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Found 18 results

  1. 11 curves in 318 miles I haven't seen one but there's supposed to be a T-shirt available. I know I've driven it. found it http://gainesvillehog.org/totgs.htm
  2. Sacramento is hitting a heat waive around 105 this weekend. So I would like to know how to cloth under garments properly in this type of heat. Since I'm coming into that area. First of all I leaned the acro ATGATT for riding in extreme heat. But what about under garment. In more reasonable riding temp from 70s to 80s, under my Tour Master Transition Jacket with zipper air pockets and my Tour Master Air Pants, I wear a T-shirt and long jeans, so when I reach my destination I just remove my riding gear. So when one is riding long distance and gets caught in a heat wave of like 100 + degrees what would be best to combat the heat. 1) Keep the Jeans and T-shirt on. 2) How about Shorts and a T-shirt. 3) How about a specility item. The thinest, undergarment that has excellect moisture wicking properties. If 3 is the best recommendation then, being that your entire body is giving of moisture would full length sleeve or short length sleeve be better? 4) Or maybe something better??? Oh, all this would be in consideration with one wearing a cooling vest and a cooling neck wrap. I know also that one needs to have a large hikers drinking back pack. Inaddition to water one needs something like Gatoraid or Propel drink also.
  3. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5Vqr_h7Ris&feature=fvst]Monotracer wows Provincetown - YouTube[/ame] heater, air con, soundsystem...riding in t-shirt and no helmet with good conscience
  4. Here's the proof and we froze our dingleberries off that day too!!!! http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/DragonCropped.jpg
  5. I know! I'll put on a clean T-shirt and go for a ride!
  6. How did Felicia and Courtney like your new T-Shirt? Inquiring minds want to know. Margaret
  7. I haven't heard any comments on the t-shirt designs for the rally.....
  8. Just Canceled my reservation. If is somebody interested room is available. Cindy forward dinner cost towards kids raffle. Still wanna T-Shirt Shipped to me. Don't Ask Why.
  9. Does anyone on here work for or own a t-shirt shop? im in need of several t-shirts for diffrent events. thanks Ron "aka" grasshopper
  10. And the winners of this round of auctions are........ Cinderella.....XL T-shirt, Hat, & Pin..........26.01 Relic...........XXL T-shirt & M/C Holder.........9.24 The real winners are the kids at St. Jude........Thanks to all. New auctions will be posted in a few days............
  11. Did I not see a post in regards to a contest for designing a T-Shirt for next years rally? Is it done and over with? Is it still possible to send in a design? Did it get squashed???
  12. OK finally got the t-shirt design. This isn't exactly how it's gonna look they'll fix up the pics we used and get rid of the outside stuff. We used the SS bike on the front and we put Squids new bike on the back. Since he did all the work on the SS bike we thought it only appropriate. Cost will be $20 per shirt at this point. Need sizes from those who want a T-shirt by the 19th. They said two weeks to deliver but last time we ordered it was more like a 8 days. Might be longer with more shirts, but no longer then 2 wks. Here's the link to what the shirts will look like. Remember the background on the pictures should go away. http://www.customink.com/designs/asheville2/8700943-1288878?cm_ven=hotlink&cm_cat=2&cm_pla=Body_txt&cm_ite=design No pockets on this one and only the one color. Margaret
  13. having a problem coming up with t-shirts for eureka springs. can't seem to get a comunication going with shirtz&things after a little phone tag i have emailed them. here is the problem. as recommended by allanh. i want to set it up where each member that wants them ,can order there size directly off their web site. this way i don't have to mess with shipping and i don't want to collect peoples money to pay for them. i am not wanting to have any kind of registration fee for this meet. i tried our only local t-shirt and graffics dealer but they have no website. if i can't get something going with shirtzn things this week i am going to give up on the t-shirt idea. i haven't got a design yet and to be honest i don't have a clue what i am doing when it comes to designing t-shirts. my sister is a profesional artist but has had some health problems so i don't want to burden her. if someone else wants to tackle the t-shirts and patches that knows what they are doing, have at it. i am in the process of getting a bunch of door prizes together for the guys and gals for the drawing. other than the t-shirt problem everything is coming together for a great meet and looks like we will have a good turnout. hope we have the weather we had last year. see you all there. bill
  14. I have a few people who registered for the VentureRider Rally in Kitchener but have not given the information we require regarding their t-shirt orders. To go along with their name, we need the size of shirt, short sleeve or long, grey or black. WE need this information today ASAP please. Information required for: Kent Maurer (v7goose & wife) Fred Saari ( yooper) John & Caroline BOUTE Charlie ( Foraheartof gold@aol.com) Brad Y & Lonna Newby....anybody heard of them?? bwahahahaha I have sent emails out to most but not rec'd any responses yet and I need this info before the end of the day to get the t-shirt orders in. Please send my the info to me ASAP at : reinyschmidt@rogers.com
  15. O.K. people...we are getting down to the short strokes, as they say. We are having some difficulty in getting the actual count on the number of shirts ordered so far because some people are only leaving their first name or their initials when they are emailing their t-shirt order and it's darn near impossible to figure out who's order it is. WE need the full name, and email address or telephone number, how you are paying, the number of t-shirts being ordered, the colour (black or grey) short sleeved or long sleeved and the size. Email your shirt order to: Venture_rally_stuff@yahoo.com ANYWAY....it looks like we're around 75 t-shirts ordered right now. WE need at least 100 shirt orders to make this fly! ANYONE wanting a T-shirt needs to get their order in NOW!! I need to call in the order Friday morning so we need to hit 100 by this Friday morning at 7:00a.m. at the latest. Anyone that has not yet registered needs to do that now as well, because the T-shirt that is included in that registration is part of that order. Send in your registration to: venturerally@hotmail.com PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE....let's hit the 100 shirt mark and make this happen!!
  16. The "unofficial" count for T-shirt sales so far is approx. 78....we need to hit 100 to get the order and the cutoff to get the order in to our supplier would be Friday June 13th...which means I need to have a firm final count ( sounds a bit kinky.....) by say....9:00PM on Thursday June 12th so I can call in the order on the 13th. We just need 22 more orders folks.......can we make it happen? Contact Al at: Venture_rally_stuff@yahoo.com for t-shirt orders. Our count so far for people registered for the 2008 International Venture Rally is 49.
  17. Check out these T-Shirts. http://home.comcast.net/~tpbiker1/Royalstar.htm
  18. OK, second ***** post this morning... there must be somethin' in the water??? I've got another complaint. I picked up a rally t-shirt at Ft. Collins, and have worn it a few times. My question is.... can't the guys who we order these things from find better t-shirts to print on? The one I have, it might not be true for all, is made of a really thin material, and feels like 'H'. I'm about ready to retire it....permanently... I have a bunch of other 'trophy' T's and they are all made of a nice thick material and feel great. The one from FC is more of an undershirt than a T-shirt.....
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