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  1. Well I finally finished making the bracket to mount a 1st gen center stand onto the RSV. Seems to work well, only problem is the retract spring. The one I bought for it is waay to flimsy for the task. Can anyone recommend a suitable spring that I can buy that will do the job? Cheers, D.W.
  2. Out of all of the maintenance/repair/mods that I've done to my MK11 (which includes just about all of them) I've always dreaded the Valve Shim adjustment Task. And now I know for good reason. To me this maintenance task requirement is one on the biggest negatives of the Yamaha V-4 engines. I've read all of the articles and manuals written about this task and had a good general understanding of the process. But, having studied up on the subject, the task really struck me as a major PITA for several reasons. My first reservations were about work space access to do tedious micro measurement task in a confined area with my ageing eyesight and fat clumsy arthretic fingers. (And my seemingly constant lack of suitable and locatable lighting source issues.) Visualizing the task, I just could not imagine it being physically possible to actually do. But, of course it is. In fact, as RandyR (who graciously agreed to help me) and I discovered my fears were unfounded and the factors I feared the most were actually quite easy. Thats not to say that the job was without it's obstacles and did in fact turn into a major PITA, as I first suspected but, for very different and unforeseeable reasons that I never would have imagined. The first problem that presented itself was a tool issue. The feeler gauges needed for the measurement of the valve/shim clearences needed to be within certain ranges for the intake and exhaust shim specs. We discovered early that the offset or bent gauges made access easier than the flat ones. Then of course the set I had on hand was not that type and had the measurement markings rubbed off...... Of Course. :doh:So we jumped on the bikes:7_6_3[1]: to ride around the corner to the nearest Advance auto parts store to remedy that situation. Four Hours, fifty miles and multiple stops at every,Auto Zone, Napa, Pep Boys and Northern Handyman retail locations we could find we eventually discovered that each of them sells several different type sets but no one set contained all of the gauges we needed in the exact sizes we needed..... Of Course.:doh: We finally settled for having to buy multiple sets which we adapted to satisfy our needs. At least it was a nice day for a ride. That problem solved, the next wrestling match was mental due to a counterintuative issue resulting from the tightening of the valve from wear rather than loosening (as Randy explained it to me and one might imagine). Or more specifically how that translates mathmatically (Not my long suit) for the proper replacement shim selection. Being somewhat mathmatically challenged at that stage of the day, I left all the mathmatical calculations, converstions and contemplations to Randy who seemed to be good at it and really getting into it. But evidently, it was a long day for both of us because after completing the clearence measurement for each valve, the out of spec shim removal and installation of the "correct" replacement shims we remeasured the valve/shim clearence on the replace shims to check our work. To our dismay the "corrected" clearences were ten times more out of spec then they were before we "Fixed" them. Apparently, when doing math calculations decimal point placement is critical. Who would have thunked it? After all, who really spends a lot of time mentally dealing with decimal points and metric converstions unless your like ah counting money. :mo money:There are probably a lot of people like Randy that are good at and get into that sort of thing. I myself, am more of a generalist. I know it, I admit it. Upon that realization, we decided to call it a day and regroup for the next. The next day, being armed with the mathematical truth of the error of our ways we jump into the appropiate corrective action with fresh minds and energy. Note to self: When things appear to be going smoothly, it would be prudent to pay extra special focused attention and proceed with extreme caution. I'm not sure if the foregoing concept is one of the reconized "Murphy's Laws" or not, but, if not it should be. Half way through the secondary corrective-corrective action shim replacement, we find for no explicable reason, a stubborn valve shim that refused to be removed from it's shim bucket....Of Course. After repeated failed attempts Randy gives up in frustration so that I get a chance take my shot at it. Being the adaptive,suedo-mechanical engineering master mind that I think that I am, I immediately decide that it is another tool issue and decide to apply a jeweler's screw driver to the problem. Finding the smaller blade more accessable to take purchase on the shim it apparently lacked the tinsel strength necessary to be used as a pry bar. As I soon found out. Suddenly there was a barely audible snap sound as I noticed the end of the screwdrive bit had broken off. But, where did it go? Could it have fallen down the open spark plug hole into the cylinder directly below? If so it has proven to be unretreavable thus far using a telescopic magnet. Or could it have flipped over and fallen down the space along side of the timing chain down into the dark oiley bowels of the engine inevitably destined to be the perverbal "monkey wrench in the machinery". If I ignore it's disappearence and relocation. So far it is nowhere visually or magnetically apparent within a six foot radius in all directions that I can tell.:bang head: The only recourse I can think of after days of searching is to start a disassembly process on the bike until I either find it or hear it hit the floor. Any suggestions?
  3. so after much analyzing , ive come to the conclusion that my the carbs on my 98 need to be synchronized...is it a hard task?? or am I better off taking it to a shop ?? how much would a shop charge for that?? thanks
  4. Gad!...Lookit what they did to this 1st Gen Venture Royale!!?????!!!! http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/StarWolve/Pics%20to%20Post/imagesSchool_20Bike_small.jpg 'Corse...we all know here that NO other bike would be up to the task!!!
  5. I am going to be pulling a trailer with cooler on the front. I was wondering if a coolatron would be OK. I don't know the power requirements for the coolatron and I don't know if the stator would be up to the task. So does anyone here know if this would work or should I just keep buying ice? Wayne
  6. OK guys, I have spent all evening researching how to convert our member list to a Point of Interest (POI) file that could be imported to a Zumo or similar GPS. I have installed all of the Yamaha dealers into my GPS as POI's. What I have discovered is this it should be possible to do this but it is beyond my ability to do it. I think one needs XML programming skills or something like that. The POI loader can read a CSV file if it is in the proper format and I don't know what that is. If anyone would like to attempt this task you can read more about it from the forums on www.zumoforums.com. Also, in the process I found another site, http://www.poi-factory.com which has numerous POI lists that can be downloaded and installed. For example, you can download a list of all Krispy Kreme locations. Even if you don't want to take up this task and you have a GPS, especially a Zumo, you should check out these sites. There is a lot of information there. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Dennis
  7. I'm gonna tackle the task of resoldering the computer display Before I tear the whole fairing apart, can comebody tell me if there is an easy way...ie go in thru the headlight or whatever. Or do I really have to take the whole fairing apart?
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