the computer detect and determine that the missing teeth is a larger gap than all of the other gaps? Let's say you had a 60 tooth sprocket that is missing two teeth attached to a crankshaft spinning at 10,000rpm. The teeth will be spinning by the hall effect sensor with an AC voltage at 10,000Hz, and two teeth missing will create a zero voltage incident only 0.0002 seconds long. How does the computer notice this is different from the other pulses? I understand that with a 2MHz processor 200microseconds is a long time, but what does the computer logic look like?
  10. GUMBY:rotfl: Got all my upper teeth removed yesterday
  11. Hey gents, was wondering if anyone will be in attendance at the Toronto show this weekend, 7,8,9 Dec. I'm planning on heading out to the show Sunday, and if anyone from the group will be there we could possibly meet up. Now that winters locked it's teeth on us here, might as well make the best of it, bike shows, sportsman shows, fishing shows, then finally, spring arrives. Jim
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