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  1. You know, I always wonder what the other people look like, who I chat with on this forum. So, this is Me. Brake Pad Tall & Silver Hair Late 40's I can't find a picture of just me
  2. I would like to order some risers inserts from Baron's as most of you seem to prefer those. But I've notice that most of you who have posted on this issue are over 6' tall, and I'm only 5' 7" so I'm really not sure what size risers to order. Any suggestions?
  3. I found a 1968 Apache falcon guy wants 1500 fo it. I planon offering no more than 1000 It weighs 600 lbs and is 7'5" long and 5'2"wide and 471/2 inchs tall. Good for pulling behind the venture or too heavy?
  4. Here is mine. Not boasting here, just thought it would be nice to see some different ideas. I know of at least two members here whom are in the process of building a garage. My garage has a small 4'x6' porch and the garage is 28' wide and 40' long. Used sheet rock on the inside walls,4" insulation in walls and 6" in the ceiling with insulated 10' wide x 8' tall garage doors . Never been below 38 degrees in my garage with out heat and at 5 below zero out side. Love my garage ...... [ATTACH]61037[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61038[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61039[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61040[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61041[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61042[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61043[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61044[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61045[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61046[/ATTACH]
  5. BaggerShield's new tall and wide RSV shield is now in stock and ready for shipment. Picture of the shield is below. This shield adjusts from 10.5" to 16.5" and is 4" wider than the stock model. All Venturerider.org members receive 10% off plus free priority shipping to anywhere in the US and Canada. Shipping only takes 2 days from time of order in the US and 4 days to Canada! Give me a call to receive your forum discount or send me a PM to get you discount code to use at http://www.baggershield.com http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb402/BaggerShield/Dealer%20Info/StarVen105-165.jpg
  6. I had a chance to ride a friends new 2010 Goldwing this past weekend. A great bike for sure. Being 6'6" tall I found myself a bit crowded and wondered if the seat could be modified somewhat to move me up and back a few inches. Has anyone had experience with this? Can the seat be modified easily? I also wondered if the handlebars could be adjusted so they could be farther away? My wife really liked the Wing. We both noticed that the intercom/sound system to be superior to our RSV using our JM headsets. Wind buffeting also seemed to be less. Definately quieter and smoother. Fuel injection, ABS and heated seats and grips are also a huge plus. If I can sort out the leg room and handlebars this will be the RSV's replacement. JR
  7. Is VentureDad still doing hitches? Need one.... Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  8. Does anyone have or know where I can find a longer cord for the rear headset? Mrs.Skid is almost six foot tall and her she is rough on the cords. I didn't have that problem with her on the first gen.
  9. Our new 86 is a bit tall. Not dangerously tall, Tom is not quite flat footed, but the weight makes it a bit scary if the rider can't stand over the bike and have complete control. Is there a way to bring down the rear of the bike by say 2 inches? Thanks! Ginny in Denver-ish
  10. my 01 rsv that i bought a month ago came with a short windshield, not usre how tall it is but probably the shortest one they make, too short for me i get a lot of head buffeting. but I don't want one so tall I can't see over it. do they make one 2 or 3 inches shorter than oem. any suggestions would be appreciated.
  11. I used to think a man 6' tall 235 lbs was a big man. Nope just a fat one!!! COME ON SPRING!!!
  12. OK, who's goin' other than me and two of my boys? We will be there about noon. I am tall and, ...ahem... big bones, one son is just as tall and thin, the other son is about 6 foot and thin. May be an elderly gentleman (my Dad) with us also. If you see us, stop and say hello. Is it spring yet? RR
  13. This is going to be a 3.5 ft trailer By 7 ft long By 45 inches tall 2 axles with 10inch tires. over all weight, 225 Lbs. I'm in the planing stage
  14. I was wondering how tall the stock shield is? The former owner of my new to me 2004 Midnight Royal Star Venture cut the stock shield down and I get a lot of helmet air when I am riding. Yamaha Canada wants an outrageous price for one of theirs. I did look at a Tulsa screen and it looks like a good replacement. It is taller and wider, something I think my wife will appreciate. Chris in Red Deer, Alberta. Please check my website http://www.elementscifi.com
  15. When I was fortunate enough to win the $100.00 gift certificate for New Enough I needed another riding jacket. I ordered the Cortech Tour Master Mod Denim Jacket. Well it arrived today and it is nice. Armor in the back and arms and you would never know it's there. Removable liner and was able to order it in the tall size and it fits perfect. Thanks again Don for having the contest.
  16. Hello All, We purchased our 2008 Royal Star Venture 2 weeks ago and have enjoyed our first few rides very much. However, I'm considering modifying or replacing the driver's seat. I'd like to sit higher and further back as I am quite tall (6'8"). I'm not as concerned about seat height above ground, as I am about the distance from my bum to the floorboards. My knees currently form about a 90 degree angle. Also, I find the front part of the seat that goes up and over the tank is uncomfortable. I would appreciate any suggestions for how to modify, raise, or replace the driver's seat. My wife is fine with the passenger seat. Thanks, allanj42
  17. Just amazed that 5 th is so tall. Any upgrade in the road it's 4th or 3rd and 5th only level or downhill above 70. I know I can put the v max rear end in to change that. But the lack of hp and the tall gearing is making me think twice about keeping my 96 Royal Star. It's showroom and runs great but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Just got back from a 1350 mi road trip pulling my trailer and girl ? Had to use 4 gear most of the time. Overdrive is way to tall with a load. I have a 96 just seems to need a little more juice. It runs great but another 20 hp would be nice.
  19. I am fighting with a high speed wobble on my RSV with a Kumho rear tire. Before I remove the Kumho & throw it away, I want to try a Tall Winshield in place of the short one I have on there now. Does anyone have a Tall Windshield in a corner collecting dust that they can part with cheaply. I don't want to spend a lot of money to check this out, because I probably will be buying a replacement rear tire soon. Anyone? Email and/or PM me please. Thanks; John B.
  20. Has anyone tried the passenger backrest in accessories book? My wife would like it to wrap around her a little more. She is only 5 ft 2" tall. Can you still move your arms around with the new one? Any help would be great. Rich
  21. As long and as detailed as this forums is, has anyone on here ever figured out how to keep the top center of the RSV standard windshield from forming droplets of water early in the morning? It does this right in the area where you need to be looking through. This is more than just fogg. It's like dew drops. I like the tall windshield and don't want to cut it down so that's out of the question. At "around town" speeds it's about impossible to see through. Who's got the answer????
  22. Finally got the nerve to take a jigsaw to the stock windshield that came on the V Star, that sucker was 23 inches tall, now its just a tad over 19 inches tall, looks much better, and now I can see over it. Wasn't to hard to do, just had to take it slow and easy. I need to thank :thumbsup:Lowell and Steve Wagner for the tips on how to do it. I will be leaving it on for the ride to Memphis.
  23. Overly concerned at my fuel usage on the highway recently, I installed a short and wide Road Chrome windscreen to replace the Clearview Tall & wide and did comparative testing to see if it really did make a difference or not to go short or tall as far as fuel mileage goes. And here are my results, observed but unscientific.. (speeds noted are actual, not what the speedo reads, 10% difference) The biggest difference observed is at speed and depending on headwinds. It would appear to me that the biggest significant difference is when traveling at 110 km/h (actual speed) and above. At lower speeds, back rural roads and so on, I couldn't see much difference.. But once on the highway, as long as the speeds were in the 100 km/h area, with little headwinds, it would be the same.. the shorter windscreen seems to get a wee bit better mileage.. However, traveling at our 110 km/h posted speed limits on the highway is where the big difference comes in. And if traveling at a slightly higher speed then it's a huge difference. When you add on a 20 to 30 km/h head wind component to this equation, I found that the shorter windscreen made a huge difference.. And it's that 110 km/h speed 'zone' that makes the difference.. Mind you, the tall wide windscreen makes for a more comfortable ride, sitting behind that plexi barn door, but the wind it deflects is also wind that drags down the bike as well. I'm heading out on Wednesday for Maine and possibly New Hampshire for a few days and will be able to tell more on how it works out.. but thus far, seems like the shorter windscreen is the way to go.. When I got caught in a down pour today, I could see over the top of the windscreen without getting soaked.. bonus. The tall and wide would protect me from the rain a little better but depending on conditions would make it scary trying to see through it instead of over it.. It's all about trading off comfort and safety until you have a good balance..
  24. :think:whats the lowest seat heigth out there with other rsv's. I don't like the bulky tall seat any suggestions:nanner:
  25. Don't try this without a parachute. And big kahoona's Ian A motorcycle jump at the Arch De Triumphe at the Paris Hotel-Casino in Vegas on New Years Eve. The structure is ten stories tall. http://www.truveo.com/New-Year-No-Limits-Maddison-Motorcyle-Jump/id/3435303125
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