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  1. is three years old today.....well, thats about the cost of the items she has destroyed over the past three years.....She has turned into a very nice companion...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY....ps....Taters has another basset pup on order due to be born in a couple of weeks....here we go again..... !!!!!
  2. Well anyone that has been around here for a spell knows that I have a hound from hell. Her name is Lily but should have been named Satan. I will not recant the thousands of dollars of things she has destroyed in the first 3 years of her young life. I actually believed that she suffered a brain injury before we purchased her but soon found out that she is actually of high intelligence as long as you have a treat in your hand..Not to mention her selective hearing and just plain stubborness... Well that is neither here nor there because she has made me fall in love with her. The scamp reminds me of ME in so many ways, but I don't want to get into that either and no I do not normally chew up the furniture...well, not that often anyway ......this bring me to my point of this story....My lovely bride Taters has been suggesting ALOT about getting her a playmate......no.. no.... not a playmate for Taters.... the dog silly.....NOOOOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I say.........YEAH RIGHT...!! Well, I was surfing and found this site...... www.nybasset.org Dang site......WE had our interview yesterday and we are being notified shortly if we are going to be parents again.............. his name is FLASH and can be viewed on their site in the adoption pending section........WAIT, IS GETS BETTER...I have also filled out an application to become a volunteer for this organization and become involved in the RESCUE OF THESE LITTLE BUGGERS.....HOW do these thing happen to me.......?? Please take a look at the site and wish Taters and I luck in our quest to adopt this big beautiful boy ........this is a pic our our little troublemaker when she was a pup...HOW SWEET she looks......yeah, she fooled us.....lol
  3. At 11:30am Taters was taken to the ER with stroke like symptoms....she was admitted this evening....The great news is that stroke and heart attack have been ruled out at this time but,the doctors have no clue what caused this...she will see a neuralogist in the morning for more test...Thank God she works in a doctors office and the doctors acted quickly.....I left her about an hour ago and she looks and feel good now. she is still having some vision problems. My daughter will be spending the night with her against Taters wishes....She is as stubborn as her mother and will remain with her...Will keep you all posted on her conditition...
  4. Taters left for Vegas early yesterday morning around 5 am...Sure is quiet around here.....Poor dog is wandering around the house looking for her...Only 24 hours and I miss her already....Sure is quiet around here.....Hope she is having a wonderful time visiting her friend and hanging out with her sister.....They have tickets to see a few shows ...Marie Osmond for one....Sure is quiet around here......She will be returning Sunday evening....Its tough being with someone for 26 years and being on your own again, even if it is just for a few days...Did I mention how quiet it is around here?....well, its off to work because its just to quiet around here.................... :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: PS...................MISS YA TATERS...Hope your havin fun !!!!!!
  5. When mamas happy, "EVERYONES HAPPY"
  6. At just about the exact same time Taters was picking up her new toy, I was doing the same thing!! Yes, we each knew about both of them. As was stated in the other thread, let the chroming begin... Taters, good luck keeping that black beast looking shiny!
  7. Just got a call from Jonas. He and his beautiful bride arrived in NY city late last night.....WELCOME GRETA TO THE USA.....Hope you have a wonderful time..Taters and I are anxious to finally meet you...Don't let Jonas ride to fast..If he does, just smack him in the back of his helmet like Taters does to me....I will keep the light on for you......!!!! WELCOME AGAIN.... :dancefool: I FEEL GOOD....
  8. From Taters and myself we would like to wish everyone a happy and joyful Easter..
  9. Two years ago my basement flooded ruining everything we had stored....First time it ever happened to us after living here 22 years.....Well, Taters went to do the laundry this morning around 10am and Yep, 3 inches of water in my basement.....Sump pump was running but nothing pumping out. AAAARRRRGGGG!!!!.............. I quickly ran to the hardware and purchased a new sump pump and started pumping out the water.....Got it pumped out in about 5 hours (the last time it took 2 pumps and took around 9 hours).. I got the new pump installed and now have the fans going along with the dehumidifier....At least this time it didn't ruin the washer or dryer and I still have my hot water tank and furnace working..........I can only imagine what could have happened if Taters didn't go down into the basement......You see, we don't store anything down there anymore and other than Taters washing we don't have any reason to go into the basement....Ahhh life is grand....Its these little things that happen in our daily living that makes me feel alive.........The good news is that Taters got her new living room set delivered right in the middle of this FIASCO!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! AIN'T LIFE GRAND.... :fnd_(16):
  10. First let me wish you all a very 'MERRY CHRISTMAS" from Taters and myself. I personally want to thank all of you for being part of my extended family. I want to thank the NY gang for putting up with me and for all the help throughout the year with with my annual rally and for their contributions in making ALL our rides and meet and eats a success. (this includes my friend north of the border !). Taters and I have made some truly wonderful everlasting friends here...From all the wonderful people we have met at MD, our rides and m&e's, thank you for being such a joy to be around.. If I have ever posted anything that offended you I am truly sorry, that was never my intent and I ask your forgiveness...Sometimes my fingers type faster than my brain works...Freebird what can I say, did you ever realize the impact you would have on peoples lives when you started this forum? I don't think so...So again "THANK YOU ALL" for being such great friends, for making me laugh when I'm having a bad day, for making me cry when I think I'M going thru hard times, for reminding me what true friendship is all about, and for humbling me with all your acts of kindness toward each other...GOD BLESS YOU ALL...
  11. On the travel channel tonight, Mar-Jims winery will be featured on "Americas most scariest places". Taters , myself, bongobob, rickster ,spankym and buffalo bodnar have decided that it would be nice to take a ride there tomorrow. We have been there many times in the past . If anyone in the area would like to join us for a ride and lunch we are going to meet at the flying j's truck stop at the Pembroke exit of the NYS THRUWAY AT 11 AM. That is on rt.77 just north of the town of CORFU, 200 feet south of the thruway exit...All are welcome to join...Sorry for the late notice, but I really think that Taters must have just uncorked her last bottle.... :rotf:Join us if you can........
  12. Anyone wishing to meet tomorrow at 12:00 (noon) at Spragues for lunch (rt.305 PORTVILLE) are welcome to join Taters and myself.....Hope you guys can make it. www.spraguesmaplefarms.com
  13. Yep, Taters was right at home, She got to visit some of her relatives.....and ate a FRIED SNICKERS BAR...still dont know how she could eat that thing.........met up with Steamer and his bride while they worked a vendors site...saw a flying lawnmower, yep a flying lawnmower...lots of laughs...on the way back home we passed ny jerry along with his wife and another couple they ride with..he gave me a shout on the cb and we ended up riding together to Sodus point...what a great day...also stopped for supper at my favorite spot in LeRoy,ny..... the d&r depot....yummm........ Here are a few pics.........P.S. Couldn't get Taters or Little D to wrestle in the "SPUD PIT".
  14. Added the last tail light bulb so that all running and brake lights are now LEDS...Those Harley 90 degree bulbs sure are expensive. Added the chrome shift pegs and brake pedal also...Told TATERS she should feel a little safer now with the added SAFETY CHROME....
  15. Taters is having another round of surgery on the wrist she broke 2 months ago...please remember her in your prayers tonight....we're hoping all goes well and this will be the last time she will need to go through this.....She insists that all the hardware installed earlier be removed....no more loose screws for her.....
  16. Just a quick update on taters....The wrist is now in a removable splint as the doctor wants her to use it more and more each day....yesterday was the first day she went without painpills, although she says it still hurts like heck sometimes...she went back to work to answer tetephones at her doctors office...at least he can keep an eye on her, God knows she is stubborn and doesn't listen to me.....she insisted on driving to the store today so I went along for the ride....I have to change my shorts now....naw ...she did ok....like I said stubborn. she would have waited till I wasn't around and went by her self anyway....she must be feeling better because she is back at being sarcastic and arguemenitive...lol....she have been a trooper thruout her ordeal and I for one am glad she is feeling better....she starts thearapy this week and I cant wait to have my co-pilot back...even though its like carrying a sack of potatoes on the back of the bike....lol...She wanted to thank everyone for the cards and pm's .....thank you for thinking of her in your prayers....she definately can use the help...lol....
  17. Taters is doing really good the last two days....she is moving her fingers and trying to wean herself from the pain pills...she still needs to take them for the pain, but is trying to go longer between them....last night was her first attempt to sleep in her bed, she made it thru most of the night but went onto the loveseat around 6 this morning..Every day I can see a little improvement and I think she is being a trooper putting up with the way I clean and cook and do the laundry...I dont think I meet her expectations at times, but she doesn't complain...when she does, I'll know she is feeling better...thanks again for all the pms asking about her....she sends her love to all who ask and is looking foward to seeing you all at MD this year.....ps...beer 30, she really wanted to play the night you called but, just wasn't up to it....but, she has your number in more than one way...lol...:rotf:
  18. Taters and I are on our way to the orthopedic secialist to try to reset her wrist for the third time....please say a short prayer for her...this is our last chance to get it right...the next step is surgery....will keep you informed of her progress.....she has been a good patient thus far ,but I know she has been in a lot of pain since her accident....hope they can set it and cast it today........
  19. How's Taters doing this morning???
  20. As rumor has it, Taters new puppy was HEARD traveling on the I-90 just east of Syracuse about 20 minutes ago:whistling:.... I can see it now, no ones gonna get any sleep tonight:no-no-no:...PB&J called a few minutes ago and all we could hear is the new puppy crying .... good news is , Phil only has about 180 more miles to go to get here:duck:...man I owe him and Rawhide BIG TIME....:bowdown:
  21. Taters will be getting her new puppy...a basset hound..."Lilly"( already named by Taters) is 4 1/2 weeks old now and is full of -iss and vinegar:doh:....she is a lemon and white and her ears are enormous...sorry I cant get the pictures up, but ,I promise to get plenty on this site when we get her home...been working on a new safe place (pen) for her and I'm about 3/4 done:clap2:...These old bones just dont work so good any more..I'm so sore today, I can barely move:bawling:...found a woman with a litter of them in NY state..Bassets are hard to find around here...:confused24:In fact she is not to far from PP&J'S house in the finger lake area..well, just wanted to let every one know why I haven't been on the site lately, things just take me longer to do now a days...GETTING OLD really bites:yikes:...gonna take some advil and chill today...ouch!!!
  22. After losing our beloved beagle last week ,Taters and I have decided to look for a basset hound...the house is not the same without our beloved Casey...It is way to calm and quiet.. No begging at supper time..no asking for a roooool, no tat,tat,tat of her nails on the ceramic tile floor, and no chew toys to step on. Taters and I have to talk to each other way too much now. She told me to get with it and tear down the old dog pen and build a new one with a tile floor and and big enough for a stuffed chair so our new pup won't have to stay in a crate when were at work and until she is house broken....So you know why I haven't been here for the last couple of days...new pens about half done...found a women in AUBURN, NY whos dog will be having a litter in a couple of weeks..talked to her on the phone and waiting for an e mail with her addy to send a deposit...she didn't want one but I insisted as a show of our intent to buy...haven't heard from her today, but sure she was just busy...I and taters have raised and bred beagles for many years...why a basset...we dont know !... If anyone has one I would be very interested to know what you think of the breed....I know like other hounds about watching the ears and their weight (THE LITTLE MOOCHERS) and about the howling and the elongated spine...Trying to learn everything about the breed....If you have or had one ,I would sure like to hear from you and any advise is welcome...PLEASE... Taters is way, way to talkative and expect me to actually listen and answer her when she speaks...
  23. Came home from work tonight...Casey our 13 year old beagle greeted me as usual then went to lay down on her blanket.....a few minutes later she gives out a moan and suffers a heart attack...this hound followed Taters around like a chick follows a mother hen...Taters is devistated...this was the only hound that perfered staying behind with taters than run with the pack...carried the old girl up the stairs at night and down each morning for the last 6 months...I built her a handicamp ramp to go outside so she didn't have to climb the stairs...( she hurt her shoulder a year ago and we didn't want her to reinjure it again. At bed time when the lights were shut off she would not leave taters side till taters went up first , then she would lay at the bottom of the stairs and complain if I didn't move fast enough for her....each morning when taters alarm went off ,she will bellow next to the bed to make sure taters woke up with the alarm....I would have to get up and carry her down to be with taters and I would go back upstairs untill my alarm would go off an hour later....Boy did she have us trained...Casey was the last of a pack of 7 beagles we kept in our house...yes, I said house...never a dull moment...Casey was given to me as a pup by a dear friend who was dying of cancer and wanted to make sure she would be cared for...casey will be missed... thanks for letting me share my feelings with you all... ps. I'm gonna miss her asking for a ROOOOOOLLL.
  24. On behalf of Taters and myself , We would like to wish everyone here a very "MERRY CHRISTMAS"....May all of your lives be blessed with health, wealth, happiness and love .... may your troubles be small and lives be prosperous..."THANK YOU ALL" for the friendships that we have come to enjoy in this family....whether you live in Canada, Germany, France, Australia, Iceland or the United States, one thing you have taught us is that "WE" are all the same...We are so very much alike with similar problems , asperations, hopes and sorrows.."GOD BLESS EVERYONE" P.S. MAY YOUR BANANA BOAT OVERFLOW WITH CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, AND STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM FOREVER...
  25. Stopped by a local dealer. He had two rstd's on the floor...a red one and a two toned black and ?...I loved the red one and red is my least favorite color..... SWEET..really light compared to my rsv...I think I may be getting myself into trouble????...Taters if you read this , this is another BIG TOM...not the one you know:whistling:................................... see we are two different people....
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