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  1. Tip n I had an excellent adventure today.. We are still in the process of getting things in order for the big cruise over to Ann Arbor to visit the U of M in January. 3 weeks ago, during an outing that found me jogging on a tread mill while a very young looking heart specialist controlled the speed and uphill angle of the conveyor belt that was moving beneath my feet,,, 30 more seconds the nurse said,,, I didnt trust her cause it seemed an hour had past since she had said "1 more minute".. As we were walking out the door of the hospital on that previous adventure, I looked at Tippy and told her how happy I was that another link in the process of this medical journey was completed.. Looking for empathy and maybe even some sympathy, I also made a comment about how much the angle of that tread mill reminded me of the angle of the roadway her and I had pushed Tweeks up when we ran out of gas on the other side of the Missouri River from Chamberlain South Dakota.. It worked cause she acknowledged that the ordeal didnt sound like that much fun.. I told her that the Nurse and Doctor had pulled a tag team of torment on me trying to get my heart to rev over 138 rpm's and that, truthfully, I would rather have been back out in that 105 degree sun, helping her push Tweeks.. Glad it was over.. Thought that was ancient history,, a long forgotten time of trauma when,,, last week,,, our Doctor walked into room #3, said hi to us, looked down at her computer and said,, "getting handle on all the prep - every thing is looking good --- except your heart stress test,, got some stuff there that we should look deeper into"... I knew it,, I just knew it,, that local hospital tag team and their conveyor belt with a "T" handle bolted to it were gonna cause me problems... My Doctor announces I have to go do ANOTHER one of these tests only this one will be a little more fun cause I get a bunch of pictures taken AND I get to have my motor injected... That brings us to todays adventure.. This time the tag team consisted of 3 medical looking people.. After shaving a bunch of spots on my chest to make sure my wiring was grounded properly, they flipped the switch on the monitor,, one of the group kinda moaned a little and said something about my motor rate of 42 rpm's.. The one in the white coat walked out,, looked at me and said - "do you have a heart condition"? To which I replied,, "not that I know of"... I was laying down on a bed with wheels next to the conveyor belt while that conversation was going on. I didnt notice the guy with the injection cart walk in.. Having been around injected motors and gear heads who inject them, I am pretty familiar with the voice tones the type of person who injects motors has.. I knew immediately what this person was up to as soon as he introduced himself as "Ed"... I forgave "Ed" for trying to push the feed line for my motor injection thru my elbow - he was very apologetic about it not "flowing".. He tried some kind of technique using some kind of saline solution but still couldnt get the injector cranked up.. He had to plug that lead and go looking for another one... Wired up,,, chest shaven with patches hanging all over me,, right arm all poked full of holes,, tag team standing around me, they cranked up the conveyor again... As I held onto that familiar "T" handle and felt the conveyor start to tilt, it occurred to me how many times I had asked Tweeks to pull an incline loaded to the Antelope Horns with gear and with two people on her back no less... "Ed" broke my sweaty daydream as he announced he was about to hit the injector button.. As he shoots the juice to my motor, someone announces that having your motor injected while trying to balance your wheels on a conveyor belt can cause momentary loss of balance.. It can and it does.. Thankfully the "T" bar on the conveyor belt at our local hospital is very very well made!! As the tag team was helping me lay back on the wheeled bed I could feel my pride and dignity returning knowing I had accomplished another great adventure.. I immediately found out that only part of the journey was completed.. The team moved me into another room where many more tag team members had gathered.. My motor and I were placed under this machine that they all said was "the camera" - certainly did not look like one though.. Spent about 20 minutes getting pictures taken of my motor.. As I leaned up onto the side of the bed with wheels, visions of some of Tips turkey and homemade dressing danced in my head (had to fast for this procedure - hungry!!).. Glad to have this one done... The nurse that handed me my shirt asked if I would be waiting in the hospital for the "next" step or if I would be leaving.. She informed me that I would have to be back in a couple hours for part two... Ohhhhhhh,,, goody goody,,, its not over!! It dawned on me that I still had the "injector" hooked up and,, being the gear head that I am and knowing first hand I dont like people knowing whether or not my motor is injected either, I asked if - for secrecy sake - my injector port had to be removed if I was leaving the Hospital.. Nailed it.. Remembering the fiasco that "Ed" had gone thru trying to get my injector flowing,, I made the wise choice to hang out for a couple hours... As Tip and I were goofing around in the corridors of the Hospital I was intriqued at how many mature adventurers there were hanging around.. As with any trip, we conversed with quite a few of them.. After finishing up a conversation with another bearded charecter about my age, I looked at Tippy and told her I wanted to go view the "little people behind the big window".. It had been many many years since I had stood at the viewing window and made ugly faces at the lil ones.. We walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor exit ramp.. Hooked an exit and noticed a sign that said "Intensive Care" - opppssss,, obviously the wrong exit... Merged back in the stair well traffic,, off on the 3rd floor exit,,, surgical rooms......... Back into the stairwell traffic,, 4th floor,, which was also the end of the stairwell road.. Walked in,, more surgical care rooms... Walk over to the nurses station on the 4th floor.. A nurse asked if she could help.. Tippy stood there beside me as I explained to her that we were just waisting time between some heart testing and were looking for the baby viewing area,,, just wanted to give the hospital a chance to show off those lil ones.. The nurse eyed us up and down,, smiled and told us that this particular hospital didnt do babies no more... Saddened, we ventured back down to the main floor.. As we stood in the main floor corridor, leaned against a wall and yapping, a well dressed office looking lady walked up and asked if she could help us find something.. I lifted my sleeve, showed her my injection connection and told her we were waiting for part two.. Than we got yakking about the hospital not having a baby area, how strange that seemed and how disappointed I was that I didnt get to view the little curtain climbers.. The lady grinned when I said that and said,, you wanna hear something that will really make you sad.. She asked when the last time was that I had "viewed" the hospital babies.. Probably 25 years we said.. She says now adays, at the "other" hospital, you cant even view em unless you are a family member and have a security wrist band.. She said because of people STEALING babies and other security issues, those "open view" days that I remember so well are a thing of the past... Keeping it a "secret" about whether or not your motor is injected is understandable but,, hiding those little people like that - now that is just plain wrong... Got the message that I was "next in line" for more injector flavored pictures,, finished up and came home a little older and a whole lot wiser about injectors, babies and life in the not so fast lane of geezerdom!!
  2. Does anyone have any experience using the UCLEAR HBC100 Bluetooth helmet communicator? It's microphone is built into the speakers. It says it's military specs and that the wind/traffic/engine noise is eleminated. My current SCALA Team Set is getting a bit old and I'm thinking of changing our headsets out. www.uclear-digital.com/
  3. There is a game going on with the GL1800 group that I thought would be fun to try here. We would need 2 groups (a north and south group let's say) The object of the game is to get a picture of you, your bike and a baton (one like in a relay race) in front of the state capitol buildings in all lower 48 states. The object is to then hand the baton off to someone else in your group who then would ride to another state capitol and get the picture. They would then find someone in their group to hand it to so they then can get another picture of another state capitol. Only rules would be you must be a member of this board, you must pick a team to belong to before you accept the baton from someone and you will be responsible for the baton and to meet up with someone to move it along. Once you decide on a team you can not switch sides. The GL1800 board has been trying to complete the task for 2 years now and I believe we can get it done faster. If anyone is interested in trying this let me know and I will put all the rules and such together. I would also need a person to be "captain" of the other team to get it started.. It would get some people riding and also get us to meet some new people Let me know what you all think . Rick :group cheers:
  4. A friend sent me this link showing the riding skills of the team of instructors at the Delta Technical Centre in Kyoto Japan. Incredible. The recording is several years old. There is another video of them performing this routine in the rain!!! Even more incredible!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs2RnbvHSuU]デルタテクニカルセンター パレード - YouTube[/ame] Andy
  5. 'cause we are not going to make it back to the states this year. I had a pre trial conference on Monday with my lawyer and barrister and the other side has finally acknowledged that they have some liability!! My legal team do not want me leaving the country this year. I have another pre trial in six weeks [30th April] Legal team for Main Roads Dept. want to send me to see more Dr's and an Occupational Therapist again. They are trying to say that I can go back to work!! which reduces my claim. I'm in this till the end... as it's the rest of our lives!! So sad we wont get to see you.....BUT........ I have already submitted the paperwork to the shipping agent for the trike to go to the U.S. in 2013 So, you need to take photo's of M&E's and rallies so we can enjoy it all long distance
  6. this week our employer had a new "team buillding" exercise. we divided into 5 groups to answer trivia questions... as we came to the end, my team was tied with one other for first place! the bonus question: "Where to women have the most curly hair?" I was first to ring the bell, called upon then shouted the answer! Anxiously awaited a positive response..... well -- apparently the correct answer was Africa... we lost..
  7. The last in state football team to beat Ohio State was Oberlin. In 1921. Hey Boss what position did you play on that team???
  8. At one point during a game, the coach called one of his 9-year-old baseball players aside and asked, "Do you understand what cooperation is?" What a team is?" The little boy nodded in the affirmative. "Do you understand that what matters is whether we win or lose together as a team?" The little boy nodded "yes." So the coach continued. "I'm sure you know, when an out is called, you shouldn't argue, curse, attack the umpire, or call him a pecker-heard, D***head or a**hole. Do you understand all that? The little boy nodded "yes" again. He continued, "And when I take you out of the game so another boy gets a chance to play, it's not good sportsmanship to call your coach "a dumb a** or S**t head" is it?" The little boy shook his head "No." "GOOD," said the coach. "Now go over there and explain all that to your grandmother."
  9. My Father, who is 86 years old, had surgery this past Monday to repair an Abdominal aortic aneurysm, 6.6 cm in dia... While they were in repairing the aneurysm, they found He also had a twisted bowel which they corrected as well. The first three days after surgery he seemed to be recovering very well. But by the forth day he started halucinating and is now totally delerious. As well his abdomin is starting to look very bloted and the nurses are hinting at the possibility of a post surgery infection. He is not sleeping, and and is having constant conversations with people from his past who are no longer with us. My father went through two wars.one being WWII were as a youth he was in and out of prison camps having escaped twice and later helped with the dutch underground and red cross units. After that he joined the dutch Marines and spent two years in jungle warefare in Indonesia, were he led a small demolition and tactical assault team. The events of those years is were he seems to revert to the most were he dwells on lost friends and team members. Or relives the horrors he has Gone through or witnessed. Needless to say we are very worried and hope He pulls out of this well and healthy, and I am asking for prayers on his behalf.
  10. OK I know this doesn't have anything to do with riding but since college football is just a couple of weeks away I was wondering who everyones FAVORITE team is. My wife and I have been going to every home and a few away games and tailgating at all of them for the last 12 years or so and the team we follow are the Purdue Boilermakers PS we are going to try and do some tailgating this year with our motorcycle and trailer and see how that goes. Should be the only ones doing that.
  11. This YouTube is kinda long, but has some great VB action. The team is coached by my Niece Dana. See's doing a great job. She used to play VB for Texas A&M. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W57NxS1j66c&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - chino hills v oaks christian volleyball semifinal.wmv[/ame] The family's pretty proud of what she's done....
  12. Heard a lot about it this time and we can't say it enough. HATS OFF TO OUR CANADIAN FRIENDS FOR HOSTING THE GAMES!!! A really class act. More Gold than Mt T can wear!!! Also heard they had a Hockey Team up there!! Just wanted to say THANKS!!! Most of North America is pretty solid if we could just do something about South of our border...
  13. This is a great letter from a Colts fan , a must read!!!!  It happened... The Colts have made it to the Super Bowl. Quietly, humbly, efficiently they came out in the second half and delivered the knockout blows needed to beat the pesky New York Jets. Every Colts fan has been salivating for this for two seasons since the last trip to Miami . Every Colts fan is ready, ecstatic that his team has made it this far. As the clock ticked down in the AFC Championship game, the realization hit me that another Super Bowl win would fully validate the career of my favorite athlete (do I need to say his name?). And then... The Saints come marching in—guns blazing, classy group, everything you could want out of a football team. Everyone knows the story, Katrina hits, devastating the city of New Orleans ... Who do the people turn to but their lovable loser football team. They back them, despite the fact that they’ve never been to a Super Bowl, that they’ve had more losing seasons than I’m sure fans care to recall... The city pulls itself up from its bootstraps, and this team gives it something to stand behind, to root for, to be so proud of. Which then leads to the question many Colts fan ask themselves... Why did we get stuck playing the most likeable football team in the history of lovable losers? I won’t cut corners here I’m die hard. I hope it’s a great game. I hope Peyton throws for 400 yards and five touchdowns and solidifies himself as one of the all-time greats. In the end, this game is different from any of the others. I don’t hate the Saints. In fact, I’d say they might be my second favorite team. I don’t want to see Drew Brees being carted off the field at any point in the game, or any other Saints player for that matter. I don’t want any questions about who the better team was when that final whistle blows. I want a hard-fought battle between two of the classier organizations in the NFL. I hope both teams walk off the field with their heads held high. I hope fans of both of these franchises cherish this game, this season and the careers of so many great players who will take the field on Super Bowl Sunday. Which brings me to admitting maybe the hardest thing to say as a Colts fan... If we gotta lose to someone, might as well be you guys... There, I said it. Now I look like a sentimental softy. I’m sure my die-hard status will be in question to many a Colt’s fan... I don’t care. Your story is amazing and your team might be bigger than any one game or even the man(ning) I have idolized since he stepped onto a football field. Best of luck to all of you, the team, the fans, and the New Orleans community. I’ve rooted hard for the Saints every game of the season, how could you not? This will be the exception. I’m sure it will be a game for the ages. See you in Miami , James Secoloff :clap2::clap2::clap2:
  14. as some of you know i serve in the army national guard in Ohio i am also privilaged enough to serve on the honor guard for the last 7 years the cincinnati enquire did a story about the way we ( cincinnatians) honor our vets if you like you can follow this link to check out the pics and video http://news.cincinnati.com/multimedia. the still photo's are titled "honor guard" Local news Cincinnati.Com » Local news Last Updated: 2:16 pm | Friday, January 22, 2010 A promise kept: Saying goodbye to veterans By Cliff Radel • cradel@enquirer.com • January 22, 2010 Comments (8) Recommend (5) Print this page ShareThis Font size:AA WESTWOOD - They call themselves promise keepers. For, when a veteran dies, they make sure Uncle Sam keeps his word. "Our government only promises so much for our service," Army Master Sgt. Steven Jessie said as he shivered in the mid-morning chill of fog-blanketed Baltimore Pike Cemetery. "They might put us in harm's way. They might feed us crappy food. They might not always take the best care of us. But, they do promise to remember our service and I'm here to keep that promise." • Photos: Military honor guard Jessie stood just outside the cemetery's chapel. He adjusted and readjusted his spotless white gloves. He repositioned the shiny black visor of his cap. He gave his dress blues the once-over. Time to for another "mission." That's what he calls leading the honor guard at a veteran's funeral - another "mission." The 50-year-old coordinator for the Ohio Army National Guard's Southern Ohio Honors Team averages 30 funerals a month. A soldier since enlisting out of Norwood High school in 1978, he has been on honor guard detail - with time off for a tour of duty in Iraq - since 2002. Two years earlier, President Bill Clinton signed into law the act ensuring that every honorably discharged veteran can receive, if requested, a funeral with military honors. Those honors include at least two members of the armed forces, the ceremonial folding and presentation of the flag and the playing of taps by a bugler or a recording. The act, and fate, created a need for honor guards. World War II veterans are dying at the rate of 1,000 per day. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan created a shortage of qualified personnel. The duty then fell to the National Guard. "And so, sir," Jessie said in his yes-sir, no-sir, take-no-prisoners master sergeant tone of voice, "this has become my full-time job. "And, this," he noted, "is my team." He nodded to two sergeants - Ron Henry of Price Hill and Franqui Ovington of Blue Ash - and one civilian volunteer bugler, Larry DuPree of Montgomery. "We are waiting today," he added in a somber near whisper, "for our guest of honor." Jessie likes to know "about the veteran we are honoring. Was he young? Or, was he in World War II, a Private Ryan, as I like to call them?" He holds onto that knowledge and then he lets it go. "In the end, it doesn't matter whether he was young or old," he said. "Each veteran is going to get our best." On this day, the guest of honor is the late James Bussell Sr. The carpenter and painter died Jan. 13 at 54. Early in a life cut short by a massive stroke, the Price Hill man enlisted in the Army, attained the rank of private and served two years. "He was stateside the whole time," recalled his sister, Patricia Collins of Bridgetown. "He never talked much about his time in the Army. But he was proud to serve. So, we wanted him to have military honors because he deserved a great send-off." Private Bussell's send-off was one hour away. While mourners paid their last respects miles away in Price Hill at the Ralph Meyers & Deters Funeral Home, Jessie greeted his team. They had to go over the day's drill. "We will stand by the chapel's entrance," he said. "As the hearse approaches, we'll greet the guest of honor. I will call my soldiers and my bugler to attention and we will salute. When the hearse stops, we will stand by at parade rest. When they bring the casket out of the hearse, we will salute." After the casket passes the honor guards, they will follow it into the chapel. "We stand in the back," said Jessie. "After everyone has spoken, we approach the casket and salute. "The salute is the bugler's cue to exit the building and play taps. We hold the salute through taps." Bugler DuPree nodded and looked down at his horn. He wanted to make sure no fingerprints marred its highly polished silver bell. Some honor guards use a digital bugle. A soldier holds the horn, presses a button and out pop the notes. "They're fake!" Jessie said. "When the family sees that horn with the device in the bell, they're going to think their loved one's service didn't mean that much. That's why I always use a live bugler. I use Larry a lot. In over 300 funerals, he's never blown a sour note." DuPree is a man of exactitudes. The former Air Force medic who served in Vietnam during the Tet offensive keeps track of the number of funerals where he's played taps since 2007. Today's mission is No. 378. The team's combined total exceeds 3,000 veterans. "Some days, we have three funerals," said Jessie. In the war on mortality, there are no cease-fires. DuPree keeps another number - 368 - in his head and in his heart. That number stands for the missions he logged in Vietnam. None lasted longer than 20 minutes. "You picked up the wounded in a helicopter and took them to a hospital," he said. "I never knew their names." No time for chit-chat when blood's spurting from a wound. Still, DuPree said, the impersonality of that "always bothered me." To make amends, he performs a ritual before playing taps. As he puts his bugle to his lips, he whispers the name of the veteran who's about to be buried. The flag-folding ceremony is all about ritual. "The folds are triangles and creases and getting it right," said Ovington. "You say over and over to yourself: 'Don't drop the flag.' " She stopped talking and stared at Henry's cap visor. It was smudged. That had to go. He buffed the visor with his glove. Smudge gone. "One funeral I drove my motorcycle," Henry said. "I put my jacket in the trunk. Sgt. Jessie told me: 'I better not see so much as one wrinkle.' " If the coat had been wrinkled, Jessie said, "I would have sent him home. We must look our best." Jessie's passion for the mission is palpable. When asked why he cares so much, he took a very deep breath. "I want the family to know," he replied, "that their veteran did something that I regard as very honorable." He stopped again. He heard the low hum of a hearse's engine. The guest of honor had arrived. Just as rehearsed, the team assembled and slowly saluted as the hearse came to a stop. "Sgt. Jessie is right out of central casting," said funeral director Terry Deters. "But he and his team are not putting on a show. They are utterly sincere." As the pallbearers assembled, Jessie and his team stood at ease. A woman stepped forward and hugged each honor guard. "The men and women in uniform are America's true heroes," said Geraldine Dill, a sister-in-law of James Bussell. "I just wanted them to know they're appreciated." After the hugs, Jessie called his team to attention. The pallbearers struggled to take the casket from the hearse to the chapel. Some brief remarks followed. At the conclusion, the team marched to the casket. The bugler opened the chapel doors and marched in the opposite direction. As the honor guard saluted the flag-draped casket, DuPree brought his horn to his lips. He softly said "James Bussell." Then, taps' mournful notes drifted through the chapel's open doors. When DuPree finished playing, he did an about-face and slowly retraced his steps and delivered a smooth salute. That was the team's cue to begin folding the flag. The chapel filled with the swishing sounds of cotton gloves folding a cotton flag. With the final fold, Henry and Ovington saluted the casket and turned to leave. The crowd silently parted, making room for them to leave. Jessie held the flag to his chest as he walked to where the guest of honor's son, Jimmy Bussell Jr. sat. Leaning over, making direct eye contact - "I want them to know that what I'm about to say is personal and not mechanical" - and speaking ever so clearly, the master sergeant declared: "As a representative of the United States Army, it is my privilege to present to you this flag. Let it be a symbol of our nation's grateful appreciation for the honorable and faithful service rendered to our country and our flag by your loved one." He handed the flag to the weeping young man. Slowly straightening his back, Jessie raised his right hand in slow motion. For the last time, he saluted Private Bussell. Another mission accomplished. After the crowd departed, the three sergeants removed their jackets and placed then in garment bags. Zippppppppp! They closed the bags in unison. Those dress blue jackets must stay wrinkle-free. Tomorrow, there will be another mission. Another veteran to bury. And, another promise to keep. 8 Comments >> Read and share your thoughts on this story. A Promise Kept (02:16) They call themselves promise keepers. For, when a veteran dies, they make sure Uncle Sam keeps his word. http://news.cincinnati.com/section/VideoNetwork?bctid=62892581001
  15. I was just wondering why we don't have a area on the forum to post suggestion and ideas that the Yamaha team can draw from, and reply to? I would think it would be great market research, and a great what to improve the machine and keep riders comming back and buying the latest and greatest thing. Just a thought.
  16. Up until yesterday afternoon, I was the Operations Manager for a small high-tech auto parts manufacturer. We had certainly seen some tough times over the last 18 months, but I used the slower pace to coach/teach all the employees/supervisors/managers to function more as a team and be fairly self reliant. I had been told I was to assume a higher role in January, and wanted the Operations side of the business to look after itself while I focused on getting our Engineering & Sales back on track. Well, apparently, the budget we had submitted to the parent corporation was unacceptable to them and they demanded more cuts. Since Operations was running smooth and the team could handle almost anything on their own, guess who was now redundant... Anyways, my direct boss seemed quite legitimately upset by it... moreso than I was really. I certainly got a decent package (compared to the current environment), so I am ok for a few months. But geez, you do exactly the right things, and look where it gets you...
  17. These young men are good! http://www.whc.net/rjones/USN/USN_team.html
  18. So, I am 27, 6' tall and 350lbs depending on whether I am weighed before or after a meal. I played defensive/offensive line since the fourth grade. By the time I graduate high school I was 6' 220lbs. I didn't figure I was big enough to play at the University of Michigan, so I went to GMI and studied engineering instead. I didn't realize I was going to gain 125lbs my freshman year. So I played a few intermural sports at GMI, but I was mroe interested in "other things" besides football at that time. Well, I am giving this amatuer football league some serious consideration. Practices are Tuesday and Thursday after work. Games are on Saturday. I could stand to lose 100lbs of fat and gain 30 or 40 lbs of muscle, but I think I'd be alright. My wife loves to watch the NFL, so maybe she would be for it. I haven't asked her yet. What do you think? Have I been listening to Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days" too much?
  19. Well finally got out. Was 43 degrees today. Only rode about twenty or twenty-five miles today but man did that feel good. I was at my local dealership and they brought out a roadliner for someone to test drive. Then before they could take it back in I started asking some questions about it. Well Tom there said jump on and take it for a spin, didn't have to tell me twice.lol They knew I wasn't gonna buy cause I'm a venture guy. Still it was fun with a ton of torque to boot. Not exactly my style of machine but for a second ride maybe it would be all right. Probably would go with a roadstar if given a choice though. But if you like the looks it would certainly be a blast to own. Anyway taking my bike out tomorrow supposed to be 47 for a high. Oh they had two 07's there for sale blue/black and a really pretty red and black one too. I bought my 07 from their sister store last year. Really great folks Team Winnebagoland on Oshkosh, Wi they also own Team Motorsports in Green Bay, Wi. Danimal
  20. wdneff


    The weather here was a little cold to ride today so I had a good time watching the Baltimore Ravens battle a hard game. It's nice to see a good young QB for the team as well. How many people think they have a chance of the Super Bowl Ring? Go Ravens Bill
  21. Hi all, It has been a while since I took my sense of humor over my broken backside for a spin I thought I'd take a minute and fill you in on my progress. so far, none to speak of. For my two boys however this is far from the case! I am simply dumbfounded by how quickly and accurately they have assessed my limitations! This I can manage because there is no way I will be bested by a two and six year old, no matter how nefarious they are as a team! The part I didn't see coming and will likely never hear the end of that for the first time in my romantic career, I am the one consistently saying NO. To be more accurate, it's "OH hell no"!! Pain
  22. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/yt-UrLvYrKYVD8/1950s_italian_police_motorcycle_drill_team/
  23. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrLvYrKYVD8]YouTube - 1950s Italian Police Motorcycle Drill Team[/ame] This is very impressive, hope it works, Dale maybe I got it to work this time
  24. I would like to formally introduce to you the Vroom Vroom Crew. This is a newly formed group operating out of Laporte, MN. Coordinating this fine crew of professionals (cough...cough....BS....cough...cough) is Mr. Owl. Diligent and persistant this gentleman (cough...cough....BS....cough...cough) is, and a champion at multi-tasking. He can work on 2 bikes at one time while smoking a cig and drinking a Ginger Ale and bandaging a cut finger! Secondly we have Mr. Gary. His hospitalty is immeasurable and candid humor is remarkable. Working side by side with Mr. Owl, these two are a dynamic duo in every sense of the phrase. They assess your problem and incoporate an intense system of research to find methods of correcting that problem. When the challenges before them prove to be too tough, they call in reinforcements from their Canadian Team, Rick & Marilyn. Though a little OCD over clean hands before touching, they get down in the dirt and get down to business. Watching this team of experts (cough...cough....BS....cough...cough...) is truly a sight to behold. Crow & I were inoccent (cough...cough....BS....cough...cough) bystanders in this menagerie of talent but I have to tell ya, if you want to spend the day sitting in front of your TV watching the big game or on the lake waiting for that great catch, go on, do that. But I have to tell you, watching this great team go through 4 pots of coffee, ponder an issue for hours at a time, render potshots that will leave you speechless or wet from laughing so hard. then add at the end of the day, well, okay, 11:00pm, hugs all around before saying good-bye, there's nothing better than that! Thanks guys for trying to fix Ol' Girl. It wasn't meant to be but we had an awesome time trying! By the way folks.......... Windshields, bolts, brakes, and whatever else they came up with..........are overated! Love y'all, Brandi
  25. cmiles3


    Here's the team on the way to Baghdad. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=1561
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