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Found 14 results

  1. Attached are PDF scans of a 1986 Venture Service Guide for Technical Training. I got a copy of this on Ebay. A lot of info on the Anti Dives, CB radio, Cruise Control There are quite a few interesting tidbits in the information contained in this material. I broke the scans up by sections so I could get them uploaded. Same format as the 1987 Venture Service Handbook for Technical Training I loaded a few months ago. Link to that thread next. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/sh...ad.php?t=71406 Gary
  2. Attached are PDF scans of a 1987 Venture Service Handbook for Technical Training. I got a copy of this on Ebay a while back and got around to scanning & posting it today. It covers Ventures from 83 to 87. There are quite a few interesting tidbits in the information contained in this material. I don't think this is all the service bulletins up to this point. In the Front End Noise, I found a reference to a bulletin M83-015 which I don't have, relating to Instrument panel noise, but this is not listed in the contents section. I broke the scans up by sections so I could get them uploaded. Gary Additionnal Predelivery service M83-015.pdf Steering Head Noise M83-016.pdf Front End Noise.pdf Stator Cooling Kit Installation M84-025.pdf XVZ12 Saddlebag Alert.pdf General Audio Troubleshooting.pdf
  3. What is the real difference between a battery tender jr and a battery charger? Since the last battery I put in the bike was a AGM type I am wondering what it is I should be using. Read articles about desulphering and all kinds of technical stuff. Just need to know in layman's terms what to do or at least an explanation of what each kind does and if it is important to me or not. Let the technical guys come back first and then you can let the insult fly.
  4. Not sure if this is where this belongs, but I thought I'd post it up here. I recently installed an RSV seat on my 06 RSTD. It would have been much more difficult without the help of this site and a couple members. First off, I'd like to thank jemorrisonjr for being one of the first to PM me an offer help and parts. Great guy, if you haven't talked with him you should. I'd also like to thank Freebird for having such a good, informative site for Royal Stars. It's the best I've found. I'm not going to bore you with technical details, but the information I received here on doing this modification was spot-on and saved me some headaches. And the tech articles have on a couple modifications I've done. So I figured I'd post up a picture of my finished results. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f353/KoolKwad400/IMG_0215.jpg So again, thank you so much for the help, thanks for this site, and thanks to the members who offered help or wrote technical threads. You've all been a great help. M
  5. This is simply the beginning of a new set of Frequently Asked Questions I am going to create for us, focused specifically on the bikes, not the use of this board. Many of us get tired of seeing the same old things asked repeatedly, especially when they have been coved in great detail so often in the past. Hopefully, this will allow those new owners to find the basic ansers and links much faster! I am starting with the 2nd Gen models since that is the bike I own and know intimately, and I am starting it here simply to solicit ideas on what should be included. I am going to build this in stages, as I feel like typing and looking things up. I will begin with the next post by listing the FAQs alone without the answers, just to bet the list going, but I will keep editing that post and adding the answers to the questions until it is ready for movement to a more appropriate place. Please feel free to post any and all thoughts to this thread that will help in refining the ultimate document. I am sure that some of the items will be controversial, such as defeating the rudimentary pollution controls on these bikes, but I will endeavor to handle all items in a balanced and fair way (even the evil car tire debate!). But I also implore any of you to keep me on the straight and narrow if you feel I have not done a subject justice. Goose
  6. Hi Guys, first I should introduce myself; my name is Steffen Hanne and I live in Germany near Berlin. My bike is a RSV Model 1999, newly bought in 2001. A friend of mine has also a Royal Star Venture with the whining clutch basket. I found the thread with the Yamaha Technical Service Bulletin M2002013 and the text posted by Rick Butler (thanks for that). The problem is, that the Yamaha Dealer and also Yamaha Germany didnt know anything about their own TSB (or didnt want to know :-( ) My question is, if anyone here is able to send me the TSB in the original (PDF-Scan) via PM? That would be great!! Greetings from Germany
  7. I have seen somewhere that this can be done. I looked for a "How To" but found nothing. Maybe someone who has done this mod could share technical info, parts used etc..... Thanks
  8. Some students at our local high school have become interested in motorcycle mechanic training at Universal Technical Institute or Motorcycle Mechanics Institute. Has anyone had any experience with them or talked to anyone who has gone there? Iowa Guy
  9. Guest


    Anyone know where I can find Technical Service Bulletins for our bikes?
  10. Don, would it be possible to make an allowance that we could add tags on threads in the read only technical section? There are a couple in particular that I would like to be able to find more easily.
  11. Does anyone know if official Technical Service Bulletins are available to review? I know that they are available for dealers and their mechanics, but I doubt that they would make them generally available for their customers to view. It just seems that considering with how readily information is these days, someone must have a database of these TSBs on-line. I figure that it couldn't hurt to be familiar with potential problems which might arise at some time in the future. Thanks! Pete.
  12. Just a short note here to let everyone know that all the world's serious problems have now been solved. Spent a very enjoyable evening, even though Kansas Tornado did show up (lost as usual), visiting with Don, Juggler, Tigress and the Kansas Tornado. Great dinner, some libation and a lot of refreshing conversation (even though they did spend considerable time bad mouthing my political choices ). Juggler was trying to set up a WiFi connection (way beyoind my limited technical skills), and I think he did take a few photos. Struck out again in trying to get the server to swap T'shirts with me . After 22 years, still can't figure out what it is with the waitresses here in Minnisoda.
  13. The thought just occured to me (after reading another post about oil seal replacement) ... there's an awful lot of technical advice, how to's, etc in this website. Some of it is nicely assembled in the technical forums but there is also a lot buried in various threads, and in bits and pieces in the posts. Wouldn't it be nice if all of that great info was assembled together in one nice book? I'd certainly pay for a book like that. It would be much more useful than the factory manuals and even current 3rd party ones such as Clymer. A lot of "real world" hands-on information is available to us here but not always easily found nor properly documented. Even if someone on this site were to go through all the posts, assemble all the info, do some real good "how to" documenting (with pics) and post it in either the technical forums or as a downloadable PDF. Now I know there is a lot of stuff in the technical forums and it is all very good....what I'm talking about is the info contained within various posts that has not made it into the tech forums. Has this already been done? Am I talking about something that is readily available and I just haven't come across it yet? Here's a small sample of what I mean... One of the members is trying to fix an oil leak, probably at the shifter shaft. The manual doesn't cover this except when the engine is out. It would be nice to have a well documented with pics explanation of "how to" accomplish this (with the engine in the bike). Another member mentioned there is another seal that could leak but in order to find it you have to remove the exhaust collector and run the bike up to operating temp ....and don't forget to remove the fairing lowers. If all of this was documented under a common heading of "Fixing Common Oil Leaks".... it would be so easy. Now, to try and find all posts in here to do with "oil leak", here's what I get... 299 threads, many of them having several posts. I might find exactly what I'm looking for right away or, I might get caught up reading the many posts and totally forget what I was looking for (don't ask me how I know this) LOL Any thoughts on this guys/gals?
  14. yammie

    New Job

    Just looking in on the Elbo Room in Fort Lauderdale and everyone is in shorts and T shirts, can't wait till spring!! The reason for this note is that we have an international forum here, that being said, I am about to take on a new job with an offshore rig and I was wondering if any of our members may have held a postion on a offshore platform. Being in the navy for some 20 years I am by no means a land lubber but have never worked with the oil industry before. I will be employed in the technical side probably in a overseas position with a hitch of 28 days. I guess you can say that I am kind of a greenhorn when working with the private industry and any info of what to expect would be great. Thanks...
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