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  1. An impaired driver that killed one of our local riders was given her sentance today.... 1 day and probation..... our riding comunity is in tears. She killed our friend, Jana, dang it. http://cfax1070.com/News/Top-Stories/Impaired-driver-who-killed-motorcyclist-goes-free
  2. whew!! i took a chance on an ebay listing...it didnt say it was for a venture, but, it looked like the right seat. negotiated it for 150.00 plus shipping. its nice!! no rips, tears, scratches. the rear is much larger than the stock too. removable backrest, it also goes up and down. the backrest, that is.
  3. Last week while my freshly restored and painted 87 XVZ1300 Venture Royale was parked innocently in front of my house, minding it's own business. A neighbor lady came down the road going to fast for conditions, failing to maintain lanes, texting on her cell phone, doing her make up, fiddling with the radio or who knows what the H*ll she was doing came to wide around the corner crossing the road and nailed my bike.:doh: Did I say my poor bike was minding it own business. Turns out she happens to be the Attorney for the insurance company she is insured with (Cincinnati Insurance). I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. She did stop and leave her information with my roommate then went home. But, that did not seem to matter to the responding police officer that came to write the police report. Because he made every indication that he was going to cruise down to her house a block away and arrest her for leaving the scene of the accident (Especially when he found out she was an attorney) but evidently settled for citing her for failure to maintain lane. She did have an adjuster get in touch with me the next day. The adjuster came by and looked at the bike. She was nice and seemed to commiserate with me while I explained, in great detail, (with tears in my eyes). That I had just finished spending the past year and hundreds, (If not Thousands ) of man hours painstaking restoring my poor baby with my own blood, sweat and tears This fine example of Classic Motorcycle technology and history. After hearing the story she insinuated, in fact even said (with tears in her eyes) just tell me what the damage is and we'll cut you a check QUICK. She even said QUICK several times, with emphasis. I'm thinking:mo money: So, I spent the next day putting an estimate together which included the following: Cost of damaged parts at Yamaha's MSRP...............around $3,600 Painting materials to match custom freshly done paint job.......480.00 Labor at prevailing shop rates......................................85.00/hr. Total estimate around .................$5,400 Next thing I heard from the adjuster, via voice mail message, (in an emotionally detached voice), "An appraiser will be getting in touch with you". So, the appraiser will be coming out in the morning. I'm just betting he will say Used 1987 motorcycle totaled at some ridiculously low number. I'm thinking I would sell my first born male child into slavery for a fraction of what this bike is worth to me in blood, sweat and tears for all of the hours I've put into this labor of love. Based on the foregoing, what would you think would be a reasonable position to take to settle this claim and put this whole unfortunate incident behind me and move on. Considering, I'm not willing to forfeit the bike and title as totaled since the damage is all cosmetic and I would do all the work myself.
  4. Hey Guys, I just got back from my last big ride of the year and I know that many of you up further north are getting ready to put your bikes up for the winter. So, I thought this would be a good time for this friendly reminder that if you are considering letting me rework your seat (s), don't wait until next spring when you are getting close to putting your bike back on the road. I have been reworking about a couple of hundred seats a year and usually I'm real busy during the winter months. However this past spring, I was absolutely covered up with seats for riders getting ready for that first ride of the year. It's not really a problem in that I can turn around several seats in a day, but it would be better to string them over a longer period. And while I'm on the subject, I thought I'd update some of you of the damage I have been seeing on all of the RSV seats (to include the early 99-2001 standard, Midnight and pillowtop) as follows: 1. All of these seat have cords in the cover that go through the foam and are tied off at the bottom of the foam with a plastic disc. The early and Midnight seats only have 3 of the cords that hold the seat down at the back of the seat and the Pillowtop has 9 that creat the pillow effect. The holes in the foam create a weak spot which makes the foam susceptable to tear between these points. 2. The foam at the nose of these seats is rather thin and is also susceptable to tears from the pressure of the seat pan. 3. I see many tears in the cover at the bottom edge of the seat right in the area of the seat nuts. This comes from using an open ended 10mm wrench to remove the nuts rather than a 10mm socket which tears the vinyl. When I repair these tears, I also sell you a set of my Butler Built thumb nuts so you can take your seat off without any tools so this will not happen again. In each of these cases, I repair the tears just as part of my service. I treat every seat that I work on like they are mine, so I address any issue I see in the seat. With tears in the foundation foam, I glue the tear back together with my spray contact cement and then reinforce that area with heavy duty duct tape (which works well). With the tears in the bottom edge of the cover, I glue a patch on the inside using a heavy vinyl of the same color. And the glue I use (Goop) is there to stay. Then for those seat pans with busted studs, I have found that I can drill and tap the stud base with a 6mm bolt from the inside and get your seat stud back. But, I do charge a small amount to fix this problem. And for those of you who are not familiar with what I can do for your seats, take a look at my ad in the Classifieds that explains what I do as well as everything you need to send me your seat (s): http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3738&title=butt-butler-seat-mod&cat=25 And like I said earlier, when you put your bike up for the winter, go ahead and send me your seat and don't wait until the ice is melting on the Mississippi River. And even though the word is getting out on me to other groups and referrals, I still am pretty much dedicated to the members of the VentureRiders (and your best kept secret). Thanks, Rick
  5. I have a REALLY heavy heart this morning!!! We had to put two of the 4-legged children to sleep this morning. They were 15 or 16. Some will say typing through tears is silly as they were just dogs... R.I.P. Toy and Taylor Pictures are from happier times...
  6. I've got a mustang seat, plain with the backrest and rear pillion I'm thinking of selling. they're a year old with approximately 9500 miles on it. There all in very good condition with no tears or worn areas. What do you guys think a fair price would be on them. Thanks
  7. Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of our tragic accident and my dear wife, Leslie's death. Honey I miss you as much now as the day I was told about your death. You will be in my heart and thoughts for the rest of my life. The tears still come but not as often. Sometimes the tears come because of happy thoughts. And sometimes I even have a laugh now and then when I think of you. I know you still ride with me where ever I go. Life is moving on and I'm getting better. All the friends I have, have helped me get through this. Thanks to everyone here for your prayers and good thoughts.
  8. Anyone going to ride in the Trails of Tears Sept. 20th? I won't be able to join the ride but several of us from Birmingham will be going up to I think Madison AL to watch it come through on the way from Chatanooga to Waterloo. Been told there will be several thousand bikes or more.
  9. little betty tear,let me down[debated all night]but finly sold my 89 VR,it headed for west tx,it will be happy,with all the roads,not mutch rain,has had a lot of wind exp,older man,road it off,it didn't want to go,started it for the man,blew a fuse to all the aux lites,bad fuse holder,then the radio would not pick up any stations,guess,it realy didn't want to go but down the driveway she went,big tears rolled down my face,guess i had better mow the grass,drank a beer,thank about this up comming trip,that only worked for maybe 2 min now to get started on the 93 VR:cry::cry::bawling:
  10. May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had, forget your home address! In simple words ............ May 2008 be the best year of your life!!!
  11. I went and did it I got my first tattoo. Steve snapped a few pics of the occassion... http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/adventure.2007/11.4.07.tattoo/1104071521a1.jpg it doesn't hurt... much... http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/adventure.2007/11.4.07.tattoo/1104071521b1.jpg ..An hour later...a few tears...and my first tattoo... http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/adventure.2007/11.4.07.tattoo/11040716041.jpg ... hmmm...where to put the next one....hmmmm
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