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  1. I ordered a Carbtune Kit last week and it came in on Friday. I used it today on my 06 Midnight Venture after doing the 8,000 mile service. The Carbs were way off! It took me about 30 minutes but they are now synched. What should I expect now that the carbs are running in synch? I was getting abiut 35 miles MPG before the 8,000 mile service. I changed Spark Plugs as well. How often do I need to do a synch? The kit was rather expensive. If there is anyone in or near Southern AZ thats needs a synch done, please feel free to contact me. I am in Bisbee, AZ which is in the far Southeast corner of AZ on the Mexican Border. PM me or send me an email at dareman1@cableone.net.
  2. Everyone seems to like the Morgan Carbtune here. Can someone explain why this is so good vs. other mercury / vacuum / carb synch tools? I need to do synchs, want to get something, but don't want to wait for the Morgan unless it's signifigantly better than other products I can get faster. Thanks
  3. MOTORCYCLE CARB BALANCER Amazingly simple yet incredibly accurate Motorcycle Carb Balancer. This incredibly simple device will synch your bikes carbs like no other balancer with 'pinpoint accuracy" for a fraction of the cost of some balancers. Certain tradesmen tools rely on nature to help find a certain accuracy, for example a plumb line and bob will always show a true vertical line. A spirit level cannot lie. This carb balancer uses gravity in a similar manner to show a true centre, this is why it is so accurate. Other balancers costing far more often compare the vacuum readings of the different carbs with each other and can sometimes be difficult to decipher, this carb balancer is different, as it compares the vacuum readings with a known truthful centre, namely 'gravity." Inside the balancer are two tiny balls, one of these balls has the sole job of telling you nature's centre via gravity, the other ball is influenced by the vacuums taken from two carbs at any one time. If the two carbs are working in harmony the two balls will align, if not the lower ball will move to one side. Simply turn the screw on you bike's carbs to align the two balls and synch the carbs, its as easy as that! The Carb Balancer can synchronise 2,3 and four cylinder bikes. Start with the base cylinder and any other carb, then subsequent carbs. The base cylinder is the carb with the throttle stop/tick over screw. Repeat the process to super synch your carbs.If your carbs are badly out of synch your engine will be under terrific extra strain as your pistons are working against each other, and not with each other, sapping vital power and fuel. Synchronise your carbs to perfection and you may notice an amazing improvement in power and performance, just look at some of the feedback given for this amazing tool under our feedback.Use the tool time and time again to keep your bike in tune . This quality tool is neat and compact it weighs only 100gms and you can even keep it on your bike when you go touring.
  4. Is there any one in Minnesota that cloud help me change out the clutch fluid and synch my carbs? I don't have the thing to synch the carbs aslo if you can show me how to inspect the clutch that would be great.
  5. anyone in the area able to help with a synch? thanks, Larry
  6. Here's an interesting one for you... regarding carb synch.. This is a little unique for me as I travel north south and hit 40-50'F temp change within a couple of days.. Before going on this previous road trip, I had synch'd my carbs as precise as I could and on test runs it ran smooth and sweet in 38-41'F weather we had here mid month of May.. But once I get down to South Carolina, in the 90's temp and I can feel thumping as I put power onto the bike at highway speeds, so that could be head winds? When I got back here today, I could barely feel that thumping.. I had thought perhaps it's my clutch plates acting up or something... like that.. hot oil, clutch oil heating up etc.. but when we got up here.. it smoothed out.. but it's still there under the surface.. So is what I'm feeling more to do with my clutch or with my carb synch, and does temp make that huge of a difference on it?
  7. I got my hands on one of those carb synch tools with 4 gauages.. it came for a bunch of brass rods, with a threaded end with rubber o-ring and the other of the rod is a small hole.. They call these 'adapters' but doesn't say how they were to be used? The kit comes with the 4 rubber hoses and 4 valves used for restricting the air to smooth out the needles.. But are the rods for? Curious.. Cheers
  8. Just did my first carb synch on my bike and I have a quick question. While taking off the rubber hose from one of the carbs I noticed it had a cut/split, does it have to be replaced or is it just a minor thing? BTW: 1st time doing it by myself = 20 minutes. Saved $250 and 8 hours because that's what the shop wants.
  9. So being on the bike now for 2 1/2 months, and it's a 2005 with 31,000 KM (Canada eh!), what signs or issues would I feel, hear or experience about the Carbs and in Synch or out of Synch? IS this really a do it yourself project? and cost of the necessary tools/equipment?
  10. My bike suddenly developed a vibration when I roll the throttle on at highway speeds, 60 mph and above. *It started while on a ride last weekend and my wife noticed the vibration from the backrest. Once she pointed it out I noticed it too. My first thought was a problem with carb synch but I synched them right before Vogel and Goose checked them for me while at Vogel. *So I checked them again when I got home and the synch was still perfect. *I also put new caps on the vacuum ports. So now I'm thinking it's an ignition issue. Spark plug, wire or coil. *The plugs only have about 6000 miles on them but I plan to install a new set this weekend. *Is there anything else I can check? *Is there an easy way to check the coils or wires or should I just let the dealer do that? Thanks, Dennis
  11. Just returned from WARiders house (Sean). What an awesome individual! I learned how to synch the carbs on my RSTD and it makes a super difference. The bike runs smoother, mid to high RPM is like glass and I didn't notice the customary "pop" when I shifted gears. Not only did I return to my house with a better running motorcycle I made a new friend as well. Thanks a million Sean for showing me how easy this procedure really is. Now to try and squeeze in some rides before the good weather leaves the PNW. :clap2::thumbsup2:
  12. Unfortunately I posted this in the Royal Tech area earlier, sorry. Was wondering if there was anyone near Central Mo (Sedalia) that already has a carb synch setup that would be willing to help me do mine. I am very leary about messing with the carbs by myself. I would travel to your place or you could come to mine. I would also buy dinner. Thanks, Donnie
  13. I just got my RSTD back from the dealer and they said there is nothing wrong with it. I took it in because it: 1) is hard to start 2) runs rough 3) vibrates alot between 40 & 50 mph 4) pops & backfires on deceleration I replaced the plugs and that didn't help. Does it sound like the carbs are out of synch? Is there a forum member in central Alabama that has a Carbtune or a set of vacuum gauges that would be willing to help me with this? I love this bike, but it's really takes the fun out of riding when it is running so crappy.
  14. Sorry all, I meant for this to be in the Venture Tech area. Was wondering if there was anyone near Central Mo (Sedalia) that already has a carb synch setup that would be willing to help me do mine. I am very leary about messing with the carbs by myself. I would travel to your place or you could come to mine. I would also buy dinner. Thanks, Donnie
  15. This was a question about finding various adjustment screws for synching carbs but I got it sorted out.. Thanks
  16. I took my 06 RSTD in to the dealer today to have the cruise control worked on. I asked that they synch the carbs. I have been out all day since I dropped it off. When I came in I checked my messages and had one from the dealer (I will leave the dealers name unkown until I have a chance to see what else they come up with). Quote from the service manager "Techs say they cannot synch my carbs because I have only ONE". Am I worried about what else they are supposed to do! You Bet!
  17. Anyone in central/southern NH have a good carb synch tool? ...valve shim tool? If I lure you over with lunch some weekend, are you interested in helping me try my hand at checking my new bike's valve clearances and then carbs? Can anyone recommend where they purchase the 2 valve cover gaskets and any needed shims at a good price? I'd like to tackle these jobs myself but don't have a synch tool yet! If you have a spare shim kit, I would purchase the ones needed off you. I know I'm asking alot, but......... thanks!
  18. I had my 08 carbs worked on as they were leaking, and since then it idles very slow and has died on me a few times. Do I have to tear a bunch of stuff down to get to the idle screws and when I do this do they need synch again? and not ever seeing the carbs on one of these what ones am I looking for? thanks:crying:
  19. Noticed that I had poor throttle response especially when cold. Bike hesitates when accelerating. Thought issue could be synch so I checked synch. All carbs were pretty much the same, however I noticed that the vaccum was 12KPa. Manual spec gives 37KPa. Could this be my problem? If so what could cause this. Bike is stock 07 with 7030 mile Thx
  20. I have had a synch tool for some time and finally took the time to even my carbs up. It was much easier than I thought, even though I've done quite a few carbs in the past. Ports were right there and you don't have to take off any body parts to get to them. I had some popping out the exhaust ever since I've had the bike and it got worse when I did the carbs. The reason I'm writing here is to encourage those that have put off synching the carbs and stopping up the AIS to get with it!! It took me all of 5 minutes to put the stoppers in the AIS system. I did what is described in the tech section. It actually takes longer to warm up the Venture than it does to synch the carbs. Get with it and get it done!! Mine runs better than ever now and with no popping and a great idle. All the money I saved I can buy me some chrome or something.
  21. On the Venture, what are indications that you need to synch up the carbs? On the VStar, you can easily tell by the mirror buzz etc.. Right now on the 06 Venture, I get mirror buzz on either side depending on speed/revs.. and when in 5th gear and going roughly 55-65 mph the bike feels 'bumpy'.. not like it's lugging or underpowered.. but certainly isn't smooth.. Would this be an indication of the carbs needing to be synchronized? Cheers
  22. I have a Motion Pro synchronizer. It seems like a lot of times when I am almost done the mercury separates. After that I am afraid to make any adjustments. Any body have any suggestions to avoid this?
  23. Anyone have any knowledge of this sychronizer? Ever used it or know someone who has? What do you carb synch gurus out there think about it?-Jack http://www.aerostich.com/catalog/US/TwinMax-Synchronizer-p-16947.html
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